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this is room is really a ghost town
...echoing into vast vacuum on uncertainties
...do not go gentle into that good night
anyway, if someone cares to review my code, feel free to ping me
It's working but I'm wondering if it's fine or should it be done that way
@mr5 I prefer to move out the isBusy checking and return the function if isBusy is true
and use NSError for error instead of NSString
beside that I'm not that familiar with sqlite in iOS so I can't comment about it
if you stick around all day @mr5, this room wouldn't be a ghost town.
Anyone here using fastlane?
I've never heard ot it
This one Michael : fastlane.tools
@NikoYuwono it shouldn't return because that function will be invoked by different threads. If I returned it immediately, the process will not be done.
I just inserted that while (isBusy) to avoid a corrupted results from the database. I don't know how to handle it so I made a simple locking mechanism
I'm thinking if should I acquire the reference of a thread that the GCD produced so I would get a single thread only each time I invoked this function
But I don't know how to, and Google is unfriendly for me with this topic :(
Hmmm I think you should use different queue then
Or use fmdb -> github.com/ccgus/fmdb
is the queue you're talking about synonymous with thread?
1 hour later…
@mr5 yes
uh uh
I was informed that sqlite3 transactions are thread-safe and wondering why I still get corrupted results. I have found out that my copy of sqlite3 is not compiled as thread-safe so I need to reconfigure it through code.
But they said it's thread-safe by default
3 hours later…
"by default" lol
What is the sqlite3 default?
I don't think such a thing exists anymore...it's a long lost legend
Use Realm Couchbase!
@borrrden the configuration is compiled by default for Objective-C
needed to have this line sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED)
7 hours later…
@Dev2rights did you get my mail? I'll book that one if I can, but make sure you do as well
3 hours later…
wake up @MikeAsdf !
boo... he logged off instead of waking up. Maybe @DuncanC will show up?
@MichaelDautermann Maybe...
whoa! you woke up... what a shock!
Howdy howdy howdy!
Looks like I have to restart my @#$@#$ Mac. BBL...
Xcode does not deal well with very large projects.
yeah, it's crashing for me very reliably nowadays.
Reliable crashing. Hmm.
I think the last really stable version of Xcode was 4.2.
I wish Apple would spend 3-6 months NOT ADDING NEW FEATURES TO XCODE, and instead, simply fixing bugs and making it more stable. They are so gung-ho to add new stuff that they never make it run reliably
speaking of, are you ready for Xcode 8?
less than a month!
Yay. Happy happy, joy joy. Time for another unusable mess for a month or so.
are you going this year?
To WWDC you mean? No, I am not one of the chosen.
nooo, not for me this year.
but certainly next time.
Given how over-subscribed the conference is, there's nothing certain about getting to go unless you're a VIP who gets an automatic invitation.
@DuncanC This is probably the most common request for any developer
Which request is that Borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrden? The "Stop adding things and stabilize Xcode!" request?
The comment that I linked in mine
If you hover over it or click it you will see :)
But yes you got the right one anyway
hey guys :)
is it okay to ask a question here?
i did post it on stack also as a question
Q: tasks and dataTasks array's are always empty in afnetworking 3?

kushArray's under AFURLSessionManager data and dataTasks are always empty. I want to suspend all current api calls if there is no internet connectivity. Singleton is inherited from AFHTTPSessionManager, and a sample api call is like. [self GET:apiURL parameters:parameters progress:nil success:^...

1 hour later…
@MichaelDautermann hello sorry I have infinite tabs open at all times
I should maybe unfavorite this room since no one's a xamarin homie but me

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