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My initial intention for this AI class was to build a Jarvis type intelligent interface.
Now I would settle for being able to build a roomba
Good Morning Dave
I bet your teacher has NEVER heard that joke
you should totally go for it :D
3 hours later…
My head is pounding
18 hours later...
100 hours later...
2 weeks in the past…
infinite years past...
Less user's today!
I think most of them are currently trapped in my skull somewhere between the coiled brain matter and firing synapses
Did anyone install r14 of the SDK tools?
I haven't.
I'm too lazy to back up everything before trying the preview
Do you know OBB file?
Opaque Binary Blob, what about it?
Q: Create Bitmap Image from EditText content

Lalit PoptaniI have an simple EditText inside an Activity and I want to create a Bitmap Image from that EditText and content of the EditText. The Image should look same as the EditText and its content. Here is how I want the Image should look like, though this is an EditText but I want a Bitmap which should ...

how to use it?
I have read this
But I didn't how to use it.
that is to say. what can it do?
You can mount a file, that file contains an encrypted file-system inside it.
Is there a example?
Check testMountSingleEncryptedObb()
Thanks. I read it.
Judy,I was missing you ;)
hi, TD
hi all
Q: how to sign out in LinkedIn using authrequest using android?

dangii developed one app integrated with linkedIn..! i do SignIn authentication in linkedIn using OAuth Service to post the Network Update..but now how to sign out (de-authenticate) to the LinkedIn automatically? Thanks in adv..

what is zis ? -_-
hi reno
sorry it past by mistck
1 message moved to bin
hi @Reno
Q: How do you do this?

FreshMeatThis is what I defined as my listview array. private String lv_arr[] = {"number1", "number2", "number3", "number4"}; How can I change those to be linked to number1.java, number2.java, number3.java and number4.java? [Edited] Link : http://pastebin.com/BH8N4dKb This is my code for that. But n...

I would so love to just delete the question ...
Close it.
Well the question itself would be valid if he'd fix the title and not make it sound like a Hey I have a problem because I actually have no idea of Java question.
The answers however are ... well not really answers.
Yes, I guess that Title of the question should describe the overview of the exact problem.
That would require the OP to actually understand the problem.
Flagged the hell out of that question.
In this question the Title is not describing anything.
Just checked. Most of his questions are of such a low quality.
Hello all
Q: Abstract class issue

DharmendraI am creating one parent Activity(Class) and then want to extends this class to another Activity(Class). I have some controls in all the Activities(Classes) so I decide to use Abstract class so that I need not write some common code in all the classes.I created below classes and one of it is abst...

@Dharmendra check my answer there.
Time for lunch guys.
Hey Glitch, Fine buddy.
welp, at least his username is relevant :)
Yea. :D
has just realized that he almost only down-votes and flags questions and answers
yay, aussie dollar is getting strong again
should make the Nexus Galaxy cheaper to import
Yay the Euro zone is crumbling!
indeed :D
was planning to buy from europe
Soon you can buy entire countries.
You should buy Luxembourg.
that's the place to get cheap phones
aussie dollar is strong, and pound is weak
That's the good thing about being in a country that can manage money
banks keep their interest rates up, so people invest here
I still think that buying Luxembourg is a good idea. There are only pros and no cons if you sit back and think about it.
1. You'd be King Glitch.
2. You could name it Androidia or something like that.
King Glitch of Androidia.
I'll call it Unicornia
Even better.
Then make the use of Android device manditory
Then you can establish a law that forces every Unicornian to use an Android device.
And, Nyan Cats are strictly prohibited.
I still can't find any con to that proposal.
I'm sure I have a spare fiver somewhere :P
Yep no-fly zone for Nyan-cats :P
I want Call of Duty 4 action figures.
That'd so rock.
At the bottom of the article: You might also like: NOISY SEX RAISED CONCERN"
Oh yea. I have managed to repair my headset yesterday! A big YAY for that as it saves me 80€.
Get a pair of Alessandro MS-1s
Kittens and microphones are a bad bad combination.
I have five kittens and the mommy cat. :)
@Glitch Nah, I'm talking about my gaming headset. Roccat Kave.
For some reason they go apeshit when they spot the microphone. All they want to do is to eat it ... don't ask me why.
Word up homies.
yeah blud
Back Again
so, ICS next week
who's celebrating with Maxibons?
I can.
in Android Discussion, 20 mins ago, by george
any idea about page curl in android?
I think he need help,deserves room access.
Yes, he should be given the access.
@OctavianDamiean please have a look.
I did not give him read access, that said, he was pretty rude the last time he was here.
I liked the way he is chatting and the way he is presenting the question.
Also this is not my room :P. It is a room that I help with moderation.
You are the owner of the room,you can give him write access.
There was something.
I don't think george might have been rude, was he?
When I read the name my bells were already ringing.
I just don't know the exact reason anymore.
Anyway. I'm not going to grant him write access.
hahahha lol!
My decision is final. Stop chatting for him in here.
besides the links that you guys have provided in the other room are correct.
2 messages moved to bin
nom nom
@OctavianDamiean thats not fair, I will say.
How was the taste,OD?
Just a reminder. You guys don't want to go down that path again. This time I'll be way quicker on the read access button.
messagy I guess.
Nothing much, you guys are the owner of the Room, decision is yours.
Has no idea what you're all on about
Chat with me.
If anyone is interested, Mostly solved the Keyboard issue I had yesterday if you want to have a look. :) Very pleased with myself.
For Bangla?
No that was someone else.
Q: Creating a SoftKeyboard with Multiple/Alternate characters per key

GraemeI've followed the examples on developer.android.com regarding Input Methods and played with the SoftKeyboard sample application. These together give more than enough information regarding the creation of simple keyboard. What I can't see in the API is the ability to create alternate / multiple ...

That problem.
lol,I thought someone asked for Bangla soft keyboard yesterday.
Which is correct.
Yes! :)
Congrats! :)
For what?
Just one teeeeeeeny tiny problem left!
Graeme asked for the soft keyboard?
Morning all
Someone is confused isn't it? :D
Anyone any ideas on permission denial issues?
Q: C2DM retry registration permission denial

jameswPermission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RETRY flg=0x4 (has extras) } from com.my.package (pid=-1, uid=10041) requires com.google.android.c2dm.permission.SEND due to receiver com.my.package/com.google.android.c2dm.C2DMBroadcastReceiver manifest <uses-s...

Problem with teeny tiny problems is they tend to be huge :)
How true.
@Graeme Mate your entire question is sexy. In fact it is so appealing that I'd like to make love to it.
lol, uhm thanks.
Bit annoyed that someone wrote all of the information I've just given in an answer of their own.
If they'd done that yesterday I would have been done already.
New BSD License?
I have just improved the code formatting a bit.
To be more precise the indention.
Oh god that question gets even sexier.
Keep editing question & answer to refactor it so next person* can just go "Oh! That's how I do it".
I especially love the question itself. Four edits which clearly show how much effort went into the problem.
* me.
3 now - got rid of an edit which can be more fully described in the answer. No one cares about the edits when looking at this in future :)
That is true but for a question without answers it shows the reader that you are trying hard to solve it and that you are not a help vampire.
The thing with the code indention is this. Try to indent by four spaces per intention. If there are many nesting levels then just go with two spaces but always try to avoid horizontal scrolling.
That means split the line up.
Is it your real gravatar @oct ?
Body Builder.
Looking different means a man thinking a lot.its a programmer's real image
My indentation is (what I assume) Android Standard XML Indentation (As copy pasted from an auto-formated XML document a la ADK 14)
Oh boy, don't tell me the correct word is indentation and not indention.
weekend is coming. :P
@Graeme Yes but that doesn't mean that it is a good formatting and not all editors handle indention the same way. Some use tabs others use spaces.
If you don't configure Eclipse to use spaces and copy&paste stuff somewhere the indention will be all screwed up.
indention is a word?
true that :) I agree the indentation looks better on your edit.
indention is the verb of intentation o.o
You could say "I am indenting my paragraph" and "He is in the process of indention" and "He has created a series of indentations"
I'll never remember that - oh well :)
You see. Such a teeny tiny thing but so complex. :D
Also something else with XML formatting.
Self-closing tags like this one <SelfClosing /> should be formatted like this if they have multiple attributes that span over more than one line.
<SelfClosing attributeOne="1"
    attributeTwo="2" />
Note the space between the last attribute and the closing slash.
coming from the old school point of view it is imperitive to use spaces rather than tabs for indentation for many reasons tabs are bad in source code
and self closing tags suck :)
so unreadable
Why do they suck?
Well it is less characters.
less characters = more bugs
Explain or prove please.
readable code = better understanding
I mean from a logical point of view it doesn't make sense.
The more you have to type the higher the chance to introduce a bug.
better understanding means you have a clearer idea of what is happening and where to place your code
Not true
How can that not be true?!
compilers and IDE's pick up on typos
You shouldn't use that argument in a select group of developers.
Not making a mistake is way better than relaying on a compiler to catch it for you.
fewer characters is essential when dealing with really mission critical stuff on massively restricted resources
Like on time?
@OctavianDamiean That space is an old artifact from introducing XHTML to IE5, isn't it.. it's no longer required, if im not mistaken
It is not required but it makes it more readable.
but when dealing with PC's, mobile phones etc... space is not that big a deal what is 2k between friends
yes, maybe i missed the context (just joined) but I thought you accused it for being error-prone
Think about it this way. You don't have a fancy IDE where you create XML. No automatic tag closing mechanism.
dmw = SomeClass.new is just as easy to mis type as do_my_washing = SomeClass.new
Now you have to close a tag which does not have any nested elements by writing its name again.
self closing tags are fine for one liners
but where split over multiple lines they suck
self closing tags - what a hot topic!
Now type that over and over again.
Because all you have is plain old vi or Text Editor there is no fancy mechanism helping you.
<ALongTagName></ALongTagName> is mucheaser and just as readable
You'll go nuts doing it.
Yea but sometimes you don't have control over the tag naming.
Then use a better editor
There are loads around that will close tags for you
    string="hello" />
even vi have copy/paste though..
copy and paste is EVERY programmers friend
gives @OctavianDamiean a net and spear and @jamesw a sword and shield
you can alwas close the self-clsoing tag in a new line.. for readability
true but which closing tag goes with which opening tag? things can get muddled up very quickly
even with indentation
I don't understand.
nah, not if it's selfclosing - seing /> on a line is always the current tag..
Ah got you now.
thing with the self closing is that they are never nested, so ... ok.. yes
When you have to understand your own code then fair enough format as you want but try reading someone elses code that is not nicely formatted and doesn't use your quirks but has a coding style all of it;s own
night mare
I think we all agree on that - self closed tags or not..
That is why people define style guides but as far as I know XML does not really have a common accepted style guide.
What I am trying to say is that
clarity is king, god and the universe
I hate to see .net'ers adding interfaces with prefix 'i'... gah..
without clarity you have a mess
Who's Clarity?
Clarity is my best friend :)
and should be yours too
what a happy ending
loves such discussions (obviously)
Now how about someone telling me why I get permission denials?
not without you saying what permissions..
Q: C2DM retry registration permission denial

jameswPermission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RETRY flg=0x4 (has extras) } from com.my.package (pid=-1, uid=10041) requires com.google.android.c2dm.permission.SEND due to receiver com.my.package/com.google.android.c2dm.C2DMBroadcastReceiver manifest <uses-s...

I'm starting to get the hang of fragments by the way.. yay
@Tapirboy Good when you have them figured out aren't they.
You just have to beat yourself to death with them for a while first.
@OctavianDamiean thanks
Is that an error you get there or a warning? I assume an error.
How do I set a SEND permission?
An error
I am unable to get C2DM registration RETRY working.
None of the google sample apps work either
ChrometoPhone and JumpNote do not implement RETRY fully nor do any of the tutorials I have found
Edited the question a bit. Reason: As you can see in the one-box here in chat the first few lines can shortly describe the actual question or problem.
@Graeme Indeed - brute force.. trial 'n error.. having fragments to return value to actiivties or even other fragments was a experience
Better than displaying an error line is the actual question.
Thank you
Q: C2DM retry registration permission denial

jameswAny ideas on how to solve this permission denial error on retry registration event are greatly appreciated. Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RETRY flg=0x4 (has extras) } from com.my.package (pid=-1, uid=10041) requires com.google.android.c2dm.permission...

Note the difference?
Sorry I put my question at the end. :)
It is nothing bad to put it at the end but the first few lines should better be a short problem description for the preview thingy.
do you think this is a C2DM specific issue?
I mean permissions seem to be related to many things Android
really needs to take a look at this C2DM thingy
Looks interesting.
It's awesome! And Free!
In a nutshell it's the service google uses for dealing with GMail
they have opened it up for anyone to use
It's just about push notifications so you don't have to poll for data from external services
Instead you notify your app when something changes
then app can go get what it needs from whatever service
Well I know the concept but I just didn't try to implement it on Android yet.
It has taken me a month to get it right but then this is my first android app and really only should take a day for someone who knows what they are doing
I could probably set up C2DM on a new app in a couple of hours now
apart from this RETRY stuff that is
It's the last piece of my jigsaw puzzle
it's always the last piece =/
My last piece revealed another last piece.
slowly bangs head against desk once more
Ah well, only got to 11am before I decided once more I want to be a gardener
Better than most days
Can't find how to create hints on each key.
Or see how the in built android one is doing it. Trying it the way the other guy suggests basically ends in you entirely rewriting the KeboardView class - even then you can't simply copy paste because it uses member variables of View which are package protected !
thud thud thud
programming music
too bad there's random gaps in the mix :/
@Graeme Ah ha =) I know that feeling!
Oh rollocks - The shadows alternate key is the symptom of me looking at a Xoom which has an inbuilt keyboard which is different to the LatinIME keyboard shipped with an unedited release... I think
Currently squashing bugs...
Apparently my data filter is so fast, that the light sensor can't keep up
Well done. Kill the sensor of our phones!
lol, this wouldn't be an issue if Android let us poll sensors
Source code I'm looking at is for the phone... Don't suppose anyone know's where I can find 3.0 source code?
doesn't exist
Honeycomb isn't open source
thud thud thud
can you wait a couple of weeks for ICS? :P
Still, might have been enough...
is ICS open source?
My guess is that Honeycomb wasn't made open because they were embarrassed.
I scream for Ice Cream Sandwich
In my developer account - it says 40% has android version 2.3.3+ sounds much I think.. and 40% on 2.2.. I'm on 2.1 u.
I heard somewhere Ice Cream Sandwich.
Problem solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's more is that there are no ore pieces to my puzzle - All fits :)
Cheers mate!
1 hour later…
Hello guys
Does any of you know if there some css like way to precise the badding for the 4 sides of an element with the padding attribute (instead of having the four paddingLeft ... paddingTop)
Yes - android:padding
nope, not that ;)
something like android:padding="0dip 2dip 3dip 4dip"
Nope, you need paddingLeft etc etc - why?
because this is dirt and verbose
So I would rather prefer something shorter like the possibility to give 4 values to android:padding, I was wondering if something like this was possible
No, there is no other possibility, what's more I think paddingLeft etc is better anyway.
To my mind this XML stuff is inexplicite and too verbose. Does Eclipse enable to force a kind of smart sorting of the attributes ?
Fighting for single sex education ? ;)
Might not make sense to non native english speakers
And yes, if you download the latest ADT 14 (from tools.android.com) you can auto format your XML which rearranges the order of your attributes to a standard sequence
the joke is "something special" ? I didn't read the whole article.
The title is the joke yes.
so I got it, that would make sense in French too
I'm trying to update my ADT, pray for me !
Android SDK tools is only proposed at revision 13
Get the dev release
I want to open the addcontact screen with the fields already set. For that I'm calling ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.NAME. But this is for fill the first field. I want to know the constant to pass if I want to fill the family name.

Anyone knows?
@rogcg SO question?
I will wait the prod release but I'll update it as soon as it will be available (I do never work on "in development tool"
@Graeme searching for it;
If you don't find one, write one then ask here.
remember to close eclipse first - to avoid locking of files troubles..
@Tapirboy : that was for me ? I'm updating through the eclipse software maanger
@Freddy Doesn't have the functionality you want in adt 13
ah yes, sorry - was thinking of when updating the SDK through AVD manager
@Graeme: I know but I started the update
Q: Open Add Contact Screen with names already set

rogcgI'm trying to open the 'Add Contact' screen via intent, and I want it with the names alread set, I mean, the first name and the family name. For that, I'm trying to do this: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT); intent.setType(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_TYPE);...

@rogcg No idea - sorry! But hopefully now you will get some help from the community.
yep. thanks.
Howdy y'all
Hi @Merlin
Crazy yet?
LOL. Check out this Log type. And pay attention in the translation they gave to it.

@Graeme In a Patsy Cline sort of way? No
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