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00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 23:00

@EthenA.Wilson - You're the WIZ KID! You have all the answers. :-)
question :/ .. i got a button like this pastebin.com/uwXSkqpD (it's a grey circle) .. what would be the best way to change the color of that circle when i tap on the button?
because right now it's always grey even if the state changes
change the border color?
two options
1.) subclass, override setHighlighted and set the color you want. I would make this a common class so you won't have to deal with this issue later on - add two properties borderColor and backgroundColor or whatever suits your needs
2.) [UIButton addTarget:self selector:@selector(highlightButtonBorder:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpSomething]
awesome, thank you! :)
i think i'm gonna go with the first solution, sounds dryer :)
yessss, it is, haha
@EthenA.Wilson LOL, why did you say that?
UITableViewCells are a pain to work with without subclassing
^ yes
Are you alive?
I can't figure this code out. Configuring it from Flow to this other app for same use but doesnt work the same. for some reason the image takes the right screenshot but the wrong size
Yes indeed I am alive.
I haven't heard Flow in a while lol
well anyways, my other app Downloads. Im adding the search suggestions, same code as Flow. Im having issue with the blurry background code. Flow I had to take a full screenshot, then cut off the top 64px and blur the rest.. now i need to chop the top 64px off, and bottom 50px or so off (tab bar) but the image is alays 568 but the image taken isn't that height
don't know why its being strange
I missed you too Max!
Omg I haven't read this wall of text in a while hahahaha
Oh hi:D lol sorry I've been dead
i had a girlfriend and didnt code, then i had girlfriend issues and didnt code haha
lesson learned: Stay single. girls are evil liars
Oh, Max.
what? and never mind about my coding issue Im figuring it out
Of course you did.
there kind of got it. seems to be correct now
anyways hello
my friend is coming over.. I'm going to see Guardians of the Galaxy for the 4th time lol
Its so great
You still have terrible english, lol.
When do you start uni?
idk, kinda pissed at them
They dropped me out of some classes because I didnt pay yet. lol I guess it is my fault but I was very confused. It says the payment is due at time of enrollment, I'm not even going there yet. I take it as due by first day of school
so 1 class i got back into but 1 I can't, so now I'm taking the same class but its night time. 6-9 mondays
instead of a nice online class
What is wrong with my English?
You're trying to present a view controller and blur the previous, right?
@Maximilian Haha I like how you decided to use proper capitalization for that sentence
Classic Max.
and in the previous sentences he mixed numbers in and used wrong grammars :P
thanks:D and yes, but i got it working again. It wasn't an issue with blur It was just issues with image sizing and cropping
But there's not many options at uni.
You can avoid the whole shebang of snapshotting if you use a modal view, Max
I don't get why people got upset when they have to take night classes. The schedule is at night.
With modal views, the presenter and presented view both stay visible.
@EnricoSusatyo you know who else is out at night? Vampires
I don't need to present anything. Its just adding a table view but I want its background to be blurred version of the web view. Pretty simple. Just the image kept taking a snapshot of a smaller view and then stretching It
I don't like night class because I have day class, then have some free time and then have to go back, night time is when I have friends over or have dinner lol
Max: Welcome to uni life
How was Hg?
and the version of the class I had was online, now I have another school class. Online is nicer If i have all classes because It means more time at home
lol, well It was my fault. I signed up too late. Luckily these classes are only until december, so next semester Ill be on top of It and get more classes I need and at time I want them
3 of my classes Im not into yet:[ my parents say just go first week and keep showing up and they may just let me in. I hope so
intro to computer science I should get into. only wait list #2 spot. the other 2 classes I'm at like wait list 14 and 18
Trust me, you don't want online classes at that age.
Why not?
It's fun being on campus and chasing girls and getting drunk.
That is kinda how I met my girlfriend.
@EnricoSusatyo Enrico you are a terrible mentor
Good morning everyone
@mattsven I'm not a terrible mentor.
I'm just preparing him for 4 years worth of fun.
nayoso, see the star board?
Nil is not a room owner anymore.
How do switch control users use the home button?
I tried to remove my owner status in the Android room but they wouldn't let me
How did they stop you?
They put me back on the owner list.
We should do that just to bug you
I removed myself from the room owners again but forgot to put myself in the write list
Now let's see what the lag time is on the Android room, 'cause it's already terrible
Do you need me to tekl them to add you back?
I got lunch at Pita Pit today, if anyone knows what that is.
So I've been doing genealogy lately
Seriously the most awkward meal I've ever ordered because I do not understand how to order food that isn't just "get me X" and then waiting for my name to be called.
But that's the best where you can pick your own stuff
Also my great great grandma cannibalized her aunt
Which is kinda weird
They were pioneers and were really poor at one time
I don't like to drink lol
and Enrico, girls are evil! stay away!
Having a girlfriend does not prevent anyone from coding :p
Well we hangout like every day basically, and I didnt feel like coding
That's because you don't actually like coding :p
ya i do
Your history of screaming suggests otherwise
Not for betas though. they are horrible >:[
Custom keyboards are broken. Its terrible
Lol I was against custom keyboards from the minute I heard of them
Terrible idea....like we need ANOTHER source for potential bugs
Like when you get a bug report for Flow: "I can't type anything into the address bar"
I have 2 I want to bring out first day, both almost finished but I have to make an actual app part for them. Tried using swift, I got it done but I think Ill redo it in Objective-c for now.
Android has custom keyboards
They are infuriating
lol that will be terrible.
Here is a good example: Japanese keyboards have a special type of autocomplete because you don't type using Chinese characters
You type using Japanese ones, and then possible Chinese characters will come up for auto complete
Most of the time, they also have English autocomplete as well
And it disregards settings for "no autocomplete"
So when our client says "Please disable autocomplete" we can only swear
This is the official Japanese keyboard too, released by Google
What do you think a keyboard released by Joe Shithead will be like?
fuck custom keyboard
It's an easy source of bugs beyond our control...
fuck android
Careful nayoso
Ya, I admit keyboards and debugging is horrible. Like Im sure the issue Is that all keyboards are crashing, but the only message Apple gives Is that It is being interrupted. which kind of means they are crashing, If this was a real keyboard on a real users device, they should automatically switch to the default keyboard
You have to love Android now
yeah jim
actually I love android studio
I'm still torn between which is worse with C++...Android or WinRT
far more than eclipse
Yeah, that should be obvious
I love gradle
Eclipse is like a man with 4 heads, 17 limbs, and 5 asses
Capable of doing a lot, but awkward at doing it all
I agree
Unfortunately Android Studio support for C++ is still almost nonexistent
Its kind of scary of how bad the beta is and the firmware is supposed to be released next month?
Its going to be a miracle If they can get all extensions working and battery life as normal as can be for the GM
Samsung Is terrible. I can watch Netflix or Hulu on my Apple TV or Xbox for hours and have 0 interruptions, Downstairs my family has some Samsung box.. Every episode has had 2 interruptions every time.
Lol that video....
It's kinda old though. Mono makes .NET available (most of it) outside Windows
And Microsoft seems to have an interest in portability now
and my favourite website now is android-arsenal.com not cocoacontrols.com
I'm still searching for cross platform solutions
I finally figured out how to use boost :p
I stayed away from it for a long time because I thought it needed to be deployed on every machine that I would run an app on
But it can be statically linked
@EthenA.Wilson Maybe, but I'm too stupid to deal with it
Why don't you guys build it natively jim?
not enough resource?
Waste of resources
Considering we have to maintain it as well
Bugfixes would be in two or three different code bases and languages
Using C++ as much as possible seems to be a good balance between portability, ease of maintenance, and consistency.
The one downside is that there is still platform specific code that needs to be written (mostly UI, and device specific functionality like in app purchase, GPS, etc) but plugin stuff only needs to be written once
I see
Welcome back, nil.
a nice video right enrico?
So funny
Now you can watch YouTube in your new job? Hahahaha
I can always watch youtube
in my job
even in my previous one
but I watch that video last night
lol I see
I need to pass a NSDictionary from one ViewController to another but it arrives Empty
    controller.facebookData = _fbUserData;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSDictionary *facebookData;
any ideas???
Debugging is an extraordinarily valuable skill
I'd use breakpoints
but i think is because of the property.
I created the Destination VC @property (retain, nonatomic) NSDictionary *facebookData;
but im not sure if assigning the NSDictionary inside the property its properly done.
You are doubting whether or not a property works? -_-
What are assigning it to? What are you assigning to it?
Is the thing you're assigning it to the thing you think it is?
Screw logging.
Breakpoint variable examination
@nil how hardcore
facebookData and _fbUserData are defined as NSDictionary
_fbUserData is what?
And are you sure it is not nil?
You can't tell me who I am and am not
fbUserData is not nill
fbUserData is a NSDictionary
@nil you are a sentient collection of matter
I need to pass the fbUserData to another ViewController
@eddwinpaz NSDictionary can be nil
Because I know its not null
I dont know why its not sending the values.
show your code
give us liberty
Why // NSDictionary *fbUserData;? Because you defined the property...?
In prepareForSegue is your destination VC the right one?
yes its a property
the VC is the right one
destination VC is the right one. because I checked passing another value and its being shown
but the NSDictionary simply gets null
Ill show you the destination Source
Did you override the "setFacebookData" method?
So what if you do controller.facebookData = @{ @"what": "hay" }
is the data passed?
I wonder about the order of things
...of life and our place within it
Will viewDidLoad be called before or after prepareForSegue...
now its arrived
controller.facebookData = @{@"message":@"Hello World"};
that worked
so the issue should be on fbUserData
Put a breakpoint in the prepareForSegue method and run po fbUserData in the debugging console
is nill
How did I guess :p
13 mins ago, by eddwinpaz
fbUserData is not nill
Your credibility is hurting now
We can't trust what you say
the issue is that the facebook method - (void)loginViewShowingLoggedInUser:(FBLoginView *)loginView is getting executed first
no no no
I did send a value to the destination VC
using a element from the NSDictionary
and worked..
so if the value gets sent so the NSDictionary.
Of course it does
If you doubt that, you are insane
If something that fundamental didn't work in Objective-C then I don't think the app store would have any working apps
we programmers are insane
I only have 1 month learning Objective-C
so far its a great lang but it's gets dark for me because of the gaps.
thanks for your guidance @borrrden and @nil
great masters :)
Well, in that case you should definitely not be blaming objective-c features
It can be tempting, but the problem is almost universally in your code (not just you, but everyone)
I dont blame objective-c
I know its in my code.
I do understand some stuff but I get lost on the path sometimes.
26 mins ago, by eddwinpaz
but im not sure if assigning the NSDictionary inside the property its properly done.
This looks like blaming Objective-C :)
by that I mean as my not properly doing it
as me
is in app purchases possible to add to a Sprite Kit Scene
Hi all any of them worked KML parsing ?
no KML
in mapview
oh sorry no idea
know anything about in app purchases?
alright, how would i implement it for sprite kit?
What does in app purchase got anything to do with Sprite Kit? lol
into a sprite kit game
because it seems everyone is using everything but sprite kit
stackoverflow.com/questions/19556336/… because this view here uses storyboard
like i've implemented it and it kind works but nothing pops up, do i need to create my own popup message to assure the player knows what they are buying? @EnricoSusatyo
anybody have any idea?
I'm not sure what you did.
But SpriteKit or no SpriteKit, the way to do it is the same.
alright well when i click this sprite the payment goes through but nothing pops up? do i need to create my own pop up?
no popup occurs
do i need to call ui alert vierws
another question, can if statements argument hold methods which return values?
show your code
If no popup occurs then you are doing it wrong
Yeah, but if he read the links I gave him, he should be fine.
You assume too much
90% of the programming world can't code their way out of a wet paper bag...
pastebin.com/T2aYDHy0 here @borrrden
all the method call when i touch test node
just no popups
Which line of code is executed when you press the IAP button?
First log out of your store account in the iOS device settings
Then try it
Also what is printed in the log?
2014-08-06 14:41:34.170 Turn Right[26977:60b] called1
2014-08-06 14:41:38.751 Turn Right[26977:60b] Products Available!
2014-08-06 14:41:38.753 Turn Right[26977:60b] Product: com.mitchelljeffery.turnright.removeads
2014-08-06 14:41:38.758 Turn Right[26977:60b] Transaction state -> Purchasing
and pop up came in prompting me to login
But you said no popup occurs...
also line 13 and 36 highlight yellow any reason why?
well it didn't when i was lodged into my account
it just says the purchase fails
You can only use test mode with a test account
thanks for clearing that up
yellow line means compiler warnings on that line
any idea why I'm getting compiler warnings
Because you write code that the compiler thinks is not good
but that how apple writes it
it's because I'm setting them as self
Which one has compiler warning?
Read the warning, it usually tells you what's wrong
I have a good guess as to what is wrong
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self];
But I'm not going to tell you
First I want you to analyze the warning messages
This is something you need to be able to do
StoreScene *const __strong' to parameter of incompatible type 'id<SKPaymentTransactionObserver>' yes and i know the type is wrong but this is what apple sets it to why?
probably because it's in an skscene and not a view controller?
Do you know what id is? Do you know what protocols are?
yes i know what protocols are
store kit doesn't have any does it
Then I assume you know that they can be applied to any class
oh geez.
In my opinion this warning should be an error
sorry for being a derp.
Well it's OK as long as you are not the same derp twice
Excellent teaching moment.
That ability will put you above the majority of stack overflow
While I argue with my colleague about something extremely stupid.
Good Enrico was distracted :p
He would have just blurted out the answer haha
and i assume that's why the box's weren't appearing correct?
That's a different problem
oh well they appear now in sandbox, thing is i say buy one remove ads
i only want it to be a one time purchase
Sounds like you made a "consumable" purchase type in iTunes Connect
^ That
There are 3 IAP product types, I think.
Or maybe more now.
i clicked non
4 I think
it's non-consumable
You checked in iTunes connect?
yes, it says non-consumable
I love the "new" android
yes exactly like that
I love the new nayoso.
Was it recently a consumable purchase?
brace yourself enrico
btw jim
this burrito is good
it's located near my new office
maybe ill just create another?
That might just be the message
I don't remember the exact wording
Well an easy way to find out is to finish the purchase :p
You won't be charged for a sandbox purchase
Mutch, what you'd have to remember later is that you want a back end code to verify purchases later.
alright no i "bought" it but now it says "you've already bought this, would you like to get this free
Then it's non consumable
@EnricoSusatyo pardon?
maybe you should try to understand the concept of consumable and non-consumable first
00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 23:00

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