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[uiviewcontroller isViewLoaded] use it
i'll try . thanks..
Hi, I am developing note making app mostly focusing on adding photos to note & then append some text. The photo I add must be resizable too, so I use exclusion path to keep texts around ImageView which I add as subView on UITextView. But the problem is that when I try to add more text, the keyboard comes up & exclusion path changes. Can anyone help why the exclusion path changes? Or some one can give a better option to achieve this.
@Hisenberg [[[UIViewController alloc] init] isViewLoaded] like this u can chk it out for your childcontroller class okey do it nd any problm let me knwo
morning people
@SKT Its not working
Very detailed response
What, exactly, is not working?
wait will tell u
little bit busy
i get the "isViewLoaded" as true immediately after "addsubview" method. but the view takes time to show up on the screen.
what exactly you are populating in childview controller @Hisenberg
have to go so let me know fast
Its couple of labels
nothing heavy
create pastie and send me link
the proper way to combine a tab bar controller and a navigation controller is to make the tab bar the initial VC and then add one nav controller for each tab, is that right?
i dont think its a gud way
@Guilherme yes.
may it really isn't, because I'm having some issues
There's a bunch of tutorials on it
I have 3 tabs, and I've set custom icons for each tab item. but when the app loads, all 3 icons are tinted, instead of one tinted and the other 2 greyed out
when I switch tabs, they start to work properly
matt, I've seen lots of tutorials on that in the past, but I didn't know if there were any recent changes to the "standard" usage
That's taken from a current project
4 view controllers, each with their own navigation controller all contained in a tab bar controller
thanks cap
that's what I am doing, but I'm using the storyboard
in that case, I have no idea
I haven't used storyboards tbh
still rocking xibs
I'm still kinda hoping it might be some bug with xcode 6.1 beta
everything is some bug with Xcode 6.1 Beta
from my limited knowledge of storyboards, your setup looks fine
from my a-little-less-limited, it is ok
I'll try to get a mac with xcode 6 non-beta and test on it
now my push notifications are not playing sounds nor vibrating :/
Hi, Jim.
Hello @CaptainRedmuff
how to call another .m file method in another .m file in ios
import the .h file of that class, create an instance (if it's an instance method), or call [MyClass myMethod] if class method
i have done but show issue @Guilherme
I can't find any solutions about my "ld: framework not found" in iOS project
i have one file connectviewcontroller.m which have -(void)checkRili method and i want to call in settingviewcontroller.m file @Guilherme
ConnectViewController *objconnect = [ConnectViewController new];
[objconnect checkRili];
that looks ok, isn't that working?
a .m file doesnt define any static behaviour
and is it even declared in your interface?
what your asking and what your code is doing are 2 different things
Does anyone know how to retrieve an NSAttributedString from what's on the pasteboard?
seems like there are options but they are unnecessarily complex in some cases...difficult to find a concise answer
anyways, looks possible
2 hours later…
@SKT ping me when back
how do I make different layouts for ipad and iphone on the xcode 6 unified storyboard?
3 hours later…
Hello, Im having a problem with getting the buttons and UIImage to display. Im adding the view as a subview to another view that is currently presented. The BG color is properly being, but the other aspects as I have listed do not appear. I have made this view in a xib
If I present this view from a ViewController and present that viewController the buttons properly display.

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