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In any case you need to implement the delegate method for returning the size of cell
Typically if all cell's are of same size, you don't need to do that and the size of the prototype cell is taken as the standard size
Yes, it's one of the delegate methods of the collection view
I think I'm going to get rid of WTAMainMenuCellPropertiesModel
But if cells are of varying size, then you need to implement the delegate method for returning the cell's size and return appropriate size of each cell
and just add the properties to the UICollectionView
Or is that not complying with MVC?
I don't really get if UICollectionViewCell is a Model or a View
It's a view
So then I should keep the model separate
Typically if cell's are going to be of same size, prototype cell are a great way. If they are of different size, adding sub views to the cell by code is equally good.
so then I need to undo everything I did?
But it will work, don't worry
You just have to return the correct cell size from your delegate method
Sorry if I'm needing a little hand-holding, this task was too ambitious to be handled independently for me
I'm already doing that
let me show you in a gist
For now connect the outlets to the sub views in the IB
But @property (nonatomic, weak) UILabel *label; isn't a IBOutlet?
oh yes put iboutlet there too
brb call
IBOutlet UIView *view; Gives me errors from Xcode:
Cannot declare variable inside @interface or @protocol
'iboutlet' attribute can only be applied to instance variables or properties
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSMenuItem *standardMenuItem;
more like that
except it should be a UIView
wait i'm on call
Okay, I got it connected
and running it
remember that the label isn't set anywhere
And it looks the same
ok now what is the issue?
Some american called me and I couldn't understand his English. Also in between he kept saying papapa paaaaaaa
Is it just a random person?
Did they call you for no reason?
He is some guy from my employer's client place
He's probably some type of salesman
oh nvm
He's crazy?
I have to go for real now
I think so, he asked me couple of times to hold on, and kept saying papapa paaaaa
when will you come?
I'll ask for more time but I don't think I will get it
Tommorow, or in a minute or two
depending on if I get more time
Thank you for the help!
ok I will wait
See you Ethen
Btw Ethen I finish LBW. It was really good.
hello everyone
can anyone please tell me if apple rejects if you have an core data entity with more than 100 properties?
i just want to know this...i really need to have more than 100 and i don´t know if it will be reject...please...anyone?
No they won't
Also if it's possible, try to divide it into more entities. It's called as Normalization.
thank you very much for answering Laddu...i´m having problems dividing my entity, and believe me when i say that i am trying...let me tell what is my problem.. this example will sound a little stupid, but please be patient with me...imagine that you are making a database of fruits...and now imagine apples...apples can be red or green etc...now imagine that you are in tableview one and you are saving red apples..now you go to tableview two and you save green apples...
now imagine that you are in tableview 3 and you want to present the number of red´s and green apples...they are both apples...so my question is, how would you differ the type of apples?
in my case i have create a sumRedApples and sumGreenApples...but is there a way of just having a sumApples?
Oh let me read, it's huge
iºm so sorry...thank you for helping me..
For this simple example, it is possible to have them all in one entity. However, I assume that the real objects are more complicated
I would have an integer attribute in the Apple entity to indicate it's color. And these integers I would keep as enums in my code for readability.
That is, assuming that red apples and green apples have all the same properties
If they each have separate properties it would be better to split them into two
Yes, you can also have inheritance mechanism in core data. It's called as sub entities.
Yes, one attribute for color, other for eh? What else for Apple... taste? lol assuming there are apple's that taste bitter or whatever
i don´t know what i had in mind when i decided to do this... :(
those are good ideas..
and now imagine more fruits...
my problem is in the part of presenting results...
apple, peach, banana etc...all are different but they have common properties right?
If there are many types of fruits, you should really look into how to have sub entities from entities. So Fruit will be your Root entity. Apple will be one of it's sub entity and so on. It's just like inheritance.
yes...i really have to think about doing that...please don´t laugh but right now i have 200 properties (doubles and strings)
make use of deriving entities and design the perfect managed object model
ok...guys, thank you very much for helping me and for your advises
It's same as inheritance. Think how would you have designed them into classes. That's how core data works too. We think in terms of objects and not tables, etc.
but with that...it comes another question...is there a limit for entity´s :)
There shouldn't be. It's as good as asking are there any limit in having number of classes in our project? I't's no.
hehe...you´re right!
Good luck with that and if you face any problem further, come again. We have a core data master called @Abizern. He isn't online right now.
But you can keep bothering him by sending him pings until he shows up
ok...thanks again for your time...regards
bye guys
see you
@Japa Just for reference, Managed Object Models might be useful.
I'm starting to get the hang of C++ again, maybe
Have you started your cocos2d-x app, borrrden?
Are you using Eclipse?
(for cocos2d-x)
Yes, I've been working on it since the beginning of last week
But I've been mostly doing pure C++ stuff so far
(I have to write the save / load data system)
I cooked chicken tandoori
ahhh, what a pleasant surprise seeing Laddu on during * MY * prime time… versus Indian prime time (middle of the night for me)
This time zone still seems a little strange to me. But I will get used to it.
what are you doing
just got home from the gym.
now back at coding… until dinner gets delivered.
how much for dinner?
$20 delivered.
but S.F. is an expensive town.
if I went out to eat, the things I usually get are around $8 - $10.
I cook for entire month in $20
yesssss, you can do a lot with an onion.
Just now I cooked Chicken tandoori. Very easy
isn't it lonely for you there at that hotel room in the middle of nowhere?
I've a room partner with me
But yes it's lonely.
is the room partner a nice person?
Yes very kind.
when I don't wake up early in the morning, she calls me on my phone to wake me up. She is such formal.
that's awesome. My housemates are usually all about stuff like
Laddu cook entire month's meal for $20? Wow.
To be precise ~$25. I get 10 lb rice for $9. 18 eggs for $2. 16 chicken leg piece for $5. Onion, Tomato, Soda, Salt, and other small items for cooking purpose for another ~$10.
How many different dishes can you cook with those ingredients?
I can cook chicken curry with rice, egg curry with rice, chicken tandoori, fried rice, Omelette. These are just what I can cook. There could be more possibilities.
I think you might run out of eggs :-S
Probably. I noticed in the Chinese store that I went, 18 eggs is for $2.99 and 36 eggs for $4. So with 36 eggs no chance :D
Sonny is back
hello..goodmorning everyone
@Laddu When does your job start?
after I get my SSN
Is that a rule?
I got my SSN 20 days after I started working on campus. Maybe different rule for different visa category.
So do you feel what we tried to tell is correct after living here for a week?
I applied yesterday. They told me they need to verify some documents. So 4 weeks for me
for others they didn't say that and 2 weeks for them
About snow and cars is correct
shoes too
4 weeks till you get SSN? Strange. It only takes 1 week
Max 4 weeks the stupid ugly fat girl told me
Wow. Good going.
Where is your new job, Laddu?
If you use such word in public won't be good for you.
Can you say it?
Colorado is the company name?
lol maybe it will be 20 dollars per bitcoin after all
Is Tom Hagen part of the Coreleone family? Lol
borrrden: LOL I HOPE NOT >.<
We let him in, then they crapped all over here lol.
@nil needs to wake up
Yeah, this is going to be hilarious.
Tom hagen wishes to win a free ticket to the recycle bin where Corleone resides
Lol does everyone recognize the name Tom Hagen by the way?
I need to google
Who the fuck is Mr. Corleone?
I wouldn't be surprised if all of these accounts are coming from the same person
God father
Hahaha maybe they are trying to pull a giant Godfather troll over here.
Yes all the names have been from the movie so far
Did you guys not pick up on that? :D
I haven't watched the movie so I don't quite understand the jokes.
They are lines from the movie
If there are options to vote for undeserving candidates, we will.
Ah, I should rewatch the movies
But they are so long lol
I feel like voting down hichris123 now.
It's democracy.
Who is Tom Hagen?
nil you can't miss this, this is hilarious.
Howsabout I just ban him
I was going to let him talk.
Well he isn't particularly doing anything wrong lol
Because he is so funny.
'Cause, really, I have no interest in continuing the Corleone troll-stupidity
Just being noisy
By the way, captain douchebag started invite spamming again.
Screenshot it and put it here.
@TomHagen By the way, spell the name right, at least.
What exactly does Mr. Coreleone (whoever this guy is) want?
And do not use chat speak in here.
Enrico, you need to spell it correctly too. It's a famous fictional character.
I've got news for you though
I really should watch more movies. I don't get any of these movie references.
Tom Hagen is no longer the consigliare for the Corleone family
He finished in the 1970s ;)
@ThiefMaster Just so you know, that Corleone troll created another account and is invite spamming again.
Eh? What's the correct way?
No E after the R.
There's the user profile for the child.
Hi room.
@EnricoSusatyo To make you an offer you can't refuse :p
By the way, Hagen, unless you want to chat like a normal person, I'm going to revoke your write access. As amusing as it is, encouraging the nitwit whose profile I linked isn't a great idea and I'd rather not continue that silliness.
Enrich, those are Godfather references.
@TomHagen So, your call, I can revoke your access if you don't want to just hang out like a normal person.
He is providing free entertainment
Lol, it gets old quick though
Duncan: I know they are Godfather references, but I haven't watch the movies
In that case, your access has been revoked, have a nice day.
It's so funny, it's like anime in real life.
The rest of you: don't encourage this crap.
Yeah, that's about enough.
I read the book and didn't watch the movies until YEARS later.
Unlike most of you guys, I'm the one who has to sit through the childish crap.
I got a few too
The Godfather movies aren't even particularly entertaining, and the Corleone family isn't really interesting.
Just a note: This new request (Emiliano Insua) is not a Godfather movie name
So it's probably safe haha
I know.

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