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My 3.6 has IE, Opera, and Chrome….Opera is used for Flash games, IE is used by the entire family. Chrome is randomly used
Chrome ftw!
Every IE points to a folder on the server for favorites...
[Most use the same Docs, Desktop too]
@Karl Everyone is anti-IE because it dragged the internet through its own dark ages.
Nobody ever wants to go back to Microsoft being able to decide what the internet can and cannot do.
That makes sense
Dead chat...
I don't know what a 3.6 is, Karl
> IE is used by the entire family
Why do you hate your family, Karl?
Sorry…I refere to my machines by CPU speed...
You are forgiven
Well, I have 2 desktops, 2 laptops, a netbook, a server, and a Macbook… I need something to clarify which one I'm referring to when I'm having issues with them
Only 2 have the same speed, but one is Mac, so that's an easy separation
Lucy, Ginger, Mobile Lucy, Mobile Ginger, net, and Mac...easy
Lucy & Ginger?
Which is which?
Not sure. I haven't seen them but you should know
Neither is a Ginger...
I name all of my site designs with women's names because I have no reason not to.
One of them is a Ginger, Karl, and you know it
My best machine actually appears to be the worst...
My current site is named Tracey.
My 3.6 is in the case of my old Compaq.
Oh hey, I found a picture of the old baby I made
I don't like HP, or Compaq, BUT, we got the machine with a nice 19" widescreen, and a multi-function printer for under $400.
spifftastic.net/testbed/test.html ← And the old HTML/CSS-based GUI I was working on.
@NoelCower Interesting face
It was based off something from Fuan no Tane
Never heard of it...
That thing. (Note: read right to left)
Dead chat...
I can assure you that baby ain't dead.
I thought it was "Nobody puts Baby in a corner…"
hmm...I need a new app idea...
Me too, Code, let me know when you figure it out
I'm just looking for something to keep me occupied during some downtime
I understand
I'm not necessarily looking to make money
I'm just looking for something of my own that's not proprietary to show potential lucky employers
My other option is to keep working on my Baseball Card app...but I have a few other developers working on it with me now and I don't want to cause too many merge conflicts for them...
New app idea eh. Hmmm...
I've got several of them:-)
if you are willing to give them away ;-)
That's a better question, but let's see what I can come up with...
Actually, I can't think of any at the moment that I'm willing to give up...
lol, thanks for getting my hopes up =p
I've got one game, my current app, a likely MOOC capstone project, and another app or two that are Amateur Radio related.
Before too long I think I'll have 3-4 amateur radio related apps.
how much are the tests?
Actually, there's a library that I think would be really neat that I'd like to see, and I think you might be able to have some fun with it.
I mean to look into that
Depends on where you get tested, but they range from free to $15 I think.
too many things to spend money on and not enough money to go around
The library that I'd like to see is a map of the United States, where each state can be individually colored.
that's not bad then...
Bonus points if you can do the same thing with countries of the world.
By far the biggest cost in Amateur Radio is the radios/antennas themselves.
can you recommend a decent, but cheap, beginner model?
What do you want to do with it?
umm...not sure
talk to ppl
How far away?
my budget probably can't afford all the way around the world
too many questions!
My starting set cost me around $300-$400, and I can talk pretty well with it around my metropolitan area.
Directly I can get around 30 miles if I'm lucky, indirectly up to 100 or so, if I'm really lucky.
that seems like a reasonable start. Unfortunately that isn't in my budget atm.
another hobby I"m really interested in is geocaching
Well, the next level down is an HT, which only have 5W of power. You can get a decent one for $130, a poor one for $35. I'd get a better antenna in either case, which wouldn't run too much extra.
I've done a bit of that as well.
mkay...that's a little more reasonable
I'll have to see about fitting that into my budget over the next couple of months.
Your range will be limited, but with a decent antenna you should be able to hit a repeater, which will give you some range of contact.
This sandwich I made is pretty tasty.
The cheapest radio you can buy (That I've seen) is this one: amazon.com/BaoFeng-Dual-Band-Improved-Stronger-Enhanced/dp/…
good to know ;-)
You'd really want a better antenna though, which would probably cost as much as the radio.
Anyone who views meta or flags, does this sound stupid?
If you do the map library, let me know I'd be glad to help you out.
I've done something like that for countries, but not for states...yet
Open sourced?
yah, I think I put it on my GitHub account. It's a full app, though. I didn't design it as a library.
Although, the parts that parse the KML file are very modular.
Looks like I didn't take the time to put a license on it...
Pity it takes KML, but oh well...
I looked at a couple other options, and that seemed the easiest for my purposes.
Good to know.
What else would you like? spatialite?
Something more compact, I suppose. But then again, I really don't want spatialite for this particular application.
Pearson, you spend time on meta, right?
the largest drawback I had with working with spatialite was that the databases I found were freaking huge!
I'm surprised KML wasn't bigger. I've found that to be the case. Of course, the 5 MB library to parse them is a bit of a killer...
Not asking for upvotes (at all) just wanted to see if my question makes sense
It's been driving me nuts
My cat really wants my bowl of crackers with nutritional yeast
So why won't you share with your cat, nil???
I share with my pups (most of the time)
Because I just put tabasco on the crackers too.
@PearsonArtPhoto I wrote my own simple-minded parser.
Ah, I see
wait...@NoelCower is nil?
Pay no heed to the man behind the curtain.
Welcome to 2014, Code
it's the creepy eyeball that threw me off
I mean, no...I don't know
Why the hell does everyone call it creepy
cuz it is!
I meant the code, but that's okay.
It's pretty creepy, nil
You're all just crazy
Everyone should go hug the baby
It says it's a baby and it won't bite, after all.
I've been burned by that more than once....
not again
> I'm not crazy. My mother had me tested
I'm not insane, the court system would have to rule on that.
People that don't exist can't rule on things, after all.
Someone should ask the sociopath test question
We probably have some people in here who haven't tried to answer it before
Though it is unfortunate that it's fake, it's still fun for bugging people
@NoelCower I don't know what that question is so I would like to give it a try
> While at the funeral of her own mother, she met a guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing, so much her dream guy she believed him to be, that she fell in love with him there and then... A few days later, the girl killed her own sister.
So, the question is, why did she kill her sister?
The answer should be sufficiently obvious, but if not you can google it. It's like a fun logic problem.
Also, I learned that Snopes stops you from copying text off their site
The only reason I can think of is that they were twins
Afrer looking it up, I see that this is wrong and I'm not a psychopath
So, good for me!
Well, the way to get the actual answer is to just think about it in basic logic
because killing people is an incredibly fun thing to do?
What made the guy show up the first time?
is that the super-psychopath answer?
And if you did the same thing twice, would he show up twice?
I was thinking in terms of incestuous relationships, but didn't get anywhere with that
I know the answer but I won't ruin it for you
Everything you need to know is in the quoted block
Absolutely nothing outside of it matters
There's nothing to infer. Again, use logic.
I looked it up a while ago
I posted a really good riddle some time back
Sep 6 '13 at 17:58, by E.Odebugg
Three wise men are told to stand in a straight line, one in front of the other. A hat is put on each of their heads. They are told that each of these hats was selected from a group of five hats: two black hats and three white hats. The first man, standing at the front of the line, can’t see either of the men behind him or their hats. The second man, in the middle, can see only the first man and his hat. The last man, at the rear, can see both other men and their hats.

None of the men can see the hat on his own head. They are asked to deduce its color. If the do not know the answer they sho
Reminds me of the eye colors of people on an island riddle
@Emmanuel easy peasy
I'd say what the trick is but that's spoiling it
I assume the question is how did he know?
I think I know this one
The question is how did he know, yes.
This is easy to solve if you write it out as a binary logic table
Anyone got the answer?
It's easy to solve if you just ask why the guy in front said something first.
Night all
@Emmanuel yes, that's what "easy peasy" means =p
6 hours later…
Note to self: ListViews work much better when you attach a ListAdapter...
Who'd have thunk it.
What you need is a sack-headed-biter-baby.
Q: Why is my adapter becoming null?

PearsonArtPhotoI'm trying to make a ListFragment that will periodically be updated (Calls to update not shown here, but the update function is). Here's the log cat that I'm seeing: 04-05 10:48:32.684: V/QslLogFrag(2548): onActivityCreate() 04-05 10:48:32.988: V/QslLogFrag(2548): null 04-05 10:48:33.112: V/QslL...

This one is really bugging me, with such a simple bit of code, there's definitely some weird stuff going on...
Q: android how to hit the URL? with out opening browser

Pragnatry { URL myURL = new URL("myURL that works fine on browser"); URLConnection myURLConnection = myURL.openConnection(); myURLConnection.connect(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // new URL() failed // ... } catch (IOException e) { // openConnection() failed // ... ...

Wow, there is 80 questions with the networkonmainthread tag...
There really should only be 1...
Holy crap... huge swing toward The Greens in tonights election!
The senate might be controlled by left libertarians. This is massive.
Finally made it to the top 10% of ...
I have to keep telling myself, just 1 more feature and I can do a release... Just one more...
Morning, Android!
1 hour later…
So happy right now. The left have control of the senate in Australia
That means anti-science legislation will be blocked!
was there a conservative majority before that?
hey everyone !
hey there eskimo
Everybody HIDE!
[Pretend I shared a pic]
No, I am here
hey Karl
@RaghavSood Saw. No way I'm posting in there.
People hate people with money or success
Why not? I've seen you give lux a shoutout on reddit before.
Yeah, but not as a successful app
The way you frame yourself is important
Hmm fair enough
Time for me to go see the new Captian America
I'd post but based on my past month's income, I should be able to buy... about a third of a flagship phone.
Very concerned that the 'Australian Christians' got 1.6% of the vote
Especially since their policies are based around the Bible, of which they claim multiple times that was written by god. That's new to me... pretty sure Christians don't believe that. :/
you talk about christians a lot glitch
That's because they're pushing propaganda a lot recently
Australia is becoming more secular, but the church is not happy.
There's creationalist billboards everywhere, near schools
it's concerning
I see
Oh, and many of the schools here are Catholic
It's unfortunate when religion becomes political
It's unfortunate when people allow ideas to become part of their identity
It makes it hard to reason with them
1 hour later…
@Bot Rejected for no chat history, q:a of 12:1
2 hours later…
Hmmm. Now to remember the problem I was avoiding several hours ago...
The harder half way done with the remaining feature...
Of course, now that I look at it, I might add one more...
haha :p
The one more is pretty simple though, it's just a translation from a meaningless number to a meaningful string, just a database lookup really.
Populating the database will be a bit tricky, but not bad. I still might have this done today...
1 hour later…
I have apparently completely sapped my motivation reserves and am now incapable of feeling like doing anything
Guess I need to find a reason to use Dagger
I saw a presentation today that used it but I didn't see enough to quite get why its useful.
2 hours later…
Q: How is android application development different from java software development

programer8I did a basic android app development tutorial and i felt that most of it similar to developing a software in java.How is android application development different from Java development.Does experience in java help with android? Are they similar at all?

I think I have seen worse...

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