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I love how <declare-styleable> is pretty much entirely undocumented.
Because there's no way anyone would ever need to use that, right? RIGHT?
I do not know if you heard about the Busy Coder's Guide by CommonsWare
he explains it quite well
@nil it is $40 for a yearly subscription...
Not sure what you're talking about.
I was just saying that there is this book where the author does a decent job explaining <declare-styleable> related stuff
it is a must have book for all newbies like myself
Ah. Yeah, I'm not buying a book when I've managed to scrounge together enough info to know how declare-styleable works.
I have a crazy bs theory
Kit kat is not 5.0
Because they're usually sold as 4 bars. Which are supposed to be broken into 2 parts
I'm pretty sure at this point that it is not humanly possible to write a cover letter that does not make the author cringe.
2 hours later…
Morning peeps
KReed! :)
@nil @nil ,wat am supposed to do ididn get u?
My new avatar will stare into your soul and slightly to the left of your soul.
@Cafzalone Re-read the room rules.
Once you've re-read the rules, just swear to gather blood for the blood god and skulls for the skull throne.
(from Nokia Germany)
Nokia was too slow.
They riding on the rush they got from the 7 billion they just got from msft
Kit kat was not even released on yesterdays note 3. Why even bother
@Kalai.G rejected. You spam, even for Gordon you would spam. And you use chat style writing.
@Vera You've got write access. Read the rules and please acknowledge that you've read them.
Grrr bit my cheek and now it hurts.
I do that on a regular basis... which kinds of amuse my dentist...
I find it funny as hell every time, too
I think I need to see a doctor. For a variety of reasons, but I keep getting weird hot flashes in my left foot.
I'm pretty the amount that I worry about my health is going to kill me before anything else.
@OneManArmy Rejected for treating chat as tech support and chat speak.
Q: In Android,i want to pass string value,and that string value is a part of the second activity url ..how it can be possible

RamakrishnaFirstActivity: intent.putExtra("nid", resultp.get(SecondActivity. TAG_NID)); SecondActivity code.. Intent in = getIntent(); // Get JSON values from previous intent String nid = in.getStringExtra("nid"); private String url = "http://cpal.com/<nid>"; how to place string nid value in the url....

I don't understand the question or the code.
He want's to concatenate the 'nid' string onto his url. I had to read it 3 times before I understood it.
I'm guessing he missed the part about the prefix then.
Welp, too busy stressing out over my foot. Time to marathon a TV show.
Have fun :)
On an other note: Your Avatar is awesome haha
Probably either nerve damage or a nerve disease. Both terrify me equally, even if I've had the former before.
I should probably also mention the depression thing to a doctor. That one's kind of a big deal.
@DwivediJi you have more answers than questions but you still seem to join chat only for tech support. Therefore I reject your request.
oh yeah, another private room... hope it brings joy and happiness to me!
hm... that was short
even I was invited for the same reason prior to you!
oh yeah, I love the private room support vampires
@murala rejected. You do "hi" pings, you paste code into chat and you never care to write I uppercase!
this is hard...
the same hard shit like the elevator floor prank from LG
I am watching the video about Gradle, trying to undersatnd it all and I am unsure what is the project root? I took over after someone who started the project in Eclipse and the folder structure is ./android/Project/src where ./android has .git...
What is the correct folder structure? should it be more like android/Project/Project/src? Because now when I add module I add it to /android/libraries/MyModule, is this weird?
I use eclipse. :)
But isn't there a converting tool ?
like "import eclipse project" ?
Good morning all
You can export an eclipse project into an Android Studio project
I've never used and studio
but I wouldn't think it would require any kind of special export from eclipse
It would it's intelliJ IDEA
so unless you are running maven in eclipse :)
studio doesn't support projects that don't use maven?
Yes it does because Android Studio uses gradle
aw, nevermind then
I don't know what I'm talking about
for the record though that seems horribly silly to me that they would set it up in such a way that it can't just open a normal project from what was up until that point the mainly used tool for android dev
even if that tool was eclipse and comes with more than its fair share of non-sense
Well if they have made it easy to export...
rightclick android project, export, choose android studio , then It's fine
well the ADT now provides that export feature for eclipse
But yeah...
Ander, thanks. I have exported it and it works I have been coding in AndroidStudio for a month, btu now I need to add some uncompliled libraries with resources, so I thought I would give modules a try.
is studio stable yet? I am holding out switching for a while to let them get the kinks out
definitely not stable
I am jus tused to IntelliJ type IDEs and have painful memories of Eclipse from childhood
Thank Odebugg :)

I tried A.Studio, but danm i do not like the initial view of stuff, when used to eclipse ;)
So i wen't back for the time being, I'll probably have to switch at some point, but not yet ;)
Yeah, I assume I
'll have to switch some time. But I didn't want it to hinder my work
I think that if they didn't introduce AndStu I probably would have stayed away from Android development for a little bit longer
Just because of Eclipse
Well a shame they did then? ;-)
More work for the rest of us :P
But I was just wondering what the correct directory setup would be. Since now with the module I have properties.gradle in the "root" folder and then tell it to include build.gradle files from module and from the Project itself.
@AndersMetnik :-P
I just need to study more..
I like Android Studio, but I need to look into gradle more
Last time I checked, they didn't have a GUI that allowed you to easily add libraries to the project
They still had the message "We will add this later...."
You can add libraries in GUI
But what I really like about Android Studio is that if you are creating a custom View and let's say you are drawing a Path to show a border, when you build the project in it will show on the View Editor the Path you just coded
Just shove them in ./libs and right click on the jar and choose add as library.
but I think it doesn't automatically add it to the gradle build
..or through the Project Structure
oh.. nope it doesn't
or at least it didn't use to do it
I don't think that they will add a gui to the gradle build file
These are the things I don't understand yet, I think I live and code in some sort of middle state between Eclipse and Studio. Because Gradle seems to be misconfigured, but it compiles and runs fine.
I also get that warning about external build every time I run it.
Would you say its easier to layout UI in Android Studio ?
or just the same level of pain as in eclipse
It's easier in my opinion
I have not used Eclipse UI editor but the one in Android seems pretty decent to me.
You have this live UI view, which is nice
well im sold
Can you for example show actual layout content in listviews in Eclipse?
i will download later and give it a whirl
But other than that (and that IntelliJ is awesomely fast) it's the same
@mistrfu ListView content?
do i need a strong skills in gradle to work with it or can i wing it and learn as i go ?
Nope you don't have to use gradle
Although it's pretty nice, if you have a bigger project
and if you do, you don't need to be a pro before using it
Adding dependencies for example is easy
@Ahmad When you have an adapter view and instead of just showing some sample items without layout you can actually have it load your own layout for each item and see what it will look like in reality.
what mistrfu is saying is if you can actually see the contents of the ListView on the Editor
I don't think that this would be possible
Since AS would have to compile the listview on the fly
yeah, I do not think it is possible
And you don't usually specify what Activity is used to fill this list
You could have one generic layout with a listview inside it, which will then be used by more than one activity for example
Would be really neat if it was possible though
sounds nice
Studio can show you the contents, it obviously doesn't fill it with real data, but at least it shows you the layout
Well better than nothing :)
definitely! it helps with margins and such
but anyways, usually doesn't take make sec to run it and see it live :)
Yeah, unless you have to navigate a lot to get to that view
You can start a specific activity
With AS
If i have to navigate a lot to a view, then i'd usually outline it in another app
oh happy day, got confirmation google iap has a bug : code.google.com/p/marketbilling/issues/detail?id=144
That's also nice Ahmad!
iap ?
@mistrfu you could also create shell script:
adb shell
am start -n package/.activity
What about intents?
As in if I need to send the activity data is that possible?
Hmm not sure about that
Also what is am? I never used it from shell
sry my bad I didn't realize you were on android already
I was thinking about bash ;)
am = Activity manager
@AndersMetnik It looks like this on AS; definitely worth switching :)
hehe darkula
What looks like that ?
The activity choser
@Ahmed Do you have switch on External compiler every time you start AS too? Or is it just my incorrect setup?
External compiler?
Andre you can set different run configurations
oops sorry. IAB
Yeah, every time I start up AS and compile/run for the first time I get errors and I have to go to Project Settings and flip Compiler>Use External Build
Hmm it works right for me
Do you have it checked or unchecked?
Wait let me check
"Old implementation of "Make" feature is enabled for this project."
Hmm can't seem to find the option
thing that annoyed me, is the surplus of things in the explorer menu...
Which explorer menu?
the project explorer on the left?
I just want src ->
and res ->
@Ahmad File>Settings>Project : Compiler
You two ping a lot :P
but there are other directories there, you would rather pretend they don't exist?
Nope that's unchecked
Yeah the gradle build complicated the file structure
But they had to
If they are pretty much unrelated to the core act of programming yes
so it might have to do with that botched export from Eclipse month ago and my half ass*d gradle setup :(
In oder to make things like project flavors and test and release builds possible
well the libs should be visible too
Ohh well, is there a walkthrough of the Android studio somewhere... pref. "Android Studio for dummies" a like..
@petey you missed the "adb bugreport" which is "required for every bug report"
maybe, I sent it to serge k. instead
I will throw up the sample app when I get home to the bug report
And then I have all sorts of other dirs there like scripts for example, which I am glad to see too, even though most of the files there are in python or bash
I still edit them with AS
but basically...the issue IS with their caching and the .hashCode() method
an easy fix would be to take the application package into account, right?
@WarrenFaith gist.github.com/petetandon/6450797 this is the response I got
i took out the real sku info tho
I just saw a post of someone trying to explain how to make a network call on the UI Thread...
it got deleted in 10 sec or so
Even worse:
Q: NetworkOnMainThreadException

Manfred MoserI just found out about NetworkOnMainThreadException at official docs and was wondering if the emulator is throwing this. I have been testing my app quite a bit and as far as I know all networking is off the main thread (using Roboguice RoboAsyncTask) but you never know if one has not escaped. I...

6 upvotes for the guy, who suggests to change the thread policy in order to make network calls from the UI thread
you should do your duty and vote that answer down!
Haha will do ;)
I also commented
"A kitten will day for every millisecond of delay you cause with that" ?
s/day/die ?
kind of, was a minute to late to edit :D
so who ever upvoted: do it again :D
that beats mine..
lol "a kitten wil die..."
wow...look at this
tell me if you guys think he says anything that doesn't make sense
he has a book published
this is not a objc or ios room :D
and to answer your question: the complete objc language does not make sense to me... and don't get me started with the OS! :D
pretty cool tho
sorry, but I thought it was crazy for someone that has a book published to say something like that...
Java has multiple inheritance? really...
what has he said? I am not going through 5 minutes of personal pain to find out what that sentence might be
I should have been more specific, and say something like "listen for 5 seconds"
he says that objective c is not like Java in the sense that in Java you can have more than one parent
which seems like a pretty generic phrase without an explanation what he understands by "parent"
a normal parent class? An interface?
he means that you can have multiple extends to one Class
like B extends A and C extends A?
than please be more specific
something like A extends B extends C
on the same class declaration
not possible in java
like you do with interfaces but with Classes
he claims it is
@E.Odebugg this reads like you think he speaks the complete truth in a perfect manner
I guess I shouldn't worry about what people say or claim...
as long as I know it is wrong
this might be a dumb question but what does the !/catgif mean?
I have seen gifs of cats in the chat but never paid too much attention to them really...
what do they mean?
the problem for me was "doesn't" as imho you should have just said "does"... I thought you believed him...
it is a bot command to post cat gifs, but the bot is barely online
sorry for the confusion
but what is the meaning of the cats?
this room loves cats
Which room doesn't? Cat please.
sudo !!
I learned so much through pulling my hair out yesterday about google maps + android + the static maps api + listviews.
in case anyone is pondering having maps with multiple polygons in each item in a list view, save yourself the headaches and go with webviews and the v3 javascript lib.
Oh I knew that
Sorry I could have saved your strands of hair
Kit Cat
of course you did.
of course.
I s2g I did use them for a thing I did. Then I switched to kml (on PC)
If your webview has good performance that the end user can't tell it is a web view you should ask someone to pat your back
So..if I only plan to show pins of couple different colours, should I still go with android maps or through web view?
Orange is the new black is so good
it's alraight except the fact that so far it seems that each one of the prisoner is pretty much innocent, or doe not deserve to be in prison
I feel it tries to show how much the judicial systems suck in North America
Which is true
Does anyone have any idea why time_button.setText(DateFormat.getTimeInstance().format(new Date(2000,1,1,hourOfDay, minute))); would be adding... I don't know.. one thousand nine hundred years?
it is true
Also there is not enough black ladies there for it to be realistic
depends on if you want to show thse items in a list view,
which was what i was trying to do
mapviews dont work in listviews.
so I went with the static maps loaded into an image view...
then found out you can't do multiple polygons...
mistrfu the year 0 is 1900
now that shouts logic
so now I'm going with webviews which I dislike. but I'll take any chance to complain
so it is possible to have a mapview not fill the screen?
I thought you can only launch googlemaps on android..don't mind me I need to experiment with it
yah, you can have a mapview not fill the screen, but I was using fragments so maybe thats the ticket
Interesting now I want to try putting a MapView in a list item. Hold my beer.
do many.
I had about 20 items in a list.
only 1 mapview at a time would actually load
@mistrfu sorry for the ping. Did you see my message about the Date?
they were fairly small too, android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="120dp"
@Reno - I was using the map fragments, fyi, not the mapview. might be a difference.
e.ode: Yep, I did I am looking into it. It took me by surprise, how stupid is that?
well I think it might be due to use of years previous to 1900
I do not think a lot of people might use a date like 1755
i don't know
But to me it is a perfectly valid date
I think -4548456 should be perfectly valid date
MapFrag is a wrapper around the GoogleMap viee
yah, i was just being UTTERLY CLEAR
I didn't try with a view...
If you get it to work, I might have to resort to violence.
nabulae you said that you had maps on a ListView but only one showed?
yeah, each item had its own map in it,
but only one would actually render the map. the others would just be the depressing blank map grid, without any overlays
Of course I'll get it to work. Watch me ...
ohh I see
(...Mail my friend in the gmaps team)
oooh you better forward me that response =)
there is a problem with getting up at 6am. by 9am the coffee is cold.
this kinda thing makes me want to stop helping people: stackoverflow.com/questions/18640173/…
nebulae you are hardcore I couldn't even read the question
I dunno why he wouldnt take my advice. telling the service to sleep before responding, and then saying the service is unresponsive... heh.
Yes same here. I saw words and some sentences.
I actually think i misunderstood what he was trying to do. I didn't catch the "long" polling. I just read polling. oops.
If you say so Apple...
Become a coder.
Dye alone because you use logic more than your heart in matters of relationships (Which some how I can do)
unless you find a coder girl who does the same thing and appreciates the logic.

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