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05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

The other question should be deleted as it's not in understandable english.
but it does offer a solution (agreeably not an elegant one)
I'm working on my own solution now which is similar (ie, creating a custom component)
if i can figure out how to grab the android: tags from an AttributeSet!! grrr!
Once you figure it out you can answer
Q: What is AttributeSet and how can i use it?

PremierLike in subject, What is AttributeSet in Android? How can i use it for my custom view? Thank you.

I would go with attributeSet.getAttributeValue("android", "scaleType"); in the constructor which has attributeSet as a param
I've given up - I'll try that other guys answer
It was more complicated than I thought :/
@Glitch are you still out there?
Hi @Graeme
Hi @H3llGhost
What's up?
Going quietly crazy
What's happen to you?
Have you got your first girl friend? :P
@H3llGhost yep
@Glitch Is there any possibility to be in contact with you after leaving the chat?
pffft - girlfriends are oldschool for me i'm afraid ;)
polygamy? :D
not married!
I haven't talked about marriage :P Only from polygamy and that doesn't include marriage
wait, so, what?
you want me to be a polygamist? why?
@Merlin I fixed my problem by just using ImageView... not sure what I'm talking about any more though... does my answer make sense?
@Graeme It was a guess :P
I haven't had a girlfriend since highschool - boyfriends however....
@Graeme Just using imageview? no attributes just imageview without any special sauce?
@Graeme But that is the opposite of your talking yesterday
24 hours ago, by Graeme
So far the only one not single is me :P
@H3llGhost Lol! I have a boyfriend
@Graeme Ahh ... that could explain the misunderstanding :D
@Merlin Yup, writing "wrap_content" out of the xml makes everything behave.
I am not so good in English ^^
And you are what kind of sex? :)
walks in whatisthisidonteve?
@H3llGhost I would be taking the micky if i said missionary wouldn't i?
@H3llGhost I'm a guy
resists the temptation to make rude joke about positions or entrypoints
@Merlin Hah! Beat you :)
I am out here ^^
the word bum sprang to mind ... but that could mean a hobo
I hate spoken languages ...
58 secs ago, by Graeme
@Merlin Hah! Beat you :)
I was trying to figure out what pyro was on about
I still don't know what @Pyrodante is on about :)
On the bright side it's home time!! :D!!!
You are not alone
Catch you guys tomorrow :)
laters :)
good to see everyones lost their mind :D
Hey everyone
I have a question regarding implementation of this particularly bizarre task. Hopefully someone can shed some light. I have a gallery, which contains linearLayouts (vertical) with 2 zoomable images. I can zoom in/out, but I can also swipe or page over to the next set of 2 images.
I used webviews to do this, loading up large local files. The images do not appear at first until you interact with the layout by touching or panning.
Is there a better way to implement this?
yes, good luck ;)
What do you recommend? ImageViews are ideal, work but no zooming.
you said better way ... there is always writing a custom control ... I didn't say it was easy though
but perfomance-wise ... it's always gonna win over anything else
I am fine with it not being easy. Are you saying subclass ImageView and try to get zoom working?
I don't understand why the images don't show. The issue isn't clear. No out of memory warnings or anything like that. Just this " WARN/webcore(221): skip viewSizeChanged as w is 0" constantly.
I don't like webview in anything other than loading html ... it's a heavyweight control for what is required ... call me old-fashioned but I don't like hitting walnuts with sledge-hammers
I guess I ran to it since it worked flawlessly in the iOS version.
there must be a simple way to do this ...
macarse seems to have used it in the past
@Merlin I've seen that, does not support pinch to zoom.
Thank you for the resource tho.
sorry, I know this is a basic question but I dont have time right now, how do I make my phone behave like its localized for japan in my app
damn I saw that the other day ... where was it though ... maybe here, maybe a question ... it's on SO somewhere
Q: How to set my App to German Locale

jiduvahMy question is much the same as this one, but unfortunately it was never answered. how to set application locale? I am actually trying to load the app onto the market place but it is showing that the default language is English when I upload it. I am guessing that there is a setting in the mani...

oh your phone rather than the app
change the locale
in the menu ... or just for your app but phone still in english?
@OhDannyBoy did you look at ...
I may just temp replace the strings.xml file
I will just have a english phone and a japanese phone
there's a way to do it in manifest.xml
yeah, but its just for a presentation so that may be the best quick fix
Add android:configChanges="locale" to your activity nodes on the manifest file
... there must be more to it than that ... my cut and paste aattitude is wubbish
@Merlin Thank you for the resource
Man I need a new notebook 3 1/2 minutes to push to emulator (!)
you need an android device and stop trying to use the emulator! I suppose having a multicore processor would improve matters
I use a device at work, at home, it does not install ADB driver, just regular.
And I am on a dual core P86000 (Intel), not exactly new, but not exactly ancient either :-)
One of the nyan cats got sin-binned
@Merlin is it right to get the name of the contact like this: pastebin.com/Y2dTT9iz ??
don't forget to close cursor
@Merlin yeah. But when I try to watch what ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME brings, it shows null
when debugging
are you using getColumnIndex? oops missed that bit
@Merlin yeah
ooh that's wrong
@Merlin IDK, sometimes I use ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds, and then I try ContactsContracts.RawContacts
whats the difference?
so what your asking the database is give me all contacts where phone no = -1
@Merlin should I use what
your args array should be new String[]{ "555-1234" } to search for the number 555-1234
@Merlin PhoneNumberUtils.formatNumber(cursor.getString(1))
then you can say cursor.getString(myColumnIndex) to retrieve the value
then once you have recieved your cursor (assuming it's not null) use getColumnIndex to find the position of that column in the dataset
NEVER EVER use hard coded indexes as content providers have a habit of throwing in exgtra columns you don't see
it still returns null
What I want to do is get the CONTACT_ID, DISPLAY_NAME and PHONE_NUMBER from android contacts based on a phone number I pass
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone has the CONTACT_ID and the NUMBER, but not the DISPLAY_NAME
My mistake, it has. sorry.
Have a look at this pastebin.com/dRAMi5Wg
@Merlin ok. that seems to work. Now what about getting the CONTACT_ID
@Merlin ??
Just add that as an element into your field selection array, add another int colIndex called colIndexID or something similar and do the same trick ... then extraxt your id using cursor.getLong(colIndex) .. surely you can figure this out !!!
@Merlin ok, thanks.
sorry to be so grumpy but I have a lot of work to get finished
Task-master cat is beating the drum again
icanhasforce.com is dead :(((
whats that? >__>
like icanhazcheezburger ... but for starwars motivationals
that kinda thing
haha lol
Well I got 2 people translating my powerpoint, and my program into japanese yay!
hey @Merlin just so you know your link popped a big red avast warning
Probably a false positive ... I have a million and one AV's (slight exageration) on my machine and didn't get anything ... but I do have popup's blocked
BTW I don't rate avast ... I know it's popular ... but I've seen quite a few infected machines running it
Have you tried immunet?
I have learned a lot about japanese today
is it a bird, is it a plane ... no it's @OctavianDamiean on his unipony!
looks around to see where they landed
@Pyrodante so did you find out what the japanese translation for "burn them with lemons" is
Sadly, I'm not very knowledgeable about how to go about posting regular updates to a server. If anyone has some design advice I would very much appreciate it.
Q: Design Advice for Posting Messages to a Server

theisenpI am designing an application that needs to update a server at regular intervals, but I am unsure of how to go about sending these updates. This is what I am trying to do: When my Activity starts, I must send an initial connection message to the server. After the connection has been established...

I should ask
just need to get some T-shirts with that on it :)
@Pyrodante my reps have achieved a magical total that would tickle your OCD
I thought it was going to be 1337:P
I love how you guys are always here, makes this room feel lively.
How is everyone
sleepy :) I was watching TV for a bit
Anyone ever swipe to zoom in a webview and have it push other elemts off the view? lol
I will admit, its sweet, although not what I need lol
lol ... I like things like that ... makes things fun
Easter eggs :-)
We hide them all over our website lol
Click the play button in the right domandtom.com
The audio guy at work made that sound clip, I wish people sounded like that all the time lol
awesome ... he's like one of the barber shop singers from Family Guy
lol yeah
or was it the weight lifters
"We'll blow the digital trousers off of any competitor" lol
backs up the project source concerned that dangerous things could happen in the stage
@OhDannyBoy any idea how to get a byte[] into a reader?
Reading input by byte from external file?
from a blob ... but then pushing it into xmlpullparser which expects a reader
No I don't, sorry.
@Merlin So blob - > InputStream -> xmlpullparser?
is what you're doing?
I always get confused by input and output .. but yeah
must be this chicken ... bytearrayinputstream
A: Android - getting from a Uri to an InputStream to a byte array?

Brabsteris.toString() will give you a String representation of the InputStream instance, not its content. You need to read() bytes from the InputStream into your array. There's two read methods to do that, read() which reads a single byte at a time, and read(byte[] bytes) which reads bytes from the Inpu...

or am I way off here?
or am I crazy
No idea what that question is about .. I'm too tired to read it ... but what I need is the bytarrayinputstream ... just build one straight from the contructor
@Merlin Sorry I couldnt be of more help
no wukkas, sometimes it's just helpful to bounce a question around the stack-o-sphere
05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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