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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

The green is missing, isn't there another thing like hover?
I'm not adding the green.
Also, link hovers are usually annoying.
I was going to draw a derpicorn but decided against it since I'm bad at drawing.
^ I made you one
That is, uh.. boy, that shouldn't be rounded.
spifftastic.net/room.15 ⇐ Derpicorn added.
that looks good, could be a bit more rounded :p
Are the eyes different on purpose?
It's a derpicorn.
Also possibly has the rage virus.
I'm unfamiliar with derpicorns.
that looks awesome
4 hours later…
@Tamanna Still rejected.
@Tamanna Fine, I'll put you on the blacklist. You will never be considered for write access again.
Hopefully that's the outcome you wanted.
good morning.
welcome santaclaus
I had to update the derpicorn slightly.
Warren, there ?
Ahh! This Volley does not give me response at all, the debugging doesn't work with it.
What's wrong ? It's working properly with GET request
But not for POST :(
3 hours later…
Finally came to conclusion Volley is not as good as invoking HTTP for large amount of data. Finally switched to HTTP again. I thought of simple work, and now I have to follow the lengthy part again. So bad :( :(
1 hour later…
@venu Write access rejected because you have the bare minimum reputation for chat and poor question/answer history.
I really hate it when ads crash a website... Seriously, who would ever consider paying the slightest attention to an ad that does that?
Usually the ads are the only things that run smoothly
Best example: Youtube. Every video is awfully slow and buffers 100 times, but the ads run flawlessly.
I'd put a huge amount of money to giving ads the preference, because it leaves such a sour taste when they don't work...
So... I got Bug Nr. #666
The devil ticket
not nice!
I'm thinking about doing a layout that could either be a R.string or a R.layout, depending on the passing class, and I want to do something different depending on what type it is. Is there a way I can check to see if a passed in resource is a string or a layout, or even other types of resources?
How are you passing it in?
Are you passing the id through?
Yeah, the id.
Basically, if it's a String, I want to put it in a textView, if it's a layout, I want to just put the layout.
I guess I could do it the pythonic way and try to read the string, and if it throws Resources.NotFoundException then assume it's a layout and put it in.
So it's either a string or a layout?
No other resource?
Anybody familiar with using openGL?
Yeah, for now.
I can't quite see how another type of resource could be beneficial.
Yeah than your approach sounds good
just check if getString() throws an error
Cool, thanks!
I was hoping for something a bit more elegant, but it'll do, and it's not like I'm going to be showing enough dialogs where a fraction of a second'll make any difference...
Note to self: It works much better to try the layout, then the string. The reason being is because getString(R.layout.some_layout)="res/layout/some_layout.xml", or something approximately so. Look for an InflateException.
@alexsummers me familiar with OpenGL, did some stuff in it.
Also, nested fragments don't work for the support library... Sigh, this is really proving to be a royal pain!
Actually, for what I intend, a custom View should be just as good as a fragment. Thus, I should be able to just change the Fragment to a custom View...
@Bohemian Welcome! Please read the room rules
Oh man gradle is just awesome
the rules look petty much the same to me
is there a change dif ?
Yeah there is
Under draft-notes
So, we are allowed to star Nil's posts now?
is the link in the top right going to the old rules still then?
yeah for now
these are the new rules
what good are new rules if no one can find them except those who already know where they are?
Yeah we are going to update that
when all room owners confirm them
It's because of the derpicorn, isn't it?
ok, but what about twerking unicorns?
I like the blue links better than the old orangish yellow ones
All this time, I was afraid the cops (AKA, Room Mods) were going to kick me out because I started a few of nil's posts from time to time. Nice to know I don't have to worry about that now!
It's the holo blue right?
It looks like it
dunno, its definitely overall prettier than the old rules
I accidentally stayed in the smart dev room overnight and woke up to a bunch of messages lol
yeah saw that... they invited me to their room lol
you should go.
be a spy for us lol
they think we kick people out because of... what was it...
their perception of god.
I was invited there too!
anybody here watch white collar?
nope, not me
I did watch a few episodes when it came out i think
castle;big bang theory;two and a half men
none of those
I have very high television standards.
what do you like to watch?
usually british tv actually
if you haven't watched british tv, don't start
it'll ruin american tv for you
any show in paticular ?
wow, lets see...
survivors, was awesome
post apocalyptic disease survivors
most recently i watched the tunnel, that was awesome too
you're more of a comedy kinda fan?
the IT crowd for sure
never seen any wow. an im constantly watching tv shows
I don't like comedy :)
IT crowd i have .
hit and miss was really good
with chloe svegny
the fall was really good too
with Gillian Anderson (scully)
as far as american TV tho...
tunnel looks interesting
I really liked banshee, I hope that show continues
and shameless, of course
game of thrones <3
the bridge was the us remake of the tunnel, not very good
game of thrones? you must like sparticus too then?
i didn't mind sparticus, no
didn't love it tho
I stopped watching after the lead guy passed away. that was sad
oh i didnt know.
yah, they had to replace the actor after 2 seasons I think
maybe just 1 season?
ive started watching this tv show called 'start ups silicon valley'
thats why they did the pre-sparticus season
its off air now, watching it online
shark tank!
I like that one
i dont watch sparticus, o no idea
silicon valley?
no, havent seen it. been there. don't care to relive the experience lol
what start up did you have?
I've had a few
one called avitiva, that was a hosted sharepoint solutions thing... the first one actually, that was 2005? 06?
maybe up till 07
after that?
then I was involved in a couple that didn't do much,
then I was involved in blab, which is still running, but I left them last June to start another one
which Im still working on now
blab marketing is what google gives
is it that?
predictive social intelligence
pretty awesome concept actually
wow thats cool
you'd know about marketing then
a little
maybe you could share some tips on how to pitch to big websites for articles
not much
non seem to respond
you have to have an "in"
you and 5000 other people are contacting them every day
you have to know someone who knows someone
unless your app has like, 10000 users or so...
whats the point if my app has 10000 users
to get 10,000,000
depends how long it took me to get 10000
when it comes to a valuation, I think each user is worth 4$
something like that
i guess for the next one i'd spend some on marketing
which is why twitters valuation is so high.
thats interesting
so if you have an app that doesn't MAKE money, but has 10,000 users, its worth ~40K
wait wait
hahaha. we were talking about that the other day
I think i have that number right,
So my crappy app was worth $120k
may have changed
yah, to someone that was interested in your users, the demographic
my information is a few years old, that number may have changed :)
i guess its something like: if you have users between 1-10 each is worth x; If total users are between 100-1000 each is worth y.
The formula should be something like that
that # per user also changes depending on what information you have about the users.
if its just their email address,
or things like asl,
or even more, things like location, spending habits,
things they "like" (think fancy)
So think like the NSA
got it
but if a company wants to market to people of a specific demographic, what better way than to but an app with all those users, and have a direct marketing line to them?
how mny users did you have ahmad?
on your "crappy" app?
do you still have them?
oh wait its 120k
because thats awesome
what app? the wiki one? link?
Nope, shut it down
That was my first app ever
so you can build another app and have 30K people to market it too directoly
you SHUT DOWN an app with 30,000 users?
Yeah got lucky
how'd you get 30k so fast? what app was it?
It was only a seasonal app haha
theres no luck,
it was obviously something with value
you can get lucky and get a couple hundred users...
wait. are we still talking about the wiki app?
30,000 - thats an agreement that theres somethign valuable about the app
It was a scoreboard for the EM in 2008
no wait
it was 2010
There was no EM in 2008
I bet a lot of them still have it installed, can you find that out?
whats EM?
Yeah I still have about ~2k active installs, although I shut it down a year ago
@alexsummers European Championship
well, thats still a direct line to 2000 people if you write another app
Hmm yup
if 10% of those click the notification that theres a new app to download, thats 200 people
users are the hardest thing to aquire
loyal users... even harder
you gotta have swag :)
imagine if you had that scoreboard working for every major game... for the nfl playoffs?
with one banner at the bottom,
that said "advertise here"
I was thinking about something like that
but I'm not sure about the legal stuff
meh, stupid legal stuff
Am I allowed to just scrape the scores from the net and display it?
I built a scraper for the german football league once
in php
google does it
was super reliable
sure, why not?
schedule score all
and suprisingly fast as well
you could always make a panel for yourself from which u manually enter the score and it gets updated ;)
I'm a developer
developers don't do that alex
Anyone here ever testing In App Purchase using the test accounts with fake master/credict card details?. I just entered correct Credit card number and it deducted the amount.
I did, yeah...
are you using the testing cc#?
how? using test accounts?
using a real account but a test cc
4111 1111 1111 1111
Will it accept this?
and then I think the verification # will change the response type
if you are using the sandbox wallet, yes...
which, you are right? because you're testing?
yah, use that
theres a ton of documentation
I just used the correct credit card and it deducted the amount. It's was good and I set only $1
theres test cc#s in that link
neb, thanks :)
hmm I saw
Hey. If ive started a new proj with minsdk as 8; and now want it to be 13 (as 8 does not support the action bar) ; just changing it in the manifest is all that i need to do?
I don't think so...
Actually, upon further reflection, yes, it should.
At long last, I've earned Outspoken:-)
You can use the action bar compat
no need to leave out a ton of users just because of the action bar
I agreed on Ahmad approach
i know. This is just for testing .
And I already have some code which i need to import
not loading
what's that?
me same. broken link
oh. i was just checking to see if links are not blue
they are still orange
Does the UI browser show hidden views?
UI browser? what do you mean?
Stuff like, say, a view that can't be seen because it's off the page?
The DDMS tool. UI Hierarchy tool.
Afaik yes
hmm no wait
not sure
I've got a view that's just not showing up, and it doesn't show up there. I'm trying to figure out what that means...
@nebulae Ive just sent you the main with the src, let me know in case its not delivered
yup, got it
Hey guys.
How's it going?
good, you?
Anything interesting recently?
hey edwoollard
Let me know if you'd get the time to do it
I've got a pretty fancy hat, other than that nothing interesting
Hello, Android!
im mining dogecoins
that's really a thing?
you can really mine dogecoins?
Does anyone know if there is a forum/discussion place for getting help on using the SimpleFacebook library? So I don't bother the creator or anything like that?
is that "dog-e-coins"?
@RED_ did you try googling?
of course, no SO tag to refer to either.
It has become a thing
im working with a group of people on an app for that :D
People are doing crazy stuff on reddit
you can do better than that Ahmad...
you have a reputation to maintain
You can always create a new tag. I have a few libraries I use that have a very small following here, but there'll always be some around...
Yeah think I might do that, for now just playing with my code to see what happens
You need 1500+ rep to create a tag
I'd be happy to create it, if you wanted me to.
Just write up the question.
I think I might have fixed it, it's more me being new to the library I think
Yup, fixed it, my bad
So what is SimpleFacebook for? Is it a wrapper for the Facebook API or some subset thereof?
a wrapper yeah, the Facebook SDK is annoying from what I tried to play with
seems a few others agree
I'll have to look into that eventually. I want to add some social network capabilities to my app some time in the future.
Trying to follow the Android GD guide a bit better, here's my new Launcher Icon.
Are you up for feedback?
I would remove the gradient
IMO it would look better without gradient
A bit lighter would be better
the red is a bit bright for me
I realized that as soon as I put it on...
these days flat colours are popular
Hmmm. I think it's time to bring AI to my better monitor... It turns out there's too much of a difference, and I think the better one is closer to what a user will experience...
Also, if you don't know about it, this is a decent place to browse or post your logo to for comment: plus.google.com/communities/113499773637471211070
Didn't know about that. Will have to check it out.
Looks better :)
K. Will use this one for my next update, and consider something else for the following generation.
1 hour later…
I'm out, cya!
Happy weekend!
I'm tired of waiting, updating the rules link.
room topic changed to Android: Tales of the fight between green robots and nyan cats, in the realm of Unicornia. We can teach you to fish, but we're not giving out free tuna. Read the House Rules! spifftastic.net/room.15 [android] [cats] [unicorn] [xkcd]
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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