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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

What is NSOperation?
Some sort of threading?
Ya, its very nice
So what do you use it for>
Does it load background stuff?
Or do you load your data in it, and relieve the main thread?
It takes if off the main queue as well
so the main queue only checks if its in the cache, if not in the background then it gets it from the system and caches it, else in the background it downloads it
Ah ****
There's something up with the way my counter operates.
Its very easy and nice though
Eh. I'll sort it later. Gonna go swimming.
By the way Max, do you have an iPhone 5C ?
I turned ~30 lines of code to
ImageManager.sharedManager.getImageForShow(show, completionHandler: { (image) -> Void in
cell.backgroundImage = image
That is my image code for cells now.. very nice
I have a 6+, 4S and 5
Interested in them.
Ever used a 5C?
Submitting my work app:O
1 hour later…
@borrrden The mic caught your gurgling swallow.
Also, you should try frameless glasses. I think they'd look good on you.
I now have an iPhone 6 because my dad decided he's going to switch to Android. I expect this to last a year before he switches again because he can't stop getting frustrated by phones.
I imagine iPhone is more user friendly than android no?
There was a hippo loose in Georgia today.
The BBC picture of the hippo makes it side look like 'pigs in a blanket"
Since my phone broke, I've been forced to listen to Destiny's crummy rock music on the radio.
I think I'll get pulled over from switching stations so often.
I'm buying a Apple Watch next week
Pretty much only rock or spanish music.
Trying to fix my screwed up object counter..
Biggest problem ATM. Then I'm pretty much good.
@nil Can you think of a succinct way to say Application resources/information
I have some titles I am putting into my Credits page
I have, for instance, "Testing & QA" section.
I would need something short for giving reference to where I got my stellar data from.
Owatch I need help
I have a block that downloads images, and I can't figure out how to assign it to the correct image because of the way I download data
Sounds like there's absolutely nothing I can do!
E.G: I download movie data for 1 show, it gets inserted as row 1, I download image row 1.. another movie data is saved, but because of sorting it is now row 1. if that happens before the other one finishes, then it sets cell 1, not the new cell 2
I don't know how to track this shit!
I mean it works, just I dislike it
Your wording makes it very difficult to understand what exactly is going on.
You download the data for a single show. And it gets inserted into a row. Ok. How do you split data for a single show across an entire row?
I see. You have 1 show per row.
I only know that because I remember seeing your screenshots. Moving on
You download image row 1. (The same you were just mentioning). Then another 'movie data' is saved. I don't know how you are saving both row 1 and another piece of data for a movie at the same time, but whatever. After that I'm lost
Hey skfgjdkfgjhsfd
does anyone here know if we need to encode the SDwebimage framework methods in grand central dispatch blocks?
(automated username, lol)
Ok.. View controller is presented (TA DA!!!!), when that happens, I get the trending shows from online, 10 shows... I then iterate through and make core data objects
Every time an object is created, it gets inserted into the table, there is a manager that does the adding and sorting automatically
So, you create an entity object, and save the show information to different attributes of that entity. Then you add it to the store.
Or however its done.
When a cell is shown though, I download an image for the show... so since its the first time, cell 1 could be multiple shows
what ya working on
@pwoerfulafhjksdh I have absolutely no idea what that is. Sorry man.
As far as I know, there is no way to track the cell
Only way I can think of is when the image is downloaded, iterate through the cells and check the title for the show title
Enrico, go to bed
okk no worries bruh, it's just a tool that makes adding images in iOS MUCH EASIER lol
I don't get how cell 1 could be multiple shows/
Are you saying the data for several shows gets saved into Cell1 at ONCE>
Or are you saying you don't know what show will be downloaded first.
Or are you saying that you know what cell 1 will be. But the image is downloaded as it gets created and you don't know what show the image will be for.
cells can move
Max, go to bed.
I give up.
Lets say its sorted alphabetically, show B finishes first, its row 1. Then show A finishes, now that is row 1
Do you not know of moving cells?
No. I am not aware of UITableView or UiCollectionView cells that move themselves.
I like how this comment ignored my completely correct answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/24583429/…
Well you should know of moving cells
@Maximilian What's wrong with this?
Are you saying the cells get 'bumped' down?
I know of that.
You can insert cells in n out, it is animated
Well, thats not the same as moving cells.
they move
Cell can be row 1, then can move to row 2 or stay row 1
Max I have a question for you.
You have to marry one girl. And the condition is that for every kilo she weights, you get 10000 Euro. What do you pick?
Moving cells gives the impression they just move places. Which is a bit misleading. You should have just said 'do you know that cells can animate their deleting/inserting actions;.
Or just mentioned what you said there sooner.
What do you mean what do I pick?
How much she weighs?
120-160 I guess
can't be too skinny
Add 1k to that, and you have my goal.
I don't care about the money
I just want a girl who takes care of her body. too skinny is bad, and they will want to exercise as well.
Like me, I'm overweight so Im exercising more
I'm going to the top.
I want that cash.
You should go swimming Max.
That burns energy easily.
Shame nothing is close to you.
Anyways, Owatch. Its block API, if show B is downloaded and is row 1, then the block captures row 1 cell. and then it all animates and puts wrong images in the wrong place
Can't be wasting water on silly things like pools I guess.
I have an elliptical which burns fast
Ellipticals are for the weak.
Get outside where it is hard.
You should be dragging yourself though the heat. (But don't die)
I don't run anymore. But I walk and swim..
I used to run a lot. Never felt good.
The elliptical is outside:P
Doesn't count.
I used to walk, but 30 min walk burns WAY less than 30 min elliptical
I never use any tracking software.
I get tired of walking after burning ~100 calories, I burn like 300 on the elliptical
@enricosusatyo I will after I get up for 1 more minute
If it feels harder, it probably burns more than you think Max.
Im at 11/12 hours, already got the full week of exercise and full week of move
I use my watch
I don't know if their equations account for friction, energy lost keeping you cool, ect.
Enrico, answer your own question
About the girl
I have already.
What did you say
I said around 110.
(kg) ^
Enrico, do you know how to fix the bug
I'll probably go to the south to shop for potential billionaire brides.
OK. have fun
I will be solving this stupid problem
what bug I don't know anything
I don't get this Enrico
I am downloading images in the background, and then setting it as the background image in the main queue, yet its lagging?
Oh never mind, maybe it was my printing breakpoint
I added one that continues running though but prints something and it paused the debugger and app a bit
2 hours later…
Fopp de doop.
Hello Guys
How is everyone
3 hours later…
Hi everyone
tomorrow im going to interview with a mobile agency. How should I prepare myself ?
definitely panic
you should try to be honest
Funny but I mean whick kind of question will be asked?
I will go with not shitting my pants strategy.
but I think Michael's strategy would work too
okay Kayzer... I'll give you some sample questions
Explain method swizzling. When you would use it?
Explain how protocols work
Explain how delegate works
I don't know if he's serious about answering any questions to us.
Explain the different between Core Data, SQL, and Plist
hi Michael
Hello Spurt
@MichaelDautermann I wonder if he will now ask us for the answers to those.
I guess he panic'd for real.
Have you guys seen this: 9to5mac.com/2015/06/12/…
Tldr: TestFlight in iTunes Connect will increase number of testers, build, apps, etc by a lot.
oh, he snuck out.
also lol @ panic
Hi Guyz
nice one Michael
Guyz i need to generate .IPA with debug mode
is it possible
ADHOC version with all your debug flags turned on?
I try to generate Ad-hoc Build and i edit scheme and set all as debug but when i archive the file its not generated
did you set the destination as your iPhone and not the simulator?
I need to capture log and write into file when i generate build as debug mode
yes i set destination as my iPhone and
when i create archive its not provide mode
see i put condition like to generate file in #ifdef DEBUG
is it work
Q: Can ipa file be created in debug mode?

RockyTwo questions on ipa files. Can ipa file be created in debug mode? If so, how do you archive the file in debug mode? Our ipa file, after installed to a device, is outputting our logs to the console. Can we disable logging functionality to the console? My environment Xcode 4.6 and iOS 5 & 6.

I did same
in .pch file and same way i generate but still not getting
same way i set all build , test and all as debug
Damn boy
Core Location updates in iOS 9.
I am not going to spoil it for all of you.
Also Core Data updates, might make Michael wants to use it now.
what happen enrico
Just watch it.
It's so freaking good.
2 hours later…
anyone know how to prevent nsfetchedresultscontroller from updating the ui when i update a certain row in the database? I have a timestamp i need to update in the table and it now updates the ui when it does that. I'd like to prevent this from happening. Anything I can call before calling the save method. Or do i need to prevent this in the controller?
didchangeobject in the controller just gives you the changed object
nothing to compare it to
looks to me the only option is to separate the values to a separate entity
now im just rewriting models to a core model and an attributes model
*model = table
so when it listens for changes in the core table, it doesnt update when it just changes the attributes.
2 hours later…
Seems a bit mis-representative
3 hours later…
Q: Upload Failed When phone call received IOS

user3236289I use afnetworking to upload.When phone call received upload process becomes failure.What should i do? MY Codes for uploading: NSMutableDictionary *paraDict=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init]; [paraDict setObject:str_ImageData forKey:Content]; [paraDict setObject:str_ImageName forKey:Name]; A...

help pls.
you know when a phone call is received....
you just need to figure out how to recover your upload.
or whether to startup a new upload.
Can't seem to upload to imgur..
someone watched the On Demand Ressources WWDC video ?
I'll eventually get to it.
Hum maybe I misunderstood but the content are hosted on the app store during production
but during development, Xcode replace the app store and simulate it ?
I don't get it
UIWebView is slower on my iPhone 6 than my iPhone 5C
And I don't know whyyyyyy
My TV app is fully accessible.. and its awesome
The only difference is one's on iOS 8, the other on iOS 7
unless apple intentionally slowed it down, or made some change I'm missing
It's weird: the first few time I load a page, it loads with the same performance roughly on both devices.
After that, the iPhone 6 tanks
Matt do you use accessibility in your apps
Lol "Genres: Thriller vertical line Mystery vertical line drama vertical line" - Voice over
Well you should.. Its a very nice feature for users
I'm ready to let people test my app
Not sure how to go about it
I did a "accessibility audit", app is unusable. Did you know that if they have voice over and you use a custom UIControl, they can't use it
it just makes a "beep" sound.
Testflight Owatch, testflight
The short video I watched said that Testflight is only available for devices running iOS8.
Just wondering how you test iOS 7.
I know Max
You don't then
I just don't know how to use that.
Or what to do
You use HockeyApp
Although its not fun
What do you put for your App version?
I've got no idea
It's not technically ready for release as it needs to be tested.
So. Like 0.9?
Anyone ? ?
I usually use 0.1, 0.2.1, etc.
until I go the full 1.0.
Oh. So if this is the first submission for testing, it should be 0.1?
There's no real way to increment this right? I can jump right to 1.0 if nobody finds anything wrong?
you can jump to 99.0 if you want.
going from 1.0 to 99.0 to 2.0 might screw things up in iTunesConnect.
but aside from that, I don't know what else might go wrong.
What about my Bundle ID suffix
Where do I find that in my App?
I guess that is found under the "General" Tab
looks like you found it
In the "Identity" dropdown
I go 1.0 always
Alright, cool. I was looking at the plist, where it doesn't quite write it out.
@Maximilian Thanks. I will use that for my final update.
Oh no, Someone already used my App name
I love accessibility now
Made my app really useful
I searched for my App name and found nothing.
why did you pick the name "Pages" for your app?
or "Excel"?
Default for show cell: "Royal Pains, tomorrow", custom accessibility: "Royal Pains, next episode airs tomorrow"
I looked up the App name.
Nobody had it..
sharing buttons, before: "1282-twitter", now: "Twitter button", "Double tap to tweet"
My next app is going to be named "Flow"
Not that funny, I've got the branding everywhere
It will be a pain to change this all
Lol, and the checkmark on the top says "977-checkbox-toolbar-selected", it must suck as a accessibility user. I hope developers don't use bad names for their images because your app will say it
@michael do it
Great name, how did you come up with it?:)
I got Astro-Kit
Not AstroKit
I'm sorry
That sucks
because people don't know about the -
And it will kill ad potential if I have it podcast-advertised
Eh, nvm..
:( Sorry
Why didn't you check before?!!?
I always do:( Owatch!
I did check.
You should have had the app name in iTunes connect first
I looked it up in the store. No other way AFAIK.
Someone's probably squatting on it.
You can create the iTunes connect page
My TV app doesn't come out until fall, I got the name for it in February
It has no images besides an icon, and no description. You don't need to fill out anything now to get a name
It just links so many documents to read to upload this App..
And most of them are about submitting your App
I don't want to accidentally submit it
I just want to test it.
Here is the most important part for me so far @Maximilian:
> Immediately after creating the archive, upload your archive to iTunes Connect and run validation tests.
And they don't even tell you how
It just goes onto talk about Validation tests.
You just archive and submit
Its very easy
Well, how.
Why doesn't a single document tell me, and just skips that step entirely.
@Maximilian Must my App name inside Xcode match what I put in the App name online (iTunes connect)?
Only your bundle ID has to
so if it is com.company.game then it has to be that in Xcode
then you just kind of.... archive and submit.. theres nothing else to do
Hold on Max
I have a screenshot for you
They don't quite match. But I did not change the bundle ID
@Maximilian I validated it
But nothing changed on the second picture on iTunes connect
if the bundle ID is the same, the title does not matter
What is my bundle ID
app store shows what is put into iTunes connect
I had com.Unisung.AstroKit
bundle ID is in the info.plist
But inside Validate
Yes, it has to be the same on iTunes connect as well
If so, then thats it. just submit, it should work
It has _ _ _ _ _ _ .com.Unisung.AstroKit
Yes, doesn't matter
Submit it, if you get an error post it
that's your team ID, in case you were wondering what that was.
All I do is click validate
And the document says it uploads it, and tells me I don't have a matching identifier if it fails.
@michaeldautermann UNBLOCK ME
Validation Successful.
> Xcode uploads the archive to iTunes Connect and iTunes Connect runs validation tests. If a dialog appears stating that no application record can be found, click Done, create an app record in iTunes Connect, and repeat these steps.
Well. I did not get a dialog saying a record was missing.
It just says Validation Successful
Buuuuut. Nothing changes in iTunes connect.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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