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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

LOL just saw your comment @mistrfu
room topic changed to Android: The issue is, that StackOverflow declares some Netiquette maxims be constructive, and others but does not promote them. Gamification without Netiquette both in mind & in action just creates an anonymous-silent-click-ing pathology. Many online portals suffer once such a sub-culture grows and starts to dominate. Rules: spifftastic.net/room.15 [android] [cats] [unicorn] [xkcd]
You're welcome :D
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 2 mins ago, by rlemon
if you find the word "fuck" in itself offensive, time to click the little red X in the corner of your browser. the internet is not for you.
rlemon cracks me up when it comes to dealing with flag trolls
BTW, I put the old description into the google doc in case we want to revert later. :)
Good idea!
room topic changed to Android: The issue is, that StackOverflow declares some Netiquette maxims be constructive, and others but does not promote them. Gamification without Netiquette both in mind & in action just creates an anonymous-silent-click-ing pathology. Many online portals suffer once such a sub-culture grows and starts to dominate. Rules: spifftastic.net/room.15 [android] [cats] [maxims] [xkcd]
unicorns -> maxims
Oh, haha! I was trying to figure out what you changed. The tags were the first thing I looked at and still missed it
surprised to find there's no easy way to merge two viewgroups into one
have to manually remove/add child
This thing is bizarre. It only works on my left arm. It says it controls Netflix (?), iTunes and VLC.
iTunes is a mess, I can't even make it play anything with the mouse. lol.
you didn't get the model for right-handed persons?
You guys have separate hands? o.O
I have a strange issue with my ViewPager - even though I've modified my PagerAdapter to return custom responses in the getPageTitle function, it is still setting the Actionbar's title to "Trover" when I first load up the Viewpager...
They're not left/right specific.
that was a joke. apparently a bad one.
It's not mine; one of our founders left it on her desk so I took it and had a play. Her partner is one of the cofounders of Thalmic.
Also, it seems to require a bluetooth adapter.
what's the cable for then?
ah, that's better. I thought you needed the cable to operate it
> Executed 48 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.551 (0.572) seconds
Damnit iOS.
o/ android
Hello, Android!
Hello to you, sir
tutoring physics
oh man I'm glad I don't have to deal with physics
android's layout gravity is tough enough
I used to love physics on high school, to the point of thinking to study it as a second major degree after I had finished my EE course
and then I had my first physics course in college and I gave up
I liked physics until I got to magnetism and electricity.
only took 101-102
electormag is rad
> Everythings is working but it. plz take a look at my code blowing and help me out.
naughty naughty code...
derp, was wondering why my method wasn't working
turns out I should call it first :P
btw that trello hash problem is easily reversible, O(n) solvable, where n is the string length.
Can all the Ahmads that are not Ahmads please get a non Ahmad avatar?
it would take a while, but you should be able to solve the trello hash problem with a pen, paper, and basic calculator.
yeah that's what I did then wrote some pseudo code for it
didn't feel like cloning it to fix the errors and making a better terminating condition
Could you not implement it in Lisp and run it backwards?
Dave, isn't that index out of range?
..or some such... I haven't touched Lisp in years.
I still think this is a valid criticism:
19 hours ago, by Carl Anderson
"We're looking for an AWESOME Android Java developer. To apply, please solve this problem involving a .NET Type"
normally yes Guil, but since the hash is constructed only with those indices it won't be
but yeah you would want to check it if you were implementing it
so despite divider = 37, the mod will always be <= 15?
in this case, for the hash we are solving, if it's a valid hash, yes.
math is so weird sometimes..
well it's just a reverse of the function that constructs the hash, it's h = h *37 + index of char at i
since the index is 0-15, the hash never has a mod outside of that range since it's just removing that index that was added
and they had h initialized to 7, that's why the terminating condition is != 7. It's terrible code that could index out of bounds or get caught in an infinite loop, just showing the concept
Q: Android Studio - How can we make an app compile faster?

user198923I am building an android app with android studio. In the process I am also implementing facebook login, which requires me to put a folder's worth of code into my project, among other compile-time libraries. Each time that I compile (and run) my app while testing it, it is currently taking 3 m...

wow 3m is a pretty long compile time
wow, I didn't know you could ran AS on a 486
What are those options that Emm keeps raving about?
Q: Building and running app via Gradle and Android Studio is slower than via Eclipse

froger_mcsI have multi-project (~10 modules) which building takes about 20-30 seconds each time. When I press Run in Android Studio, I have to wait every time to rebuild app, what is extremly slow. Is it possible to automate building process in Android Studio? Or do you have any advices, how to make this ...

found it...
how did I miss the announcement of windows 10
so are they doing the jumping-a-version-because-such-a-significant-update-thing?
or maybe because of OS X
which has been "10" for a long while...
lol they have virtual desktops now
it does look nice. at least a lot better than windows 8
I think it's because Windows 9 kinda feels like 7 since they're both odd numbers =p
but 10, that's a fast forward into the future.
I knew this copy pasta sounded familiar
> Unfortunately, we do provide support SSL for subdomains
TIL: The divide symbol is called "obelus"
@Ahmad virtual desktops is so 1990s
what symbol? the two dots with a bar in between them?
Yep. Alt + / = ÷
- – —
Wait, Adam S owns a Myo?
- – — – - – —– — – - – —– — – - – —– — – - – —– — – - – —– — – - – —– — – - – —– — – - – —– — – - – —
^- The smallest font possible
^^-- You need iRetina display to be able to read it.
@Guilherme yes, that symbol
 <- Only mac users can read this
Pro-tip: press alt f4 for mac vision.
Do you guys like photos of kitten?
we had too few of them the past days
this camouflage is amazing
that's not a kitten.
you betrayed us.
take adam as an example. that's a kitten.
ok, hold on I actually did take a photo of a kitten, only couple minutes before the spidey
you took it?
read it like Cartman
I was told it probably wouldn't kill me ,just 24-48 hours of excruciating pain :)
it does look dangerous
cold blooded
OS X 10.7 leopard
It made me think... how do you avoid running into something like this in the jungle?
You can't.
Maybe have a lion as a pet?
TIL there's a mail command line tool
but you can't really send emails with it because it will be seen as spam by most email providers
Yeah, use smtp instead.
Assuming you have it.
Also, speaking of command line tools, I have so many handwritten crappy shell scripts for just poking web APIs with a stick
smtp? as in configuring mail with smtp?
'Cause it's a pain in the neck to work with a web API before I've poked it a bunch, so I just end up poking it via a script and seeing what the output is
smtp as in starting smtpd and using that.
Ah I see
what do these scripts do for example?
I usually just need curl to test API stuff
Although, I have been checking out httpie for a while now
I use this really cool Chrome Extension for testing APIs
2-alarm fire in Seattle near Google's office
yep, that's fire alright
my friend can see the smoke from his cubicle
I wonder how much money Google's losing right now because people are watching the fire instead of working.
is that next to the google hq?
Google has so many hqs
I bet they have their own special forces somewhere with automatic helicopters that fly at 20mph
no wait
that was amazon
They form a broad coalition to defeat iOS extremists.
Wait 600 x 335?
Isn't that iphone 6+?
I'd support those troops. Maybe even put a sticker on my... trainers.
A big helicopter with a shining apple logo
anodized aluminum
one button instead of all controls inside
Tiny windows
Do you want to test if you're racist? Results might surprise you.
[Take the quick and completely scientific test here](https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/Launch?study=/user/education/race/race.expt.xml) and let us know. I know I was surprised.
it's on the other side of the lake from Amazon
what happened, why's the building burning?
Amazon is at the bottom of that map, google is on the upper left.
some sort of industrial fire
it's also about 2 blocks from Adobe
So many HQs
(of big names)
the west coast is awesome.
@Cinch Welcome. Please read the room rules.
I accidentally just clicked on "add as a room owner"
yeah good thing it was not to late.
@trevor-e I really like the price forecast at KAYAK. But is it really reliable? 79% does sound much.
because if the ticket is going to drop at below 100€
that would be awesome
I'm new here
hi hi
how's it going
I'm actually here for help lol
Hi all
o/ dave
Okay then uh...
Here goes
\o ahmad
as long as it's well researched and you posted it on the main site
I'll look into
but not now, 'cause I gotta study.
I'm a C++ looking to implement by application on Android. I'm currently downloading the ADT+Eclipse, and I was wondering how I might recompile my libraries for Android
@Ahmad we have a full data analytics team so I trust their math :P
most of them from MIT
hah! okay sounds really reliable :D
Cinch, you want to look into NDK: developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html
and as far as I know, nobody here uses it
so there won't be much help here, unfortunately :-/
So I join the android room
and nobody can help me
I join C++, they tell me to go to Android lol
Android apps are written in Java
there's no way to write an interface that I know of, in C++
so you can do some awkward JNI layer to call into your C++ library
but that's about the only way your code is going to get called
"Before downloading the NDK, you should understand that the NDK will not benefit most apps. As a developer, you need to balance its benefits against its drawbacks. Notably, using native code on Android generally does not result in a noticable performance improvement, but it always increases your app complexity. In general, you should only use the NDK if it is essential to your app—never because you simply prefer to program in C/C++.

Typical good candidates for the NDK are CPU-intensive workloads such as game engines, signal processing, physics simulation, and so on. When examining whether
I need to spend another $150 on newegg and not sure what to get. These are the things that keep me up at night...
without context it's hard to help you, you could get like 15 tubes of thermal paste.
What would I do with 15 tubes of thermal paste?
paste things?
attach 15+ processors to a motherboard
I'm not ruling it out...just looking for options if I go that route
@codeMagic you need to spend $150? Buy me a SSD!
SSD is a good idea and I've been wanting one for home
you could replace your roomates toothpaste with it.
5x 64GB uSD cards
I need to so I can get 12 months no payment/no interest after I buy Lego Mindstorms
Ooh, did they come up with a new one?
I have been promising myslef a nice set for two years now.
you could hook yourself up with a retro console like n64
I already have a n64 :D
@CarlAnderson was google maps too inconvenient? =p
yes, when I did the search for "lake union" the zoom level was so far out it showed florida
Getting it "for my 10 year old"
I had lego mindstorms as a kid, all I ever did with it was program it to mash spacebar repeatedly and used it to level up lockpicking in EverQuest
For the 10 year old inside you?
If you had Minstroms as a kid, you still are one :P
I had wooden boxes as a kid.
I had to build my own computers! And program my own games!
My son has been wanting one for awhile (I want him to have one also)
You're a good dad. Lego is the best.
His mom would disagree with that. Lol
Well, his mom is fat and stupid. Am I right or am I right? Srsly, am I right?
You are absolutely correct
that could have backfired, lucked out
BTW I think it's $10 cheaper on Amazon
I only take calculated risks.
when I was a kid, I had a soldering iron and a bunch of wires.
Me too...
..after I BUILT MINE!
I had to build a generator to power mine
I had to mine for ore for the wires.
I used to insulate my wires with oiled sheep skin.
I actually found it for about $50 less but I'm poor and it will help being able to have time to pay for it
Where did you find it for $50 less? I NEED!
Why is NXT2 $700?
My boss actually found it when I was telling him about my son's lego robotics meet this week
There are some crazy prices for some of them. I don't get it either
Just make sure the controller is included.
It is
Nice :)
So.. your kid is 10, right? Did you get him Arduino yet?
even better, get him an atari
He is. No, well, I got myself one (actually, my brother's work did...shhhh)
I haven't had a chance to play with it yet but I told him I would have him help me
Q: Network on main thread exception occured while setting bitmap array to imageview

AkshatI have created a bitmap array and I am updating the elements of the array in an imageview inside listview. But it is showing network on main thread exception. Here is the code: public class InTheaters extends Activity { // the Rotten Tomatoes API key of your application! get this from their...

Arduino is amazing. It used to be very difficult to get into microcontrollers, you had to build your own programmers, which needed microcontrollers themselves or shell out a LOT of money. Then the chips vere expensive and IDE were not free. Now I buy Nano's from China for $3.50 and you just stick it in USB and upload from free IDE.
hadn't seen one of those in a while
not that that one is super-recent...
I'm trying to make time to get into them
SO should have a feature that, when you ask a NOM question, a giant hand comes out of the screen and smacks you
And for NPE questions, it should be a fist
or better yet a message that says "Find another hobby"
I'm half tempted to post that as a feature-request and see what kind of responses I get
And, according to data explorer, I should have the refiner badge but I don't yet so not happy about that
I loves me some pretend badges
Carl, I know you know that
Gosh dang, considering putting that movie in now
I'm bummed that we don't have badges on Trover yet
data explorer?
hmm...how do I find data specifically about myself? When I click the Users tab and type "Code-Apprentice", I get "No users matched your search"
It looks like its searching users of data explorer, not SO
You need to use your id
can't find myself anywhere
Code, you can search on all of the different sites
ah I was using a space
Very nice
nm userId worked though
I know it did, Dave
9 mins ago, by codeMagic
You need to use your id
no i mean in your first link
I can't find my name anywhere
I can see dave chen though
Oh, that's because that link is for users that are members of data explorer
You would need to add that site to your SE account
yeah I get it now lol
But you can do SO queries or whatever with your id
Ok, the class may now precede since Dave has caught up :P
someone launched a drone to get video footage of the Seattle fire:
Ok, I had a window in AS that showed the build errors but now it's gone
I get a little pink message box at the bottom saying "error running app: blah blah"
How do I get that window back? I tried things
yeah I don't like that about AS
I had the same problem and the only way I could get it back was to rebuild the project
Thanks Obama @Ahmad!
well, I'm off for the night
See ya, Carl
ant2Gradle.exe seems to have bugs
not surprising
most things do
Understands the strategic direction set by senior management as it relates to team goals.
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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