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@Owatch @Dudi sorry for last time, but the email is out. :)
this thing is ticking me off
Q: Image is saving to cache, but not successfully loading from it

DemCodeLinesI am working on an iOS app and in one stage, the user is allowed to change his profile picture. He does so by clicking a button, which opens an UIImagePickerController. The following is the code that executes once an image has been selected: func imagePickerController(picker: UIImagePickerContro...

@DemCodeLines What happen to your question? :/
@FarhadNezhad Deleted it, I asked the wrong question.
Oh okay
@DemCodeLines Do you want to be happens beta tester?
I'd love to! I'm glad you asked.
Please give me you email :) Thanks
Im openning Kickstarter for $50K (Marketing and Servers)
How would it work? Would it need to be a developer ID associated with Apple? Or just any.
I believe it can be any email, but you need TestFlight App, the instruction is in the email.
ping me so you can remove ur email quickly
got it
Send :) Thank you so much man
Ugh man I need to get the website done. 8!
This is so much for one person, App, server, website, marketing
So what kind of information collection happens in this?
GEO location and What every you post. Thats all
and of course the UUID
Here is Privacy policy @DemCodeLines thehappens.com/legal/PP
but Personal Data (or Data) section don't get collect from App, only when someone want to report abuse from site thehappens.com itself
Anyone else beta testing yet?
yes 3 others, but it only allow 150 miles around you
What state are you in?
So basically if your out of range your the only person :/
Yeah, I'm gonna be far away from that.
Mass is like 400+ miles away
for another Beta testing I will update more radius, just test UI and improvement for now, sorry
First off, I would change "Explore" to something along the lines of "Get Started" or "Start"
Blog link leads to a 404 and support link goes to a blank page
yes i say that in review description, also support
I made note, I think I need to make better tutorial page controller.
Also, hitting that close button when trying to write a new post is a struggle. I am tapping it at least 5 times before finally hitting it "right".
K noted, Thanks
I need to add, Auto Refresh and Notification Also
One more thing. I know the app isn't done yet (or is it?), but presently, it feels empty. Like there isn't much to do in there. The UI seems empty. Your competition is Yik Yak, Whisper etc. Look at their UI.
Okay, Actually I feel the same about it, I need to add more fun exciting stuff
the only fun thing now is the ninja at the beginning lol
I know I should have done more, but first 3 months was learning swift, so basically is work of 2 and half months :/
Well, it's not a Hello World app, and you're the only developer, graphic designer, backend developer etc. so...
True 😂😂 lol
Thanks man, I like ur suggestions and 3 other people let me know if anything else should be change
2 hours later…
@FarhadNezhad I've got test flight email :) here we go.
Morning guys
2 hours later…
Hello All
Has anyone worked with coreData
2 hours later…
i have
1 hour later…
Hello @MichaelDautermann
How are you
Hello @Orion
what did you want to know about coredata?
I am getting this error from crashLytics report
This NSPersistentStoreCoordinator has no persistent stores (I/O error). It cannot perform a save operation.
But I cannot replicate this in my device
hmm ok
that's a new one for me as well
sounds like somehow the psc isnt assigned to the managedobject
or it is assigned and the file isnt accessible
since it's an I/O error
Actually I am getting data from server, and on connectionFinishLoading, I am calling [appDelegate saveContext] method
Q: CoreData 'This NSPersistentStoreCoordinator has no persistent stores. It cannot perform a save operation.'

Josh KahaneI have been following these instructions to help integrate iCloud support with CoreData and I am getting some errors. I have this in my AppDelegate: - (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *)persistentStoreCoordinator { if (persistentStoreCoordinator != nil) { return persistentStoreCoordin...

this is what reported by crashLytics report
it can also be a multi threading issue
it would appear
did you enable the concurrency debugging option?
how to do that?
Product -> Scheme -> Run -> Arguments passed on launch -> -com.apple.CoreData.ConcurrencyDebug 1
How this will help me?
@Hello All,
Do you have any idea how to remove after backward slash charater in thes string
when you run your app that way
it will detect concurrency issues
when you are accessing your managedobjects from two different threads
if you are saving the same psc from multiple threads, it might cause your issue
i want to remove in
ok let me check
poi.characters.split{$0 == "\"}.map(String.init)
it will split your string
to actually remove stuff...
lemme see
bla.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\r", withString: "")
seems you need to work on your googling my friend
hey i want to remove after slash charater
i know if you put \r it will work but in some of situation i ll get other string like \u
so i want to remove all the charater including slash
@Orion any clue
Suppose your only true option is a regex
you would have to look into finding a regex that removes your one "\" and the one extra character
@IOSRocks this is correct: \\{1}\w{1}
if i keep running the app on the iphone 4s for about two hours, it consumes so much memory, that iOS closes the app, I can't seem to figure out what the issue is here...
@IOSRocks this is best: (\\\w{1})+
2 hours later…
@Dudi any suggestion/bugs/fixes?
Im gonna work on UI today, God Be with me :)
1 hour later…
what you are trying to say..can u pls elborate
3 hours later…
Got a reply from Apple Promotion.
Not sure if it's a positive sign or not.
1 hour later…
Well, usually a reply entails some sort of information about the promotion.
So did they reply with a blank message?
They asked for more information about the app.
The message felt boilerplate, though
But, at least it (probably) means the read it and are considering it.
We'll see.
I'm probably going to shower soon.
Pretty boring day.
I want the iPad Pro to come out so I can buy one.
Like, day one, 128gb LTE one. I'm not making the same mistake I did with my iPad 2.
In other news, I released a fairly popular Sketch plugin today... github.com/matt-curtis/Fluid-for-Sketch
Not having LTE in that thing has been the most frustrating, awful thing for travel.
Feeling pretty crummy lately, maybe I need to eat better.
What have you been eating?
Do you exercise?
Are you making friends?
If a 25 minute cycling commute to school (and back, so x2) counts as legit exercise.
I hope you cleaned your room today.
I eat soup, sandwiches for the most part. Got some vegetables, and only a little meat.
@Owatch not bad. better than nothing
Yeah, I have some friends here.
2, namely.
Comp Sci majors?
Where do they live?
One lives about 5 minutes away, the other about 25 minutes away. By bicycle.
Students using same housing organization, in different parts of the city.
I need addresses
no what
Only names, and a time.
Apple replied from a different email than I sent my inquiries to
uh oh
You think it's a Nigerian Prince, don't you.
Well, maybe the different email is one they actually reply from.
So I got access to the address book, got everyone's names and put them in an array. I sorted them alphabetically. But dividing them into sections by letter should not be requiring massive, complex piece of code, right?
Matt's a nigerian prince.
I'm watching a documentary on The Estonia.
Hello nil. Friend, I had recently come into a sum, of significant value, of about $9999,9999, USD currency. I am homeless and sending this message via bottle in water. I need but one thing help of you: if you would send money, via Western Union, Paypal, or Bitcoin, I need to recover my funds. After recover my funds I shall pay to you 80% of those funds retrieved.
I just spent $193, I'm not in a position to do currency trading
I need only 192 currencies.
Please, sir, it would mean a lot.
I also have 40 children.
That would make you extremely valuable in agricultural societies.
The number climbs and falls quite frequently.
How dare you. Cannibalism is a sin.
Once Matt had but 33 children.
But he made great progress, and managed to obtain the 40 again within a year.
Anyway, for the first time in about 5 years I've gone ahead and renewed my Apple dev membership
Oddly enough, I only really did this so I could download the San Francisco fonts.
By the way, what happens to your existing projects if you don't renew?
Will your account be locked, or wiped?
Just your apps are pulled
Yeah. It's about as fair as you could hope for.
@EnricoSusatyo would help :(
They've used all the toilet paper again
Not buying it this time.
keep your own roll. simple.
And leave them this:
People would start pitching in pretty quickly.
hehe, won't write it in pen.
Oh snap
I'm not sure what this is but it sounds so nice soundcloud.com/user18081971/avril-14th-reversed-music-not-audio
I randomly started to have a problem where building takes forever and "SourceKitService" takes up over 200% of CPU. What's happening?
dunno what 'SourceKitService' is about.
But cleaning your project and deleting the Derived Data folder are the go tos
I deleted DerivedData and cleaned several times. But the service still shows up (which is fine, but) and takes up 200% of CPU, which causes the fans to go off unusually loud and unusual amount of heat coming out
afternoon / evening
Formulated a new hairstyle in the shower.
Such fun.
@mattsven Yeah..
@Owatch how's it going?
Okay I guess, what about you?
Working on my App realllll slowly. In exam sessions right now.
@Owatch that's one of the few things I hate about Soundcloud
not bad, launched a kickstarter for the app, and deployed an ember.js app to production
I'll be jamming to a track, and someone posts some really weird comment that just makes me reevaluate humanity as a whole.
@Chris oh, you've used ember.js? how do you like it?
Anything good to watch Mattio?
@mattsven I like it :D coming from a rails background i like the idea of "convention over configuration" ;)
it does have a steep learning curve though (-.-)
I like the name, 'ember'
@Chris that's why I didn't use it, it seemed like it would
Oh boy, get your stakes ready boys.
Could someone help me with UIDatePicker?
Another one.
Silver bullets, now!
Hello @Owatch
Uh. Hello.
Hi @Owatch.
How are you?
How are you?
You probably should use one account only.
We're different people.
We're different people.
Could someone help me out with UIDatePickers?
Could someone help me out with UIDatePickers?
Both members for exactly 8 monthes
Mate, I just want some help.
Mate, I just want some help.
Both HTML and Javascript specialities based on your profiles
No need to be suspicious.
Yeah, same account.
@Owatch He's trying to mess around with you. It's really not that difficult.
We are actually two different people
I'm sure you are.
As am I. :>
I am creating an app for swift, and need help with datepickers
Or am I anyone else here too?
What if he's..everyone
Is it possible to set the initial value of a datepicker using a string such as "Jan 4, 2015"
@mattsven what JS framework did you end up choosing?
Why not ask your friend Sachin.
He probably knows.
It's not bad for small projects.
He isnt my friend
wow haven't even heard of that one
I'm sure you know him closely.
there's an ongoing joke in the Ruby room about JS frameworks
there's an ongoing joke about JS frameworks in general
Most in-demand programming language 1 SQL 2 Java 3 JS 4 C# 5 Python 6 C++ 7 Ruby 8 iOS/Swift http://bit.ly/1KoEQRG https://t.co/EtnCB6Z3si
There's no way SQL is #1. Wow.
Dont be disrespectful to the greatest batsman of all time.
uhhh, what?
so much for a normal conversation this evening :P
Is it possible to set the initial value of a datepicker using a string such as "Jan 4, 2015"
Oct 22 at 22:36, by Enrico Susatyo
This room is really full of help vampires lately.
14 mins ago, by Owatch
Oh boy, get your stakes ready boys.
14 mins ago, by Owatch
Silver bullets, now!
12 hours ago, by Ranjit
ok let me check
Are you guys going to fucking help me or not
@Sachin in short yes, I am sure there is a way to set the default value of a datepicker
You could try splitting the string.
Then use each component to make a date. Using a lookup table.
stringWithFormat is pretty powerful
What I do is get the input from the user in a different view controller
and want to display it again in another controller
@Sachin so use delegation ;)
Could you show me how to use delegation? :)
uhhh there's a video series on lynda.com that would explain it better than I could ever do
There's a post I made for you Chris.
i do
is lynda free
to use
it's like 20 bucks a month
or you could search the questions i have asked and find the one owatch is talking about
Should I just ask a questin on SO?
yeah if you feel like getting lampooned :p
A: How do I use delegation in iOS for slide out menu?

OwatchI'll give this an attempt. Let's say you've got a ViewController called ViewControllerA, and another ViewController called ViewControllerB. We want to call a method inside A from B. How are we going to achieve this? Simple. We will define a protocol inside B that A will comply to. Let me do t...

There is is.
If you want, I try to explain how to use delegation there.
Of course, it all depends on how you're ViewController's are structured.
If the UIViewController you want to send data to is a child or can be segued to from the one where the data originates, then you do not need delegation.
Its written in pbjective c.
I dont know how to implement objective c into swift
This is for sending data back "up" the tree.
Oh, my bad. I don't know Swift myself.
Maybe you can find a similar one?
But make sure you know what you need first. Delegation is generally needed for certain special cases of passing information.
there really needs to be a obj-c -> swift website, like js2.coffee
Should I explain what I am trying to do here?
or na
@Chris there is.
but really, you should just get comfortable with objective-c. it's not going away for awhile.
That is a site you can tell is 100% made by developers
Cause design is poor? Well its ok
Apple is asking for preview video.
Of your App? Do you have any?
I'm going to be upset if I go to all this effort and they just reply with lol no
Well, I'm making one.
I can see it now Matt.
I also wonder if I should include my original email somwehere in this reply I'm sending
@mattsven it looks like you have to pay for that service, no?
it was quite passonate
@Chris for larger than 10 kbs, yes
You're waving your arms wildly as men with camera equipment rush into your house to set up.
The trusty iOS tweak I used to record videos of the screen doesn't work properly on iOS 9 :(
So I'll have to use quicktime...
but quick time does not show touches.
Jesus, just finished this documentary.
Not a pleasant one. It's everything that scared me about the baltic.
That's not a fun one either

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