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Dave, my work on Accessibility is limited to making sure buttons and such have contentDescriptions set properly, and making sure that when you're using a bluetooth keyboard or such, that items in the UI are properly focusable and have logical focus order.
also, there's a way to get Android into some sort of "accessibility touch" state, where touching on things reads their description out loud
they demod that at couple I/Os ago was really exciting to see them finally do real work on accessibility
Yep it works. Thanks guys.
you're welcome. next time please google the exception first before asking us to decypher a pastebin for you
unless it's a NetworkOnMainThread exception, in that case put it in a pastebin and page @codeMagic
I agree
never heard of Google Firebase before.
@nana it'd be cool to see the breakdown of word usage as a total percentage of lines typed, if you're bored. Just to see what percentage of codeMagic's lines are filled with hate. :D
I already did that calculation and the result is 99.98%
crazy ahmad - and today was the big post-songza acquisition update.
someone linked to this in the hn thread
Never heard about Firebase until now, google has it now? sold.
Didn't know about Songza, either
Firebase is a kinda weird, live update thingy
i've always thought of them as parse.com but with pubsubhubbub
yep that's about it
And they are on almost every major hackathon, that's why lots of devs use firebase
but for actual products I would never use it
i'm assuming this will end up in app engine some how
most likely
I leave for 10 minutes and already with the codeMagic jokes, I see :P
are you smirking to yourself right now? "i'm so popular on the internet"
Not only that, I went and gathered everyone from the office to come look at the chat, "See, guys, see? I do have 'friends'!"
lol maybe you should change your name to Ron Burgundy... "Look how good I look. EVERYONE."
Guys if you're still loooking at cM's screen, we're not really friends.
Thanks a lot, naners! Now everyone is walking away...and throwing things at me
You're welcome friend.
I see someone missed the sarcasm bus today. That's ok, there will be another one coming by later
there's always more room on the bus!
all aboard the sarcasm bus.
I don't some people know how the bus system works
this is way more fun than actually working today, guys... someone do my work for me, please.
they keep missing the sarcasm bus
I charge $25/h and from there on exponentially more
so gimme
you're cheap. i get you from now until 1700 my time, that's 4 hours.. no MwSt. Just a small point release for our iOS app. aaaaaand go.
I am fine with you charging exponentially, as long as the exponent is <1
MwSt? Mehrwertsteuer?
yeah, aren't you german?
yes yes I am :)
was just confused to see that. You speak german?
born and raised. now i live in canadia.
oooh awesome :D
Hey Android
Nähe Mönchengladbach / Düsseldorf.
Hey Dave.
yo dave
Ruhrpott, eh?
@jlindenbaum gesundheit
lol @ tgm's link "...various solutions tools to technology related..."
Haha, ja Ruhrpottkind.
carl, don't be jealous of german's infinite-length words.
ör ümläuts.
Impressed by magic's and carl's extensive german vocabulary
and fu's
St Pauli girl
:) Sorry I had to.
Those are the only two German words I know
Wie gehts? :P
You want to hear my German?
Dave, it's schifffahrt now :P
It warms the cockles of my heart that everyone here is googling how to German.
you've got yourself recorded speaking german, fu?
Haha, Carl!
No I thought I would try to construct a sentence, but I won't.
cM, why do you know St. Pauli girl....? I'm worried about you.
I haven't spoken in 15 years or so.
The beer. It's fantastic
actually I'd be worried if he didn't know
Lol Dave
St pauli's is gross, I think the best store bought german beer I've ever had was a Mini keg of Spaten
You need some Bitburger, Dave.
Bitburger mini kegs are the recipe for a great party.
Do they export it to the US?
I can get it in Canada.. but only in cans.
A: Parameterized JUnit tests in Android test project

Daniel Or is there a different way to create parameterized tests for Android? We (Square) wrote a library called Burst for this purpose. If you add enum parameters in your test constructor, Burst's test runner will generate a test for each combination of enum values. For example: public class Para...

Woot! Someone from Square answered one of my old questions!
Anyone heard of Burst?
will "" + <bool var> print true/false or 0/1 or what?
You're welcome
it's essentially a (String) cast, though it would be better practice to instead do Boolean.toString(<bool var>);
Does anyone know why I'd be getting problems when I try to compile both of the following as dependencies?

compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:19.1.+'
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:19.+'
(I'm a very novice Android programmer)
If it's very complicated I'll keep messing around on my own
What's the rror in Android Studio?
Well my xml files seem to stop working
It can't find any resources
And I saw that I should try syncing my project files with Gradle but the issues still exist
there's a bar along the top asking you to sync - did that complete without errors?
I think that's where I get the errors
An example of the error I receive is: Error:(9, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:windowActionBar'.
did you add maven central to your build.gradle file?
under repositories?
In your SDK manager, do you have the support repo and support library installed.. they're under "extras"
Yes I do :)
I think I will research a bit more about Gradle
As long as it's not an obvious error, I can try to figure it out :)
@jlindenbaum Even better yet
no more boilerplate! \o/
@Dehli What happens if you remove compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:19.1.+' from your build.gradle file?
Thanks for the help!
@jlindenbaum Looks pretty cool.
it works when i remove the other one
you might only need appcompat_v7, that's the only one I have in Eclipse yet I use v4 libraries classes in the app
I was using SwipeRefreshLayout
which is in v4 I think
but maybe it's also in v7
yeah I think v4 is included with v7
I believe appcompat-v7 automatically brings in support-v4 with it.
from my experience, gradle isn't very good at ignoring a duplicated dependency.
thanks for the help :) hopefully I can get it working
Well when I compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:19.1.+' it builds and runs
but when I compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:19.+' it can't seem to locate my R files
I will try googling some more
What are you using from appcompat-v7?
for the action bar
Are you using the native actionbar or the appcompat actionbar?
because if you are using the native action bar, you don't need appcompat-v7 just for showAsAction...it's already included.
I wanted to target sdk 8
Is it not worth it?
I think I'm using a regular action bar
But I'm not using the actionbar yet, and it still doesn't build for me
which is strange
I've given up everything below sdk 14. But that depends on your demographic of users.
College students, so they'd probably have newer phones
Usually if it can't find R files it can't build the project, and the console will tell you where it's failing before it shows the "can't locate resource R..."
does anyone use Parse.com for analytics?
Error:Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Theme.Holo'.
That was the first error message of 76
8 has 0.7% on the distribution chart so probably not worth it unless you have a reason to believe there will be a big userbase with that low of a version
And I use Parse.com, is analytics available for iOS?
Oh wow, definitely not
I do then :P
I can see on the dashboard how many events have happened, but I can't see a list of what are those events
@Guilherme yes I do
Which kind of events?
I call ParseAnalytics.trackEvent("My Event", myMapOfData);
I distribute my app on Amazon. They still support the original Kindle Fire which runs GB. ;-(
Hey droids!
you need to hit the + sign next to API requests
where can I see the list of "My Event" events and what data they sent?
my most recent update was rejected because I put minSdk=14
and select a custom breakdown
then select My Event for the breakdown
there's no My Event:
well that's where my custom events appear
let me check something real quick
do I need to create a class in the Core tab?
create something for each event?
place a breakpoint and make sure myMapOfData is valid
ex: Map<String, String> dimensions = new HashMap<String, String>();
dimensions.put("Time", intervalString);
ParseAnalytics.trackEvent("appUsage", dimensions);
that's all I do and I get events
There's some heavy stuff you are discussing
It might not work from the emulator or WiFi is down.
yes, it looks pretty much valid
definitely not null
there might be some analytics set up
I followed the guide, it was quite simple
mostly was already done because of push notifications (which are working ok)
yeah I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work unless it's some sort of invalid object that dimensions doesn't support
it's a HashMap<String, String>
may the key contain spaces?
probably not?
try camelcase
ah trackEvent is also deprecated in the latest sdk
what about event's name?
camelcase it too
just in case...
did you check yours? are you using camelcase?
yeah none of my events or keys have whitespace
i do have whitespace in the data. also make sure you have the right app selected in the top left
now it seems not to be tracking anymore o.O
the stats are "live", right?
they don't take much time to be updated
yeah iirc I saw it right away when testing it
other stuff in Parse is working right?
like, it's not a key problem?
push notifications work fine
I can toggle channels
it shows up in the installation of the user?
it does
wow, got all the events now
well there ya go, sometimes it might take a while? idk
but the breakdown thing still doesn't show any event
try refreshing or logging out/in
it may only construct those dropdown options when you start up.
now it did! :D
after logging out
but the filters are empty ¬¬
one step at a time
no, it's there. it was the space, seems that they're not allowed
although permitted on event names
ah nice
awesome :)
I wish I could now ditch the google analytics, but they want me to keep it
not for too long, hopefully
yeah we don't use google analytics if we are already using parse
I guess that's the idea, but since we're still testing, perhaps we should consider both and see which fits best our needs
true, google analytics could be argued to be better at it's specific job, we just are a small company and for the sake of speed we try to avoid any redundancy or unnecessary inclusion of extra stuff.
I just attempted to teach four 12 year olds C++. Did not go well...
I am a horrible teacher
Why would you... what.
might be better to start off with something a bit happier than c++
Robotics team, I'm a mentor and yea...
Im trying ruby next, but maybe not because then they might not go back :(
I tutored kids programming for a summer
It's OK I was a tutor in uni and failed to convey the concept that a for loop is just an applied summation notation to a bunch of civil engineers. To this day I don't know if I was a shitty tutor or if civil engineers are just thick.
we did java, but I kept it super simple. In hindsight I might use something like javascript, python, or ruby
I would have loved to try to learn c++ when I was 12. I was only doing GWBASIC.
Well C is very mean
@jlindenbaum I think the most likely problem is the difficulty of the abstraction that you were trying to teach them.
once they've got the core concepts down (if/else, loops, arrays, functions, variables etc...) then move on to something that has wonkier syntax
from my experience, many engineering students need more concreteness...and even then they struggle.
IMO, python is a great language for beginner programmers. Ruby might be, too...I'm not familiar with its syntax so can't make a good judgement there.
or even a bad judgement
They were struggling with counting through for loops. Why it would go from 0 to length - 1. When I said to think of summation notation in math a couple went "aha!" the others blanked out. It's cruel to teach CompSci 100 with C.
If they are completely new to programming maybe start with codeacamy.com
We eventually got through the material, lots of white board drawings.
ah yes, the joy and mystery of 0 based arrays
I don't think I have every spelled intelji intellij correctly on my first attempt.
Seems like there's a lot of hate towards Engineers in this room...
Foamy did you mean codeacademy.com ?
any Engineer that isn't a software engineer is a heathen.
civil engineer?
Lol Dave isn't the US pretty liberal with the term "engineer" anyways?
I place more stock in civil engineers than software engineers.
@CarlAnderson yes
yes and no, depends on the school
B.S. usually has less math than B.E.
but when I started my B.S. was offered by the engineering school
I think you mean BA vs BS
now it's a separate school within ASU
BA has less math than BS
I mean the protected term "engineer". Which I don't think the US does. a Comp.Sci. B.Sc can call themselves an engineer in the US, no?
at my school, both the college of engineering AND the college of mathematics each had their own separate Computer Science degree.
bachelor of engineering vs bachelor of science. so BSE vs BS
according to my pops he couldn't pass the calculus so he got a BS instead of a BSE
but I still had to take calculus for my BS
doesn't every science have to take calculus?
I have a BS in computer engineering, and we had to take the same amount of math as math majors the first two years
it's different for every school
and his was 40 years ago
well if you are ABET accredited then it shouldn't be different
We have to take calc senior year in HS.
canada we can't call ourselves engineers unless we graduated from an engineering college that's recognized by the professional engineering society. I did B.Sc. Comp Sci. and can never call myself an engineer here. Only actual computer electrical engineers get that here.
Everyone I met in CA seemed to have been an engineer, which was... odd.
oh I see what you're sayin
did someone manage to setup an email account using the latest Lollipop preview's email app?
Well I've held the title of Software Engineer in jobs but yeah I don't have an "engineering" degree
@cygery Thats out?
@NoahHuppert sorry?
The preview app
I mean the stock email app of the preview (which is a preview too I guess)
Oh yea, forgot about that
@Ahmad is GCI a team thing? Or Solo?
> The United States, starting from 2013 offers an NCEES Professional Engineer exam for Software Engineering, thereby allowing Software Engineers to be licensed and recognized.[18] Mandatory licensing is currently still largely debated, and perceived as controversial. In some parts of the US such as Texas, the use of the term Engineer is regulated by law and reserved only for use by individuals who have a Professional Engineer license.
@noah solo thing
Dave, nice glad to see some states are cracking down on it.
I feel like it would be a good idea
although companies would probably get around it by hiring "Software developers"
Which is fine. Because it doesn't have the implied terminology of engineer. which is a whole licensing and oath process that others don't have to do.
In Canada it's a regulated term like doctor or lawyer.
You have to licence the OAuth proccess?
*If your a Software Eng?
wut. no engineers in Canada swear and oath and have to write tests to get their professional engineering license.
http://cdn1.ncees.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Exam-specifications_PE-Software-Apr-2013.pdf "NCEES Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination
Software Engineering
Exam Specifications"
well professional engineers are regulated by the state and then there's this
> The IEEE informs the professional engineer license is not required unless the individual would work for public where health of others could be at risk if the engineer was not fully qualified to required standards by the particular state. Professional engineer licenses are specific to the state which has awarded them, and have to be regularly retaken.
> Requirements specification (e.g., System Definition Document, System/Subsystems
Specification, Software Requirements Specification, Interface Requirements
only in government do they make software development this arduous
if you don't define the same thing 10 different ways it's not government work
used to work for a provincial telecom. that is arduous.
I was going to say that we have PEs in the US and you can't call yourself a PE without jumping though their hoops
However only some CivEs, MechEs and EEs take it
neat, so if you do public work where people's lives are at stake there's at least some form of PEng screening
fortunately most software can't kill people
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therac-25 that is still taught in our program, and then there's things like airbags :P
I'm hoping to change that with my latest app, it emits a series of light and sound pulses that causes cardiac arrest.
I'm calling it iKill.
When in doubt, irradiate it?
@jlindenbaum yup, was taught that as well, very scary. we also learned of a scenario where a plane crashed due to a software bug in the landing sensors
it was really icy on the runway so the wheels weren't moving the normal speed due to little traction
so the software bugged and didn't think it was going fast enough to close the landing gear or something
shitty =\
Ohh, this is fancy
so I've got this thread with a loop - while(!killMonitorThread) and in the Service's onDestroy I call killMonitorThread = true; But I read that onDestroy isn't always guaranteed to be called when a Service is stopped. Is there a better way to prevent an orphaned thread?
hmm I think i found a solution using sharedPrefs in MODE_MULTI_PROCESS and the threadId, should terminate itself if it's orphaned at the cost of having to getLong every iteration of the loop.
I think the lack of guarantee is for cases like the user pulls out the battery or turns off the phone or other such catastrophic failures.
In such a case, a orphaned thread is the least of your worries.
ah I see
oh...or a force stop
maybe I'm mistaken about this...probably could use some more research
Hmm...Service.onDestroy() doesn't have the same warning as Activity.onDestroy().
even if onDestroy() isn't called, the system will be killing the whole process anyway...including any threads.
alright so in theory I shouldn't have orphaned threads if my service is stopped?
that's my understanding, yes
hmm, I think i've had issues where this function returns false but I'm still getting log cat errors from the monitor service thread pastebin.com/WZrRAxU3
what errors?
just my own Log.w about not being able to connect to the grill
ahh, this is your bbq app?
we might end up doing something similar for a fireplace in 2015
just had a meeting about the hardware they will need
are you doing this for the grill manufacturers?
yeah we're being contracted by greenmountaingrills.com
ah you know what I think you are right, it's not that function that returns false but the built in CheckConnect function we use
yah...that's what I was saying...
glad I could help ;-)
thanks =p

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