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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Good day fellas
1 hour later…
Welp, finished season 1 of Psycho Pass, guess I have to be productive now :P
Hello, Android!
are you working on digitalocean @Ahmad ?
lol no
oh you mean with a digital ocean VPS?
I mean the digital ocean company
I have $100 digital ocean credit, but I haven't used it yet
I hear they are good
In their service?
Digital ocean service
OK, this is nuts
just for shits...I pulled up one of the adapters on this codebase
no ViewHolder patten, not even checking for convertView == null
I tend to see that a lot.
Yo People!
1 hour later…
hi guys
do you use inbox?
I don't use it until now
Oh... my answer helped 90 people in Fixya.com 0_0
what was that
it's also like a stackoveflow although it focuses on fixing computers
o/ see ya guys
have a good day
Is it possible to rename a github repository?
nvm found it
I hate it when I start my laptop the next morning to find out that somehow it lost all battery power over night...
5% and charging... and I am having a meeting in a few minutes .... grml
macbook, warren?
no, xubuntu
syslog shows it being active until 22:17 but I honestly swear that I have triggered a shutdown at 17:00
i hate when i work on ubuntu
I don't know, I guess I need to check the state more often after shutdown, might get stuck somewhere
gnome 3 ?
xubuntu is great, easy to work with, rock solid and easy on resources
no, XFCE
funny thing is that under ubuntu my battery is not recognized at all
my meetings starts, afk
@blackbelt I've been wondering this myself. It doesn't seem to inform me when I have new mail?
Works just fine for me
I've replaced my Gmail entirely
Raghav can you send me an invitation ?
It doesn't work for my work account, so it's not that much use to me. :(
Oooh the refresh animation in Inbox ix quite nice though.
yo 0/
Don't have any invites at the moment
Ok :)
@AdamS I am looking for an invitation atm
Hmmm I can't find any invite option.
Yeah, doesn't look like I have any at the moment.
I got mine by emailing the address and asking for one.
I did the same thing, I am waiting for google's answer
You basicle copied my first line — Yarh 10 mins ago
the second comment
I am clueless,
1 hour later…
Good morning, folks!
Morning cM
this day is a pure meeting day
what a fucking hell
warren, which version of xubuntu you are using and on which hardware? everything is working ok?
I am using a Dell xps 13 on Xubuntu 14.04 LTS
the only issue I have is when adding a second display. I need to execute a script to update the screen configuration. Removing a second display is somehow recognized and the screen goes back to a normal setting
thanks, warren. it is time for me to update from 12.04
well 12.04 lts is barely on support anymore, right?
I would consider a complete reinstallation
yeah, that's planned. i just need to finish this project where drivers are working only on <= 12.04
drivers for dvbt usb cards
that is
netport, I'm not sure if you're looking for a new distro or anything but I just installed Elementary OS last night and was really impressed with it. It's built on Ubuntu
*you're :D
bye \0
That's what I typed at first but chrome said it was a typo because I was missing the apostrophe I guess...
I nearly always type "you are", not a big fan of apostrophes...
What do you have against apostrophes?
At least he will not make the mistake of typing "your" instead of "you're"
he'll *
in Germany we have the word "Deppenapostroph" which means an apostrophe is used where it shouldn't
"depp" is an idiot
@MrEngineer13 I am looking for something that works. Elementary looks like a total macos ripoff :)
Added a new word to my vocabulary today
I would puke across the room with Elementary OS on the screen...
@Abid denied for now due to low SO activity. Give some more quality answers and request again
@shantha.kumar denied for low A:Q ratio
posted on October 28, 2014 by Android Developers

ul.checklist { list-style-image: url(''); clear: left; } .sectionintro { width: 400px; border: 1px solid #ccc; position: relative; pa

Wouldn't as soon as possible be when they sent that email? You know, because they are Google
Especially if they are, as they, my "friends at Gmail"
Oculus Rift’s New Killer Feature Is A Real-Time, 360° Markdown Preview
Archaeologists Discover Windows PC That's Been Frozen For Over 10,000 Years
elementary orb, elementary
I need it to be fixed quickly, because i have to work with my projects, that now throw a red exclamation mark
btw I hope you all know the official Material Design Theme Song?!
Living in a material world
Can I use ATM cards as a payment method to register in Google Wallet?
@blackbelt yup, I do
it's pretty nice tbh
quite like mailbox
but the UI is better
are you talking about inbox?
oh ok, I am waiting for the invitation
I am looking forward to try it
Me too, it's been all over the news and G+ these past few days
Blue and pink are a good match, but what color looks good with red?
Tan = orange A100?
how do I track all remote branches with git?
this is always a nice tool: paletton.com
I was thinking a little lighter but that might work discaimer: my design side kind of blows
some for me except: I suck hard!
I suck at both programming and designing, but it's still pretty fun ;)
*same .... I also suck at typing today
johgru we have the feed from the dev blog here
just scroll up a bit :D
Oops, sorry :p
Ahmad, can you show me how to make an app that translate dog's language to English?
@RohitRamnami you don't have enough rep to chat here. Need 20+
lol wat
dog's language?
Talking dogs
Listen for the sound "wuff". "Wuff" means "Food". "Wuff wuff" means "I want food, now"
Should be pretty easy to do
haha that's awesome
don't get confused and mistaken the language as the doge language!
Yaay I must recover 5 hours of work and I have an interview tomorrow :/
so 5+4 hours
So basically Verizon has to be avoided: Verizon adds perma cookie
My listview adapter lags so much compared to if I just copy/past everything inside a xml-layout
Is it better to use the new RecyclerView?
have you used the ViewHolder pattern?
than you are still doing too much
normally even a slightly complex view shouldn't lag
what are you doing there beside viewholder stuff?
install day on 400 samsung tablets... this is going to get real repitive real quick =/
> I am a recruiter at M***** and wanted to talk to yu about a position. ARe you available?
Email from unnamed recruiter, the name of the company altered to protect the guilty.
I usually just tell them I'm unavailable but my friend Ahmad is free and actively looking for work. Then I give them his cell number and email address so they can contact him directly.
I wOulD TotALLy Respnse To Tht mail!
also giving him some advices to change positions in bed from time to time to spice up the experience :)
Or respond back and try to recruit them for your recruitment company. Tell them that they are a world class recruiter and you wanted to talk to them about a position.
I fixed large of stuff to back my app from from API level 14 to API level 8 .. the weird think is my sliding menu (based on a listview) when I choose an element from it, the correspondent fragment is displayed but they put an other element as selected.
I'll have to consider something... Hmmm...
Granted it's minor typos, but...
Maybe if I phrase it as team building...
Pearson, I see.
Mr LoooL
... no activity found to handle an email intent???
who ships a phone without an email client?!?
Will you get that if you don't have an email account set up on the device?
I don't suppose anyone knows how to get extra power to the audio jack without being rooted?
Android even has a FREE Email client...
As in, comes with the OS...
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=mailto:xxxx
that's what that means, right?
that there's no email client??
I think so. What device?
Hello, Android!
Device is listed as "Pulsar" whatever that is
It's going to explode!
it already did, trying to find the right Activity
It sounds like it might be a smart watch news.softpedia.com/news/…
CJSC ExplayPulsar– Pulsar
It's not a smart watch...
Maybe there was one they uninstalled, or rooted? Strange...
It seems like a decent enough device... Hmmm.\
@CarlAnderson are you sure that VIEW is the right action?
No, I'm not sure. Looking into that now
yeah, looks like I should be doing something different.
A: Send Email Intent

doraemonThe accepted answer doesn't work on the 4.1.2. This should work on all platforms: Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO, Uri.fromParts( "mailto","[email protected]", null)); emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "EXTRA_SUBJECT"); startActivity(Intent.createChooser(em...

That makes sense.
View itself is to show something existing imho. You wanted to create a new email so View seemed wrong to me :)
anyway, I am heading home, bye!
cya warren
this is just leftover code from... 2012 or so
Q: Ideas for Android app

khm2008Hey I know this question has been asked 1000+ with just the question "What to make?" so I'm hoping mine can give ye a bit more informmation on what I need. The app has to have all/most of these: Splash Screen, Basic List, Web interface, Image List (can replace basic list or have both), ActionBar...

Just saw that. Should be closed and deleted soon
That's pretty much how my day is going.. cruising along.
It is you ?
I wish... I neither have a bike, nor a dog.
posted on October 28, 2014 by Android Developers

By Laurence Moroney, Developer Advocate Happy Tuesday! We've had a few questions come in recently regarding Google Accounts on Android, so we've put this post together to show you some of our best practices. The tips today will focus on Android-based authentication, which is easily achieved through the integration of Google Play services. Let's get started. Unique Identifiers A common

If you don't even have an idea... you better change hobby. — Funkystein 52 secs ago
That was kind of mean
I can't believe that question is still open
So our CEO lost/had stolen our development mac, good thing I backed it up yesterday.
holy crap
yeah that would be pretty terrible
I steal our development Nexus 5 everyday before I go home. And the next day I bring him back :)
well he always takes it home so he can clog my desktop with stupid images and shit at home.
sometimes he forgets it and today he can't find it and it's offline.
and Android is basically done for now, so i'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs trying to look like I'm doing something.
If anyone walks in just mumble tech jargon until they walked out.
Worked for cM
If only I had that blog post knowledge a month ago...
It won't take them long to walk out, either. Especially if they aren't in a technical position
In those situations, you can also tell a quick story about something that happened at home, on your way to work, etc... People usually forget what they were talking to you about
you seem to know a lot about this codeMagic
Hello, everyone.
Yeah, I'm pretty good at slacking off
I love you too cM :)
I'll just bring up that time he lost the laptop I was supposed to be developing on today
Thanks, naners!
The codeMagic theorem: The less tech savvy the target is, the quicker they get overwhelmed by simple jargon and retreat to their office.
That should work too, Dave
If they still stick around I'll start comparing the interrupted workflow to TCP connections, networking and closed ports
Why did that send twice? Silly SO chat.
One more piece of advice: If they are technical, then you talk about something in your field (or one they don't know about), they will nod and agree and walk away as to not look ignorant
Wouldn't work on me.
That's pretty much every conversation with our app support guy
First of all I know everything.
I should write a book...
Second, if you know something I don't I WILL TAKE IT FROM YOU.
He likes TOR, Hardware, etc as a hobby, thinks he's badass
but he can't really do much more than answer questions and fix basic php errors
^ Elitist
well he makes grand claims
that are obvious falsehoods
and everyone buys it except anyone who knows what they are talking about
So you make sure they know he's not as good as you I hope.
(Is there a tongue in cheek emoticon?)
it's not that nana
I forget the name, was looking for it, but he basically claimed that was designed and built an automatic job scheduler that was purchased by IBM or someone around the time he was 11
it doesn't have any attributed creators, and he was 11, and he can barely fix a php error now
it's like dude just be proud of the skills you have
I am sorry, I am just kidding. I know exactly the type you mean, and I hate it too. And I hate when other people eat it up. So I guess I am projecting. I wonder how is my relationship with my mother.
See, I took two semesters of psychology at college so I am pretty much world renowned expert. I developed the NGAF method that is now followed by millions worldwide.
All the "answers" this will get, ahhhh!!! stackoverflow.com/questions/26615305/…
it's a good thing I retired from SO questions and answers once my rep hit 777 or I'd answer telling him to make sure he cleaned/rebuilt and checked his manifest.
My bet is that Integer.ParseInt... He doesn't have content on the edit boxes.
Let me present to you a tidbit from a feature specification by my client:
I am a wizzard.
lol my address is in the sky and it doesn't exist
Interesting. Did you get pinged by that, Carl?
no, I didn't
Then let me try something else
please do
That one?
nope. Maybe you're not pressing enter hard enough?
4 mins ago, by codeMagic
well that works
Muggle (noun): people who still use PHP to create websites.
> We seek out and support artisans, experts and entrepreneurs who love their craft.
what up pals
yo jmr
how you doing JMR?
android keeps changing how to get files from content uris
so annoying
im having problems on top of problems
yeah it's very annoying
I had it all figured out (finally) for photos, and then the iOS guy broke it
i got multidex to work, but one random library keeps throwing a classnotfound exception
the code is very fragile and he didn't realize that when he started working on it
tried editing the multidex.keep file and proguard but it didnt seem to work
im just commenting it out for now (it just logs campaigns through a 3rd party) and making sure everything else works
which is when i found the problem with images on kitkat
you're getting dex probems because of Amazon? or was it from Facebook?
well the initial problem is 64k limit
which is google play services, amazon, facebook, and everything else
even with proguard i still go over the limit
I use FB and Play Svcs, but not Amazon
so I haven't hit this problem yet
so yea im frustrated
I never even knew about the 64K limit until recently...
found an answer on how to fix the kitkat thing though
yea the 64k limit really only affects bigger apps which unfortunately mine is
JMR, do you have a tool to count methods that I could use?
I'm getting up there a bit, but no idea if I'm even close at all...
I have 100+ classes for my main app, although many of them are quite simple.
@Emmanuel i used to have one
or apps that use a ridiculous amount of libraries
it was just a bash script
and then i lost it lol
And I use a fair number of libraries... Not ridiculous, but...
ah here
Q: Is there a way to get count of number methods used in a jar file

freeky9Can i have the count of all methods used in a jar file . My APK uses certain external JARS and there are a number of classes around hundred to be precise. I have used decompilers like dex2jar JAD and others to name a few ,but they all seem to show methods only in particular class file. Is there...

accepted answer works
dont use that emmanuel
theres some required jar he doesnt provide iirc
you can do the one i linked without any downloads, just using dx which is included in build tools
do I need to do that for every jar on my project?
Google should add some plotting API to Android
I've played with the free plotting libraries, they aren't great...
At least, they weren't for my needs. I've forgotten why I didn't like them, however...
There is also this Statistic plugin fro Idea (Works in AS).
this is nuts: 45925 methods for this app
That's with GooglePlayServices, right?
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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