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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

what up Foamy
How bout them Chiefs
they trounced the raiders pretty well
Jamal Charles is a beast
one of my UT boys
he has some ridiculous yards after contact sometimes.
Cowboys suck as usual
Romo is the worst
as usual
but such a fancy stadium
and the largest TVs in the world!
I finally went
when they played the Redskins
It is pretty big
apparently there is a larger one at texas moter speedway now
apparently everything is bigger in texas, even if the thing it is bigger than is also in texas.
UT use to have the largest big screen as well for college football
have you ever made an app a system app?
in what sense?
move it into system/app/ ? or sign it with the system key?
what is the difference?
system key it is actually a system app
system key lets you use permissions that you couldn't otherwise
I have moved stuff to system/app/ before to test a few things, but nothing really came of it.
it does make your app uninstallable via settings though which can be handy.
and system/app keeps people from erasing without root?
to sign with system key you have to compile all of Android?
not necesarily
No but you have to have the private key
skeleton key?
where do you get the private key?
no, the key that was used to sign the system on the particular device that you are interested in
the manufacturer gives it to you
okay, thanks!
Or they would rather require you to give them your apk unsigned because that key is the only thing that protects you from all sort of hacks
but cyanogen should have that key public
the private key is based on the device or the firmware version?
you could use one per device or just 1 for all your devices. The key is usually checked in the bootloader so per firmware version would not allow updates
Err or maybe I'm mixing up keys.. not sure if the bootloader key == android's system key
per device would make sense to me for the larger manufacturers (any brand that you've heard of)
because then if I system key for a certain model somehow leaked it wouldn't comprimise their whole line of devices
for the smaller guys (who are probably in asia) producing dirt cheap random devices I wouldn't be surprised if any given manufacturer signed every device they built with the same key.
there are some outside of china
okay thank you
unless you are working directly with a manufacturer you can probably rule out any possibility of system signing
you can do a lot of the same stuff (albeit in a more roundabout fashion) if the device is rooted though and you are willing to make java ties to shell commands.
True. But if you are already root you could as well use custom firmware and then have your own system apps
So on a rooted device it doesn't really matter where you install the apks?
Not really. Android's permission are based a lot on the underlying linux permissions and if you have root you can do most stuff without having that android permission (write sd card, control wifi, ..). The other permissions that are enforced in Andoid's software would need some dirty hacks. But since you have root access you could try to simply add system permissions to your installed app
permissions must be stored in some file, you can change every file
or you could have direct access to the private RAM of the system process that checks your permission and inject it there
root has basically no limits
wow...that is pretty cool, thanks zapl
@ErikB You've got write access. Read the rules and acknowledge that you've read them before you do anything else. You have ten-ish minutes to do this, dood.
woot 2 stars
Yeay, chat has finally updated to cute kitten hat
2 starred messages in chat = hat of which I am now proud owner
Ah. If only it were retroactive. I'd probably have 500 of them.
I just hope to get the talkative badge some day...
ugh, misunderstood how the cat hat works.
thought I needed to start two messages, not have two messages starred.
now I'm gonna have to come up with something meaningful or at least humorous to say. x_x
Anybody uses ViewPager? What a pain in the ass!
My new nexus 5 is amazing.
ViewPager is not that bad
Til you use it with fragments.
Oh got it know. =)
My old nexus 7 should have the same home layout of the new nexus 5.
ViewPager. I answered a question once on that, got a lot of reputation for it, and I have no idea what it even is...
A: FragmentPagerAdapter Exists Only In Android.Support.V4.App (and not Android.App)

PearsonArtPhotoThere is one that is in android.support.v13.app.FragmentPagerAdapter. Not sure if that'll help you, but...

Yeah I'm using this one. There's v13, but I'm using v4. Any significant changes?
No idea. I answered the question, got 125 reputation for it, but I have no idea what it even is.
It's funny how SO works sometimes...
FragmentPagerAdapter in v4 allows you yo go back to api 4
It might not have existed when the question was answered...
Oh I see. I want to add/remove fragments on onTabSelected.
I hope this is the right thing.
I think the best way to see the correct implementation of Tabs + Swipe navigation is by creating a blank project with that trmplate and going through it
I learned a lot of things by using the project wizard... That's why my latest app actually works fairly well.
True, good thing this project is from scratch too.
Yeah. I really need to re-start some of my older projects to get the right enhancements included...
This Nexus 5 just makes me want to write a nice app
2 hours later…
morning lalit
@Emmanuel Not really. It's incredibly easy to implement.
have you ever wrote a launcher app?
I hate you, tabs.
2 messages moved to NSChat
I wanted to write a launcher but didn't really feel like doing it.
It could be a extension of Ascension
just curious
3 hours later…
hi everyone !
hi Ocus
I'm gonna start a new app and I'm wondering if I should switch to Android Studio. You guys have any feedback ? Is it better now ?
dear ladies and gentlemen, please tell me whats the resource directory name for Switzerland German (CH, DE) must be or where I can find out? I thought it should be values-ch-rDE or somethign like that (values-de, values-ch, values-de-rCH won't work too :P )
don't do it Ocus!
ooook :D
all I see is values-de
I am actually looking at Android source code right now
and it only has values-de
I was pretty sure values-de would be enough, but apparently it's not since my app is still in english and all other apps on my phone are in german :P
values-de-rCH should be the thing
that is right I always look at the Android source code
I recommend, you should not until Google release the Android Studio 1.0 version.
still english
OcuS I recommend you never get into Android Studio
that is what Google wants you to do
ok guys, thanks :)
soon it will be Google Studio
(but eclipse is sooo full of shlt
my structure is now: values (with english values in it), values-de and values-de-rCH
is it not allowed to have a default "values" directory?
I like it...but that is all I know
why don't you try just putting the de values in the regular values
because I want english to be the default
Ocus, You're welcome :)
OH-MY-GOD I'm the most dumbest dumbass of all time
this is hillarious :D
you will never guess what I did wrong
is there a way to double star a message??
Simply No
now listen what I did:
Number of users are in queue for write access, Ocus look them and do your job :P :D
I copied my default value directory and named it "values-de" then I started translate all texts and saved the file, then I tested it and it didn't work, then I googled, then I asked you guys and tried 100 things. Now I had a close look at these files: Turns out I translated all strings in my default value folder from english to german. So now in my german folder were still all english strings, but in the default folder were all german strings..... xD
And since my phone was set to german it obviously took all english strings from the german folder.
nice how I waste my time
Anyone here use the 9 patch tool to make the images?
The images.
Heya nil
good morning
Good Morning Warren :)
hey Ahmad
@Williams Sometimes I do. Mostly because the people at my focking studio don't know how to make a proper .9.png...
me same don't know much about this. I wanna to learn this.
draw9patch or the NinePatch format ?
Draw9patch tool
it's easy, if you already know how a NinePatch is supposed to work
Even Truly I dont even know about the NinePatch. But I'll learn it soon
Is this do same which nine-patch do?
yes but the 9patch tool in android allows you to add multiple stretch regions
What you recommend to me either one which I shared or 9patch tool?
Whatever does the job
you can even use photoshop or gimp
NinePatch just adds a 1px border on a PNG with the stretching/padding informations
Thank you all :)
specially to zapl, Ocus :)
yes optical bounds. also known as "a third way my studio can screw up NinePatches" :)
hehe, I didn't even know about them. Then again.. I don't do much UI
One more topic I like to discuss here regarding the AsncTask. When asyntask execute and meanwhile I press the back button then I call the cancel method then Would AsyncTask doInBackground cancel. Here What I facing that When control reach in the doInBackground then meanwhile i press and call the cancel on async but still doInBackground executing.
cancel does not actualy stop an AsyncTask, it just sets a flag. If you do want to end the task, you have to check isCancelled() in doInBackground()
Hello Rezo0m!
if (isCancelled()) { return /** **/; }
But suppose there are 1500 lines of code then if it execute 200 lines and then meanwhile i press back then in that case?
You are right when control does not enter in the doInBackground when i press the back button
if each line takes 1 second to execute yes. If they run in a nanosecond no. check .isCancelled() after each line that is
@user3109766 Rejected because of your default username.
Oh that would make the code unmanagenable if I write on each line isCancelled().
(if you have 1500 lines of code in doInBackground, you're gonna have a bad time
No, I don't have I simply took an example to understand the concept
@user3109766 Rejected. Same reason as before. Please do not ask again with your default username.
Everything is explained in the AsyncTask documentation in "Cancelling a task" section :)
Okay. Me looking :). But I guess they have same which you all guys described
Anyways thank you again :)
Good line written over there. "To ensure that a task is cancelled as quickly as possible, you should always check the return value of isCancelled() periodically from doInBackground(Object[]), if possible (inside a loop for instance.)". I upvoted :)
In case you do networking and other blocking things: use cancel(true) and know how thread interrupts work / what blocking methods need special interrupt handling because they can't be interrupted.
@OcuS you should check SO profile names as well when someone with a default username requests access a second time. He actually changed his but it is not yet synchronized with chat
ow, you're right, sir :|
@user3109766 rejected for "here is my mail id give me help"
@user3109766 FINAL warning! Do not request access the fifth time... or you will be banned!
zapl, hmm I've used this many times
in iOS/Android Devs, 45 secs ago, by user3109766
how to change the stackover flow username because android room not accept this user3109766
It might be an NSA spy app called "Removed Apps"
Suspicious light blue icon even has NSA colors: crwflags.com/art/miscflags/us_nsa.gif
@user3109766 I see that you have changed the username but again: I gave a valid reason (also known as "tech support") to reject you. If I see a new request for access today, I will set you on the ban list. There is no escape from there!
how easy people give their email address... damn
I have problem, give me email address
I agree with Warren
and the flagging starts
oh, too bad, already gone
Oh, too bad
In lieu of being able to get scala-react to work on Android at the moment — which is 99.9% entirely my fault for not trying very hard — I've been playing with it in Swing.
This unfortunately meant learning Swing.
I've learned I don't like Swing.
Swing sucks.
goes to sleep because it is now nearly 5am
that guy just added me on G+ to his circles...
for warren, and everyone else:
KISS at its best :D
1 hour later…
lol, thats what you get for cutting in line at the airport.
gosh AS has some serious bug...
I am losing connection to ADB at random events and I have to restart AS to make it working again...
is anything else open? I get this with intellij when eclipse is open
or maybe your cable is going bad
basically just logcat running
I think 4.4.2 is responsible somehow... not sure though
at least I didn't change the AS version before it happened
did you update AS?
afaik 0.3.7 is the latest
so, you did. from 0.3.6?
I thought you wanted to wait until the project is closed. ^^
I did it after the feature release
that hurts my knees
Ahmad, I'm sorry but I regretfully inform you that you no longer have the best hat in the room
Q: just submitted app to google play, however very low in search results

user3096898I just created a photo diary app, however when I do a search on it in google play, it does not even show up. Is there any way of making this app "higher up" in searches on google play so that people can find it ?

I don't like hats
What's your beef with hats?
I just don't like them...
^ try that without hat
C++ is crap! [Copyright Da Big Linus]
think proper OO language
If you want real high-level, pick one that has true high-level
features like garbage collection or a good system integration
user image
Oh that's a heap? I've always assumed it's the opposite of a stack, i.e. some fifo queue
I'm out, cya!
I'm setting an EditText's text to be a string that has newline characters in it, but it seems to be eating the newlines and making the text one single paragraph
visited: 1000 days
@CarlAnderson try "\n"
petey - the newline char is getting eaten by jsonObject.getString
it's there in the response data from the server,
but by the time it gets set in the String of the object owning it, it's gone
Response's string is multiline\n\ntext but once it's in the string I'm getting something else.
time to debug I guess
hrm, no, it's still \n\n in the String...
so why is setting it into an EditText causing the EditText to not show another paragraph?
ohh... this is from setText(CharSequence foo)
The code is wrapping setText with TextView.setText(Html.fromHtml(myString))
of course if you interpret the String as HTML it's going to strip newlines
this is the first time I've found something in the code that I think is just plain stupid
there I fixed it TextView.setText(Html.fromHtml(myString.replaceAll("\n", "<br>"))
yes, but elsewhere he sets textView.setAutoLinkMask(0)
so why the fuck would he want to interpret the string as Html if he's going to disable links?
No idea. Using <i>italic</i> and things like that maybe?
Much simpler than using complicated Spannable manually.
no, cause this is user-inputted text
does textView support the <blink> tag?
I can input <i> :)
<blink> still exists?
apparently not:
ok that's really annoying
You can still create similarly awesome looking html sites today: spd-engenhahn.de
I'll see your poorly designed website and raise you a crazy person: timecube.com
I see words. They don't connect to meaningful sentences
that's because you're not wise enough to understand the timecube
lol what's that
If earth was a cube and each side has a separate day per rotation, then round earth = inifite amount of days per rotation?
timecube.com is the oldest crazy site on the internet.
you should see the place I want to adopt a dog from!! alaskanmalamutepups.com
that's pretty good
this is the site that hosts my volleyball league: aevolleyball.net
that one is not that bad. they have pretty decent IA
They all need html frames
Oh god they removed that from html5 as well
guys quick question
Are expanded Notifications supported via the support library?
or NotificationCompat2 is the only way (besides a custom implementation)?
Are expanded Notifications supported via the support library? Yes, developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/…
I think this is the fewest number of people I've ever seen in this chatroom
Remember that expanded notifications are not available on platforms prior to Android 4.1
^ sounds like a no
@CarlAnderson Yeah, it seems like today is a busy day
Must be the holiday preparations
I am trying to link to the addAction()
here is what it says
Add an action to this notification. Actions are typically displayed by the system as a button adjacent to the notification content.
Action buttons won't appear on platforms prior to Android 4.1. Action buttons depend on expanded notifications, which are only available in Android 4.1 and later. To ensure that an action button's functionality is always available, first implement the functionality in the Activity that starts when a user clicks the notification (see setContentIntent()), and then enhance the notification by implementing the same functionality with addAction().
(see full text)
I do not understand...
hmm never created an expandable notification
The API demos example in your sdk folder should have a good example on it :P
you made me cry Ahmad
anyone have an idea how to do this?
I'm leaving out, cya!
my designer wants an image in a linear layout
and for the image to fill the layout width-wise
(linear layout is verticle)
but then for the rest of the layout to have a 1dp border
I've created a drawable that I'm setting as a background to the linearlayout
with a solid stroke white background, and a 1dp stroke width that is black
and then setting the padding to 1dp on all sides
but when I do that the image has the very noticeable 1dp padding
need visualization to understand
yeah trying to get a screenshot up
that's what she wants
notice on the top white box, there's a 1dp border, but it's overlapped by the picture of the bird
afk a moment
@Emmanuel :\
does intellij have smart getter/stter creation yet
like in eclipse you can tell it to ignore the "m" at the beginning of a member var like mCount or something
Yeah it does now
@Ahmad whats it called?
Hmm I can access it via the refactoring menu
it's called "Exit now", then start eclipse
no way
eclipse was fine but i like android studio far better
Eclipse was never fine :)
Sup Ahmad?
Just got your ping on my phone
on your phone?
via the stackoverflow app? haha
nothing, you?
I have it
How'd you get it? VIP?
I am not at the pc
I will send you the link when I get home
You have to request access
I did 2 or 3 months ago but never heard anything
Maybe I should have mentioned that I know Ahmad
Yeah it takes them an awful long time to give the access
That's always a plus
A: == and eq Operators

Arifi am a very new programmer. hope i can help you with my little knowledge. Usually = "equal" sign assign a value against a variable. but == "double equal" test the value for that variable. example: x = 5 that means assigning 5 for the variable x. OR change the value of X to 5. but x==5 is to ...

↑ wat
I'm going to try again right now and use your profile link, Ahmad, that's sure to get me in
My avatar has a horrifying cat on it now.
I still see emo penguin...he looks sad for some reason.
but looking forward to cat update soon
Emo penguin? Get the hell out of the chat right now.
I'm seeing the cat
Someone with a Sephiroth avatar is not allowed to call an exploding murder-penguin emo. You have the god king of anime emos as yours.
I have one too, but I'll stay with this classy hat
indeed and well put
Your hat is very classy, Ahmad
I had to put on a helmet because I kept hitting my head
but I'm keeping my mini sephiroth.
I got a snorkel so I'm wearing a snorkel now.
In real life.
You can't tell me what to do, dad. I'll wear a snorkel if I wanna.
Quick UI question. I have the ability to log an error in my app, and I'm looking for an ActionBar icon to use for it. I'm thinking of this one. Do you think it'll lead to confusion?
That looks fine
K, I thought so, but just thought I'd get a second opinion. Thanks!
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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