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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

in a chicken coop lol
Depends on how you keep them. If they get stressed out they'll peck each other, but otherwise they probably won't do anything really bad.
I have a fenced chicken area
with a coop that needs some repairs
Also, two is based on the normal human chicken-egg intake, which you apparently exceed quite a bit.
well, I have a family and they eat too
Never, ever saying "human egg intake" again.
"Yeah I fried up one of those human egg batteries like in the matrix the other day. Got a leftover spleen if you want some."
you said human chicken
bok bok bok BOK BAKOK!!
Chickens are adorable.
Granted, I also just find all birds adorable with the exception of turkeys who suck.
human chickens, not so much
Well, if they had feathers and were tiny, maybe.
i better go flip my ribs
I'd probably wet myself and faint, possibly simultaneously, if I saw a pro wrestler human chicken.
Well not human
but he can wrestle
I'm bored. Maybe I'll watch Skyfall.
Scratch that, Hunger Games because I figure I might as well.
surprisingly not terrible
just watched it a couple days ago
I've gotten mixed reactions to it, so that usually means I need to watch it.
Anyone home?
@FoamyGuy Howdy!
@FoamyGuy Got a question for you. What is RenamingDelegatingContext good for?
I've read a little about it, but I'm still confused by why I would want to use it in my testing.
got any resources that can help clear up my confusion?
no idea
never heard of it until now
lol, okay, thanx
you disappoint me =p
looks like it is a way for you to provide fake data sources for your tests
Well, @luckyreed76 lied, Hunger Games is a terrible movie.
It has absolutely zero point in the end. O_o
@nil The first or second one?
First one.
I liked it...but then I also read the books
@FoamyGuy I haven't figured out MockContext, either. In fact, I don't even understand the point of Context in the Android API.
oh dear
you have a long way to go young grasshopper.
you should make a video!
What about mocking?
yeah I should one to try to explain context
sure...and about explaining Context.
Context: it's wrappers all the way down.
down from where? down to what? wrapping what?
ContextWrappers wrapping ContextWrappers.
hmm...that doesn't help much =p
Think of it as the staircase in House of Leaves.
never saw it
It's a book.
shows you how much I know
Kind of a hipster book, really.
I understand that Activity extends Context and I have to pass a Context to some methods, but I have no idea why or what Context does.
Activity doesn't extend Context.
It actually extends ContextThemeWrapper which extends ContextWrapper.
most of the main building blocks extend (somewhere in the chain) context
okay, it inherits from Context.
activity, service
I don't actually know what an Activity has for its own context.
It's frankly kind of weird.
definitely weird
The other problem is that some of the implementation details for certain classes are a bit iffy 'cause they're abstract.
Hence why you have to request a SharedPreferences and such
so if I understand what I'm reading, Context is responsible for accessing the filesystem, right?
that is one of its useful abilities
also getSystemService()
okay...that makes it a little bit clearer
and startActivity() / startService()
Here's a fun question to consider: how do you get an instance of PreferenceManager?
okay, so basically accessing any system resource then?
I tend to think of context as a way for the system to tell who or what is trying to do something
@FoamyGuy The Context is the "who or what" that is doing the action?
I prefer to think of it as the big thing that holds all my data and leaks easily
yes generally
or requesting an action to be taken on its behalf.
which, at a high enough level, amounts to the same thing
except with the latter theoretically the request could be denied.
thanks. I think I understand Context a little better.
now to read more about MockContext....
I probably should be using it in my JUnit tests.
Does Google Play keep track that you bought an app through them before allowing you to download an update?
@nads You've got write access. Read the rules and acknowledge that you've read them before you do anything else, please. You have ten-ish minutes to do this, and if you do anything else before saying you've read the rules, I'll ban you.
I'm wondering because I want to give away my premium app as an incentive when/if I do a Kickstarter fund raising campaign. If I do so, will the recipients still be able to download any updates when I make them?
I'm making a point of making sure you read the rules first so that I don't have to explain why I've banned you if you break them immediately after saying you've read them.
I guess I can test with an old version of my app...
Also, I posted an answer to your question, but I think you'll have some problems regardless 'cause Android tablets aren't distinguished from other devices except by screen size and sometimes hardware capabilities.
if you just give them an apk they will not be able to download updates from the market...
without paying
@FoamyGuy mkay, that's what I was afraid of
you could build in your own version checking and host a copy of your apk on your own server somewhere to have it download and prompt for updates
so I'll have to find another way to send out updates?
A: Develop application only for tablet

nilAs pointed out on the Best Practices section of the Android developer site: If you don't want your app to be used on handsets (perhaps your app truly makes sense only on a large screen) or you need time to optimize it for smaller screens, you can prevent small-screen devices from downloading ...

Anyone see anything off about that answer?
I'm going to probably delete it if I can't edit it into shape.
@nil grammar seems fine to me...that's about all I can check since I have no technical knowledge to contribute
I accidentally a word in one paragraph, but otherwise I think that was the only glaring error.
> I accidentally a word...
That's intentional.
Oddly, before I got a degree in English, I didn't make quite as many mistakes — or at least I didn't notice them as quickly.
I always hated writing papers. Much more painful than writing code.
Hm, maybe I'll go pet a guinea pig
I brushed the guinea pig.
@DeepakGupta Rejected because you pinged @Code-Guru in another room for help.
Which is clearly unacceptable behavior here, though I reserve the right to ping whoever I want for comedy reasons.
only if you aren't asking noob Android questions
Well, he pinged the active users in two different rooms. That's not cool.
Hopefully rejecting people tonight doesn't result in another flag war.
@DeepakGupta Still rejected.
@DeepakGupta Third time's the charm, now you go on the blacklist.
well, six more of my tests pass
hey Anders!
Hello all
Anyone here know how to convert the pcm pulse data bytes to mp3 data bytes
without saving data in the file
How about you just look up how to decode one and encode the other?
I know to decode and encode the text data in different Base64 etc all
Bearing in mind that there are tons of legal issues if you encode using MP3.
What are them?
MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III, more commonly referred to as MP3, is an encoding format for digital audio which uses a form of lossy data compression. It is a common audio format for consumer audio streaming or storage, as well as a de facto standard of digital audio compression for the transfer and playback of music on most digital audio players. MP3 is an audio-specific format that was designed by the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) as part of its MPEG-1 standard and later extended in MPEG-2 standard. The first MPEG subgroup – Audio group was formed by several teams of enginee...
It is heavily patent-encumbered.
But I have to do because I'm working on the internet radio app and using the Icecast server in which i need to send the data in the mp3 bytes.
I captured the audio data in android in pcm
Well, I hope you've licensed the patents then.
By the way, because I discussed this with you, if you do go ahead with this without licensing the patents, you are actually liable to lose even more in court than if I hadn't talked to you.
My advice: don't encode MP3.
You mean I should not encode the pcm data into mp3 bytes
Instead, make sure the data you're sending is already MP3 so you don't have to transcode and deal with the legal issues.
My encoding is this int audioEncoding = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;
Can i get the captured audio bytes directly in the mp3?
How would you?
I'm using the AudioRecord Class on android which capture the audio
But how would you encode it as MP3?
Android doesn't provide any APIs for encoding MP3.
I read one API for this lame
LAME is LGPL licensed. You're aware of what that means, right?
No..I'm new on these all
@isha You've got write access. Read the rules and acknowledge that you've read them before you do anything else, please. You have ten-ish minutes to do this.
Ok, then I'll give you a brief summary of how the LAME will affect your code because it's LGPL-licensed: if you include LAME's source code in your project or statically link to any compiled form of LAME, your source code must be made open source under the LGPL.
The only way to avoid this is to provide a shared library that the user can feasibly access and replace, in which case only the shared library is licensed under the LGPL.
Is your project open source?
Then you'll probably want to release it under the GPL or LGPL. GPL's easier.
Thanks nil
Thanks nil...it really good for me ..you shared awesome things :)
For my app, i have to send the data either in mp3 or ogg
So can you guide me for alternative ogg format..to conver the pcm data bytes to ogg data bytes
I have to download video from youtube in my application...????
Have you read the rules yet?
As for your question, @Williams, research both encodings.
Okay..I researched on the mp3 and you shared awesome things with me :)
thank you nil :)
@isha It's been 15 minutes and you never stated that you'd read the rules, so your write access has been revoked.
what up man! You ever have those moments when you can't sleep and you just have an inspiration/idea to go code?
not anymore but yes
hahah...now you are like f that! I am going back to bed
no, I just don't dream about code anymore or wake up in the middle of the night
I guess I am new to the game
how was the weekend?
have you ever written a remote controller app?
but I had one great moment 5 years ago ; i was struggling on how to implement a feature for about a month, then one night, I woke up to pee at 3am, and while peeing, suddenly, BAM, it came clear: "i have to use a visual tree"...
oh joy
the weekend was good, we finally acted our surprise-piece
ahhh yes the bluebeard the killer
yes :)
did the professor love it?
and nope, never wrote a romte controller app
yes, he loved it, everyone loved it, they all said we were even better than 15 years ago
just not as good looking ?? hhaha
the prof said we were "perfect" and if we had played like this 15y ago, we could have gone competitions and won prices (which we did but never won anything)
did you rekindle any old loves there?
it is like a high school reunion
yes :)
so how would you write a remote controller app with 2 Androids?
going to a meeting now, bbs
Setup a local server on the client side and then have the other Android send the KeyEvents to the server
hey Warren!
hey lucky!
I came to a broken link in SO and I could of sworn it was a pic of you
it was like an SO page saying sorry this is our fault and there was a pic of guy at a computer
good morning
hey Zoom!
SO just gave me a 503
is there a pic on there?
@bhuvin welcome on probation. I hope you can write better English than I can see in your chat history. Basically because I can't understand a single sentence you have written there... So read the room rules and follow them.
2 days ago, by WarrenFaith
@Harsha you start every chat message with an @, seems like you don't even understand how this chat works. Rejected
@Harsha rejected for the reason see above message! ^
Warren up to 23k wow
I hate sundays.
Most depressing day of the week.
already Monday here... :D
We know...we are tapping your phones
I know that you know that I know but you will never know that I know that you don't know that I know that you know that.... what ever
it is too late here for that type of talk haha
yeah, already 12am here as well
With that I am out cya! We will be listening ......muhahahah
@luckyreed76 a pic on ?
on what? :)
Anyone in here knows how to update the UI on a delay after a callback? :)
ei. having async task, in its postexecute I'd like to do a delayed action which then updates the ui
For anyone else:
Handler = new handler + handler.postdelayed! :D
Yes anders, thats a good way to do it will keep that in mind from now on :)
1 hour later…
where are all our gif pushers?
Occie <3
it is a cat in a hat
not flag worthy
user image
1 hour later…
hey @alex
operating question about the N5: what the hell is with the SMS / Data
I can make phone calls but no data - LTE is all lit up
and text messages require data now?
sms has always required data AFAIK
I thought just the phone connection (w/e that is called/.. radio I suppose) was all that was needed
@FoamyGuy hrm. I will check my N4 when I get home. I thought MMS needed data, SMS did not.
actually no they havn't
I don't know what the hell I am saying
I turn my data off all the time and I can still send/receive sms
I can't send text messages atm.
because the account is brand new the data isn't turned on?
can you make calls?
I'll have to call my carrier later. but the sms via hangouts is horrible.
yes I can make phone calls. Radio is fine
and LTE signal is good. just not data connection.
what happens when you try to send? does it just say sending indefinitely or show correct on your end, but other person never receives?
"Message not sent. Touch to retry"
there is no delay.
enter > message not sent > retry > message not sent
and the top two third party sms apps look like shit
hmm, I would say your assessment is probably right then =/
I wonder if I can put the 4.3 sms app on 4.4
you like the phone other than that?
yea it is nice
N4 is also great
slightly larger screen. better screen. lighter. hopefully better battery
better camera
but it is better
I didn't care for the n4 =/
lets put it this way: there was more of a difference from the Galaxy Nexus -> N4 than there was from the N4 -> N5
n5 was lg again right?
personally I dislike the form factor with the camera
sticks out :/
but the N4 camera was also poorly positioned
I wish it were still more vanilla android, rather than googly android
@FoamyGuy well there are always ROMs
I might put something on my N4 other than KitKat just to check it out
I might do that
my Galaxy Nexus still works as well. I should turn it on and see what version of android it is upto
ok now back to the issue at hand: how to install the old sms app on 4.4
I moved from N4 to this
sight downgrade in most ways, but I like it better
hrm. still going for $250
the #1 reason for the nexus devices for me is the price / performance
$350 and I own my modern smartphone outright.
s4 was over my budget
totally agree with that. They are a hell of a deal.
@FoamyGuy I agree!
about the old Android statement
and the Google phase out of Android
and how no one has noticed what Google is doing and everyone thinks I am crazy for saying something against Google as if they worship this company
people have noticed. There are some nice articles on the subject
they are trying to close Android
googles trying to close out android what?
you've lost me here.
google is effectively making it impossible to use Android going forward with out incorporating Google
like for instance GCM is depreciated
meh, I don't think it is quite that dire.
it is
it is nice and slow where people don't notice
they quit supporting 3 party plugins in WebView
gcm is deprecated?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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