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What is this helpouts.google.com
Looks like stackoverflow
Yo morning guys o/
But does it?
@LawGimenez I just signed up for it. Looks like you can get charge for your services...so not like SO.
I see.
Heading home shortly.. my brain is toast.
AngularJS scope inheritance rules and stuff are enough to drive anyone mad.
you're doing front end web stuff now?
A bit of front and back.
Using a java backend?
Guess who just defined his first sprint? This guuyyy.
Oh god, what have I become, I'm spending more time planning and talking about work than actual working...
Milestone, whatev.
And home.
So, guess what my brother did today.
Became the president?
No, he became the vice president with the intentions of stabing the president in the back and eventually getting called to president
I regularly stage people in the back, thankfully it's only stage and not prod.
Did he get staged?
stab*, dammit mac autocorrect
Did he get stabbed?
metaphor dude
This about sums up what my brother did.
your brother works for Google? :0
You didn't think I was the talented child, did you?
I'm still pretty sure, you're the talented child
even without knowing your brother
You should let your brother recommend you, so you can interview at google
What if there were two?!
That's a really cool move from google though, congrats
Google Summer of Code itself is pretty awesome. I wanted to take part last year, but they said that they wouldn't recommend it to someone that wasn't in university yet (and therefore didn't have a long summer break in which he could dedicate time to the project)
What is Summer of code?
You get paid to write open source stuff
really neat
5k or something for the month
What doesn't Google do?!
speaking of gsc, you should look into google code in, noah
it's starting on the 1st december
I'm a mentor for Wikimedia this year.
I've only volunteered to be in one GSOC project, and that was as a lieutenant of sorts.
The project didn't get accepted though
Ah too bad
@Ahmad Looks cool
So my ISP is now bragging about equal upload and download speeds. Unfortunately that just means that they dragged the download speeds down to the upload speeds(Used to be 45mb/s, nows its 15mb/s)
wow...how fucked up is this?
'Mercia! wtf
2 hours later…
You guys should watch this talk by Chet Haase, specially what he thinks about agile
@CarlAnderson @Ahmad @codeMagic
2 hours later…
yo 0/
yo wadup o/
nm just came office \0
Yo People!
good morning
morning 0/
yo yo! sup!
sup yo!
Q: ViewPager for vertical scrolling

treemonster19Is it possible to use ViewPager in some way as an alternative to vertical scrolling of TextViews (or any other similar View) whose content exceeds the size of screen? I do not want to create as many as instance of TextViews because beforehand I wouldnt know where the piece of text ends on a page....

I have a question that might look stupid. In the company where I work eveyone indent their code in a way that I don't agree. They add a new line before you open a bracket on a function/class. Well none of them works on java. I'm the only one. However they told it's easier to read code like this.
Is there any indenting convention or something like that?
there are many.
I had to change my Android Studio to indent like that. But it makes the code so big :\ And I don't think it's "easier" to read
if 99% of your company use an indentation style different from yours you should use theirs. The main reason is to reduce the amount of the diff from the svn/git perspectivie
Thanks @Abdellah I will read that. And yes you're right @blackbelt. That is a pain in the ass when you have o change a new project and suddenly there are 200 lines changed.
Pedro, np
Abdella, you should and could read the android code conventions as well: source.android.com/source/code-style.html
Thanks Warren. I will do now ^
I would also recommend to just start a discussion about the code style in your company
nice reading :D didnt knew this
If something is just extremely subject like if(blub){ vs if (blub) { you should agree on the official styles for the language/environment
That's a good topic of conversation @WarrenFaith . Will do :)
you could also introduce CheckStyle or auto formatting in AS to help getting used to new code style
AFAIK AS as an extremely good code formatting tool. I just add to edit the "{" to start on a new line that's all.
it is but AS has no "on save" action
Hi, I'm pulling data from json via retrofit and I'm inflating an xml layout (post.xml).
Now, I wish to put a fixed footer at the end of it but I can't put it on post.xml because it would be repeated for each element of the json.
So I started thinking that this may not be the correct approach, and I tought about creating a new layout with a container inside a scrollable element and then inflating the old layout inside of it (main.xml inflates post.xml) . is this a correct approach to my problem?
so as long as you do autoformat by hand it works
but a lot of people tend to forget so AS does not format the code when you save it which results in unformatted code being pushed into the repository
I just keep pressing ctrl+alt+L once in a while
and that will cause issues because you might miss it or others might miss it and than you have code format changes mixed with implementation changes
no on save action? That's a good reason to stick with eclipse
I recommend to create a macro in AS and make it do format + import + save in one step
BB it can do it but you have to use a macro for that
what kind of macro?
press ctrl +shift + a
search for macro
start recording
press ctrl + alt + L
press ctrl + s
start recording remembers me of vim
press the stop button on bottom right and name the macro
press ctrl+alt+o too
after that just assign a key to it
ctrl + alt + L has a setting to do auto import as well
But it doesn't remove unused imports
it does :D
Well not mine :(
Pedro look for IntelliJ IDEA Default Keymap
if you have the popup from ctrl alt L open, you can add the auto import feature and then it removes it as well
this setup ready for each developer and you will never have issues with code formatting
makes git history way cleaner and way easier to review
Rearrange Code is also an interesting tool btw
I tend to hate it :D
and now you just need to replace ctrl + s to work with your macro
Just did it :P
how do I fish this tuna?
Later guys
sathia, what?
bye Law!
hi WarrenFaith, currently stuck here since two days: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/19527612#19527612
well the information is a bit rare
I mean in which container do you put your post.xml layout?
something must "hold it together"
and whatever it is, there you have to add your footer
let me show you, one moment
btw: two days but no question on SO? Seems your own fault :D
I haven't asked yet
and it is definitely against the room rules
ok, so ignore this, sorry 'bout that
just saying: instead of running in circles for two days, you should have just created a good question
I'll do that
and based on the Rubber duck debugging principle, you would probably came up with a solution anyway :D
that's great
ok, the layout looks good. What is the actual problem?
ok the post.xml can be improved, but beside that it looks good
so far I've been inflating post.xml with BaseAdapter
this is because I'm using retrofit to feed data into the layout
it worked ok, but since I want to add a static footer to the activity
Q: How do I refer to two listviews in the same layout with @android:id/list?

Edoardo MoreniI am trying to set two different adapters on two listviews in the same layout. After a few searches on the internet and this error "must have a listview whos id must be android.R.id.list", I have found out I need to define my listview id as @android:id/list. What I wonder is how do I refer to t...

I've made several tries but so far nothing worked
"nothing worked" means what? What is the result of your current layout?
so, my last attempt to it was to create an holder main.xml and then inflate it
Are you trying to add the footer during of after your retrofit load logic?
but I don't know how to do it, so my question is, is this the correct path?
i think I should add it before the retrofit load logic
ok, here are the things I wonder:
but I don't know how to inflate the main.xml file and then inject the results from the baseadapter into it
1. Why do you use a ScrollView instead of a ListView?
it's based on some tutorials I saw online in order to manage fixed footers
2. The id you use in layout_above does not exists
which one?
it is included
yes, but as a layout, there is no id mentioned
oh, ok
beside that you need to make the footer alignParentBottom="true"
otherwise it will be at the top
you also need to change the ScrollView to a ListView, get it on onCreate and call setAdapter() on it with your BaseAdapter implementation
I've added it to the pastebin page: pastebin.com/j7W2gs9M
I am not sure if the id given to the layout works. I think you need to add it to the <include> tag
moment, my brain is moving, maybe I've just understood what you've said
beside that read here for ListViews: vogella.com/tutorials/AndroidListView/article.html
shortly afk
ok, I'm making tests
try to make your list work with a listview, if you have done that, ping me and I guide you to the footer! :D
ok! in the meantime if you want to see what I'm trying to do head on gifly.com I've made the site and I wish to make an app out of it
@WarrenFaith haha nice
I will try this :D
@WarrenFaith wow, it worked
i don't know how, but it works
what I mean is, I don't understand why
I've just added the ListView
and then it worked with the fixed footer as it should
I'm missing something
well it is up to you to find out
sure, sure
the thing I'm not quite grasping is how it managed to put the contents of post.xml inside main.xml
but I think it has to do with the listview being a container
the adapter does that
the adapter has a getView method which should inflate post.xml and it is then displayed as an entry in the listview
amazing, now it's clear
thanks a lot
now I'll work on the interface a bit
I'm very happy
this line work `$gcm->send_notification($regIds, $message);`
but after concatenation nope `$gcm->send_notification($regIds, $message.";".$url);`
I put the line between () , updated now
basically the source of the problem is $message.";".$url ?
Ok I found the issue
details Abdellah! :D
$message = array("message" => $message,"url" => $url); ^
message was an array and you concat a string to it?
typesafety FTW! :D
haha I haven't paid attention
Sometimes you lose, sometimes the other wins...
But one day you wins ^
if you have to work with @SuppressWarnings, you are doing it wrong
I really hope there is no user named SuppressWarnings....
Q: Why do the Progress Bar doesn't quit?

HarshaI have used an asyncTask to make an http request and hence i have used progress bar to indicate the progress of ongoings in that thread. Everything works fine till the onPostexecute() method is called, i have displayed the response string in the Logcat but my progress bar doesn't quit. There was...

Q: Refresh activity and hide button?

johnI would like to do so at the click of a button, the page will refresh with button hiding? Any idea?

morning o/
has anyone tried that?
RESULT﹕ Am I a goat? -->false
Nice :) I guess...
Log.v("RESULT", "Am I a goat? --> " + ((UserManager) this.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE)).isUserAGoat());
UserManager is not public and cannot be accessed from outside
Q: Proper use cases for Android UserManager.isUserAGoat()?

Ovidiu LatcuI was looking at the new APIs introduced in Android 4.2. While looking at the UserManager class I came across the following method: public boolean isUserAGoat () Used to determine whether the user making this call is subject to teleportations. Returns whether the user making this ...

finally implemented lol
Q: How can Offline install gradle in my Android Studio?

user3770797How can Offline install gradle in my Android Studio?? Android Studio 0.8.6 gradle: http://downloads.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-1.12-all.zip My laptop does not have internet. i install Android Studio 0.8.6(32bit) and JDK(32Bit). Android Studio 0.8.6 is work But need to gradle-1.12 for Pro...

oh damn, I updated the appcompat lib, now my theme is broken
o/ all
how are you doing?
Fine. Just trying to get all of my hard drive transfered
my AS is freezing when it syncs gradle o.O
how can it use 109% of the CPU?
multi core
@blackbelt closed and 1 delete vote
press the small arrow to find out :D
I pinged you specifically so I could respond to the post I was referring to. Getting kind of late over there, huh?
And what Warren said
I agree.... he got also my delete vote
Though, it almost should be preserved to show people what not to do when asked if you have tried anything
no............. — john 1 hour ago
that was fun
Deletes only need 3 votes, right?
Finally, I've been trying to get that badge for the past 100 days
meeting in 2mins, talk you later
I've updated the appcompat lib, now the actionbar is no longer displaying my app icon :(
I think this post by Chris Banes useful for you
If I update my app to no longer support API 10, for instance, and move up to 14, will users still be able to download the current version that supports API 10?
I am reading that very same post, Abdellah
Has anyone got "Unmarshalling unknown type code exception" with only Moto G/E devices ?
Gui, are you talking about publishing two apk for the same version
@Emmanuel cool! no I haven't, yet
Abdellah, I am planning to add a new version that will support API 10+ with the current code I have
then I'll take some time to upgrade my code to the new appcompat libs, and I may want to drop support to API <=13, and after that I release a new version
I see
@MukeshRana you don't smell like a help vampire. Welcome, please read the room rules and don't let me down.
also you can publish to apks one for 10+ and the second for 13+
I wanted to know if, in that future, API 13- users will still be able to download the last release that still supports API 13-
Also, someone may need to change their avatar because we will have two of those in here now
but if I publish 2, that means I am still developing for the old APIs, that's not what I want
How else do you expect to update it to no longer support API 10 but "users still be able to download the current version that supports API 10"?
not the current, the last
the last that offered support
Once you change your minSdkVersion and publish the apk, devices that are not supported will not be able to download your app
Gui, did you get into the "fun brownies" this morning?
thanks, Emmanuel
Regardless if a previous apk did support a lower apk
Delay shows noone had such issue yet. :/
cM what the heck is that?
fun brownies -> space cake's
flies away
the heck is a space cake
...Cake with drugs on it...
Ha, never heard it called that, Pedro
I don't have that drug-addict vocabulary
@Emmanuel Can't you have multiple APKs in production?
That doesn't have to mean that one is addicted. Just open minded.
I don't want to go into that discussion
I thought Gradle allowed you to have two separate builds for things like this. One that supports 10 and the newer one?
pastebin is down
Yeah, it's over, I was making a joke because your question seemed very contradictory
it's better
I do not think you can, Adam
I just asked because Apple allows users that runs iOS 6 today, for instance, to download the last versions of apps that supported iOS 6, instead of having no support at all
Why is it better @Ahmad
it looks cleaner
I can't even set a password or an expiration time :\
yeah code looks okay
yeah you can't but generally you don't need that since there is no public index for all the pastes
@Emmanuel you can
> By publishing your application with multiple APKs, you can:
[...] Support different platform versions with each APK.
Multiple APK support is a feature on Google Play that allows you to publish different APKs for your application that are each targeted to different device configurations. src : developer.android.com/google/play/publishing/multiple-apks.html
iirc it was introduced at IO 2013
I do not publish enough....
On another note, I was trying to create a gist with Java formatting yesterday, and it wouldn't do it...
It will always create it with Text formatting
you have to set the file name to something.java
Morning fu o/
Hi Ahmad.
morning, fu
Sup', cM!
Ahmad, I trust it was introduced earlier!
imho somewhere around Honeycomb...
really? hmm could be
quite possible
I just remember that it is possible since "ages"
Managed to get over 100mbps over EoP. Pretty happy
so suppose I have a "legacy" version. if at every new release, I get the same code and update the version number, and upload that along with my latest release, users of old devices will have eternal support? :D
not really
> Each APK must have a different version code, specified by the android:versionCode attribute.
Glitch, Enjoy the life!
when you update the version number, you can also update the version code
biggest problem is that the user will get an update without being an update
I know. I was wondering if I could keep using the same APK for the legacy, but updating the non-legacy
I would just keep the old apk available for lower API levels
yeah, that's what I really wanted. so is it possible? :)
Same opinion as Warren ^ and send a notification to +10 app clients invite them to buy Nexus 6
hahaha I had thought of that a long time ago
"Dear user. I can see you're running Android 2.3.x. Please, do yourself a favor a buy a better phone."
it should be possible to upload a new apk with higher api requirements and the old apk is still visible for people who do not meet the new requirements
@Guilherme :D
you shouldn't deactivate the older apk to keep it available for them
that's what I am looking for
@elichai2 denied for low A:Q ration on SO (and your messages in the Lounge seem borderline creepy, even for the Lounge). Work on your answers and don't seem so creepy then request again
@Acejakk same thing (except you don't appear creepy, just wanting help)

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