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I'm confused, my book details that the copy property does not return mutable objects. Yet I've seen it do that before with things like: [NSArray copy...
It states that when an object is not mutable:
"The copy method just calls copyWithZone: and passes nil as the argument. For example, in NSString, the copyWithZone: method is overridden to look like this: (Some example) . . .

That is, it does not make a copy at all.
But then how come I can make copies of NSString when it is immutable?
This is conflicting.
2 hours later…
Could someone help me with this problem: Swift: Build failed but no errors??: stackoverflow.com/questions/27198408/…
2 hours later…
@Owatch 1) Sending copy to immutable objects returns immutable objects. 2) Sending copy to immutable objects typically just returns self.
I think you're just confused about what mutable and immutable mean.
nil, do you know how many PCs can you authorise with your Steam account?
It's a bit of a gray area.
I see people saying different things.
Don't know.
so i've learnt more on CGProgram
and discovered there's different Queue types
and so on
it's really quite interesting
I am fixing someone else's mess.
Also known as what is basically my job description
Also known as what is basically my job description too.
But have you ever merged a conflicting Storyboard file? Welcome to my world.
Im in love with Swift
No, because if anyone tried to get me to do that, I would tell them to go and do it themselves
Maybe you will smack them.
To make bubble characters(ⓑ) in Objective-C is about 60-80 lines of code to look for each character and replace it with the bubble form
At this point, the impression I get of my job is that I'm the pressure-release valve
In Swift its 15 lines of code with a String extension
Should've taught Max how to Scala 4 years ago.
4 years ago i was learning Objective-C
and I wish i never started:P
But im going to start removing old apps and making good shit again
also fuck keyboards, waste of time, buggy as hell, and dont deny they aren't!
Lol i'm just throwing figures and methods in till i get a good result for this shader
it's working so far xD
why are you making shaders?
because unity is a dick and doesn't allow for 2D project to have correct lighting
so i've had to write my own
hmmmm... Arrays and dictionaries must always have the same data for each item (AFAIK right now).. dont know how i feel about this:P
So you're making a game?
Yes a horror game
good luck
hahaha :p thanks
i haven't done much on it yet
just created a map importer from xml and now this half working shader
So its 2d?
Games are hard:P my dream (and honestly the reason i wanted to learn coding) is a pokemon like game, but A) I suck at art besides basic stuff (bar items) and B) I would keep adding and adding for years until i release and it would be gigantic and that wouldn't be good really
i came to programming because i always wanted to do the cool stuff in games like rob lox and make your own scripts lol
then i discovered objective-c 6 years later
Have fun with that
i always do
Im too tired to stay awake
damn my under knowledge in math
think i need to calculate the rate of change not entirely sure
@EnricoSusatyo are you a math genius :D?
Hi mutch95
have you worked in nsservices?
Nope sorry
No I am not a math genius.
you look pretty smart to me.
I didn't mean it like that it's because he programs so i thought he'd have to know somthing
can i explain my problem?
or did i kill it or something lol?
1 hour later…
i think i need to do calculus
what grade in high school are you in?
we don't learn it till next year
good... calculus is hard... better to get exposed to it early so you'll be better equipped for the math you'll be hit with at university
idk entirely if i need it though
you don't need it practically...
but, to prepare yourself for the math you'll get hit with
you need to know it now.
i mean for this problem in particular
redirect on map by location name
eat burritos by the light of the moon
any idea how can redirect on ios map ?
1/(1+2/distanceX*distance+1/pow(distanceX, 2)*distance
make sense Hector does not
1 hour later…
did someone say Burritos
is that something that can be found in Japan?
Only if you wear a poncho and shake some maracas
Mutch what is that function from ?
3 hours later…
@Mutch95 Calculus is recommended
@Maximilian I never got an email allowing me to test the app.
@Owatch I didn't have time to send it
Maybe today it will be ready!:D
I want it to be basically done.. Next friday maybe ill submit? IDK
I got a 10 page essay due in 2 weeks and i got 1 page done... with everything i need to write:P
Next Friday is quite a jump from yesterday.
Unless you're pushing it out officially, it seems you are quite far from a working BETA for me?
lol next friday will be submit to 
And no but if i know about some bugs i dont see why ill waste your time with them:P I just wanna make sure it works on there, but i got an iOS 7 device and so i can quickly check bugs but i may miss some and i only have an iOS 7 iPAd
Im almost done though, just fixed about 5 i found yesterday but theres not much else. its pretty stable and awesome
Right now the only other bug i can find is this navigation bar bug with not correctly spaced icons on iOS 7.. but everything else has checked out fine:D
And then ill send it and you'll be blown away:O
Bug fixed:D
I don't think you can even buy them here
If I bought you a Lada Max, would you drive it?
@nil 1) is the same as 2)?
Mutable means you can modify or change the value of the object. Immutable means you cannot. This is my understanding as of the time I wrote it.
" 1) Sending copy to immutable objects returns immutable objects. 2) Sending copy to immutable objects typically just returns self."
Maybe a typo?
I didn't make a typo.
Copying is not a mutative method.
Then I don't understand the difference between the two statements. One says sending copy to immutable objects returns immutable objects. The other says sending copy to immutable object returns self.
Is it because self is an immutable object?
The object cannot be modified, so why return anything other than self?
Nothing about copy says you have to actually return a deep clone.
I was confused, because you had written them as 1) and 2). Which implied to me, that there was a difference. I guess I should have seen that a returned immutable object and self were the same thing.
Really don't know why you're reading a book on this when the Obj-C language guide from Apple is sufficient and basically the language spec anyway
Someone having a book published doesn't really say anything about their authority on a subject, and from the sound of it you're just getting confused by the author.
Introduces concepts easier.
I guess I do get confused sometimes.
The authors seem pretty credible, so I didn't feel I had a reason to doubt the book.
It's less a reason to doubt the book and more that they're basically regurgitating the language guide but in a way that's obviously more ambiguous.
Also probably the intro-to-Cocoa(Touch)? guide.
I haven't read the language guide, but the book doesn't just read back documentation to you. It provides examples of how to combine and use different libraries/classes/methods to accomplish things, and explains how they work in a way that would make more sense to a newcomer than documentation would.
Are you reading the documentation, language guide, Cocoa guide, etc. as well or just reading the book, though?
'Cause one of these things is official and one of them is second-hand information, so keep that in mind.
None of those, I'm just reading the book and using documentation where it tells me to.
Some challenges at the end of chapters require reading the documentation to find a solution. Usually it's not too hard but it's not all given to you.
I like that Toaster Repair is a skill in Wasteland 2.
It's a shame I happen to love games from ripoff companies
Gaijin increased DLC prices again.
Then put it on "sale" (Still more than originally)
I forgot how good original robocop is
why is it ripoff ?
the DLC that is ?
Not just the DLC
They've overtime increased Research Point levels required for unlocking new vehicles, and decreased Research Point gains per match in their games. This makes it take three-four months casual gameplay to unlock a single new vehicle. It's just to try and make people pay for a premium account and also to encourage players to buy their online currency for stuff. They also removed certain vehicle skins somewhere in the last months and now are selling them back to the people they took them from.
So is the whole game crap then ?
Well, I love the game's vehicles and the feel of it. It's what I want to play. But I feel like Gaijin is discouraging me from doing that.
How much did hte game cost in the first place ?
You normally used to logon and look forward to getting your next unlock, now it's just exasperation.
The game is free to play.
Not that you can get far without paying . .
Oh but surely they need to make money ?
server costs aren't free right ?
They've made plenty of it
but you said it was free though
The problem wasn't that they charged for content, the problem is that it's gone to the extent where they're just milking their fan base, and have lost a lot of players
DO you know how much they made before making that change ?
sorry im not trolling im actually quite intregued as this is a common discussion with my friends at the moment
I don't think they make their profits public
As it seems the whole freemium model has really screwed the games industry up for both players and developers
Even if they did, they've made other games and it would be hard to tell what came from where.
as players expect to now get everything for free and DLC should be free when in reality it takes months / years to make games
Freemium is the new clickbait.
Destiny is the one exception i agree with you
as they charged £50 for 1 third of a game
which is frankly disgusting
but if you have played a game for free and to get further you need to then pay im trying to work out at what point that is offensive to the user and why
They're still in BETA. And they've planned out several different vehicle branches they haven't yet completed. They release updates with new vehicles every so often on their schedule. Those vehicles are free. They also release ones you have to pay for.
hence why i was asking
how much have you spent on the game if you dont mind me asking ?
I felt taking away user skins from Premium vehicles and then charging back for them is pretty scummy.
I probably spent about $30
Over a year and a half.
fair enough
then i can see why you would be a bit p'd off
im planning on releasing soem DLC on our next game but also releasing Free addons with extra levels in between updates so everyone gets something
People who bought premium also have had their subscription times shortened as they shortened premium subscription time per payment. So people did not get compensated.
but i also might not because it will cost me thousands of pounds to get the additional content produced
that is way out of order
It's things like that which stop me playing a game i loved
I want to play the Destiny DLC but i refuse to give them any more money
I'd love just to play a game where you paid once and were done with it.
As most games go.
Never played Destiny
Heard it wasn't good
Yeah me too, like the good old days
Meaningless grinding, uninteresting co-op. Unclear plot and characters.
YEah Destiny could have been the best FPS to date
but it clearly was butchered into 3 parts so that Activision could make more money out of it
its really pissed off a lot of my friends
and Bungie who i rate as good developers are now in my bad books
much like Dice with EA and Infinity WArd with ACtivision
YEah the story line makes no sense there is literally no context at any point
and then all of a sudden it just ends
and then there is about 15 levels of grind to play the last strike
Ubisoft isn't much better
All the big names are pretty dissapointing
No i agree
they just take IP and abuse it till there is nothing left
Bethesda Softworks, Naughtydog, Square Enix are okay I think.
When you compare it to something like Borderlands 2 or Skyrim
they both took me and my frinds months to ge tthorugh and even at the end the game hadn't ended
Add Take2 to those lists
as Borderlands 2 is something awesome
just got the pre sequal today and waiting for a mate to play it through on COOP
Bohemia Interactive isn't great but they're decent still I think
Well i just hope we get the levels right in our next game and can fund another one , likely hood will be it wont make enough as usual
nothing to the scale of those games though
Best hope is that some celebrity gets caught using it
We are going to put some money into doing a proper press release too though
What will that accomplish?
As opposed to just buying Ad time
IT accomplishes a hell of a lot
Could you explain? Just curious . .
So the real trick is to get as many downloads in the first few weeks as possible
then if yoru really lucky you go high up on the appstores
Downloads? Is it free ?
as in downloaded
which drives sales massively
no im going to price it at £1.49
across the board
I know what downloads are, I just thought that meant it was free. (Expected purchases or something my bad)
but i dont know what the figures are these days as i no longer have a contact at Apple
Wouldn't it show up in the "Hot" or "New" app sections?
but if your in the top 10 you make a shed load of money each day you are there
Thats neat.
Hot , New and Editors pick is where you want to end up
Does promotion outspend development?
Not for me
Does it usually pay itself back?
So far never hehe
i keep putting time and money in and make a loss
That's no good.
when i worked for a games company though they made stupid amounts of money
Well no it isn't hence why paying for games is nessecerry
we made most of the last game we did back
but not enough to find the next one
Do you believe that your last game didn't pay itself back out of a mistake on your part in it's production and release?
I could have made the AI better and should have launched it on android
(We didn't promote it enough / It was our first game and not that good)
but at the time i hardly had touched android and there were no good engines liek Unity
Perhaps you could focus on making Utility Apps instead>
I make a lot of apps for clients
Wouldn't those pay more steadily?
yeah when clients pay our company to make them
must crack back on
Charge hourly.
$60 or so
I guess that's what App developers get paid.
That's certainly a hell of a lot more than I get paid.
One of my questions has 945 views and no working answers
What has this world come to?
So what you're saying is Stack Overflow is functioning the same as always
Which is?
Low volume of actual quality
Lol what
Stack Overflow is great quality for the most part
hey ethan
Sup Mutch
how you been :)? long time no see
Pretty good :)
How have you been?
ah that's good, yeah i been good as well finally finished school for the year :D. I followed you game on twitter but haven't heard much about it. how's it going?
Pretty well
Working on a new fancy color picker control right now
moved well on from that centre object yet :p?
yeah :)
oh wow. you're writing your own custom one. cool!
@nil what's the long dark like?
It's like that.
well then. should i have bought it?
I don't know.
you have it though?
Irks me that Wasteland 2 has a honey badger as an enemy.
so how can you not know unless you don't play it?
Because I know what I like to play, not what you like to play.
Says a lot that Call of Duty: Ghosts is on sale for less than Modern Warfare 3.
Modern Warfare 3: $30. Ghosts: $15.
That said, they're both awful games.
Okay I'm pretty sure nil is either John Siracusa's mild mannered alter ego (or is nil the superhero?) or very closely related to him.
I'm pretty sure the answer is neither
Isn't that what you would say if you were?
Doubt it.
I guess I could ask Siracusa
Looked up what IRC client he uses. It's Colloquy. There's no chance I'm an alter ego or related.
Even in that statement you show how similar your personalities are lol
Not sure how, but I'm surprised it's only been 24 minutes since I said that, since it feels like two hours

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