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Hello everbody
Well, i'm not going to be able to finish my app:/
Next weeks schedule: 5 days of school, help my dad redo the entire yard, homework, work app and personal app. both apps need to be done next friday or sooner. Definitely not happening
Even if I cut any features, its not possible
Just fucked
only way Ill be saved is if Apple pushes iOS 9 a week
Hi guys
Apple Watch support isn't near done mostly because its just so buggy its hard to test it
Then drop it. Not many people have an Apple Watch.
It won't get featured without one
but you are right. I'll probably have to give that up for 1.0
watchOS 2 support. watchOS 1 is pretty good besides some UI I want to change
although, that is also buggy. It won't even launch on a device
I wouldn't do Apple Watch.
Is there a way I would convert a game from SpriteKit to OpenGL? I want to make it run on both iOS and Android.
Apple Watch will help to get featured which I want
What are you creating? If I may ask.
and I put so much work in it, and I want it. I love my app on the watch, when it works. But its just so impossible to debug, I can't see anyone making watchOS 2 apps
but if I get through it and find workarounds, only my app there will be
TV tracker
So pretty much, a TV guide for your phone/watch?
The UI looks great
Alerts you when a show is on, shows details about the show and episodes, tells you what you missed and all
And thank you so much :)
What does the Watch version look like?
@DDPWNAGE There's no way btw. You have to use a third party game engine.
I've never heard of a game engine using SpriteKit.
Oh, okay. Well, thank you for telling me
On that note, are there any good tutorials for OpenGL out there?
I tried Google's and got confused on making the view.
I would go against using OpenGL, and use Unity or UnrealEngine.
As a slight by-the-way, the only Android device I own runs Android 2.3.4
I think Unity would be easiest.
Well it looks different on either version of watchOS
watchOS 1 you can view shows upcoming the next week, or see which episodes you have missed
watchOS 2 shows you episodes today, but I am trying to get it for the week
and then possibly add the to-watch section again, but its too hard
There are so much manual work if you are making a game with OpenGL. Even say colouring a triangle would require 15 minutes with more than 10 lines of code. In Unity it would be 1 line and only 2 minutes.
This is how hard it is, my data is plist files with titles of the current date, if the data is not there for that day, it will fetch it.. if its tomorrow, the data still doesn't refresh, and its a watch!
I thought the same.
So ill have to send each days file for a week, and then if any changes happen ill have to merge them or replace the file. and its just hell
I'd support watchOS 1 and then add support to watchOS 2 in a later update.
Maybe. The issue with that right now is beta 5 will not run watchOS 1 apps, just crash
simulator will, I'm sure its a bug
but if its not fixed next beta, I can't risk it
ya know, but ya. If its fixed, ill cut watchOS 2 support for now
Yeah, wait until you have to before you start supporting watchOS 2 support
supporting watchOS 2 **
ill add it within the month hopefully
Yeah, do that
Only reason why I asked if there was an easier way than using Unity was because I want my app to stay relatively small
On iOS it's a 1.1 MB download.
Unity apps are bigger?
I didn't know if they are.
I wouldn't worry too much, so many people in the world can download 10-20MB in minutes.
I know.
Think of it this way: YouTube usage is so high, and also Apple Music and other music streaming and video streaming sevices.
Those are your customers. They stream hundreds of MB of data daily anyway.
People are willing to use data and space there.
If I make a stupidly simple game for people to play offline, it shouldn't have to stream/take up hundreds of MB of data.
It takes up 3.1 MB of data at most.
At least, on iOS
8.088279999999999 would be a double, ya?
That seems like a double or a float.
Looks like I messed up my model in Xcode-_-
I added a unique ID, but then removed it but the error won't go away
Stupid Xcode
Enrico, is CD migration easy?
CD = Core Data?
or, migrating one song to another :P
I want to migrate all of my CD's.
Lifting them isn't easy
Anyway, I know an evil I could do
Make a BrainF*** compiler for iOS
Are talking about the same thing...
Enrico, do you think my app will be featured?
YouTube needs to get with it and make a native YouTube player
I have to find a hack now to play Youtube in-app
Current workflow: Open app->Select show->Select show info->select "view trailer"->open SFSafariViewController->Opens Youtube App (due to Youtube being stupid) and then no way to easily get back to my app
@Maximilian I don't know, I'm not Apple.
Should be in the web controller, they don't allow it
There are 1,000 of apps that looks as good as yours and they don't get featured.
How do you find albums alphabetically on an iPhone now?
Damn thing sorts by artist when you tell it to sort by album
It's a challenge.
I worried that one day iPhone music app usability would reach iTunes levels of wtf, I guess it finally has
Time for you to Apple for a job at Apple!
Q: Twitter warning log "TwitterKit must be used only from the main thread" in Fabric SDK?

Kirit ModiI am integrate twitter using fabric SDK. I am successfully integrate it in my apps also login and get token,names of user from twitter. But in my apps one Waring is display when checking of twitter session for login. if (Twitter.sharedInstance().session() == nil) { twitterToken ...

please Help me Brother
Brother Enrico
@Michael Dautermann
unknown issue, Help me.
unknown answer, how can I help?
5 hours later…
Wow its all going on in here today
@rage did you find the answer to your question ?
turns our that if you upload a new version the older one gets dropped
1 hour later…
thought as much
Q: Swift: inputAccessoryView show blank white screen for UIToolbar when called

NSGodI'm trying to add UIToolbar to my keyboard with inputAccessoryView, but once the user tap the UITextField I get an Blank white screen or load White view if i put it in viewDidLoad(). I have tried few stackoverflow QA and non of them seems to be working for me. I'm also doing this with removeFromS...

I have never experience this with inputAccessoryView
3 hours later…
Apple... why. why why.
MPMoviePlayerController is deprecated in iOS 9 and doesn't work, AVPlayerViewController doesn't stream videos, and SFSafariViewController fails to play the vide but works in Safari. Seriously, WTF.
Time to see if WKWebView can play videos as well or if its also stupid
@Maximilian should i make button graphics in sketch or use Quartz?
Hi All
Can anyone tell me how can I get notification when internet goes offline ? I want some indicator or something that let me know your network connection is gone now .
2 hours later…
I thought I should share a sneak peak of the Social App I been working on, so here is a little preview of Happens timeline. happens.com. ;)
thehappens.com ....Ugh you Autocorrect lol
Lol I created swift class file added to storyboard btw its empty just class and nothing and its crashing (lldb). Did exepction breakpoint but in AppDelegate at class line
@NSGod Can I test?
@jean-lucgodard there are libraries online
How can I reduce lag in a app? I'm 99% sure that it was the UIActivityIndicatorViewcontroller, now I am using a custom loading animation and it still slightly lags
Like I'm in the view controller, I tap a view controller and sometimes the controller will show, other times I have to re-tap the screen again to make it load? I have nothing in the init and its just a normal controller. If I remove the indicator it will instal-present always
@Maximilian very soon, very soon, I just need to finish commenting section and some error and good to go for testing
Oh one more thing for some reason photos are not getting crop during an upload, so that too lol...thanks

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