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it did
iOS 8 rumors begin
but I didn't create new accounts
I think I'll turn in
see ya all
I want pizzaaaa
I make pizza at home
gtg going to get pizza
Pizza is good.
Hi all.
it's Duncan!
I think if you were somehow able to shut down the world supply of pizza and caffeinated beverages, all software development would come to a grinding halt.
I resemble that remark Michael.
I just make awesome and healthy pizza
I make a pretty good pizza too, but it's rich.
wait I show
I saw your question, Duncan.
My iBeacon question Enrico?
LOL Michael.
That's more than a little scary.
Yeah, that question.
Want to come up to my flat and look at my etchings?
what's that?
egg pizza
I made yesterday
With a curry sauce?
and a side of Pepto Bismo
some curry was left over so I used it
It was thick curry so was usable
Any insight on my iBeacon question Enrico?
The 8-ball has spoken!
I'm going ahead with the decision of taking divorce. What do you guys think?
Hard to say from the outside Laddu.
If you are positive he's cheating on you, and refuses to admit it or change his behavior, then yes.
@DuncanC No. I really haven't used iBeacon that much. I upvoted your question though.
Laddu: Are you a vegetarian?
Refusing to admit. I don't trust anyone and dunno if he changes his behavior in future
(I'm commenting on the pizza photo, not the divorce).
I'm pure evil non veg
Have been eating non veg only since the last 2 weeks in US
Really, the USA subverted your diet that quickly?
she's going to put on some pounds now
I like to eat non veg mostly
I'm a vegetarian, and I find that PETA bit hilarious.
@nil: question when you're back – are you on Crunchyroll premium? Where do you play it from? iPad, Apple TV, or just laptop?
Duncan: Ah I didn't know you're a vegetarian
All this pizza talk are making me hungry. It's only 11:27am.
Not something that typically comes up in a development forum.
Are you a Hindu Laddu?
Dare I ask, are you eating beef?
no, Hindu's don't eat beef.
That's why I asked.
Get in the habit of reading ingredients in prepared foods.
Beef flavoring and beef fat are a fairly common ingredient.
The reason is - One would never kill his/her own pet for a meal. In India, cows are pet in many home and they get milk from it, from the cow dung they cook food, etc
So is gelatin.
that's a good point from Duncan.
but I also get the feeling Laddu does most of her own cooking in her hotel room
I do
which is why the smoke alarm is always going off in the building
MacDonalds French Fries, for example, are made with beef flavoring.
Outside is expensive. I buy $25 grocery items and it goes on for 2 weeks.
Anyone used SpriteKit here? What are your thoughts?
Outside one time meal is like >=$5
So per day 2 times meal is $10, 2 weeks is ... lol
SpriteKit thoughts?
Yup. If you start from ingredients like grains you can eat quite cheaply.
I've had days like that Michael.
Ok, I'm ready for that to scroll off the screen now.
I bought 10 lb rice for for $10 and it will work for a month
I'm starting to twitch.
we could keep typing and it goes away. viewDidDisappear
Hi Ethen.
Hye gguys
UICollectionViewCell *cell = [[self splashCollectionView] dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"CellID" forIndexPath: indexPath];
It breaks on this line
Have you assigned the cell identifier in the IB?
What is the crash?
You need to assign CellID identifier in IB as Laddu said.
It looks different now then it used to be
Assertion failure in -[UICollectionView _dequeueReusableViewOfKind:withIdentifier:forIndexPath:], /SourceCache/UIKit_Sim/UIKit-2903.23/UICollectionView.m:3117
`Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'could not dequeue a view of kind: UICollectionElementKindCell with identifier CellID - must register a nib or a class for the identifier or connect a prototype cell in a storyboard'`
*** First throw call stack:
I replaced @"CellID" with the constant string version
The crash was different before
Is there a way to put the constant in the storyboard so the CellID isn't a magic number problem?
Magic numbers are really annoying
or strings in this case
I don't want to hard code it in
If there are no prototype cells in your collection view, then you either need to register a cell class or xib file for the cell
Yup, what Laddu said.
Do you have prototype cell in the collection view in the IB?
I don't think I can, because all the sizes are dynamic
Then how do you think the cell gets instantiated?
Bye me doing that line
the dequeue method
That lines only dequeues a cell from a queue
No, the system needs to know how to create a cell with that ID.
How do I make the prototype cell?
Drag and drop a collection view cell in the collection view in IB
I have to go
and it will become your prototype cell
Thank you for clearing my befuzzleconfusement
also don't forget to give it the same reusable identifier as in your code
Also, I can take a programming course for one half semester
my senior/junior year!
"befuzzleconfusement", huh?
you're going to learn how to program!
they probably have the most advanced technology there
I started programming when I was 12.
On an Apple II.
Oh that's rich.
"With teletype interface and Fortran language, the computer will be easy to use."
it also has a steering wheel
What's with the giant steering wheel in that picture?
Is that how you advance the program counter?
Dedicated to Ethen.
thats strange, text in a text field becomes white when I'm not typing. but when typing back to black
oh my bad
You got pizza?
It was my error. I thought it was another custom table cell and it wasn't. I fixed it
and yes i got pizza
diet coke
good luck
for what?
I ate the pizza
and the coke is almost gone
I didnt get pizza for the girl i cancelled
oh I thought you were preparing for your girl friend to arrive at your home... at 7 PM !?
you cancelled the girl but you should have gotten the pizza
i did get the pizza. i ate it
you old softie
did you eat her's too or only yours?
it was free pizza. and no i just ordered myself one, talked to my cousin and ate it then left and came home
and yup. no more hangout. I said "would you rather hangout next week instead" then i got "probably" so ya
i doubt it will happen. oh well
If you were ignoring her, you should have said next year
we will see. i told her to text me after the gym. if not then no more friends i would assume
im not ignoring her but i don't think she really wanted to hangout tonight, plus she was busy so it wouldnt be tip 7 or 8 and a movie isn't fun
@nil So... Pirates was added to the Humble Bundle? But I already bought it. So, do I still get Pirates?
it would be awkward, probably sit across the couch and just not talk and then she leaves after the movie. sounds like a boring night
what were you expecting to happen?
geez... you're in freakin' high school.
well there are more fun things to do
hot tub
... lol Max.
going outside to do something
How old are you Max?
sitting inside watching probably a dumb movie after today, i would end the friendship XD
Im 18
just turned 18, to be precise
And you're worried about being bored sitting on a couch with a girl?
Who has already kissed you?
may be you both could have cooked together, that'd be fun. Then eat it while watching a good movie
did you not hear what happened Duncan
Guess not.
she changed her mind now. now she just wants to be friends
high school drama.
Do you like the girl?
friends with or no benefits?
I have a Masters degree and I gotta listen to this.
first world problems.
ya i did, but i was going to just be friends then try to make her like me. but since she liked me then and now we are going back to just friends now its just strange.
Thinking you have to listen to an 18-year-old's problems in a chat in a browser you can easily exit out of is definitely first-world-problems.
A masters degree does not protect you from the banality of life Michael. Surely you've realized that by now.
JUST friends Laddu
I know... this is just a distraction from my main screen where I'm trying to work up the math to draw occlusion paths in a window
now if we were just friends in the first place, i would not have an issue
because i can work up to being more. now Im forever a friend/not a friend of another girl i like
occlusion paths for 3D rendering?
Tasteless joke warning!
Did you folks hear what Jennifer Flowers said when she was asked if she thought her experiences with Bill Clinton were anything like Monica Lewinski's?
and also this happens a lot
I pick the wrong people
yesss, Duncan?
She said "Close, but no cigar."
ring ring... the 80's would like their bad joke back
lol Duncan
90's more like.
The Lewinski scandal was in what, 1996?
Micael, tell me more about your occlusion math
Occlusion for what, if not 3D rendering?
I'm afraid to talk about it. It would make everyone here
How about in 30 words or less.
Anyone know off hand how to sync a logitech wireless keyboard with a Mac that hasn't been set up for the first time yet?
I've lost the manual..
In 70 words or less: I'm grabbing frames from one window and I have to figure out it's z-order in relation to other windows above it and then draw occlusion rectangles showing what windows are blocking the window I want to present.
Probably go to the system preferences, bluetooth ,and select pair.
Yea, can't get to system preferences.
First boot up ever.
I think I'm going to have to steal a wired keyboard for now...
Oh, this is your new mini and you don't have a USB keyboard?
Try turning on the keyboard and maybe the Mac will recognize it.
I've tried.
I'm just going to steal my gf's keyboard for now.
until I can sync the wireless.
Michael, what is the Z relationship between the windows?
Anyone can shed me more light on this question?
Q: Compiling an app that works in iOS 6 and iOS 7

AxevaI'm struggling to compile an iPad app for use on iOS 6 and iOS 7. Here's the message I keep getting: Property 'barTintColor' not found on object of type 'UITabBar *'; did you mean 'tintColor'? The Base SDK for the target is set to Latest iOS (iOS 7.0), and the iOS Deployment Target is iOS 6.0...

Just ordering of flat planes and masking one window's content with another?
Why does this returns me nil on iOS 7 simulator? [window respondsToSelector:@selector(setBarTintColor:)]
Im going to quit iOS development and become a professional sleeper
How much do you think they get paid
That's a dream job Max.
windows on a Macintosh have not only X & Y positions, but Z positions in relation to how they are displayed in relation to other windows.
Ok, goodnight
Ill se you guys when i make my first $100000000 by sleeping
Lets see... Mac OS doesn't use CA layers by default.
It boils down to CG masks if memory serves.
Guess we're never seeing Max again.
Been a while since I've dealt with Mac OS on that level.
Im baaaaaaacckkk.. oooooo! Im a ghost
Michael, I thought you were talking OpenGL 3D rendering. I've done a fair amount of that.
I'm just gonna go for lunch now. So hungry, can not think.
I thought you were leaving NSChat forever, Max?
I was told i can be admin
I wrote a fractal rendering program for Mac called FractalWorks that does stereoscopic 3D rendering of Mandelbrot and Julia set fractals. (tinyurl.com/fractalworks)
Im waiting for Nil
you should aim for higher than that, Max.
Here is a sample image from FractalWorks: pbase.com/duncanc/image/109200917/original.jpg
mike can add you as owner
why be a mod here.
you should be a DIAMOND mod.
waiting for nil. How existential sounding.
He's with Godot.
Max, do you know what the Hamster Dance is?
aren't you intrigued about being a diamond mod, Max?
Gack, not the Hamster dance!
The Hamster Dance is a good way to test someone's Internet age.
"Ba da dee dot dee da dee do, ba da dee dot dee dee do..."
You are all pups nhgrif, except perhaps Michael
I played Zork on the Arpanet over a silent 700 terminal.
higher than what?
diamond mod?
Im waiting for nil to give me admin access then i will take over the world!
My oldest is 19, and the Hamster Dance is one of his earliest experiences with the Internet.
trust me, walking in anywhere and saying "Im an admin on NSChat" will get you anything free
oh yeah Duncan? I really did program on an IBM 360-based mainframe.
LOL. Good pickup line with women too I imagine.
I only missed the era of punchcards.
women suck
I could read punched cards without a key when I was about 7.
My dad worked for the Social Security administration.
I went for SSN today
I remember him showing me a refrigerator-sized cabinet and telling me it was 4k memory module.
but they told me they need to verify my documents, why?
other friends had no issues
Hell, back in the late 1980s I worked for a company that still used punched cards for some things on their IBM systems.
Did you see my comments about 3D fractals Michael?
yessss, I remember watching many tripppy 3d fractal videos in my day
My images are going to be featured in an upcoming book of stereo 3D fractals called "Fractal 3D Magic"
Introduction by Clifford Pickover.
Kinda cool.
Now I just need to get accessories for my Mac (monitors, a real keyboard/mouse, etc)
These will be stereo anaglyphs.
It's a good idea to have a wired keyboard and mouse around in case something goes wrong with the bluetooth one, for sure.
Yeah. Well, until this weekend, I'll mostly only be remote desktopping in to it actually.
Figuring out how to do left and right eye projections of 3D images gets kind of hairy.
Truth be told ANYTHING with OpenGL gets kind of hairy.
Night mode in Flow is cool
Time to cook dinner
don't burn the hotel down!
Watch the 10 o'clock news tonight Michael. you will see Laddu
Arggggh! Why do people insist on writing this code:
string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@", someOtherString];
I just responded to yet another post with that code on SO.
It's like spinning around in a full circle before each time you type a key.
Could be worse.
It just wastes time and makes you dizzy.
At least no one posts Objective-C questions comparing NSStrings with == like gets posted for Java 10 times daily.
Sure they do.
I've never seen it for ObjC
That is standard newbie question number 3,473.
More on iPhone Dev SDK and MacRumors than here on SO, but I still see it several times a day here.
I've never seen it posted on SO before though. Hrm.
But I see it for Java all the time.
I guess you have better built-in moron filters than I do.
No, I assure you I don't.
My ObjC rep has only just caught up to my Java rep.
And I don't know Java nearly as well as I know ObjC.
I can read Java just fine, but haven't done enough of it to be able to write it very well.
I call Java C+-
My knowledge of Java is pretty much limited to the stuff it has in common with C++/Objective-C plus Java's way of doing classes, interfaces, etc.
But when it comes to Java's Arraylists, Maps, etc (some of which it has in common with C++), I really don't know much about it.
And I don't know the frameworks much at all.
Sounds like we're in the same boat more or less.
Why do you have a high Java rep then?
I know that Java has built-in classes like Double and Integer and Boolean, but I don't know exactly how these differ from the primitive data types.
Because morons ask Java questions at a higher rate than any other language.
I've answered exactly 0 Java questions on SO.
And I can answer questions about NPE, infinite loops, == vs equals()
I only look at the iOS/MacOS/Objective C questions.
(I'm acronym-impaired.)
null pointer exception
That was something it took me a while to get used to in Objective-C - the fact that it's perfectly ok to send messages to nil objects.
It flies in the face of 25+ years of prior programming experience in multiple other languages.
Oh... weak-sauce.
Especially since Objective C object reference are pointers, and dereferencing a zero pointer is a usually one-way ticket to a crash.
So, basically every game on Steam runs on Windows.
Most don't run on Linux, but some do. But there's a Linux filter.
I can't seem to find the Mac filter...
Hmm, found the one to filter my library at least... but not the store.
what is a null pointer exception in Java? Java doesn't have pointers!
null pointer, sorry. My Objective-C is showing through.
I think Java is kind of like Objective-C in this regard... except you don't use the * syntax.
But I think all objects are pointers.
So you get an NPE when you try calling a method on an uninitialized object basically
I just discovered that here in SO chat, if you use command up-arrow, you can edit your previous posts without having to use the mouse.
A: What is a Null Pointer Exception?

Vincent RamdhanieWhen you declare a reference variable (i.e. an object) you are really creating a pointer to an object. Consider the following code where you declare a variable of primitive type int: int x; x = 10; In this example the variable x is an int and Java will initialize it to 0 for you. When you assi...

Java uses "references", which are really pointers under the covers.
Every time you create an object in Java, you use the new keyword like you do in C++ when you create something on the heap.
But in Java, all objects have to be created on... whatever memory in the JVM would equate to the heap.
It is very much a heap - its just that that detail is hidden from you.
Also, lots of Java index out of bounds exceptions posted.
People who ask Java questions on SO can't even write basic loops. As such, there's plenty of Java rep to be had.
Off-by-one and index out of bounds problems are something everybody faces.
Oh, I know.
My dog is bugging me to go out. Hang on.
Rather, my WIFEs dog is bugging me to go out. He's a little neurotic pain in the butt.
Good thing he's cute.
The difference is, of the languages I know, Java is the only one which has boatloads of people unwilling to spend two seconds trying to debug an index out of bounds.
And Java has all the same means of checking a collection length that Objective-C does.

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