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Glitch I think you should pay for our air tickets and throw us a party.
I am in Korea, that's not very far.
Make a lux version for desktops, this PC fucking sucks
so weird I can't find this on the AppStore
It's alright but not enough settings
I am feeling weird with this lighting. Or maybe it was yesterdays wine and milk I feel like I'm going to chunder
I was going to watch the next episode of Gintama and kissanime.com/Anime/Gintama/Episode-039?id=2425 This is messing with my head
Gintama is like puns incarnate, so that makes sense.
I know it is perfect. My japanese is not strong enough to get them all.
There are so many references I don't get, especially when they refer to some popular 80's japanese drama or anime
She wanted to try phone sex so I pretended to be an IT support guy. It turned her off at first. Then it turned her on again.
2 hours later…
urgh itchy stubble
Lol, Lux for desktop
I considered it. Some monitors allow software backlight adjustment. However there's no light sensor.
And, well, I'm sick of it.
I want to write software that helps the world be a better place to live in
Oh and +1 itchy stubble. >_< I bought new aftershave tonic and it made mine worse!
Now I have a rash from all the scratching :(
2 hours later…
I found an awesome website
It compares the local prices and taxes of product all over the world
4 hours later…
@Reno But it only compares duty free
awesome read about north korean tourism.
I'm up at 4 am because stephen king.
its funny, both his kids have recently released books, and they're good, specially joe hill, really good. Stephen king has been pretty quiet lately, I think he must have been letting his kids take some of that spotlight. then BOOM he throws down doctor sleep and its like, daddy shows how it's done.
Reno that joke is one hell of a fine joke ;)
wait why is south korea the most expensive place to buy a GS3?
Everything electronic is expensive here it is weird
I guess the manufactured product goes from China to USA. So it is cheaper in the US.
2 hours later…
@ahmad are you around?
hey raghav
can I ask you an Android question....?
Don't ask to ask. Just... ask.
I am deleting a row from my database
and I want to update the ListView accordingly
I have a custom adapter
I am deleting the data from the db correctly
Uh.. notifyDataSetChanged()?
but calling notifyDataSetChanged() is doing nothing
Did you update the data in your adapter?
Most likely, you have an in memory copy of the data in the db in your adapter. You'll have to remove the corresponding row from there too
BaseAdapter doesn't have a remove() that I have to implement, right?
You basically don't delete out of the adapter. Your data should be in an arraylist or something between the adapter and the db
Delete it from there then call notifyDataSetChanged()
Or if you're reading directly from the db into the adapter, reread it
I tried re-querying but it wasn't working. I will give it a shot again. Thanks
@Emmanuel Heya, sorry was busy studying
solved it?
not really...
still trying...
what problem are you having?
pastebin relevant code
brb, sorry.
I am back
(my first pastebin :))
basically it is a fragment much like the "me" page of the twitter app
am I blind or do I not see the LazyAdapter class?
I have a list there, and for right now I just want to delete a post when a user clicks on the row item itself
I didn't paste it
should i?
yes please :)
basically, when you delete the event, you already have the id yah?
I delete it based on the position of the event on the list
so either: send that to your adapter to remove from the array that its using, and notifydatasetchanged,
or rebind the data altogether when you delete it, send that data to the adapter and notifydatasetchanged
the second option is what I am trying
you delete it based on the position in the list...?
or by the id of the item at that position in the list?
when you click on the list, I get the id of the position of the row on the adapter and delete that entry of the db
I am not using a List to hold my data
then I am re-querying using Loaders
ok, i see
how are you storing all that data in the LazyAdapter?
the data you're sending in picNames and such
directly on the db
let me post it
pastebin.com/HzhJPn2H that is LazyAdapter
so when you create the lazyAdapter, you pass in some arrayd of data that came from the result of the Loader,
is that not the data you're trying to clear?
yes it is
or is it the EventsNearBy data?
so I delete the data on the db
that works fine
but when I notifyDataSetChanged(), the ListView doesn't update
because you aren't giving it the new data
in the onItemClick,
when you delete the item,
you need to query again for the new data,
and send it into the adapter again
Im not sure now to do that using cursor loaders,
I thought this line did that....
getLoaderManager().initLoader(1, null, this);
what line is that?
it will call the LoaderCallback I have on the Fragment
last line inside onItemClick
and that causes the onLoadFInished to be called again?
and indeed does
so you're recreating the adapter, and giving it to the list, not trying to rebind the one thats there.
and you are sure your item is getting deleted from the db
as soon as I tap to delete
I go into the app folder in /data/data
and check myself
it is no longer there....
just for a sanity check, on that onLoadFinished,
maybe try checking to see if the adapter exists, and if it does, update its data then call notifyDataSetChanged on it
if it doesnt, create a new adapter and pass it in
I will give that a try
getting a little closer!
thanks for the tip @nebulae
anyone here a rooting master?
I got a new phone and I've gotten su into system/xbin/ but I get permission denied when I try to use it
I think it needs execute permission, other binaries seem to have that, but su doesn't seem to
nm got it
for some reason I have to use cwm superuser.apk,
Why would the setting in the market use the phrase "Auto-add widgets: automatically add home screen widgets for new apps" when it actually means icons?
@l0oky welcome. Please read the room rules.
/back to studying
@Ahmad Thank you :) I will..
Q: Seeking free source code versioning / backup software

SimonI am an unemployed lone developer working from home. I need to be able to backup my work to my web server via FTP in a source code versioning manner (if that makes sense). I have web site projects and Android java projects. The web server is a shared server, so I cannot install software on it. ...

> I need to be able to backup my work to my web server via FTP in a source code versioning manner
Uploading your code to your webserver via ftp.
2 hours later…
I like the description, "I am an unemployed lone developer working from home"
we call it self-employed now :D
indeed haha
Just came across a question where someone followed a tutorial from this site: androidbegin.com and his app keeps crashing when you rotate it. Look at the 'about us' section on that website :p
> We are not experts in Android development, all tutorials written on this website are chunks of code gathered from other websites or books.
I wonder it crashes.
that's weird

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