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03:00 - 06:0006:00 - 20:00

I am back.
lol you are alone
max learned Oauth:D
Yeah, I just woke up :-)
oAuth, I still don't know how it works :/
whats up with faded questions on SO?
what is the meaning?
i just learned, its really easy, but you have to find a good, well documented Oauth helper:/ i spent hours, and all suck, like having NO documentation, or having no easy way to download the SDK for it
im using oauthconsumer, really easy:]
Faded Questions?
dropbox is horrible documentation, when adding it to the app, they say "if it doesnt build, double check the steps", well once you quadrupal checked, you know it doesnt work:P got it but using a different way
some of the questions are half alpha
I know about faded answers. I think it happens when the answer is deleted by the user who answered but is in approval process by moderators.
faded answers are super downvoted
@Summer @MaxHasADHD @borrrden Hi where do i release NSString ,NSMutableArray & any user defined class objects in viewDidUnload or dealloc method ?
@piya Are you using ARC?
since yesterday or today some questions are also
viewDidUnload is deprecated in iOS 6
Ive actually never implemented it....even in ios 4
Why not?
my confession
I used it to nil out the retained outlets.
well my first application only had one view lol
Couldn't make use of weak and assign are dangerous :-)
anyone implement icloud before?
Now they keep the view as it is, it's not unloaded. Only the backing store is freed.
yep, use didReceiveMemoryWarning
which is much more serious now...no more weird vague levels
free or die
I had read a very good article on why viewDidUnload got deprecated and how the scenario is handled. I am searching for it.
so in non ARC, free everything in dealloc, free outlets in didUnload for ios < 6
it got deprecated cuz it doesnt make sense with ARC I thought
That article explains it deeply.
@Summer no i think not because ARC supproted from Xcode 4.2 & i m using 3.2
stop that haha
@Summer :/
@piya Yeah, just confirming. Anyways if you are talking about releasing objects then you aren't using ARC. Release the instance variable in dealloc method. viewDidUnload is a controller's life cycle method. When the controller's view is loaded in the memory, the viewDidLoad method gets called. And during low memory warnings, the controller's that aren't currently visible, their views could be unloaded to free some memory.
@Summer Did not get any mail.
@surendher You have write access. Please read the House Rules.
@anonymous Yah, Sorry I couldn't sent it. I got busy.
@Summer Thank you
Do anybody know how to create a ibook using a pdf with bookmark option
@surendher Did you read House Rules? and What have you tried?
p.s. @piya Those are instance objects, not class objects
@piya I actually do two things in viewDidUnload. 1. Do opposite of what is done in viewDidLoad i.e If any allocations done in viewDidLoad, then release it in viewDidUnload. 2. Release retained outlets, if any.
And in dealloc method, just release all the instance variables.
is viewDidUnload called consistently for deallocation?
If not, then you should release your outlets in dealloc as well
(well, rather their backing variables)
Ah Yeah! With ARC my MRC is getting worse lol
@anonymous I have a created a code that takes pdf and displays it as ibook, but i need bookmark option to be implemented
I am Back in the Morning. :) So... Good Morning All :p
I feel like writing a blog post about the technique I am using at work :p
can someone help with a apple mach-o linker error?
But I don't have a blog lol
probably, if you tell us what it is
first of all, do you understand the difference between a compiler error and linker error?
the error is from adding the dropboxSDK.framework
Ok, well do you know what "linking" is?
i tried the other way like adding the project, and it lets me #import it but it doesnt run to device that way, so i need the framework
I think you will come to understand these errors much better if you have a firm grasp of this topic
and not really
and i get ld: 14 duplicate symbols for architecture armv7
Mm hmm
90% of linker errors are two kinds
that one, and missing symbol
There are 3 steps (basically) to going from source code to machine code
Preprocessing (Stuff that starts with #)
Compilation (turning .m files into .o files)
and linking (putting those .o files together into one big binary file)
So until the linking step, there is no way of knowing if you've defined the same symbol twice in separate areas that aren't #imported to each other
so is it a duplicate file in the dropbox sdk or something?0_0
No, it means there is either a class, or variables with the same name somewhere
in dropbox, and in your project
This happens a lot with SBJSON....
ahhh.. ill see real quick if i have 2 matching files
yes i think dropbox has it
Because libraries will compile SBJSON into their code
and then, the programmer's project will link it again
boom....duplicate symbols
so take sbjson out?
That is the usual way to solve this problem
since it is already defined in dropbox, just use that version instead
(if that is the case)
The real headache comes from two libraries that have both compiled SBJSON in
then all you can do is cry pretty much
well wait, i dont have SBJSon (im pretty sure) i just know dropbox has it inside?
Well first
which symbols are being duplicated
that is very useful information
well in the error, i see armv7/Base64Transcoder.o
"symbol _kBase64EncodeTable in:"
"symbol _EstimateBas64EncodedDataSize in:"
"duplicate symbol _Base64EncodeData in:"
You should have a symbol, and two .o files to match it
@all i have a pdf file, i just need a code that takes pdf and displays it as iBook.
kBase64EncoderTable is defined twice....once in Base64Transcoder, and again somewhere else
what do you mean "as iBook"?
You mean with all of the features of iBook?
Or just with the ability to turn pages?
@surendher have to parse the pdf and get all the pages
@MaxHasADHD Do u have any sample code
Have you searched for PDF parsing libraries?
There are several out there
@surendher no i just know thats what you have to do
and @borrrden i dont really get what you mean by kBase64EncoderTable is defined, i used the xcode search tool and its not found anywhere in the app
@borrrden Actually i have a code that takes pdf and displays it as iBook but i need BOOKMARK option to be implemented
@surendher then when book is closed, make a NSUserDefault to save the page number
I have a sudden hunger for chinese food.. I wonder if that means I'm pregnant.
.....so why did you ask about displaying pdf like iBook?
@nil i have a thirst for mountain dew:P good thing i got osme
sudden hunger for chinese food is a symptom of being in college
@MaxHasADHD let me try that thing
@borrrden i just need a sample code for that....thatswhy
it is there somewhere, or else the linker wouldn't copmlain about it
Well you aren't going to get it
well then xcode search tool sucks because i cant find it:[ i hate this
Did you look in Base64Transcoder.m?
but its also searhcing the whole project, the search icon by the error icon undr "run"
and "Base64Tanscoder" is from OAuthConsumer in the crypto folder
Is it already compiled?
its in a .m and .h
By the way, don't install Windows 8.
and in the DropboxSDK.framework, in headers it also has Base64transcoder.h
I did, it's not worth it.
windows sucks:P
I had no plans to anyway
@borrrden is it because of the file is named the same?
Filenames have nothing to do with it
all the linker cares about are symbol names
Show the entire error message
in a pastie
well first here is the .h pastie.org/5122185
ill get that error now
@Summer @borrrden but dealloc & viewDidUnload is not calling .
ViewDidUnload called by memory management but when dealloc called ??
Base64Transcoder is also defined in dropbox
That is what the error is saying
since dropbox is a compiled framework, you can't search for it the way you are doing
yes it has that file 2 times
has Base64Transcoder.c and Base64Transcoder.h
@piya We can't expect viewDidUnload to get called based on our wish. It gets called when there is low memory warning (which you might not usually get running on Simulator).
@piya when the object gets deallocated
So you are including Base64Transcoder as part of your project?
Try removing it
well dropbox is a framework, but OAuthConsumer is in the project
@piya And as far as dealloc not getting called is concerned, object is deallocated when it has no more owners. Probably something is still owing the object, which is why its not getting deallocated i.e. it's dealloc isn't getting called.
Better yet, just untick that .m file from the compile sources
@summer Strong is an ARC word
theres no .m:P
its a .h and .c
then uncheck the .c
well my mind is now blown, and the 3 hours i spent on this is fixed
thank you
@Summer so how should i found that why dealloc not called?
@piya Check everywhere that you retain and release the object in question
make sure you are following proper convention
Do you know what that convention is?
@borrrden about what u r taking about?? not getting you
I can't say how the object is unknowingly getting retained somewhere else, without looking at the code. A very common approach that people sometimes follow is - They make the delegate as retain instead of assign and then forget to the release it. This effectively causes the delegate object not to dealloc.
Hmmm memory management rules
Do you know them?
If not then stop developing anything until you understand them completely
For example, what function calls cause you to own an object?
@borrrden hmmm but i have to learn simultaneously n develop also ow my company will terminate me :P
Not understanding this is the reason for 90% of rejections on the App Store
When I was working, I wanted to terminate my project manager.
When I started, no one else knew anything about iOS ><
and neither did I
So speaking in hindsight, you need to know memory management like the back of your hand if you are not going to use ARC
I used to do lazy allocation of objects. And she used to tell me - It's only going to consume in kbs. Why are you getting worried. I felt like punching her.
And forget about anything you learn in Xcode 3
And she finally used to change my code and do all allocation (necessary or unnecessary) in the viewDidLoad
because most of it will be in a different place or be irrelevant in Xcode 4
Sometimes that is necessary, summer :) However those circumstances are not usual
3D gaming is the best example, I suppose
If all assets are not loaded into memory, then the framerate will suffer
For example - People use third party Facebook API to share on their wall. Unless we click on the share facebook button, is it necessary to allocate the Facebook object? But she kept it allocated in viewDidLoad.
@Summer :D :D
I will be on your side for that one, as long as it doesn't cause a UI performance issue
User may not share on facebook. So whats the point of the allocation.
No point, but on the other hand if it doesn't cause any ill effects....then either way is fine I suppose
One thing that has been beaten into my brain is "Don't look for optimzations where there is no performance problem"
But I still do -___-
@Summer @borrrden give one more expliantion for "Incomplete Implementation of Class " warning because i am getting this warning in my each class???
It means there is a method in your .h file that you didn't put in your .m file
@borrrden ok thanks
Yeah, if it's pretty heavy object, whose allocation takes time, the button click might look sluggish. But there was twitter button as well. But one button click is looking sluggish is better than the entire controller experience looking sluggish.
Hmmm, will the entire experience be sluggish?
I think only the loading part wil
@borrrden done It helps thanks
users are more forgiving of load times than of sluggish UI elements :)
Kinda like "once it is out it better be smooth"
But I don't think in this case that it will cause it to be sluggish
It's sluggish or not, her approach to good memory management is wrong. Lazy loading should be preferred, always.
@borrrden @Summer one more explanation plz...What is difference between
arraySalutation = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; & arraySalutation = [NSMutableArray array]; &arraySalutation = [NSMutableArray new];
She was talking about kb's. She will do in several places with that kind of behavior and it will become in mb's. And then will pass the project to juniors to solve memory issues :D
1st and 3rd are the same
2nd is autoreleased
It is always better to allocate memory gently and slowly
memory spikes will get your app termintaed
then which is better method to allocate memory?
depends on your goal
Read the memory management docs by Apple
Print them out and tape them to your bathroom mirror
read them every morning before breakfast
@borrrden arraySalutation =[[[NSMutableArray alloc]init] autorelease]; & arraySalutation = [NSMutableArray array]; same??
ok thanks
use "and" instead of "&"
It is confusing
& means pointer deference
it means the opposite of that
it means "address of"
@borrrden if i use arraySalutation =[[[NSMutableArray alloc]init] autorelease]; then should i have to release it again in dealloc?
what do you think?
i think no need to relaese in dealloc
but your object will likely be deallocated too soon
But if it's an instance variable and ARC is absent, what is the point of that allocation !
You really need to understand the concept of variable lifetimes if you are going to become a decent programmer with objective-c
Summer, what is going to happen to the event with sree missing?
ok i will read
gm guys...
i want to intergrate my app with iphone 5
I imagine a lot of people do
i got this am i doing right i don't have iphone 5 so cant't test it
Q: How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?

LukaszNew iPhone 5 display has a new aspect ratio and a new resolution (1136 x 640 px). What is required to develop new or transition already existing applications to the new screen size? What should we keep in mind to make applications "universal" for both the older displays and the new widescreen a...

We could hope he gets back. In case he doesn't, either let's cancel the event (as it isn't announced yet) or I could do Social Framework and application state preservation and restoration.
I can also do auto layout
PRJ what about the iPhone 5 simulator?
@borrrden if i made object of user defined class and allocate memory like this
objUserLogin= [[[UserLogin alloc]init] autorelease]; then will it also release automatically ?
@borrrden downloding xcode 4.5 i think it have iphone 5 simulator?
Yes, it does
@borrrden but i want to ask is that answer is right?
@borrrden plz ping the person to whom u r replying :(
I don't like pinging
That answer was for PRJ though
It is accepted with over 100 upvotes
but how we know ans of whos que?
I will be more specific next time :)
ans my question now :P
@borrrden do i need to chage resolution of my images?
Your memory will release automatically
@piya You are sending it an autorelease message. So it will certainly release automatically for you.
At the end of the next run loop
No, there is not a good way to select different images for 3.5 inch and 4 inch
instead, you use auto layout or autoresizing masks to shift your UI around
i hate that we have to code to choose 4" images:/ apple should auto make it
hell no...you wanna be like android?
any one worked with facebook single sign on feature no one can answer me in stackoverflow :)
@borrrden you mean set diff frame for 3.5 & 4 inch screen
with 17,000 different image endings?
no, that will be handled with auto layout
the screen will automatically change size, it is up to you to define what your UI should do when it does
You do that with Auto Layout (ios 6 only) or auto resizing masks (backwards compatible)
no, like if it ends with @2x-568, then it uses that for iphone 5 image
@borrrden my second doubt is this in my app in many ViewControllers i set y positions of view manually will it work with iphone 5 screen or i have to set new y positions for iphone 5 screen?
manual y positions will fail
No Max, that is only for launch images
i know, but why couldnt they do that throughout ios like @2x does
Because then the binaries would become even huger
There is no need for that...
@borrden last que suppose if i m using varible of mutable array and i auto release that array while creating like this arraySalutation =[[[NSMutableArray alloc]init] autorelease]
and if i am using that array in other class then will it effect ??
ping me when u ans me
It has got all messed up :-(
@borrrden @MaxHasADHD so need to set new y positions for iphone 5 screen
03:00 - 06:0006:00 - 20:00

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