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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

How long should I wait?
Are you validating it or submitting it?
If you validate it, nothing happens. That just checks that its a valid archive
It says validating it uploads it
If not, how do I upload it/
Ok, then go to prerelease section on iTunes connect
If it submitted it, then it will be there
To upload you tap "Submit to App Store".. its the big button. Hard to miss
It's not in pre-release
I don't want to submit my App to the store
I want to test it
I'm doing this because I want people to be able to test-flight my App.
Test it where?
Whereever the testers live.
If you want to use TestFlight.. you submit to the app store!
Are you sure
App does not go into the app store until you tap "submit to app store" from iTunes connect, which you also have to select the binary you upload.
It won't put it on the App Store without my permission?
I did this yesterday
and do it every day for my TV app
'Without my intent" more or less
Why don't they change the button to
"Submit to iTunes Connect"
For crying out loud.
There is no way to mistake it unless after you submit you alter your app to include that binary and tap "Submit to app store" and miss the 1000s of email  sends you about status updates for 2 weeks
Because you are the only one with an issue with it:P
I'm entirely new to this, I just want help.
Because reading the document it didn't say that
It has now appeared in 'Builds"
It has made it to heaven
There is no icon
It will show later
An hour later?
Its slow
I see.
How do I turn on Test Flight Beta Testing>
Once its finished processing, in the pre-release section on the right there will be a switch
I don't know how to phrase this
I saw a screenshot of where it should be
But I didn't have one yet
If you tap on a label, and then swipe up or down, it will spell out the word
OK... @Owatch, what do you think tapping on the + button will do
I imagine it subscribes you to notifications for the upcoming episodes of that show.
I see
Kinda right
I don't know what to call it, its your show list basically
Why can't I submit a round App Icon :(
I'm trying to add accessibility and so right now when its tapped it will say "Double tap to add this show to your show list""
I can't say "watch this show" because it can imply you can actually watch the show
I want the idea of "watching" a show in my app as you are watching it, but not in my app
don't submit round icons
Fill it to the edge
Why not write
"Subscribe to this Show"
That could work
I'm done on my app for today. Time to work on work app
I can add testers now
@Maximilian How do I add you?
(Will you try my App?)
my name @ hotmail . com
short first name
Can you write it out here, then remove it?
Thank you.
I tried adding you under itunes connect users
Doesn't let me, says someone already has an email. I think I am doing it in the wrong place
You do it in the pre-release section
You get 2000 users per app
Well It says to add users under Users and Roles
I am there
iTunes Connect Users | TestFlight Beta Testers | Sandbox Testers
Where? please
External testers
Thats it
app->prerelease->external testers
Hey again guys, are any of you aware if NSURLSession happens in a background thread? In other words, do we have to manually use grand central dispatch with it, or is it all automated?
I am god of NSURLSession
But you need to use the background configuration
will a shared session automatically do that?
Only uploads and downloads can run in the background, data tasks will not
What do you mean by shared
What is your NSURLSessionConfiguration?
NSURLSessionDataTask *downloadRestaurants = [[NSURLSession sharedSession]dataTaskWithURL:url completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
that's basically all i did, no configurations bro
so should i configure maybe?
You should have received the email Max.
I will be back in a bit.
Make a configuration.. background configuration
I rejected it Owatch >:]
Thanks man, I'll do it right now :
do you work for a company or just freelance work?
A few months ago I joined with a few people to make a company
But I also do my own apps
My next new app comes out this fall
Tracks TV Shows.  employees I showed really liked it so.. very happy with it:)
Nice bro, I'm sudying csc in university, took the summer off for an individual co-op term (designing my own app). any tips for landing some kick ass jobs?! lol
Dunno, my first job I have now was because I went to a hackathon
But basically, practice practice practice
Go to meet ups as well
Hi room.
I went to dub dub
My SO rep is approaching 32,000. Am I a hopeless nerd wanting to get to 32,768 and keep it there for a while?
So I heard max.
@pwoerfulafhjksdh NSURLSession is managed asynchronously for you by the system. You should not use GCD to invoke it.
@Owatch is here
@MichaelDautermann is here
@DuncanC so do i need to do background configuration or no?
I was VIP
No you do not.
Met Tim Cook on stage and got my badge signed
Background config!
@DuncanC so by default even the shared session takes place in a seperate thread?
it would make sense because in the completion block, I executed [_tableview reloadData] and it causes undeterminsitic behaviour
therefor it does imply it took place in a separate thread
You can give it an operation queue on the main thread for your completion block if you want.
currently, I just have this: background daemon
That way your completion blocks will run on the main thread. It depends on whether you need to do time-consuming processing on the data once it's downloading.
NSURLSessionDataTask *downloadRestaurants = [[NSURLSession sharedSession]dataTaskWithURL:url completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
I need the data downloading to happen in the background
But even with this, it is very fast
But do you need the completion processing to happen in the background.
no i don't
NSURLConnection is getting deprecated
Then you can set up your url session with a delegate queue that runs on the main thread.
So use Sessions always
@DuncanC But to ensure the downloading happens in the background, do i need to do anything?
Here is what the docs say: The completion handler to call when the load request is complete. If sent to a session created by calling sessionWithConfiguration:delegate:delegateQueue: with a non-nil value for the delegateQueue parameter, this handler is executed on that delegate queue.
No, no no no no! You do not need to do anything!
Did you hear me that time?
I did!
why is there a "background configuration" provided then?
Jeez. I think that was the 3rd or 4th time I said that.
just new to this stuff
I guess it's for other settings?
Not sure what you are referring to.
NSURLConnection is being deprecated in iOS 9/OS 10.11? Wow.
Gudiya is there
I gotta go feed my animals.
Time to get my SO reputation up to 32,768. (A round number for programmers.)
@DuncanC answer my latest question, and I'll rep you
sorry pick you as the best answer
it's the same thing we've been discussing here
@MichaelDautermann is back
Yes, NSURLConnection is being deprecated.
we weren't even talking about NSUrlconnection
i was asking questions related to NSURLSession
I got my car's first complementary service done today. The car looks new and chakachak
whats lambo?
bic boi
Toyota Camry
it looks like this
The tires are also shining
Car wash and Vacuum cleaning done
Will anyone else volunteer to test my Application?
Well, all I need is your email.
I may already have it in gmail somewhere
I'll be back in about 30 minutes.
I'll be watching my clock.
I didn't get the email
check your junk.
Today I will be watching GodFather 2 movie
In Junk, there are mostly emails about me having won millions $ in lottery
So the plan is very simple. First win millions in lottery and then become president candidate.
I need a UIWebView expert
@MichaelDautermann is the expert
I know oWatch is good at everything.
he should be back in about 20 minutes.
@Owatch what happened to that array that was causing you issues?
the mutable one
why does stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding not encode single quote signs
it's so frustrating
@Gudiya do you know why stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding doesn't encode single quotes?
hey @pwoerfulfish
try this:
A: Best way to escape characters like newline and double-quote in NSString

pheedstaThis is a snippet I have used in the past that works quite well: - (NSString *)escapeString:(NSString *)aString { NSMutableString *returnString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; for(int i = 0; i < [aString length]; i++) { unichar c = [aString characterAtIndex:i]; // if...

@MichaelDautermann, my UIWebView expert
how can I help you today?
I need $5 million in bitcoin
jk, the same operation in UIWebView takes different amounts of time, between app backgrounding and coming back to the foreground
e.g., the operation is taking longer (in this case displaying some text), before I send it to the background. After I've opened it back up, that same operation takes less time. I can't figure out why.
Or at least I don't know where to start...
Maybe I should message the webkit guys
however, that operation will slow back down eventually
probably bringing frameworks back to the foreground?
or loading them? My guess is that resources get released when the app gets backgrounded.
@pwoerfulafhjksdh Done.
Hail Satan?
Hail Hydra.
@DuncanC done deal bruh
Al Pacino is better or Robert De Niro?
I assume anyone here who uses LastPass's cloud thing knows their junk's now less secure, right?
arstechnica.com/security/2015/06/… <-- If not, go change your junk.
@pwoerfulafhjksdh still there
@MichaelDautermann that's what I thought
but, I can't figure out exactly what resources are being released...
or now sure how to
Will you test my Application for me?
I failed to write descriptions for what to look for, so it might be difficult to notice certain bugs. But I would still like to get people testing it.
maybe use Instruments with the memory profiler?
To look for memory leaks, ect?
to see memory being allocated and released.
@Owatch I didn't receive any email
I am going to play Tennis
See you all after 2 hours
I'll try again then
Am I missing something. I thought you just added people to the External Testers field to send them the invite.
Added myself, didn't get an email. Huh
@Owatch sure
@Gudiya I don't think anyone got the emails.
I'll figure it out later tonight. And add in remaining information before I finalize it.
@mattsven Thanks! I'll need an email though
Thank you
You can remove it now
BRB later.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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