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Put that on a solar road, and use inductive charging...
Looks like the room isn't real active this morning...
people are trying to work
And I have a stupid IndexOutOfBounds exception
I emphasize on trying
Hmm...maybe I should try that
haha, it helps from time to time
cM most likely you are trying to access non existing object in a list
Thanks for the help, zigi
I've spent all morning trying to figure out what this means
well, see, I am quite helpful at things like that
Actually, it just came up after copying code from one class to another and my head hurts too bad to focus on it right now
drink some coffee and water with it
it helps
try drawing a red line with blue ink
Why in the hell would I drink water with my coffee
Haha, blackbelt, I will try that
I sent that to a coworker yesterday. We had a good laugh about it all day
I can understand... I had a good sad laugh while I was watching it yesterady
"sad laugh", hit too close to home for you?
too many time I'll say
Same here
The best was at the end when she asked him to do something else impossible...
He just said, "Yes I can do that because I'm an expert"
what was it? Straight blue balloons in a kitty shapel?
Something about blowing up a balloon in the shape of a kitty, yeah
what I really loved was the moment when she explained what a kitty is
I sent it to my brothers because one is an electrical engineer and the other is a web developer but I haven't gotten a response yet
maybe they are trying to figured the perpendicular thing out
Haha...maybe. If so, I will have to disown them
> I want to ask android os not to delete a particular activity which is in stack
You can ask but I don't know if he will listen
Q: How to prevent android os to delete an activity from stack

Nepsteris it possible. If an activity is paused or stopped, the system can drop the activity from memory by either asking it to finish, or simply killing its process. When it is displayed again to the user, it must be completely restarted and restored to its previous state. above from this link.. I w...

poor android
Can someone give me a pertinent solution to make it scrollable programmatically ?
So many people try to do things programmatically when there's no need
Makes me wonder if they understand what programmatically means
it is a cool word
like inline for the java world
Good point. It makes me feel cool just typing it
when somebody tell me to inline something
something strange happens to me
I can not explain exactly the feeling
but it is strange
Like you want to punch them in the ear?
no no.. it is like when you faint, you know
there is a brief moment, when all is black
Ha...I was going to say something about multi-choice being a cool word in my comment but I didn't
Mine fazher
I'd like to buy thinking in c++, but it is expensive
try to bebug and check on which line you are getting this error –
> may be because of a loop. I can't seem to figure out where am i looping
I saw that, zigi
Apparently the comments were flagged because my first one about not posting code-only answers was deleted
which is crap
so unfair
He must be part of a chat where he got upvotes. He had 4 or 5 downvotes but has 7 upvotes now
I call shenanigans
And lots of 'em!
he got -6
how does he got also +7
does not make sense
He has to have friends in a chat or something. There is no way because that answer doesn't even take care of the whole problem
And it could certainly use an explanation
instead of kitty they could have dalek's baloons
there should be an SO dictator
And it should be me, of course
haha :D
and I will be your best friend :D
You can be my jester
yeah cM I kind of fit well for a jester
Hey y'all
Anyone here knows what's up with the ?android:attr?
How come they aren't @whatever/whatever?
Hey, neb
Nvm, I think I found an answer.
Springpad is shutting down. Well that sucks
whats a springpad?
guess it doesn't matter anymore :)
It's what I use for notes and my shopping list
Hey, Mr. Anderson!
morning, how's the job hunt going cM? :D
i use my brain for those things
lol Neb, you're so 20th century :D
My brain doesn't work for that
or google now :)
ok google, remind me to get milk next time I'm at thriftway
does it really?
But notes in meetings. I need something more
I've never tried much with google now
so cm, what do you think of hazardice?
My brother wants me to learn iOS so his company can outsource porting their Android apps to me instead of someone else
now that you've played it a bit
I think its missing something
I haven't either, Carl
I like it overall. I have some UI suggestions and I don't know why the damn buttons don't work for me
It could use some flair
oh yah, I havent implemented most of them
Like fireworks
and the ui is just "functional" right now
lol flair
yah, something.
Ok, I figured you had more plans for it. Seems like a lot of wasted space
well the middle section there,
all that whitespace,
I do like how it says, "Celebrate"
there can be up to 8 players
so theres room for each players "tab"
Yeah, that's why I held off on saying something. I realized there could be more players
I was thinking keeping a sum of unused rolls and once you get 10, getting a free roll
things like that
is this the game I was supposed to test for you neb?
and showing the opponents scorecards
yah, wanna?
yes please
also needs to pop up a better notification when you get an invitation
The scorecard thing I had wondered about
The unused roll thing is interesting
i like fireworks.
Me too. That was a genius idea whoever came up with it
The first screen where it shows your games seems like it could take up more space also instead of having them close together in that box
I started a new game with both you and carl
I don't see it
I think it's cm's turn
I tried to do an auto-match
Apparently, Ahmad hasn't figured out the rules yet. I sent him an invite awhile ago
I did my first turn
with that or its under invitations
Oh, we are all playing together? Exciting
Work might have to wait :D
and then it said "We're still waiting for an automatch partner"
and I did another turn
I just automatched
and it said "Unexpected: warning"
oh no you broke it
yah, looks like the auto matched is glitched now. I havent tested it since the previous play services version, and they switched a bunch of stuff
Why does no one wanna play with me :(
cause you didn't ask nicely?
what are we playing?
Hi folks!
@codeMagic. If I felt like an answer needed more information, I would supply the information myself rather than bashing the contributed with passive aggressive comments. I'm guessing you didn't even bother to attempt to understand the offered solution to the problem. — javahead76 15 hours ago
Haha...yeah we were talking about that earlier. What a jackass
I should also write one comment there
I thought about posting on meta about that. I know I'm not the only one who is against code-only answers...and from a almost 5k user???
The guy had 7 downvotes last I saw and 1 upvote and suddenly has 7 upvotes today. To quote Ahmad, "Wut"?!?
oh really ?
Ahmad, I sent you an invite to play and you haven't responded
now downvoted
Yeah, I don't know if he is in a chat room with some buddies and was like 'hey guys come upvote me and show this codeMagic asshole' or what
Oh I remember! I think that was at 3 in the mornin lol
That's because I'm on the other side of the world!
It didn't have an expiration date
I might join you once I'm home again
I'm leaving in 20 minutes or so
Hi folks!, @BillMote "code only answer" is not a good idea here. "we're working together to build a library of detailed answers to every question about programming." You should add some explanation in few words what your code do and how it will solve the OP problem so that it would be good for future readers. — TGMCians 9 secs ago
@TGMCians my initial comment was also deleted which stated that code-only answers weren't good. That's part of why I wanted to post on meta
Let's see, it won't IMO
Nice comment!
oh.. I'm in now
you're going down J.I.
cM why do you have 3 linked in profiles?
Don't know. Didn't know I did
Where do you see 3?
Anyone used Balsamiq before? I'm making some mockups in it and having a bunch of fun :D
I did
it's really nice
you have to pay tho
Yeah that's fine, I don't mind paying for good software.
I used 2-3 times to make mockups
yes it is awesome
The hardest part is reading my hand-written notes on our sketches.
did you get my chat invite cM?
google translate OCR can read my handwriting
my mom can read my handwriting
bring it on
@CarlAnderson yes
zigi - so Are you on working on app which require tesseract ?
rofl ahmad
yeah, basically the user makes a picture of an invoice and it goes to our financial system
so it's custom app for the clients of our financial company
but it has to be able to read particular things so the user has to point 2-3 things on the picture
like invoice number
and bank account
I used once this for android app
but for handwriting it failed to recognize :D
here's my ugly handwriting
neb, I'm not getting notified when it's my turn. Did Carl break it?
Thanks, Carl!
zigi - yeah your handwriting is good, my handwriting is not good that's why it failed to recognize it
doing my duty as a tester
I need a notification that it's my turn
you guys can stop testing now and just play it :)
oh I see now that you have "6 (-3) " indicating that I"m 3 points under what I need for the top
I was getting them when it was just you and me so maybe it is with more than dos personas
ok, updated play services and the newest libgdx.
> not your turn yet
> not your turn yet either codeMagic
it might be my turn, Im actually on a call
You don't need your hands to talk on the phone :D
yay...I got a notification!
the 1.1.0 version of libgdx is pretty damn sweet :)
all the little bugs are gone, the project creation tool is solid
bye guys. have a nice evening
bye blackbelt
See ya, blackbelt
Not getting the notifications again :(
Hello everybody.
Hello, Crusader, How are you today?
Oh I'm fine. Just waiting for the day to be over.
Sure is talkative in here huh Ak?
Sure is.
Thanks TGM lol
o/ TGM
awesome shirt adam
I think I'm going to order it
hello everybody
I'm with a little question, as usual )
there's a screenshot of an app: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dzq3apyehcs409b/picker.png
see those time&date pickers? How can I address a color for background so that it doesn't differ from what all other outer space has? @android:color/background_holo_light or other colors from here https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/core/res/res/values/colors.xml don't work - they still differ (
Tried @android:color/transparent ?
yep. It's a color for a layer-list to create a stroke, so transparent sadly shows stroke color behind him (
Can you use one of the inspector tools to find out what a certain element is referencing? I don't know if that's possible or not.
I can try that, thanks. I just had other idea though.. if I cant pick a color of background, I can color all background... will be a plan B ))
@Glitch is there any context with your video? In other words, is there a reason I need to watch a 30 minute video?
Interesting perspective from a humanist living in the south
who here does notifications in their app
I do JMR
do you have a static notification id, or do you generate a new one per-notification?
When you drink Vodka over ice, it can give you kidney failure.
When you drink Rum over ice, it can give you liver failure.
When you drink Wiskey over ice, it can give you heart problems.
When you drink Gin over ice, it can give you brain problems.
Apparnetly, ice is REALLY bad for you.
Warn all your friends!
Mmmm Vodka...
what's Wiskey?
so if a new notif is queued up when the previous has not been viewed/cleared, youll discard the old one in favor of the new one?
possibly? I didn't write most of that code
our string in the notification is something like "x unread notifications"
so it sounds like we're hacking in a count rather than using the system provided method
which doesn't surprise me
I mean...congratulations!
yeah I know what you mean :D
cM is such a sportsman
Oh, I'm a terrible loser
afk - lunch
lol thx Code
It's Mr. Anderson to you
Urrrrrgh okay I've spent 6 hours in Balsamiq and fun as it is I'm a bit over it.
What's everyone else up to?
I am trying to write a test document for my app. Not fun
Yeap, that's definitely not fun.
My app is so dynamic with different possible routes that it makes it even more difficult. Or I just suck at it
Lolz @CarlAnderson
final Context context = this;
Huh, I get that same twitch every time I see it too
why in the world would you do that???
I see it a lot
Probably some bad tutorial out there (if you can believe they exist) showing to do that
MyClass someRandomVariableName = this;
at least it's final! LOL
It's only final cos the inner class required it to be :|
This activity is full of potential/probably memory leaks =\
How did you get a hold of my app?
The elves are selling it on the black app market
Damn elves! Probably the same elves who gave me an IndexOutOfBoundException earlier
Wow, those are low quality elves. That sounds like something I would do.
Are you hiring?
Well, sounds like I might have to fire some elves so I'll let you know
why isn't my onActivityResult function getting called?
I have one in the activity and one in the fragment... neither are getting called
You need to call setResult() and have an Intent with a no-param constructor
I had problems with onActivityResult as well
I'm launching the intent the exact same way in several other places and getting results
heck it's nearly copy and pasted code
but in my case the onActivityResult in the fragement wasn't getting called
Ahmad (or someone), do you want to check this to make sure I didn't f up? I've been lightheaded for most of the day so who knows...
Q: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView with a CustomAdapter

StefanoI'm Using a spinner to show some data from my database, in main activity I set my custom adapter to the spinner PazienteSpinnerAdapter pazienteAdapter = new PazienteSpinnerAdapter(this,mDb.getAllPazienti()); spn_nome.setAdapter(pazienteAdapter); This is the class of my custom adapter public c...

you gotta cut back on the crack cocaine cM
Haha...if that were the case I don't think I"d be so tired
No, I've got a tension headache from stress(the doctor told me today), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and low tolerance for stupid...I'm a mess
anybody any good UI article/ library on a swipe-tutorial screen? (like anydo's tutorial / duolingo onboarding) ?
Did you leave me hanging?
See...this is why no one likes you
I like Ahmad
No, no you don't
Yeah, I kinda do.
Mainly for the C&H comics but still
finally figured out my onActivityResults problem
NearbyDiscoveryGridActivity != DiscoveryGridActivity
I think there's only an endpoint string difference between the two classes
@CarlAnderson sounds like some refactoring is in order
someday, yes
I'm set to launch this on June 11th, so now is not that time.
@nebulae your app needs a "taunt your opponent(s)" button
launch what? what is it ur working on?
sorry cant recall
the android app for trover.com
Looking at all of those pictures makes me wanna travel
Heading to the dentist later to get my tooth adjusted again because seemingly nothing can just work
What happened to your tooth?
at this point Nil, I think you should just nuke them from orbit
The tooth was fractured, I had it crowned, still hurts to chew with the crowned tooth
Unfortunately, the only suggestion I've gotten for dealing with it is that the bite is wrong
@nil I hear you mess with VMs

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