Hi, I am developing note making app mostly focusing on adding photos to note & then append some text. The photo I add must be resizable too, so I use exclusion path to keep texts around ImageView which I add as subView on UITextView. But the problem is that when I try to add more text, the keyboard comes up & exclusion path changes. Can anyone help why the exclusion path changes? Or some one can give a better option to achieve this.
@Hisenberg [[[UIViewController alloc] init] isViewLoaded] like this u can chk it out for your childcontroller class okey do it nd any problm let me knwo
the proper way to combine a tab bar controller and a navigation controller is to make the tab bar the initial VC and then add one nav controller for each tab, is that right?
I have 3 tabs, and I've set custom icons for each tab item. but when the app loads, all 3 icons are tinted, instead of one tinted and the other 2 greyed out
when I switch tabs, they start to work properly
matt, I've seen lots of tutorials on that in the past, but I didn't know if there were any recent changes to the "standard" usage
Hello, Im having a problem with getting the buttons and UIImage to display. Im adding the view as a subview to another view that is currently presented. The BG color is properly being, but the other aspects as I have listed do not appear. I have made this view in a xib
If I present this view from a ViewController and present that viewController the buttons properly display.