Next weeks schedule: 5 days of school, help my dad redo the entire yard, homework, work app and personal app. both apps need to be done next friday or sooner. Definitely not happening
and I put so much work in it, and I want it. I love my app on the watch, when it works. But its just so impossible to debug, I can't see anyone making watchOS 2 apps
but if I get through it and find workarounds, only my app there will be
There are so much manual work if you are making a game with OpenGL. Even say colouring a triangle would require 15 minutes with more than 10 lines of code. In Unity it would be 1 line and only 2 minutes.
This is how hard it is, my data is plist files with titles of the current date, if the data is not there for that day, it will fetch it.. if its tomorrow, the data still doesn't refresh, and its a watch!
YouTube needs to get with it and make a native YouTube player
I have to find a hack now to play Youtube in-app
Current workflow: Open app->Select show->Select show info->select "view trailer"->open SFSafariViewController->Opens Youtube App (due to Youtube being stupid) and then no way to easily get back to my app
I am integrate twitter using fabric SDK. I am successfully integrate it in my apps also login and get token,names of user from twitter. But in my apps one Waring is display when checking of twitter session for login.
if (Twitter.sharedInstance().session() == nil)
twitterToken ...
I'm trying to add UIToolbar to my keyboard with inputAccessoryView, but once the user tap the UITextField I get an Blank white screen or load White view if i put it in viewDidLoad(). I have tried few stackoverflow QA and non of them seems to be working for me. I'm also doing this with removeFromS...
MPMoviePlayerController is deprecated in iOS 9 and doesn't work, AVPlayerViewController doesn't stream videos, and SFSafariViewController fails to play the vide but works in Safari. Seriously, WTF.
Time to see if WKWebView can play videos as well or if its also stupid
Can anyone tell me how can I get notification when internet goes offline ? I want some indicator or something that let me know your network connection is gone now .
Lol I created swift class file added to storyboard btw its empty just class and nothing and its crashing (lldb). Did exepction breakpoint but in AppDelegate at class line
How can I reduce lag in a app? I'm 99% sure that it was the UIActivityIndicatorViewcontroller, now I am using a custom loading animation and it still slightly lags
Like I'm in the view controller, I tap a view controller and sometimes the controller will show, other times I have to re-tap the screen again to make it load? I have nothing in the init and its just a normal controller. If I remove the indicator it will instal-present always