^ every time I watch a video on N7 I cup the sides with my pals to reflect the sound towards me. N5 is not much better, but it is still a great device.
Here's what the app does - User clicks button (to take a picture) on Activity A, the captured image gets set as on an ImageView in Activity A, and then the user clicks a "save" button, which takes him/her to Activity B, where the image they took gets displayed (on an ImageView in Activity B)
Use the ViewTreeObserver on the View to wait for the first layout. Only after the first layout will getWidth()/getHeight()/getMeasuredWidth()/getMeasuredHeight() work.
ViewTreeObserver viewTreeObserver = view.getViewTreeObserver();
if (viewTreeObserver.isAlive()) {
The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) is a private, non-profit organization that acts primarily as an advocacy group for the United States Army. Founded in 1950, it has 125 chapters worldwide. Membership is open to everyone, not just Army personnel, nor is membership mandatory for soldiers. The organization publishes ARMY Magazine and the Green Book, and runs the Institute for Land Warfare. The current president is retired Army General Gordon R. Sullivan.
== Mission ==
AUSA's official mission is threefold:
Being the voice for all components of America's Army
Fostering public support...
0 down vote favorite
I was programming an application and I have recently fixed a NullPointerException.
But then I ran into another exception... the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Here's a part of my code:
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception is raised while accessing array index greate...
I need to generate header file using javah in my Jni sub-folder of my project using external tools in eclipse IDE
but when select my class in the project get error:
cannot access android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity class file for android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity not found
The Exter...
If I copy the url in the little box that pops up to open or copy, that link didn't one box. But if I copy/paste it to browser then copy image url it uses that
Try this instead:
Button btMain = (Button)findViewById(R.id.button1);
btMain.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
This is the best way.
Well, this is a silly question, but I was wandering whether we need to download all oder android SDKs?
I man my targetSDk will will be 21 (android L) that is going to release tomorrow and my minSDK is 8 (android 2.2).
Do I need to download all other sdks in that are in between these 2?
Obviously. You are strictly right. But if you develop an Android app, frequently you have more than one View/Button. So a switch with very cases is tedious to read/understand/implement. More difficult if you are a newbie developer. — Eric2 mins ago
http://www.google.com/design/spec/components/lists.html#lists-keylines I'm looking at the three-line lists desgin guidelines, but the amount of text in the tiles will not be the same... Bad idea?
You should make ViewHolder itself static to prevent that it keeps a reference to the outer class (adapter or what ever)
beside that, the code in the question is a nightmare for me
doing two weeks of review for a project and get a feeling for cleaner structure and responsibility and the code in the question is a heavy unmaintainable mess
So let me see if I get this right. If ViewHolder is non-static, everytime you create an instance it will have a reference to their outer class? in this case the Adapter itself?