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I took AS reference out of the title and the asswad put it back in. Gah!
Shit...he rolled back the whole edit
rollback fight!
nah, if he wants his question to not make sense and look like crap, so be it
A close vote and a downvote and I'm over it
Oh, haha. Just saw what you did ;)
I finally decided to say fuck it and go with this app idea and, wouldn't you know it, I can't find a good dry erase marker
Guess this app isn't getting built
Oh, all of his questions thus far have titles which start with "Android Studio:" though none are specific to AS
"Sup guys"
I think someone should explain them that an IDE isn't a programming language
Android Studio: How to perform a linear sort on an array?!
Android Studio: How to develope Eclipse plugin?
Android Studio: Why am I not Ahmad?
Android Studio: I don't know what in the fuck is going on?
Hello, !Ahmads
oh...the joke is over?
11 hours ago, by Ahmad
To all non-Ahmads: The revolution is over! Plz change your avatars back.
you're 10h too late :|
I had to work today
Give him a break. Someone has to be the weak link in the chain
hmm this is weird
get your stuff together chat.SO
Android Studio: Is there anyway to make SO chat prefix all my messages with 'Android Studio:' ?
Ask Noah...he's the plugin king around here
Hey android
o/ MrEngineer
you need your old avatar back, didn't recognize you since your name was cut off
Hey, neighbor, your kids broke another one of my windows playing baseball...not happy
Do I want to use tabs? After watching Carl's problems, I'm questioning it
I apologize for the broken window, I will have them issue a very insincere apology
watching a lecture about scala right now
Good enough
Is nil giving it?
some very enthusiastic Indian guy
so no, don't think so
Because I watch a lecture on scala nightly
"enthusiastic"...nope, not nil
I'm thinking about ordering a mac book pro very soon
700$ between the 13 and 15" o_0
I would like to. Was trying to get my company to buy me one so I can learn iOS (that was my excuse anyway)
we got a refurbished one from like 07 for a few hundo, works fine for iOS development
I have a completely decked out 15" version at work
I can't imagine developing on a 13" screen...15" would be tough enough. Unless you are hooking it up to an external monitor
with the big mac monitor to go along with it
it would mostly replace my ultrabook that I'm using now
yeah most people use it on a monitor
I'm developing full time on my 13" retina MBP
I have a 1440p monitor I could hook it up to as well
I just have a pc with 2 massive monitors and the macbook pro
yea that's the one I'm looking at Adam
do all my browsing on the pc
@DaveS is that right? I could do that
Going to spend some company $$ on some monitors once we move to our permanent new space.
I get a 9% discount from work at the apple store, not as much as I hoped
yeah all our graphic designers just pop their macbook up on a stand and plug it into a larger monitor
"256GB PCIe-based flash storage1"
is this fancy talk for SSD?
never heard of SSD on a PCI-e port
Dave I wrote this for you. It'll prefix everything you say with Android Studio
haha awesome
@trevor-e I think I've watched this one
does he compare it to java more than once?
well, I think that will happen in any scala video
yup that's the one
you're buying a new macbook trevor?
I really recommend going for one with an SSD
and btw, developing on a 13'' is totally possible
love my 13'' air
It is really, really frustrating when some recruiter with the world's thickest Indian accent calls me during work
I blame Ahmad's avatar for this inconvenience
oh I would never not use an SSD now
SSDs are my god
alright it's been fun, later guys
I now know what it means to be CPU-bound
cya dave
ugh 128gb to 256GB is 200$ for MBP
punches mistrfu
You can't claim you don't deserve it.
I actually can, and I actually am!
Also where the hell have you been
Up and down. Woods for a bit. Lost in my beard...
I am honestly trying to remember what I did but it's mostly blank. I guess I didn't do much.
Oh I know what happened, I built a new PC and then I was waiting ofr 14.04 LTS to be released and in the meantime I installed Windows and that was it. Once in Windows I realized I can play, so I installed ARMA 3, then I played for couple months I think.
14.04 has been a steaming pile of shit on my laptop
part of the reason I want to look for a MBP now
Well.. it's LTS.
I will use it for years. Also I had more luck with it than with 13.04 which is what I had before.
just been the buggiest ubuntu release I've dealt with yet
Have you tried 12.10?
yea that's what I was running previously to 14.04
I've been doing the same thing I always do
Except with less time to do it in because of work.
I did not work. SO I had ALL THE TIME! It sucked, because I actually enjoyed working on that Android project and I was getting pretty damn good at it.
Do you finally work like a real boy?
I'm working in PHP. I think I'm alright at it but that's from the vacuum of my one week doing it.
For the man?
I don't work for the government.
Now THEY want me to work in PHP too, I really REALLY don't want to so I think I'll do it in Django.
I know, but you use to work for yourself. Now you actually have someone to report to right?
I had my choice of whatever I wanted to do it in, but I have no way of getting Ruby working on a server, Python's terrible, and PHP's well-documented despite being shit
Sort of?
Python is magical
I occasionally get asked what I'm doing but otherwise I'm kind of working on my own still.
One of the very few great things about PHP is the documentation.
I'm not sure whose idea it was to let people add comments to the documentation but it was pretty much genius
And for some reason nobody's replicated that
But you're talking to years and years of old hate buried deep down, from the times of last millennium.
I have the benefit of not having to support old browsers, old PHP versions, etc.
I don't get it either. I wish Django had docs like that. I even wrote a bookmarklet to improve thair documentation, it still sucks.
using any php frameworks?
I basically hand-rolled everything.
Meaning my authentication system is probably fairly bad.
once i have used this: flourishlib.com
the guy also made packager for sublime
I had a week to learn things, so I decided it was pointless looking for frameworks
why? there's so many great php frameworks out there
i was really happy using it
based upon the less sucky latest php versions
Why? Because I don't know what they're doing under the hood.
Use Flask
I don't know enough to judge them.
Flask is a python thing and I know even less about Python than I do PHP.
latest php version got closures?
I make fairly liberal use of them in my DB code.
Laravel looks nice I almost wanted to learn it
Omg Carl is owner now!
but too much on my plate now
i.e., every query goes through a prepared statement and every prepared statement is only accessible via a closure that receives it
That way the prepared statement is guaranteed to be closed after the closure exits
Even if it throws an exception, though I don't use exceptions in my code
Exceptions are taboo
I really think you will love Python, once you try it out. It's as if it gives you wings or something, it just odes what you want. Maybe not this project, but when bored give it a try.
Python violates an important rule: it uses whitespace delimited scope.
Build a bridge
@trevor-e Check out refurb, I saved $500 on mine
And get over it.
Lack of explicit end-of-scope markers is evil for anything that isn't just getting compiled into a small javascript file.
@AdamS hmm, I'm always wary of refurb
Refurb usually just means someone bought it and returned it shortly thereafter without doing anything.
I haven't heard any bad stories about Apple refurbs.
End of scope marker is two empty lines
This was as good as new.
Apple marks everything returned as refurb
the whitespace is what I hate about python
So if you buy something and then return it right there, it's refurb.
hmm, will look more into that then adam, thanks
Why do you guys hate whitespace?
In other words, it's usually more or less new but their policy or law (not sure which) prevents them from selling it as new
It makes it nice and orderly.
It makes it hard to find the end of a scope at a glance.
IDE does that for you if need be, but your eyes just adjust to it.
It also makes it hard to do multi-line function calls and such
I don't use IDEs
Except for Scala
Yeah I remember. I was hinting that maybe you should. ;)
That sounds like a terrible waste of screen space.
At work I can have four source files open side-by-side.
It's pretty nice having a 27" screen to code on.
Buy more monitors?
I only use one screen while coding.
I, for example use one 27" ladscaped and a 24" in portrait mode next to it.
I have a 30" screen behind me at work, but I haven't stolen it for my desk yet even though nobody else is using it
I can't really figure what I'd use it for. Plus it's a matte screen, so eh.
The glossy iMac screen I've got just looks better.
Does it have a decent reolution? I only got the 27" for the resolution.
The iMac is 2560x1440 and the 30" one is 2560x1600
Yeah so we have the same screen pretty much
Reminds me, need to deposit my first paycheck
I use the left one for terminals, test browser, sometimes nautilus
I usually split my screen up into thirds
Nice, that is always pleasant.
Since I have hotkeys for moving my windows around
So my numpad is dedicated to window movement
I used to have that too, but then I updated Ubuntu and never bothered to set it up again. That was during my LXDE period.
I try to use tiling WMs when I occasionally use Linux but it's kind of a pain because the setup involved is just absurd
I liked that setup, but with the high res screen I can kind of have windows wherever I want them. Also when I shift the chair or lean to th other side I move the window I am using closer to me.
nil what is your php project for again?
Can't say.
Reminds me, now, I need to run a time machine backup on my system so I can install Mac OS 10.10
@mistrfu WTH!
A ghost?
@codeMagic Hey man! Nice to see you too :)
Where is Neb btw?
Just glad you're alive ;)
She's been vacationing
Alaska now, I think
Oooh, nice. One of the very few states I haven't seen yet. Jelly
I think neb hates me now.
Not sure why, but I have a feeling.
What did you do to her?
He was a nil
No, he's said that but I don't think that was the problem at all
Where have you been, mistrfu? Or should I go back through the chat?
Well, that shouldn't be a problem then. I am sure she's used to nilâ„¢.
Someone else turned her off of chat, I'm pretty sure so she was doing things and stuff and not coming around
I haven't done much. I have been feeling down.. I was stuck in Windowsland for a while.. I played days and days of ARMA 3
I've been there...but didn't keep me away. Don't know what that is
I was in the woods for a bit, I dug some holes with a digger, did very little hiking,...
Where at?
It's a first person military simualtion
That sounds fun
I was considering the Appalachian Trail for couple weeks but then I gave up, maybe next year.
Here is an example of what is ARMA about
Whatever you do, DO NOT watch Boyhood
I saw about the first 30 minutes, then I fell asleep. Then I woke up about 30 minutes before it ended and just dicked around in the loby. Its just a kid living a life. Nothing exiting happens
Long story short. I paid $14 for a 2 hour nap.
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: If you don't like git, you're wrong. This has been your public service announcement.
What happened to your prof pic?
also ^ correct
2 hours later…
My profile picture changed is all that happened to it.
same, same.
omg fu was here!
I think this is a sign I need to go to sleep. Done with news, forever. Gnight
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
has anyone managed to get a material design-esque theme going in non-L apps?
3 hours later…
Good morning
Nice one, Glitch
can you make an object serializable inside of a class?
I need to add a variable to a class but the the object does not extend serializable
can I make the object serializable inside of a class so I can make the whole class serializable ?
make the hole class serializable
the class was serializable before I added the map marker to it, since the map marker is not serializable the class is now not serializable
Still no new Play Store design on my phone :p but my Nexus 7 has it. Pretty cool how they dealt with big screens.
@warren have you seen martin around?
warren left :/
@MFaisal - rejected because of your chat history chat.stackoverflow.com/users/2736849/m-faisal-hyder?tab=recent
this is not a place for tech support buddy
I have two top level content views (two listviews), should I use tabs to switch between them or would a nav drawer be a better idea?
Ask your boss :)
I don't have a boss
Adil is the boss
what Ahmad said
and since adil is the boss and asking reno... does this make reno adil's boss?
however depends on what type of content you're serving
generally I'd advise you to use tabs
Adil we are going thru a recession so we're dropping your project. you are free to go and do anything you please
since a nav drawer for only two items looks silly
can I go and become the despotic ruler of a civilization hidden away in the heart of the himalayas?
If you find Shangri-La sure
haha yeah, yoshi always cops shit :P
@RaghavSood would like that I think :P
lol this looks funny
will watch it when I'm home
it's got far too less views
You get to be hipster and watch it before it is cool
I think this girl is retarded
I shouldn't make fun of her
Is that all there is?
In terms of stupid posts?
You're welcome.
Q: Android R.java neither generated nor updated

user3351078I've tried and searched a lot to solve the problem but didn't succeed at all. The R.Java file doesn't exist when I make a new project -when the project is very clean- So I tired importing an old project which had no problem , The R file was there but when I change an XML file the R -unfortunatel...

Q: How to pass a parameter ID to view, and then take it?

darlikI have apps from this: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1928230 - PetTracker 2.0 I'am learning Android and i would like now add for this simply CRUD. Now i would like add parameter ID to layout: This is single item: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns...

aww, SO is in read-only mode ;-(
whoa the flattery
So anyway, if I were to outsource support for my app, what's a good way to do it?
I really don't want to deal with customers any more, I just want to fix the bugs
What kind of support?
email support for Lux
Outsource it to India
We will take good care of your dears for you, sir
Sir please give us chance
We speak good English skills
Not sure that's the best idea :P
1 hour later…
There is a special hell reserved for the idiots on Hearthstone who spend forever playing every card in their hand just to kill you right as the timer ticks down with a spell they could've cast immediately.
Oh. It changed. It was 99% off
just downloaded CS
I am going to remember good old times today
> ...going to get shot in the face a lot.
At least, that's what happens to me when I try CS again.
Not 17 anymore...
@deathnote Rejected. Go answer some questions and come back.
that is what is going to happen
I used to be pretty good
@Ahmad for you
I feel like it's maybe important to stab people who choose to use C++ but not C++11.
SO is bugged ;-(
@TheMexican lol
cool shirt
oh man this How to Talk Australians thing is awesome @Glitch
2 hours work later and I have 7 tests failing instead of 8. Progress!
And down to 2!
I think that's enough work for now. It's Saturday after all.
I'm so bad at Hearthstone. I lost maybe 12-15 in a row trying to win 2 games with Rogue for a daily.
Gave up, now I'm climbing back up the ladder with my hunter deck.
Win 5 in a row with the hunter deck. What is wrong with me :|
android:animateLayoutChanges="true" I don't see any animation ?
I stopped playing Hearthstone because I'm bad at it.
omg. this is awesome.
@AliAshiq rejected for wanting support and low A:Q ratio
Hi, all nonAhmads
Did you miss me?
"Well that test shouldn't be passing."

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