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04:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

2 hours later…
Coding in ARM assembly is surprisingly non-painful.
Although I guess using inline assembly is sort of like cheating
@nil Long time no see
why can't see other people like Reno? They seem like very busy.
Probably just because they're busy. I have school to deal with, for example.
Hi guys!
Hm, 8 instructions for an atomic decrement
Can anybody help, is there way to create temporary file, that is public writable (for other applications) ?
You are a student!!
I could get rid of one instruction if I could target armv7, but I can't, so bah
@Judy wow, girl in android thread ! :)
yes, no surprise!
no surprise!! :)
most of girls dont like android
If you want to get help, please write your question in statckover flow at first.
This is a rule at this room, if I don't remember wrongly. Is it true, nil?
Hi :)
good idea :)
I like android. And That is my job.
Where do you live @Judy ? (if it isn't a secret)
@muzhig you can click on profiles, just as a small tip :P
I'm wondering why I can't find google+ in my android market lol
any clue?
I wonder if it already was on market
I think there was a link to it somewhere on G+
Yay, armv7 works
I can find it on PC browser
Replaces his cmp/bne lines with cbnz
I copied the link to my phone
but it says couldn't be found
hm, then its probably not available in your country
try this, from the mighty gods of XDA: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1148305
Do you know MIUI or who know MIUI?
@Mav3ric great!! thanks
@Judy I know what it is
but I haven't tried it
me too
why do you ask?
I just want know its popularity.
I was on a vacation :)
there is a rom for my device, but I like sense more :)
Hello, Reno Howz you.
@Reno I miss you very much! :D
@Reno I too MISS YOU. :D
Mav3ric but I like sense more, you means HTC sense?
Reno How about your vacation? Is it very wonderful?
Hey @Glitch Morning
Reno's vacation is always wonderful. :D
@Judy yes I mean HTC sense, the roms with it look much better than miui
morning @Glitch
Mav3ric Do you know HTC sense how to implement?
Just spent thirty minutes trying to figure out how I was crashing the assembler only for someone to ask a question that pointed out a stupid mistake I'd made. I love it when that happens (really, I do).
So, remember: asking for help is a good thing.
I remember it
no, I never worked on roms, I have a HTC device, so the roms mostly use sense
I see
I wonder how to implement it
you could ask in XDA dev forums
@Reno vertical Tabs in Android? Any idea.
anybody awake?
Yes for sure. :)
Suri, do you know much about intent-filters?
Not much, but still you can tell me your problem.
Well apparently the SearchView component, when it's submitted, fires Intent.ACTION_SEARCH intent... but nothing is happening
Plus, when i fire a one of those intents manually it's not going to the action which I have set to use the intent-filter
I think you already have asked about this on SO.
Actually that was based on the above working ^-^
If it doesn't do what the documentation says then my SO question is null and void!
Yes, that is also a point to be considered.
I don't have much idea about this.
Arrrrrrggghhh!! The documentation on search Dialogs was written by an idiot.
You got the problem?
No - The documentation was written by a monkey with concentration issues
bangs head against desk
Need help regarding Widget
I want to create a widget having only one button (like toggle button ) ON/OFF like..If pressed then it should toggle the LED light of Camera ON/OFF...
So what's your problem?
I have just created a Button acting like ToggleButton so far
Now the problem is :
How can i efficiently turn on or off the camera LED light ?
no idea - but sounds like a very common question
Have you done a search?
Again i need to handle WakeLocks and want to disable screen sleep
I have already created an app. for that.. I am using Runnable & Handler in that.. which really works fine
sorry - no idea
Yaa one general thing
where can i initialize the Objects in AppWidget class ?
I am seeing onEnabled method ?.. Is it the place for initializing the objects ?
still no idea
check the documentation
3 hours later…
Anyone suggest if know about this.
Q: How to move an Sprite in Fling direction using AndEngine

suri sahaniI am working on a game in AndEngine. In that I am able to move an Object in Right to Left, Top to Bottom and vice-versa. But, my issue is that how can I move the Sprite object in the Direction of Fling? It means if users Fling's in any direction the Sprite Object should move on the co-ordinates o...

@surisahani could you manage it to get the examples?
I don't think I can get any example for this.
you could use physics for it then
Physics? that's tough for me. :P
Some how I had to manage the angle of Fling I expect.
I mean the physics extension, there is a example where you can touch a sprite and its shot to the upper side of the screen
probably you could use that
Where can I get that example?
hello all
its in the collection of andengine examples
can any one tell me which is well working ocr library for android that retun confident data!
@Mav3ric do you remember the name of the example.java.
@surisahani : hi
@Mav3ric : hi
@Graeme : j=hio
@Glitch : hi
@surisahani: which is well working ocr library for android that retun confident data
which is well working ocr library for android that retun confident data
@milind No need to ping everyone individually.
don't spam us please @milind
@Glitch: ok
@milind there are many question about that on the internet and also on SO
use google
just for example:
Q: Java based OCR SDK/API

EclipseGuruAre there any good OCR (optical character recognition) SDK or APIs in Java which will be able to convert TIFF files to txt files (or even html is good enough) with some sort of format retention? The challenge is to read a typical news magazine article and know that it has a header and certain num...

Q: What kind of OCR Java library should I use in Android?

systempuntooutI would like to build an Android application that, via an OCR library, should scan a picture extracting text from it . What Java library should I use?

@Mav3ric : i have try so many but all most demo apk getting force close so that i need expert advice like u
@surisahani its "combining physics and touch"
Ok, let me dig that out.
@milind I have never worked with ocr, if you have a specific question or problem, then create a question on SO
@Mav3ric : ok, thanks.
I mean, or come in here and post the same thing repeatedly. We totally love that.
wonder if Octavian is playing CoD right now
@Glitch Entertain me - you done your app yet?
@Graeme not finished, been working on uni stuff >_<
Ah, what uni stuff
linear algebra and statistics mostly
arg, ok, sorry I asked
My friends were telling me about imaginary numbers yesterday. Math is stupid.
@Graeme What else? :P
@Glitch What stuff?
@Graeme I've been through all that, imaginary numbers are actually really interesting
¬.¬ You and I have a different version of interesting
Normally I'd agree, but my lecturer made it interesting. :P You can do cool stuff like transform impossible real number integrals into the complex plane, solve it using complex methods, then transform it back.
It's like magic O_o
imaginary pointers in combination with signal analysis are interesting ^^
What makes it more magic is that you differentiate to get the integral O_o
It's like sorcery, with numbers.
I do LARP - that's all the magic I need.
Live Action Role Play
It's a cross between World of Warcraft and Paintballing.
@H3llGhost Loose Apparel? Role Play!
ah yeah ... I have forgotten ...
I played it one time
@Graeme You have forgotten the most important part RL :D
Oh, yeah, also it's real
@Glitch Ehh ... I don't think it is good to play it here :P
What type of LARP do you do @Graeme?
@Graeme We had only sword fights and so on :D
My editor does it
Lorien Trust is the system
And we have sword fights... but mix in a tonne of drinking, assassinations & roleplay.
oh and er... you know.. boobs n stuff
you now have my full attention, please continue
gets banned, wonders why
I was going to ask for pics, but now that you mentioned that, it's going to sound suss :/
When you know the type I go for - so limited variety but even I've hooked up a few times ;)
lookit the gallery
So how does one roleplay without hurting each other? :P
It is like "GONNA ATTAAAAAAACKKKK!!!!!" tap
no, you hit each other. If you don't defend yourself your get wolloped.
Easy :)
I'd be like "COME AT ME BRO!" then if they reacted, I'd run like a little bitch.
Desert punk style?
But yeah, there is alot of running when you find yourself outgunned.
More like 'timid nerd' style
close enough!
I'm 3rd from left.
not sure which one is the 3rd from left, depends if you're considering all rows :P
@Graeme Where can I get the drugs? :P
I'd team up with these guys
who is that?
that from xbox "The Guild" series?
And yeah, as you can see we're cooler.
Felicia Day is powerful :P
I <3 Felicia Day
I think every male geek does :P
I got to meet her too
and I had lunch with Vork
/me jealous
I've met Natalie Tran
got a photo with her
I don't love her!
you're not male @Graeme, you're excused :P
I am male!
How very dare you ¬.¬
there needs to be auto-embedding of the trollface whenever I post
/forever alone
Didn't we figure out how to get you a girlfriend last week?
Involved beaches or something...
but the sunlight?!
I guess I should go out more
When I'm not working on uni stuff, I'm working on my app, so I never get bored enough to step outside :P
girls > app ?
again, not the expert, but surely that's true?
maybe, but apps don't judge you :P
@Glitch but the users ;)
@Glitch And welcome to the club :P
I cite both @H3llGhost and the fact that girls can entertain you in ways an app can't.
Hmm, yeah. I just need to work on my social side.
@Graeme I know but that doesn't change the reality
what reality?
that we're ugly nerds :P
I don't think so
That we never find a woman ;)
That is my thought ^^
lol, it sounds weird to ask "send me a picture of yourself"
but that's kind of where this is heading :P
Not hard to find a picture of me, being on G+ and all
And please, There are just as many women as there are men (approximately). There are the same amount of women thinking "I'll never find a man"
as there are men thinking the opposite.
But it doesn't solve anything :D
how'd you mean?
this is a pic of me
@Glitch I can't understand your problem :)
looked at g+
Can't see you on g+ then again haven't really used it. Whats your email
@Graeme The knowledge of the fact doesn't help us to find anyone
Dating sites FTW
add me while you're at it. Need more troops in the G+ camp :P plus.google.com/115395645419924848353
@Graeme Doesn't work for me
I just added you
@Glitch Troops? Oo
@Glitch Yeah alright, you have a point, / alone forever it is.
wow, trolling /is/ fun
Remind me, do you slit your wrists side to side, or down your arm?
down the tracks not across the street
I mean, @Glitch You're a terrible person.
can i get +10 rep for that?:P
@Glitch You'll get better looking as you get older
lol, that's a nice way of saying 'ugly' hahaha
and besides, your at least a 4/5, you could get a 6/7 from there!
if you try hard
it's not a very good picture though
I took it quickly just to have something there
I haven't added anyone yet and I think I will never do it :D
Right, home.
Oh also, @Glitch, remember:
Your a programmer and therefore will be fairly well off.
having money is very attractive
^ this
(or cosmetic surgery :D again, trolling)
But you forgot one fact we haven't any :D
I'd rather be alone than attract people with wealth
@Glitch I'd rather be a high class whore than almost anything else
attracting people with wealth isnt a bad thing. A girl dont want to live with a bum
But it can't be the one and only way
we are talking about attracting, not keeping
i dont care what attracts them as long as they stay with me for me
whatever they attracted me with their wonderbra so we are even...
(God I am a terrible person)
Whatever wonderbra means
ah it is something for women ...
its scientifically designed to make the females goodies look... goodier :P
the area around the cleavage isn't so important ;)
The face is the most important thing :P
personally I would rather a girl like me for my success or personality then just my looks lol
Mmh ... it must be the right combination
or just get turned on by my mad coding skills (file that under not-going-to-happen)
I can't understand it sorry :D
2 hours later…
how are you guys?
tired ... end of project, too much to do ... so little time. How's you?
fine, doing some iphone right now
sounds fun :)
it's a great framework
easy to do stuff
I think I'm sentenced to Android for a while, seems to be popular for our company ... but not with me
Hey Merlin long time no see!
hey pyro, yeah I've been on the final push ... nearly there, how're you?
made 30 powerpoint presentations...
30 ??? Surely 1 would do ... one mother of all pptx's
one powerpoint for each function of our system
training regiment for our system
Powerpoint would be a welcome break from programming right now
yeah it was... for the first 10
now im glad to be back to the code
lol ... I can see how that could happen
might get a job as a game developer though
so i HAVE to learn C++ quickly
That'll be an interesting task. Just remember to delete thigs when you're done with them
memory is king in C++
its the worlds first seamless persistent MMORTS, quite a chalange
Cool ... any other jobs going? My C++ is a bit rusty but I'm sure I could get back up to speed again
@ggrell: hey!
still working on the android thing :P
? me or you ?
@Macarse good to see you here. Thanks for the Maven tip on g+ ;)
@ggrell: np. Could you make it work?
I am
btw i changed my profile pic just for you
@Macarse: Haven't had time to learn it yet. Working on 3 projects with two on a tight schedule.
@pyro Yeah I had a look at it ... do you have a link to bigger version?
ill try to find it
@ggrell: You are working indie? working as an indie? (I don't know how to say it :( )
@Macarse Yeah, indie/freelance
And I love using RoboGuice, though I'm still learning more & more about it
I stopped using since it's missing the 3.x | compatibility package compatibility.
I should start hacking Michael's code but can't find the time to do it
I can understand that. I'm starting a new app that I was going to use to look into fragments, but reverted back to regular stuff so I could stick with RG
I like how much cleaner code is
RG is a great tool to use MVP in android
you should look at that :)
Yeah I've read some articles, though it seems in most cases it's just too much. Might start making more sense with fragments now.
nah, fragments don't change a thing. coding with fragments is like having more than one activity in the screen. That's it
Good thing: with MVP I took out a lot of code from the Activity
Bad thing: Lot's of interfaces
So is it like having frames in old skool HTML bit without the convenience of the target attribute???
@Merlin: I don't have much experience with web.
I just know that frames are bad ;)
Fragments sound equally troublesome then
3 mins ago, by Macarse
@Merlin: I don't have much experience with web.
Lucky you ... thhe web is the world's worst hack
@Merlin: nah, fragments are not bad at all and I wouldn't start another project without the compatibility lib
So worth learning then. Maybe if I get time I'll look at them
I had better get back to finishing this project. Take care folks :)
@Merlin: Enjoy
Why oh why did I sign up for weight training this semester
All my muscles are spasming and everything refuses to move
grrrr eclipse is locking up over and over
@nil it gets better
Hey, at least Eclipse is only locking up
Last night I was crashing gcc
Now that is fun
@nil: haha
04:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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