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@Jasmit that probem is solved
@Nikki Then now what is your problem?
@Nikki for used in iphone 5 you need to add auto layout, and manage with contraints
@Jasmit i am asking for iphone 5 and 4 like if i have butoon then it will show on rigth place in iphone 5 and iphone 4 or it will change according to its screen
@Jasmit i think contraints is for orientations ?
@Nikki For your more info of auto layout : Click here
Hi All
@Nikki Constraints is used also orientation too
@Jasmit ok
@CrazyCreator Hi
@Namrata : hi
@Khoool Hi
Hi @Jasmit
can any one tell me how can I publish my App for some specific countries?
@Praveen @Jasmit @VakulSaini @Khoool
i thinik u have set in itunes
where any guidelines?
@Namrata : When you are upload your app, then list of countries are available then you need to select checkbox for specific country
while create app in itunes we have select those countries
okay ya thnx
@thnx @Jasmit @ganeshmanoj
@Namrata Welcome dear
@Namrata Don't know dude
No probs @Praveen I got the answer :)
hello friends.did any one know to display navigation direction in map sample code.
like ios 6 app TOMTOM.
@Namrata Tell me how to do that. I'm also interested to know. Coz, will use in future.
i have already display the path between two location but i want to display the direction on path.so is these possible?
@Hrushikesh : For you need to use Direction Api
ok.i just try it again.
When we upload our app on iTuneConnect then there is an option to select countries from there we can select @Praveen
Oh nice
@jasmit @ishwer how to get this Api static NSString *const kOAuthConsumerKey          = @"oauth_consumer_key";
static NSString *const kOAuthTokenKey             = @"oauth_token";
static NSString *const kOAuthCallbackKey          = @"oauth_callback";
static NSString *const kOAuthCallbackConfirmedKey = @"oauth_callback_confirmed";
static NSString *const kOAuthTokenSecretKey       = @"oauth_token_secret";
static NSString *const kOAuthSignatureMethodKey   = @"oauth_signature_method";
static NSString *const kOAuthSignatureKey         = @"oauth_signature";
@jasmit @ishwer this api of google plus but this api how to get from devlopers.google.com
@Namrata hi
hello can any one tell me how can we search a sqlite database and show result to the uitableview on the same view controller
@Hrushikesh : Sory i dunno, its all google stuff , I have not done with g+ , i think it might be like fb and twitter, so surely you will get some more on googling.
or ask @VakulSaini , or @Khoool. or @Leena. first wait for @Jasmit.
is there any developer who can help me on this\
@Deepranshu : wait for a moment.
@ishwar are you there?
@Namrata Hi
wass up all
@Deepranshu : here it is, go through this very simple and talkative tutorial for sqlite.
Hello @Destructor @Rajesh_Bangalore
@iPhoneDeveloper hi
only what you will need to update in the code is that you need to show the out put in the table view so make such a chankges
in the code,
@Rajesh_Bangalore hi
any one knows how to track new message arrived notification in iphone app ...
hello @JaspreetSingh u can only set background image to player
@ishwar Thanks a lot I am going to try this.
no other idea
@Deepranshu : enjoyee the code!
@Destructor - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
using this method we can track pushnotifications
@VakulSaini Done!
@ganeshmanoj its remote notification na ... i want to track new message arrived in imessage (SMS ) when it will comes.. i put badge on my app logo...
@Destructor ; are you there
@ishwar yes plz
As you want to show that data in table view and first upon you will need to creat the db then insert the data and then you will fetch it from db and you will show that in table view
right na?
whatever it is,
@ishwar nope
@ishwar above comment is for me?
the whole code in the question is correct as per i said, you will get the logic of table view and all also, only the .h file is not there.
that was for you
@ishwar oh by mistake u send msg to me...
ohhh so sorry !!
@ishwar this is my issue -: i want to track new message arrived in imessage (SMS ) when it will comes.. i put badge on my app logo...
@ishwar its ok ... keep it up... my freind
@Destructor hi
@iPhoneDeveloper any idea about my issue..
@Destructor : so is it belongs to push notification
or what
@Jasmit paaji
@ishwar no push notification there.. its native process .. and i want to track that...
Ohh ssory
i will google for it
any ways,
@ishwar ok thanks
@Destructor : TEA TIME.
@ishwar enjoy ..
@Destructor k
@ganeshmanoj thanks dude..
Hi there chaps and chapettes :)
quick question; can we agree that the CoreLocation framework makes no warnings about that CLLocationDistanceMax is iOS 6.0+ only ?
and will crash your app if run on ios 5.1
and by warnings i mean stuff like __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_##_mac, __IPHONE_##_ios)
compiler warnings
or such
hi all...
@KmlHarariyA hi
anyone here ....knows that how to change the statusBarOrientation forcefully...
@loldop Hi
do you know about changing the status bar orientation forcefully...>???
hi guys ...kindly help on this.....stackoverflow.com/questions/13858503/…
MklHarariyA : What do you need to know ?
(setStatusBarOrientation:animated: )
hi all
Hi Rose :)
@NilsMunch:Do you have any experience with push notification?
@NilsMunch: please help me if you know about this....
@Rose : Yes :) it can be a pain sometimes, across all platforms :P
@Destructor : enjoyed it!
@sandy HI you there?
@PJR you already have two viable answers ;)
@NilsMunch: i am new to it.i want to know if i can send a push notification of an app at a given time
i cannot resize cell.imageView size... its just loads in different sizes in tableview
@Namrata wass up
@ganeshmanoj hi
i cannot resize cell.imageView size... its just loads in different sizes in tableview @Rajesh_Bangalore
i cannot resize cell.imageView size... its just loads in different sizes in tableview @Rose
@ragavan:you tried cell.imageView.frame?
hai every one
@ragavan you can't do that
@Rose r u kerala?
@Khoool okey
@ishwar i have the code :- (void) findContact
const char *dbpath = [databasePath UTF8String];
sqlite3_stmt *statement;

if (sqlite3_open(dbpath, &contactDB) == SQLITE_OK)
NSString *querySQL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"select fid, date, volume, cost, reading from fuel where (date <= '%@') AND (date >= '%@)",tdate,fdate];

const char *query_stmt = [querySQL UTF8String];

if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(contactDB, query_stmt, -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK)
while(sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW)
how can i store it into a NSMutable array which are coming in form of string and then show in the uitableview
can any one help me on this ?
@Deepranshu i guess you need to go thorough a sqlite tutorial
cell.imageView.frame i tried this dude...but its not working...@Rose
hello guys
anyone familiar with using webservice data on the iphone ?
are they any links on the web for such a project ?
im quite new in the field
would be greatly appreciated
@Destructor which issue?
please tell how to store result into array to show it in tableview
of the above code
@ragavan:let me check
okay rose
@ragavan:try this pastie.org/5519943
Did somebody flagged any message?
@Leena Nope.
ok becoz i saw one moderator was here
@ragavan:can u help me with push notification
@Rose : hi
@Rose : See that tutorial for APNS
@JaspreetSingh @NilsMunch @VishnuPrasath @Leena @Praveen hi
@Rose hi
can any one work with to play video from url ?
@Praveen hello!
@Jasmit:hi .i have gone through it .but i am stuck with certificate part
@Rose : where u have issue?
it is showing vails signing identity not found
@Praveen @Rose work with to play video ? i have geting url of mp4 file and that url file i add and play video in iphone
even i too.....have to learn dear...any way i ill help what i know?
@Rose which step?
Adding provisioning profile
@loldop Hello
@Dips:don't know
@Rose What is ur appid in provisional profile?
@Dips Nope.
@Rose mins bundle id
@loldop work with to play video ? i have geting url of mp4 file and that url file i add and play video in iphone
@VishnuPrasath work with to play video ? i have geting url of mp4 file and that url file i add and play video in iphone
@Jasmit ,@Leena ,@iPhoneDeveloper ; Hi, will you please tell me what is the Person ID field on the purchase form of the apple developer program.
I am enrolling our company as a developer program
@Dips : You need to use live strimmining.
@Jasmit can u explain me ?
@Deepranshu : i will be back to you,
@Dips : You need to use MPMOviePlayer controller with set url of that.
or use for uiwebview
@ishwar i m sorry..i have never purchased an account..
visit this link and in that, the code in the question is what you want go through that there is your answer!
@iPhoneDeveloper : oh thanks anyways,
@Jasmit i have use mpMoviePlayer and play but i dnt get exactly..
@Dips : which code u use?
@Rose : find your bundle id?
@Jasmit : do you know about person id field in the purchase form of the apple developer program
@Jasmit:ya. i checked it .it is same as the provisioning profile
@ishwar : no,sorry yar.
@ishwar no idea
@ishwar : may be your account name or your company name ....may be but i am not sure
any idea Leena?
@Rose : you are using com.something.* like that of your id?
@Jasmit @Leena
any ways thanks
@Rose hahahhahaha:):) Thats the problem
@Rose : Do you know why apple not allowed that type of id for push notification
@Rose : Some logic behind there....apple employee have some mind
back, my bad, was lunching :)
@Jasmit: if you want to use push notification then you can also do these using webservice.
@Hrushikesh : what?
@Jasmit:did you want to use push notification?
@Hrushikesh : yes
@Jasmit:then you can use webservice to send notification when the owner wants.
@Hrushikesh : how?
@Rose : understand?
@Jasmit: you have to create webservice which contain time and message.
and you have to code in app for background.if the time is match then you can get the notification.
@Hrushikesh : but server how to know which device you send the notification?
@Jasmit: these logic for to send notification in all devices in which your app is installed.
@Hrushikesh : you describe about local notification
push notification.
can any one say that play video url in quicker movie player ?
can anyone say ?
what type of question is that?
means any one help me ..
Hi dudes/dudettes, I have a question
i have video url link and play in quicker time movieplayer..
and what is quicker movie player..
is that possible ?
Btw, does anyone have any idea how wide spread iOS 6.0 is today ?
i posted a stack about it here : apple.stackexchange.com/q/74746/8275
@Shubhank quicker time movieplayer
@NilsMunch Hey, Apparently 2/3 iOS devices are running > vers 6
I'm using the AudioToolbox library, but I'm getting a bunch of Parse Issue/Semantic Issues coming from AudioComponents.h. Anyone know how to fix this?
It's basically this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/13374350/…, which has no answers
@billynomates : where do you have that stat from ?
@hi all anyone know how to create custom activitysheet
@NilsMunch oh actually that seems a bit outdated now. that was a month after launch. so it's probably even higher now
@Dips quicker time movie player .. what is it ?
@billynomates : yeah.. havent seen any modern stats :P
@VishnuPrasath @Leena @Shreya @Rose.. i have video url link and using that i play video in quicktime movie player
@what ?
@Dips you want a controller which can play your video faster than quicktime movie player?
@Leena what can i do ?
have you googled?

is it a question .. you should really increase your communication skills..most good and skilled people don't help such incorrect questions
How propable would you say that say 85%+ are running iOS 6.x today ?
it was 2/3rds a month after launch
i will say 75 % top
60% was within first week or first 10 days..
@Leena, did you got anything?
and that is also the ajar time people upgrade
@Leena ya
@iHungry about facebook?
so if someone hasn't upgraded in first 2 week..user is less likely to shift anytime soon
so 75% is my estimation max
and there is no real "push" towards the upgrade
@iHungry hi
besides the (1) badge on settings
@Leena, no about PDF
i forgotten sorry was busy in solving bugs in the app
no problem you continue your work
@iHungry @Leena hi
@iHungry found something for you mobiforge.com/developing/story/…
that can be useful
hi @Rajesh_Bangalore
hello @Destructor
how was ur day
i need to ask u something
yes ask
if i need to create one universal aplication
do i need tp learn anything else
wat device will support our apps
@Rajesh_Bangalore learn ipad orientations
ipad, ipod touch
@ganeshmanoj sry man i had somew work
so went away
@Leena i want to track new message arrived notification and once it track i want to put badge on my app logo that (counter) for unread message... and its not remote notification .. i wan to track native message notification...
@ganeshmanoj then anything else?
@Rajesh_Bangalore ok
i have no idea about push notifications
lots of googlng for it but still not getting proper solution
@Destructor you want to track native message notification ..can you give examples of these native notifications
@Leena its not about push notification...
@Leena leena u know about abt badge?
@Rajesh_Bangalore its better to download one sample
is that possible to show badge in my calendar
@Shubhank i mean to say when new message comes to your device you will get badge value on message icon.. ok .. i want to track that event.. i use native word because its mis-interpreted my issue on remote notification.. *(APN)
@ganeshmanoj Hmmmm
thanks man
i ll try
@Destructor will apple allows you to do that?
@Shubhank technically i dont know anything about it. how to track it..
@Destructor you want to track when new message comes to the device?
@Shubhank @ganeshmanoj if it possible .. i hav only concept..
@Destructor i just need that badge concept
@Rajesh_Bangalore where you want show that badge value?
@Destructor how?
@ganeshmanoj in a calendar cell
do u know wat its called or something abt it
i did nt get u
@Destructor you cant track when a message comes or a call is coming..
@Rajesh_Bangalore e.g you create sms application ok... so once any message comes to your device it display badge icon on your application logo. is it poossible ....
@Shubhank want to track when message comes...
well it isn't possible on iOS
you can create your own sms app ( whats app type ) .. and then you can get notification using push notification .. and increase badge count
apple own messaging app cant be tracked
@Shubhank i think badge will increase automatically
yes..for push notification
@Shubhank yes you are right... i
no need to increase
@ganeshmanoj in native it will increase automatically and when user read it conter will decrease...
@Destructor it will comes zero if u put this application.applicationIconBadgeNumber = 0;
@ganeshmanoj hmm ok ..
@Destructor i dont know man
@ganeshmanoj ganesh
heard about cal control in ios?
hello friends
@Rajesh_Bangalore wt?
have u heard about cal control in ios?
kal lib
or tapku
any body have idea about jigsaw puzzle (using bezier curve) in ios?
@Rajesh_Bangalore i used in one app
@Leena: do you have idea about masking images
Core image framework
check it
i need to make jigsaw puzzle
i am stuck on cut those images in irrreguler shape
help me alot when i was learning about masks
@msb i m stuck in same problem?
@NilsMunch i think we can do it
using core iamge filters
@ganeshmanoj hi
@ganeshmanoj i touch on cell.imageview but whole cell is selcted... i apply touchbegin method but some how it not fire touch event and out of tableview when i touch on screen it will work fine...
@Destructor hi
@Destructor make cell.selection style none
@ganeshmanoj but bcz of it my cell selection not working am i right?
@Destructor it will no highligth
@Destructor tell me what you wnat to do
@ganeshmanoj i add imageview on cell ok.. so when i touch/tap on it i want to open image gallery ...
thn place a button over imageview and give action to that
@ganeshmanoj button on imageview is it transparent button
@ganeshmanoj hi'
@Destructor ya use custom button in that cell
@Rajesh_Bangalore hi
wat calendar u used?
i think tapku bt now i dnt have any idea
@Destructor @Rajesh_Bangalore bye gd ni8 SD
@ganeshmanoj hmm its working ... now if i open gallery/camera and i select any image and it will set on it and when i restart my app is it there...
@ganeshmanoj ohhh ok gn
@ganeshmanoj sad dreams???? :{
@Destructor hey
@Rajesh_Bangalore yes sir
@Destructor justa cal me raj
wass up
@Rajesh_Bangalore as usual bole to jalse
i dont know hindi

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