i just learned, its really easy, but you have to find a good, well documented Oauth helper:/ i spent hours, and all suck, like having NO documentation, or having no easy way to download the SDK for it
dropbox is horrible documentation, when adding it to the app, they say "if it doesnt build, double check the steps", well once you quadrupal checked, you know it doesnt work:P got it but using a different way
@piya Yeah, just confirming. Anyways if you are talking about releasing objects then you aren't using ARC. Release the instance variable in dealloc method. viewDidUnload is a controller's life cycle method. When the controller's view is loaded in the memory, the viewDidLoad method gets called. And during low memory warnings, the controller's that aren't currently visible, their views could be unloaded to free some memory.
@piya I actually do two things in viewDidUnload. 1. Do opposite of what is done in viewDidLoad i.e If any allocations done in viewDidLoad, then release it in viewDidUnload. 2. Release retained outlets, if any.
And in dealloc method, just release all the instance variables.
@piya We can't expect viewDidUnload to get called based on our wish. It gets called when there is low memory warning (which you might not usually get running on Simulator).
@piya And as far as dealloc not getting called is concerned, object is deallocated when it has no more owners. Probably something is still owing the object, which is why its not getting deallocated i.e. it's dealloc isn't getting called.
I can't say how the object is unknowingly getting retained somewhere else, without looking at the code. A very common approach that people sometimes follow is - They make the delegate as retain instead of assign and then forget to the release it. This effectively causes the delegate object not to dealloc.
I used to do lazy allocation of objects. And she used to tell me - It's only going to consume in kbs. Why are you getting worried. I felt like punching her.
For example - People use third party Facebook API to share on their wall. Unless we click on the share facebook button, is it necessary to allocate the Facebook object? But she kept it allocated in viewDidLoad.
Yeah, if it's pretty heavy object, whose allocation takes time, the button click might look sluggish. But there was twitter button as well. But one button click is looking sluggish is better than the entire controller experience looking sluggish.
She was talking about kb's. She will do in several places with that kind of behavior and it will become in mb's. And then will pass the project to juniors to solve memory issues :D
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We could hope he gets back. In case he doesn't, either let's cancel the event (as it isn't announced yet) or I could do Social Framework and application state preservation and restoration.
@borrrden if i made object of user defined class and allocate memory like this objUserLogin= [[[UserLogin alloc]init] autorelease]; then will it also release automatically ?
@borrrden my second doubt is this in my app in many ViewControllers i set y positions of view manually will it work with iphone 5 screen or i have to set new y positions for iphone 5 screen?
@borrden last que suppose if i m using varible of mutable array and i auto release that array while creating like this arraySalutation =[[[NSMutableArray alloc]init] autorelease] and if i am using that array in other class then will it effect ?? ping me when u ans me