I'm confused, my book details that the copy property does not return mutable objects. Yet I've seen it do that before with things like: [NSArray copy...
It states that when an object is not mutable:
"The copy method just calls copyWithZone: and passes nil as the argument. For example, in NSString, the copyWithZone: method is overridden to look like this: (Some example) . . .
That is, it does not make a copy at all.
But then how come I can make copies of NSString when it is immutable?
Games are hard:P my dream (and honestly the reason i wanted to learn coding) is a pokemon like game, but A) I suck at art besides basic stuff (bar items) and B) I would keep adding and adding for years until i release and it would be gigantic and that wouldn't be good really
And no but if i know about some bugs i dont see why ill waste your time with them:P I just wanna make sure it works on there, but i got an iOS 7 device and so i can quickly check bugs but i may miss some and i only have an iOS 7 iPAd
Im almost done though, just fixed about 5 i found yesterday but theres not much else. its pretty stable and awesome
Right now the only other bug i can find is this navigation bar bug with not correctly spaced icons on iOS 7.. but everything else has checked out fine:D
Then I don't understand the difference between the two statements. One says sending copy to immutable objects returns immutable objects. The other says sending copy to immutable object returns self.
Is it because self is an immutable object?
The object cannot be modified, so why return anything other than self?
Nothing about copy says you have to actually return a deep clone.
I was confused, because you had written them as 1) and 2). Which implied to me, that there was a difference. I guess I should have seen that a returned immutable object and self were the same thing.
Really don't know why you're reading a book on this when the Obj-C language guide from Apple is sufficient and basically the language spec anyway
Someone having a book published doesn't really say anything about their authority on a subject, and from the sound of it you're just getting confused by the author.
I haven't read the language guide, but the book doesn't just read back documentation to you. It provides examples of how to combine and use different libraries/classes/methods to accomplish things, and explains how they work in a way that would make more sense to a newcomer than documentation would.
Are you reading the documentation, language guide, Cocoa guide, etc. as well or just reading the book, though?
'Cause one of these things is official and one of them is second-hand information, so keep that in mind.
They've overtime increased Research Point levels required for unlocking new vehicles, and decreased Research Point gains per match in their games. This makes it take three-four months casual gameplay to unlock a single new vehicle. It's just to try and make people pay for a premium account and also to encourage players to buy their online currency for stuff. They also removed certain vehicle skins somewhere in the last months and now are selling them back to the people they took them from.
The problem wasn't that they charged for content, the problem is that it's gone to the extent where they're just milking their fan base, and have lost a lot of players
but if you have played a game for free and to get further you need to then pay im trying to work out at what point that is offensive to the user and why
They're still in BETA. And they've planned out several different vehicle branches they haven't yet completed. They release updates with new vehicles every so often on their schedule. Those vehicles are free. They also release ones you have to pay for.
People who bought premium also have had their subscription times shortened as they shortened premium subscription time per payment. So people did not get compensated.
ah that's good, yeah i been good as well finally finished school for the year :D. I followed you game on twitter but haven't heard much about it. how's it going?