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Assets don't have a token, as I'm not keeping them in my local database
Assets don't need a token
per record token is what I am talking about
You are almost describing what we have except instead of "token" we have "revision ID"
that means that i have to link assets with a document/record
You are doing that anyway right?
I suppose I could
You embed the path you said
To me that's pretty much linking
Oh you never actually said that I guess, I am imagining it
You just said you are "making" a path
Well you are going to have to make a record for the attachment
Lol welcome to distributed computing
Sounds like all roads lead to keeping track of the asset locally :(
or linking it to another record or something
I wish I could compare dates reliably, then I'd go that avenue
Everyone wishes that
But it ain't gonna happen :p
If you need to function while offline you need to track while offline
Now, I'm procrastinating on picking and implementation and moving forward :)
You know, I actually thought about storing the local time when the upload was requested, then when the user has internet access subtract the current local time from the stored time, then fetch the time from the server, subtract it by the difference of the current local time and stored time, then compare that against the server.
I was momentarily excited, then I realized the user could always change the system time
The only way to properly do it is to have only a single source of time
but I can't get the network time when offline :(
Multiversion concurrency control (MCC or MVCC), is a concurrency control method commonly used by database management systems to provide concurrent access to the database and in programming languages to implement transactional memory. If someone is reading from a database at the same time as someone else is writing to it, it is possible that the reader will see a half-written or inconsistent piece of data. There are several ways of solving this problem, known as concurrency control methods. The simplest way is to make all readers wait until the writer is done, which is known as a lock. This can...
database management is vast
database and sync is hard
Why do you think so many companies pay us to do it? ;)
borrrden is doing his job
I can't help it
matt insists on trying to build his own framework that does the same thing as what we've been developing for a solid 2 years now
momma didn't make no quitters
Even still my scrum board looks like this -> waffle.io/couchbase/couchbase-lite-net -_-
looks lovely
What's Couchbase Sync Gateway vs Couchbase Lite?
or Lite vs Mobile
nvm, found the docs
is the Sync Gateway absolutely necessary? or is it optional for if you have your own server?
It seems Couchbase Lite is what I want, but I don't see immediately where the sync layer comes in
Couchbase Server is all purpose
Couchbase Lite is more specific and needs Sync Gateway to transform and interpret the docs
Also, more importantly, Couchbase Server does not perform any synchronization (except with other Server clusters)
Sync Gateway handles that part
wait, what?
So what does the entire stack look like, for my needs? Which would be local database and syncing.
I don't have time to convert my whole app over to Couchbase, so I'm just going to be mapping from CD to CB when needed, I'm thinking
We market all three as one solution
Sync Gateway and Couchbase Server would be on the server side
For local storage you just need Lite
@borrrden buuuut I don't have a server.
Seems like CB isn't a good fit, then :/
CloudKit eh?
You use Apple's space? Aren't you limited to 5GB?
Well, the amount of space the user has.
By default that's 5GB
4 hours later…
Q: StarScream websocketDidReceivePong is not getting called for writePing

Durai Amuthan.HI would like to send periodic pings to server to keep the connection alive. This is the function to send ping socket.writePing(NSData()) But I am not getting the pong back func websocketDidReceivePong(socket: WebSocket){ wsConsole.text = wsConsole.text .stringByAppendingString("\n webso...

2 hours later…
Oh that's sneaky of them :p
Go back to work borrrden!
Why? lol
It's already way past the end of the day
how do you acquire the same reference of the thread that invoked by the GCD?
Oh yes you work on weird hour compared to me even we are in the same timezone lol
4 hours later…
Fun Fact: There is actually only one time zone, which is relative to Owatch's current location.
3 hours later…
any experts on watch os 2, I need to migrate my project from watch os 1 to 2.
4 hours later…
@MichaelDautermann Wake up, Michael!

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