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Prepare yourselves...I'm back!
Grooveshark wants a company name and a website in my request for access to their api...I have neither :(
or codeMagic and github.com/codeMagic (or whatever your GH user name is)
---Company Name: Bad Ass Motherfuckers Inc.--- ---Website: badassmotherfu.ckers---
Your idea might be better
Just make a Github.io and say "You happy Grooveshark ?!"
That edit didn't work either. I guess it's there for good
made all these changes to my code yesterday and had to stop right in the middle...now where was I?
strikethrough ?
But markdown
Work with line breaks
Right, that's why I thought it would work if I put it on the same line
hmm....well, it doesn't compile, so I guess I was figuring out how to fix compiler errors
Thats why Git Branching is cool
cept branching doesn't help when you forget what you made the branch for
Hmm, yea.
don't need to tell me about branching =p
although...I could have just as easily made a gist of git branch lol
although, many of my branches are so far behind master they probably aren't much good any more
@codeMagic Did you figure out how to fix the issues while updating AS?
Yeah, finally got it
My sdk was in the folder just above AS. I moved it up one more and it wokred
That's right...it wokred
that's odd
I have my AS and SDK installed side-by-side in the same folder.
but whatever gets it to work, eh?
With v 0.8.14?
hey guys just finished my second android app :D play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kemine.kanaclip
just released the first rebuild of our grill app
I love it when things just wokred
@codeMagic yes
but then I upgraded to 0.8.14 a week ago when it was in canary
Dave it's like you're channeling me:
Jul 8 at 16:40, by Carl Anderson
@JMRboosties I appreciate you beta testing AS for me, I can't wait for them to work out all the issues so I can switch to it.
@DaveChen I don't understand it!
I hope im not as grumpy as you when I get older
just avoid ass-bourbon and you should be fine
codeMagic is already as grumpy as me, and he's not as old - clearly the ass-bourbon is the cause.
i also think it has to do with using AS everyday
well, he's trying to use Android Studio and Eclipse simultaneously. Studies have already shown this causes gray hairs.
need to commit fully to AS!
And I think Carl is more likely the cause of my case of the grumpies than ass-bourbon
stop trying to spread your grumpies to others codeMagic
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 16103760 byte allocation with 4194304 free bytes and 10MB until OOM
dafuq? Why is my app trying to allocate 16103760 bytes?
16 meg???
well...I have to figure it later...off to tutoring
trying to update Android Studio at home now
> Unsupported Modules Detected: Compilation is not supported for following modules: trover.
going to try closing it and reopening
if that doesn't work, I might need to get codeMagic to come over and stare at it
Home already? I see the iOS guy's habits are rubbing off on you
@Code-Apprentice it's for learning Japanese, for example, if you didn't know the reading for 確認, you could highlight and copy the text, and the application will pop a toast showing, かくにん -> to confirm
yeah, had to take the wife to the Dr. and then drive her home.
difference is, I'm logging in and working here ;-)
Looks like it
in other good news, it looks like my project is building now, so I won't need your stares after all :D
Good, my stares need to be used sparingly
I tried to create a github.io page but it's not working. Maybe the wine should have stayed in the bottle a little longer
I think you let the whine out of the bottle long ago
Good, Emm is here
why is that good?
since when?
what do you need from me?
cya guys, I'm off
bye Ahmad
bye Ahmad
later ahmad
See ya, Ahmad
I need you to distract Carl from talking to me
@CarlAnderson You should probably fix that
it's done, i just need to turn it off and then turn it back on
I need some of cM stares...why dafuq is my app allocating 16 megs of memory?
Is 16 megs a lot? Mine goes over 100 :)
he means Bitmap memory I think

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