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i understand what they are basically
OK then what kind of thing that you want to sell?
He wants to add IAP to remove ads.
I see
i've already done it?
it works
But seriously, with Parse this is just a 10 minute job.
now i just need to add functionality
I agree with enrico
You will need to verify purchase receipts later... But yeah it's up to you how you want to do that part.
only question is, can i store a bool in a plist to notify my app that the user has purchased this
That's exactly how I do it.
so it is safe
and if you set it to non consumable
you can even check it on another device
what is verifying purchase receipts for then?
it looks unnecessary for a little game like mine :/
What I'm saying is if you'd use Parse, you'd get this for free.
hye to retrive pricing information for products and so on?
Did you Google before asking us -_-
Enrico my cousins went to hunter valley last week
have you ever went there?
I didn't really like it that much though
I see
but it looks fun
Yeah, many people enjoy it :)
I'm pretty sure I caught a cold on my first day at work.
Why does a local notification not fire as soon as I put a repeatInterval on it? o,0
huh....look at that...If I use NSWeekCalendarUnit it works, but that is deprecated. If I use NSCalendarUnitWeekOfMonth (its replacement) it doesn't.
bordan can you tell me how to parse KML file in iOS
How's work, nil?
No I can't because 1) I don't know what a KML file is 2) You spelled my name terribly wrong
Speaking of KML
Has any of you guys used this? This looks very interesting: github.com/krzysztofzablocki/KZPropertyMapper
Still doesn't support KML though.
Work today was the same as yesterday except now there's an iMac on my desk
iMac, yayyy!!
Yeah, though it's from 2011
Same as mine
It runs so slowly now
I haven't even got it set up yet
Oh :( and you can't upgrade it to SSD.
sorry borrrden :)
take the from screen off?
is it not possible to write a bool to a plist?
because this gives me an error with ARC
[data setValue:[number boolValue] forKey:key];
setValue:forKey: is a KVO method.
You should just do data[key] = @(boolValue)
KVO method?
You need to work on understanding fundamental things like the difference between primitives and objects
See: NSKeyValueCoding
setValue takes an id so it is not possible to put a bool in its place.
still gives me an ARC Issue
You plan on telling us what that is?
really it will just be data[key] = number;
Implicit conversion of 'BOOL' (aka 'signed char') to 'id' is disallowed with ARC
And yes, work on your fundamental understanding first.
what why is that
How did you learn programming?
Website, online course, tutorials, books?
i paid for an online course the other month
It sounds like most of your problems is because you are following certain examples and just following what they wrote.
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[numberFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4];
[numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
[numberFormatter setLocale:product.priceLocale];
NSString *formattedPrice = [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:product.price];
found this in apple documentation but where do i put it
Found it for what?
Do you even know what it does?
Or did you copy and paste something blindly again? -_-
mutch don't just copy and paste something
it's so i can display the price of my IAP in local currency
Are you aware of how unclear that transition was to us? o,0
ARC problems -> product pricing
i want to display the price of my in app purchase?
Great! Go ahead!
via an NSString but i want the currency to be correct for each country
Don't say "where do I put it?" like there is only one answer :p
as ads are loading from like 22 different countries
yes but i can't access the product instance
i have download this example from apple site

1 message moved to recycle bin
wrongly pasted
its working fine in given KML file

But when i tried some other KML file its not showing the Overlayview
is there any issue in adding overlay view ?
That sounds like a problem that needs a stack overflow question with all the code and KML in question
ok borrrden i will do ..
Sure you can access the product instance Mutch, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to purchase it
alright ill be really specific, give me a method that runs the code above and returns the formattedPrice for any specific IAP
as i have no clue, not in the sense of that i don't know how to create a method.
who are you to give borrrden an order to give you the method mutch?
even his wife is not ordering him haha :p
I'm not in the business of writing code for other people :p...
Well...technically I am
but that's because I get paid lol
Mutch does not pay you
yeah that's called job
all i need to know is where would i place t to access the instance of product
Put some time into this exercise. I think you will be capable of figuring it out. Remember a big hint is that you were able to get the correct class via your in app purchasing
but mutch is not your employer right
The correct class is SKProduct
and asking something like that showing that he doesn't have any willingness to learn
where would i go to learn such thing then?
First and foremost: Apple's documentation
After that: Stack overflow questions and tutorials
And learn how to use Google correctly.
It's sad to say that in today's world using Google is a required skill for a successful programmer
What in the world did people do before the Internet? lol
I imagine ordered large books full of specifications and documentation
i assumed people actually made communication to each other and discussed issues
They do. Now you just have to find those discussions.
Before the Internet? Well that might be another way but the first person would still have to get the information from somewhere ;)
No one wants to type 4 paragraph explaining SKProduct if the information is right there in the internet.
Plus, we don't know exactly how your project is structured. Only you know where to everything.
-(void)productsRequest:didReceiveResponse: this method allows me to retrieve the instance, issue is the purchase occurs in this method when it's called
Well, what if you don't make the purchase then?
check this website mutch
Nobody is forcing you to call the purchase method
and read it don't just get to the code and copy and paste it
everyone in here is willing to help you to get the solution, not give you the solution instantly because in that way you can solve your own solution in the future
You linked me to the main website? Intentional?
even you can't find the tutorial pages?
You remind me a lot of Max.
maybe he's max?
He doesn't blame Apple enough to be Max
who is max
Yeah, that's a good thing about you, Mutch.
oh alright, glad there's one good thing about me.
Haha, kidding!
There's lots of good things about you.
For example, I like your avatar.
To be fair, it looked like he was just asking if you meant to link him to the front page and not a specific tutorial
And your game is quite addictive.
i did enjoy making it, both the avatar and game
are you a designer mutch?
at the bottom of that link is kinda what I'm looking for
no i'm a high school student .-.
this isn't objective c syntax though
public static string LocalizedPrice (this SKProduct product)
Nope, but the APIs are the same
Hello All, hope All is well
Can anybody help me with this
Q: How to replace abort() function in coreData iOS

RanjitI am working with CoreData app, As we know while saving a entity or deleting a entity from context we always make this check NSError *error; if (![context save:&error]) { // Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately. // abort() causes the applica...

It suddenly struck me that a good measure of programming skills might be the number of applications created divided by the number of stack overflow questions asked (somehow factoring in time spent and complexity) :p.
i fixed my issue borrrden
any idea to make a subtle looking remove ads option?
Hello @borrrden, just look at this
Q: iPhone Core Data "Production" Error Handling

SwayI've seen in the example code supplied by Apple references to how you should handle Core Data errors. I.e: NSError *error = nil; if (![context save:&error]) { /* Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately. abort() causes the application to generate a crash log and...

just check the answer given by marcus zara
I'm sure the community has checked it by their voting
borrrden is a busy man
I am confused because apple says dont use abort() function in shipping application and here he says to use..So I am asking you
Defer to apple then
I am getting confused
It means "Follow Apple's advice"
Since they are the authority on apps on their platform
time to make a theme
ok, I will not use abort() function, I will go with apple
I've never seen this function fail except when changing the data model
Really the rule of thumb for crashing is when if you continue then you risk creating corrupted states
If you can continue with other things without saving then there is no reason to crash
This kind of crash is pretty hard to do actually. The vast majority have to do with trying to store an object that doesn't pass validation (the constraints you set in the model)
And now for a cat whose black pattern looks like another cat
And how we know whether we can continue?
and their is no reason to crash
By asking yourself "Will the app be usable if I can't save this data right now?"
Apple doesn't throw an exception there, so internally the database and everything will be fine. The save will be cancelled.
sorry I am confused, how we can be sure that user can continue using the app after the error handling and if user needs to quit the app or it will get quit, or we will be quitting the app
by showing a option to quit
You cannot quit an app
It is against the human interface guidelines
It's up to your own logic
You will still have the data available, so your app will continue to function
It will just be lost when the app restarts
So as long as the user is aware of this, there is no compelling reason to kill the app
Also I don't know if crash analysis libraries like Crashlytics have this but you might be able to upload the error silently
That's something you will have to research on your own
In reality even if you leave it in there it is unlikely to happen if you debug properly. If it does, though, and the review team sees it you will be rejected.
I edited my answer to provide an alternative answer :p
ok, thanks for your valuable info, so presently I will just ask the user to send a error report if any occurs, with that I think, I would be able to solve some issues, and I will not use abort() function
2 hours later…
Hi all
How are we
app poverty line n. The minimum income that a programmer requires to make an independent living developing apps. http://wspy.ws/apl
I need help, see my question here
Q: ABAddressBook kABPersonModificationDateProperty update all the time when changing language

TalhaI am having an issue for a while and couldn't able to fix it so far, honestly don't understand the behavior of ABAddressBook. Anyways here is the problem. I am accessing Address book contacts in my application and storing them in core data (most common elements : name, address, email, phone numb...

That's 60000 a year
Oh wait
That's 6000 a year
I was like, you Silicon Valley types are pretty bloated if you think 60000 is the poverty line
@EnricoSusatyo THAT IS AWESOME
Anyone know how I can remove a test IAP for a test user?
Well, while we may not live rich on the apps we create, I know some iOS consultants who make $200 dollars an hour. Granted, they have to be GOOD! I still see a day where our job will no longer be a noose where our boss holds the rope.
@nil - I miss you.
@Lucy geeez
What? Is it my sucking up? Or my comment on hopefully being FREE one day?
@mattsven - You're AWESOME TOO!!!!
what? lol
I was thinking about that consultant figure
It's true
aww thanks
Did I just give your secret away? Or make you feel underpaid? Sorry :\
what? nah
I don't make that kind of money. I'm not good enough
But I keep trying
that's what important
to be fair, you're never really "good enough" if you're programming...just slightly better than the next clueless guy
You gotta point!
I only got into iOS development about a year ago
Me too! That's why so many dumb questions
Still sucky, but less sucky than when I started.
Have you ever felt like you've researched until your eyeballs are going to fall out, then finally gave up and asked a question only to have someone down vote it because he/she thinks you didn't do your homework. That's what really sucks.
less so with iOS programming than other languages I've worked with though
My problem is that I come from a Java background. C/C++ is making the learning curve a little steeper for me.
I'm learning Swift
Yeah, I see you're doing quite a bit of image manipulation that requires you to tap more into C
I haven't tackled Swift yet. Waiting until it becomes necessary. I'm killing myself on C code.
All of our 3rd party tools and backend processes run in C or C++. I can't complain though, because I wanted to learn C and C++.
UIButtons in UITableViewCells act wonky and don't always unhighlight themselves :l
I want a new mac
I've never had one :)
What are you doing?!?!?!!? GO GET ONE!
lol nope
I dislike them
The inability to swap hardware on demand is kind of disrespectful
I'll more likely build a Hackintosh machine
They're more of a status symbol than anything else, waste of cash
in my case at least
I would say MBA is ok
I am going to waste $6000 for a gaming mac pro!
My first Mac was/is an MBA and it works great!!!!
Not really... that probably won't even run games as well as $1200 PC
yea me too!
MBA works quite well
When I find a limitation, I'll upgrade.
I bought it when I was unemployed and decided I was going to be a iOS developer. I just took the plunge and so far it's worked out pretty well for me.
nice! cheers to the leap of faith
off to meeting now :)
I'm back
1 hour later…
I have a question regarding JSON parsing and NSDictionary.
My parsed data looks like this and I am wondering how do I get them using key value pairs. :/
It's an array of dictionary
What is the issue?
Yes. I have to iterate over dictionary, right?
The root object of your JSON is an array
In that array, there are several dictionaries
Iterate in that array.
@MichaelDautermann is here
what a shock!
thank you Gudiya notification center
Whats going on
I am in Germany in the moment and haven't met up with Vidya yet.
What are you doing in Germany? Vacation?
yes... I'm going to the family winery later this week to stay there for a few days.
hic I'll drink to that!
What are those books about?
ah, I have relatives in Germany, so that's their books!
Are you German? You speak German?
do you love soccer?
ja... Ich spreche besser Deutsch wenn ich trinke!
Ok. Ich habe meine Antwort.
(Courtesy of Google Translate, I must add)
So you have a family business of wine there?
distant distant family...
somehow related to me, not sure exactly how though.
how about your family? they miss you too!
Your family members either miss you guys a lot or they don't miss you at all because you show up to them once in a decade.
Yes. They do! My father is taken for blood check up. And my mom is kind of tensed. and I have not even called yet. -_- I am a bad son!
I'm certain Gudiya calls her parents at least once a month...
of course
Once a week
Me. Twice a month, probably. :/
2 hours later…
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