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03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

I hate everything
I open my Eclipse project, and one of my classes magically dissappeared
wtf, my entire Eclipse install is screwed
You are angry now! cool down
The world is so beautiful. :P
so, does anyone know how to set a maximum width for a relativelayout?
2 hours later…
想的不一样, I am here. hey
What you wrote I didn't see :(
Hey, TD
I have been here for long time. :)
Last night, I watched <Friends> movie.
Last night I was working as usual
I can enter this room but can't login at home.
I just can login in office. :(
That is a good thing
You should not be on the internet at home
If I am not on the internet, I don't know what I can do.
I am eager to know how this can be done.
A: How to stop changing the orientation when a progress bar is spinning in android

Lalit PoptaniThis is happening because when screen orientation rotates the Activity gets re-started. In this case you can add configChanges attribute in your tag in the AndroidManifest file to stop the re-creation of the Activity. <activity android:name=".Activity_name" android:configChanges="o...

That is not a good sign you know
If I have to use some electronic device after work, I only use the tablet.
For watching movies and stuff.
yeah. :)
Do whatever you want to do,Judy.
I work 18hrs a day.
Work at company and work at home too.
I work for company and work for my own company too,so doesn't matter.
I know why I am poor.
You are richest person in world.Money is important but not everything.
You have beloved ones with you.
Sad times
what is wrong with you, Reno?
Better - Money is not everything.
Dennis Ritchie is no more.:(
Lalit,Money is important.
Sad to think we were just discussing K&R in here the other day
yeah :(
Yes, I didn't say that money is not important, but it is not important always.
what is K&R? is a book?
The C Programming Language (sometimes referred to as K&R) is a well-known programming book written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, the latter of whom originally designed and implemented the language (as well as co-designed the Unix operating system with which development of the language was closely intertwined). The book was central to the development and popularization of the C programming language and is still widely read and used today. Because the book was co-authored by the original language designer, and because the first edition of the book served for many years as the de...

Android Sense

knowledge sharing Android,Core java,Web service
One more android room.
We really don't need more of them
I like this room.
and me,Judy?
Do you like me?
I like that I cannot possibly pronounce your name, much less type it.
Exactly,I like it too,nil :-)
Waves Back
@Merlin hehe. I totally missed that one. The Machine Learning one looks damn interesting though. Are you in the Advanced track?
has someone good knowlage in dbadapters
I've got a lil question
Is it a general question or a more specific one?
lot's of overhead - just give us the question and we'll see if you get an answer.. ;) Remember to search existing questions/ansers first..
a little specific one
its for getting a row
Is it so?
but not over the row_id
i like to get the row over an other collumn
u understand?
Try to write You instead of u.
haha okai
That is Ok not Okai.
Also specific questions are to be asked on Stack Overflow.
It's not that specific
Try to ask,it will be specific.
I'll try to explain, I got an DBAdapter which is filled with some entries. I got 3 Columns Row_ID, Source, INFO. Now I'd like to search in my DBAdapter over the Info Column to get the Row.
Like this: pastie.org/2687693 <--- Dosn't work I dunno whats wrong
hi Judy =)
NOPE == Chuck Tesla
I like your style,Judy ;)
so noone can help me at this?
we can help if the question is on Stack Overflow :)
you're all so rep huntas!
sorry you're all reputation-hunters
i hate my slangenglish
No, the idea is that someone can benefit from your question
Its on Stackoverflow allready wait
this chat is not a great way to do that
Then paste the link of question here.
Judy,which dress you like the most.
As face has been completed,now thinking with cloths.
I still believe that such a conversation should go somewhere else.
and what about dress?
Alright. Both of you stop that kind of personal chat in here and move it to some private place or I'll have to stop you.
You don't want me to do that do you?
@OctavianDamiean I remember this.
This is an Android developer chat room. I have no idea what that has to do with Android at all.
Ok,We won't repeat it again,OD
I mean a bit of personal chat is perfectly fine but that is a bit too much. ;)
Ok,then will do bit personal chat.
Judy,I like you.
I like OD too.;)
What about event,OD?
hey, can anyone tell me about how to make a flip buttons, say I have a button, it will hold two images, but when I click on the buttons, it will be flipped with an animation along with y axis and showed up the back image...? any idea ???
When is event going to organized?
You mean toggle buttons with some animation?
toggle buttons are simply change the value ..right ?
something like it will rotate with an animation ..
You want to rotate the button on its axis with different image?
I guess you can re-skin it
hmm any references??
A: Custom (round) toggle button

NoahYou need to override the look of the toggle button via some custom xml quick overview: create png files with the look and feel of your buttons, if you like the radio buttons, grab them from ...\eclipse_android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-8\data\res\drawable-hdpi in your layout xml a...

Q: Rotate button about X-axis android

nehaI want to rotate a button about X-axis when clicked and then display a different image so it creates an effect that after button click it's flipping and showing a different image which is at its backside. I'm using following xml for rotation of button: <set xmlns:android="http://schemas.a...

thanks guys...
What happen,Judy?
@safari did you get the question on stackoverflow?
Everything is normal.
Q: Get ID of View in GridView

safariWhat I've tried Hello Guys, I first created a database which I've filled with 3 Collumns, RowID, imageID, text. Afterwards I created a GridView which if filled over my database. Now I have created a onItemClickListner, in which I'd like to get the imageID over the position. After that happend ...

atm FuzzialLogic is hellping me
I like your style of asking question.
I just downvoted Romain Guy and gave him a sore comment.. gah..
My android days are over.. my devices will brick..
@Tapirboy That guy is alot less special than he thinks he is so I wouldn't worry about it :)
That is not Romain o_O
do you chineseletters-guy
@Tapirboy Link or it didn't happen.
That is just an impersonator :T
A: prevent screen rotation android

Romain GuyYou can deal with screen orientation change and AsyncTasks. Preventing screen orientation changes is just a lazy workaround. And it's not hard to keep an AsyncTask alive across orientation changes :)

he even links to Romains blog.. and says.. "look how I solved it <link to some official google app>
your thoughts on this? Curious =)
Q: What are the rules governing display names and avatars?

Popular DemandThe discussion in this train wreck of a "question" led me to think of a real question. What display names and avatars are off-limits on the Stack Exchange network? I think I remember seeing a fake Jeff Atwood in the past on Meta, and a fake Jon Skeet on SO. If I recall correctly, the former had ...

"like mad" haha
Weird, that account is 1year, 9 months old.
anyhow.. downvoted and flagged answer as not an answer.. feel free to join in..
maybe Romain made a sock-puppet :D
strange thing is that it is upvoted..
Well it might have been a real account a long time ago.
Romain or not, it's not an answer to the question and it is not helpful..
Well to be fair his answer is correct but not complete.
I agree that he should have linked to some resource explaining how to handle that situation.
Simply turning off orientation change because of that is not a solution but a workaround.
Mark has a nice example in one of his books.
Can I use you all as my own personal dictionary for a moment??
I'm trying to implement my own Soft Keyboard but I want to implement (as the OS keyboard) keys which have greyed out alternate keys (So, "1" also having "!" as a normal keyboard).
Searching for that on google gives me lots of Apps with "Alternate Soft Keyboards" - annoying noise. On SO can't find any results for "Soft Keyboard Alternate Keys" but I can't be the first one doing this - Can you tell me the word I'm looking for which isn't "Alternate Keys" ?
@OctavianDamiean I think not - it should be a comment to the answer he is reffering to
@Graeme secondary ... something..
Can't find anything...
The way it is not it could be regarded as a comment too I agree nonetheless with a link to an explanation on how to do it it would be an answer (the correct answer).
Q: Creating a SoftKeyboard with Multiple/Alternate characters per key

GraemeI've followed the example here regarding Input Methods and played with the SoftKeyboard Example which are great for creating a simple Keyboard. What I can't see in the API is the ability to create alternate / multiple characters per key as you can see in action here on a Honeycomb device using ...

Another amazing question which is basically "Am I going to have to manually customize this Android component to make it work in an obvious and expected way?"
hey anyone can tell about android keyboard system.. I was thinking to develop android virtual keyboard for my native language ?
Have you searched on Google?
little bit.. but din't get some good stuff. Its bangla, I found android hasn't good support for bangla ..
There is plenty of information on the internewbs.
You can find complete implementations. Probably not for Bangla but definitely for other languages.
@Octavian thanks.. \
@OctavianDamiean haha freudian typo internewbs ;)
btw I'm on the advanced track for both ML and AI ... ML is very interesting ... but a lot of linear algebra
partial derivitives also ... AI is more abstract at the moment
I might join the ML one.
AI and ML?
The LatinIME keyboard as linked by developer.android.com : android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/packages/inputmethods/…
As you'll notice - rather than source code, it's a picture of a sheep.
electric sheep are better than timout
Said one pervert to the other :)
is looking at the source code for the inbuilt LatinIME keyboard and is crying :(
Don't look at souce your eyes will explode!!!
So, any of you experts know how to set a maximum width for a layout in xml?
Because I hate how my app becomes extremely wide on tablets :/
@Glitch Do another layout for Tablets?
but that's such a hacky solution
surely it should be possible to set a maximum width
You always think that they correct way to do things is a hacky solution :)
More effort is usually better when creating well designed app's I'm afraid :)
how is creating an entirely new theme less hacky than setting a minimum width?
I don't want it any different between phone and tablet
You don't need a new theme, just a new layout.
but that still mean I have no way to limit it's size
And you obviously want it different on a tablet if you want it to act differently to the phone :)
Android devices are so varied, and tablets can be large phones
not really, even phones in landscape can be an issue
Yup - so you should design as many layouts as neccessary to make it work on each of these devices.
That's why the architecture gives you the options of layering your UI resources dependant on language, resolution, size, orientation etc etc.
yup think of it as web development, they make three 'layouts' for the PC, phone and tablet
But it's more like 100
screw it, I'll make it fixed
I'll still like to know the answer to the question though
But if you want to be hacky then you could put two views on both side of the view you want to maximise. Then give the view in the middle a minimum value (which would make it work on the phone).
don't break it on those cute qvga using fixed
@Glitch You remind me of me when I started. The way you think of things when your a beginner makes you think there are lots of ways to get things done and you have options and style and flair to do things your way. As you get older programming becomes more and more onerous because you're forced to work in the right way more and more because even though they take time now (and they might not cost alot of the time in future) some of them DO cost a hell of alot of time in the future.
I understand that, but I don't believe creating multiple layouts is the right way
enough of those stacked up, as well as collegues and managers and team leads will beat you into a way of programming which just plain isn't fun.
unfortunately that way of doing it makes you a good programmer and it's what differentiates you from the cowboys.
yes, providing different layouts is the correct way to go..
@Glitch Unfortunately it doesn't matter what you think - multiple layouts IS the correct way.
just seems silly when having a simple maxWidth does exactly what I want
Sometimes Most of the time, the correct way is the way that everyone else does it .
Bah, wish i could strike through properly ;)
Sure, but I don't believe in my case that this applies
@Glitch Why would they leave out a maxWidth if it was the correct way to do things?
The right way is the way that accurately presents what the programmer wants in the simplest way possible
Not always
You can't set the width, but you can have padding I guess
I think it does - and later you can add more info on the tablet layout..
The right way is the way which conforms to many rules, such as conformity, agility, ease of use, reusability, stability, efficiency.
Even if I do make a tablet version, I still have no control over a maximum width
@Graeme and maxWidth does that perfectly in my case
Just because "In this one situation this works pefectly" doesn't make it the right way - even for the current situation.
If I need to make a new layout in future, I will
But I don't intent to change what I have for a long time
shrugs Your obviously listening but not hearing so I'll stop preaching.
Regardless, how would I make a tablet layout?
You'll either grow to realise how to code right, you'll stop coding, or you'll be a cowboy developer. :)
Because I'll still have to manage the width
wait maybe there is a way
you create a directory called layout-large or layout-v11 (or many other options depending on how you want to differentiate the view)
[Providing Alternative Resources ] (developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/…)
and you add the overriding layout in there.
See @Tapirboy link.
And you're right - if you were to implement every option you would end up with 1000's of different layouts instead of 1.
Which is why there is a way and style of doing layouts so they will display correctly on all displays and a way of creating a different set of layouts for instances where it doesn't.
yeah If you want to give custom width or heights to a View you have to override onMeasure()
this is dumb, why is 'xlarge' so small
@Glitch The system was created years ago when xlarge WAS xlarge. Today's its just average :)
All tablet devices however are large or greater.
yes it's a matter of dpi
you can double barrel your resources with DPI AND size to make sure your creating a reasonable layout for each device.
(which would differenciate an Xoom & a Prime for instance)
Right, off to lunch.
I use dip's they seem to behave nicely on different devices
@Glitch isn't your problem one of setting the maximum width rather than the minimum?
sorry, yeah maximum
I did say maximum a few times, then mixed up :P
In which case you just inflate your layout into a view group, make sure your view is centered and has a width set.
Effectively floating your view in the center much the same as a dialog
just make the viewgroup background transparent
Would be so much simpler if I could just do: android:layout_width="match_parent" android:maxWidth="320dp"
Internally it calls setMeasuredDimension(width, height);
now that I starting to feel comfortable using uris and own content providers I find fragments laughing at me in the door post..
@Tapirboy haha ... I'n sure that if you can master the fragments you have covered the two hardest parts of the API. I really struggled with the content provider ... it seems to require 10x more code than most other solutions require ... and the sync is just a nightmare
@Merlin Thank you, I think that was encouraging ;)
Which one of these is correct: James', Jameses or James's ?
first one
yes I would say first - but I'm not native English speaker..
yup confirmed .. my name end;s with an s
James' cat is nyan..
Merlin shoots James' cat with a Nyan-Buster 3000
Jame's cat is no more..
nope apostrophe is wrong there @Tapirboy ... James' cat is no more
@Merlin ouch..
wasn't a real cat ... only an 8-bit meme ..
But I think @Reno has got then answer he was looking for anyway..
@ All: Hello
@Merlin : Will you please help me ????
Still nope
realising that was a spam-ping.. sorry Reno.. =P
@Merlin : ok
@Tapirboy : Will yout please help me for this: stackoverflow.com/questions/7751853/…
Sorry idroid but my project is overdue and I shouldn't even be here
@Merlin : Its ok
@iDroidExplorer a little patience goes a long way ... a lot of people on Stack Overflow don't even frequent this room
somebody will answer though.
@Merlin : You are right, But i am not getting the Answer for the question thats why i come here..
@iDroidExplorer Sorry - I have no experience in using the camera
hummm ok.
I'm not sure if I understand if your are taking photo or screen dump using emulator?
@Glitch :Hello
Will you Please help me for this: stackoverflow.com/questions/7751853/…
@iDroidExplorer Hello
@Glitch : ohhh ok
patience.. patience...
Whats up with this compile-error (using compatibility lib) The method add(int, Fragment) in the type FragmentTransaction is not applicable for the arguments (int, Fragment)
I was away. Octavian to the rescue!
Can you rescue my constantly disconnecting and dial-up speed internet?
Of course you can set a minWidth and minHeight. Link
@OctavianDamiean I think we talked about maxWidth about an hour ago.. is that what you refer to? =P
Oh did we? :D
I have only skimmed through. :P
@OctavianDamiean I actually needed maxWidth
Anyway, why don't you just use margins?
Well I want the width to fill the screen, but only if it doesn't exceed a particular size
Q: is it possible to snap the photo with overlay canvas effect in android?

iDroid ExplorerI have Implemented the Overlay Image with this: How to Overlay Image on SurfaceView Now, I have set this OverlayColour Effecr on the CameraView surface. But the Problem is while i am taking the snap, the default screen is captured instead of with that overlaycolourEffect. So is it Possible to ca...

Guys, I'm going crazy, I'm trying to put 2 images ImageViews with AlignParentTop but one seems always to be put over the other one, I want them to overlap
@Glitch In that case you should really go with the official solution to define multiple layout files for all the different cases.
@Freddy : Give some code of xml
@Freddy : You want them to be allow overlaping or not ??
That is portrait, landscape, landscape-xlarge or how it is called and so on.
I want to enable the overlapping
OMG,Code :O
(which was my first objective)
1 message moved to bin
nom nom
@OctavianDamiean : no code ?
Please post a proper Stack Overflow question and link us to the question.
How is the taste?
@OctavianDamiean okay
Thank you.
that must be quite simple, but I can't find how to do it
@Freddy Sorry - Can't even understand your question - Edit your question and try and clarify it?
@Graeme : sorry, edit in progress....
@Merlin We can form a study group for ML. I've signed up now. :)
wishes people would answer his question rather than upvote it :)
Oh if that's the case let me just revert my up-vote. :D
Hey, I can't reply to my own chats.. =(
reply ~ refer
Edited : stackoverflow.com/questions/7754092/… I've already some answers but none of them is fitting my needs.
Of course you can.
Just copy the permalink and post it.
not the 'link next chat message as reply to this' feature..
@Freddy Maybe it would help if you would tell us what exactly you want to achieve. I think I already know what you are trying to do there but I'm not sure.
@Freddy Italiano? And still don't understand you're question :) Sorry!
@Graeme no ... French. But I can write it in Italian too
talking about apostrophes's's Greame... your question.. you're a cat..
or maybe we are not talking about apostrophes any longer - was away eating a c. bun..
@OctavianDamiean my second view is a logo, the first one is a graphical element I don't want to be streched.
@Freddy So you're question is how to make the large image not stretch?
ah well..
@Tapirboy I'm a native English speaker and I have no clue.
@OctavianDamiean Awesome ... I'll maybe lurk in the AI room
you're -> you are
@Freddy no my question is how to make RelativeView elements overlapping (I know this work usually but these two are both using AlignParentTop which I think is causing a problem)
I'm off to get my hair cut.. 88's
You're = you are ≠ your
teleports to the hallowed halls of the AI room
god ... i'm speaking to myself. @Graeme the last was for you
@Freddy Done
Staggers back into the room covered in snow and buffeted by a howling gail blasting through the portal as it collapses behind him
@Merlin, @OctavianDamiean What is ML and why are you both going all AI on me?
It's bloody frozen in there
taps ziggy
@Graeme ziggy says there a 99.9% probability that AI is awesome
Also, how weird is Android's XML layout standard?
Or is it just me?
@Merlin Lol, what sort of AI?
All sorts, adversarial, stochastic, search, rational, recog, etc.
it's only the first week ... but it's already crazy
forst week of what?
Artificial Intelligence course.
Online course at Stanford
Stanford or Stamford, cuz they're totally different universities :)
There;s one on databases too ... might still be open for enrollment
And yes, Conceptual/Research into AI is very cool.
stanford.edu ... the famous one
Real world applications of such... less so
Stanford connecticut then?
Ah, California.
Located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of Silicon Valley
Stamford, Connecticut being home of the Stamford disaster... :)
haha connect-i-cut ... definitely a disaster whenmy router plays that game
Stamford, Connecticut ... typo reminded me of what my flakey wifi does everyday
I didn't get much sleeo last night ... went to bed at 8am only to get awoken by the consultants
03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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