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how to show image when i tap on the pin in map kit..
@CrazyCreator please help me with the image orentation problem
please smeone help..
@MoorthyTheBoss try this
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
UIScrollView *scrollView;
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[scrollView setScrollEnabled:YES];
scrollView.contentSize=CGSizeMake(1024, 1000);
[scrollView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 1024, 200)];
it will scroll vertically
@Gill i send it dude did u see that...
@user1865424 you can use viewforannotation method for image to display
hey everybody wt about my question?
@ragavan what is the button doing there ?
pls tell me hw to record internal iphone sound..
that s simply i set for remove the view dude. here i just reduced the subviews alpha only...you know the light box work?
like that i ned dude
@Jasmit I want to record sound that I have played in iphone app not using microphone
@Khoool that not working :(
@MoorthyTheBoss moorthy ios theriuma ungalukku?
@MoorthyTheBoss paste your whole code in pastebin
@ragavan i dnt knw about the light box ur talking show me a link
and insert content in scrollview
@Khoool i have created sample project plz check that
did you have skype ?
not could u send me in mail
of link of dropbox
@ragavan if you want to show the new view in long press add it to view, set table's alpha and send the new view to back(using sendSubviewToBack:), if you want the new view to show behind the table

Make Sms url and then use [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url]; For sending image you need to manually paste the image using UIPasteBoard
@gill i ill send the one morw attachment see that
@Shreya how to set tableview's alpha while subview loading?
@Khoool : Hello Mr.Khool
@All : Hiii
hi @ishwar
have u found any idea about recording internal sound
@Khoool plz check your mail
i sent that sample
yeah i got it
@Khoool : dont you get something on the links i forwarded you yesterday.
@ragavan u thr ?
yeah @Gill
I will google, for it after lounch
if steel your facing the same problem
See what u do is @ragavan u listen very carefully :p ok ?
@ragavan the code you wrote on pastie in that comment "completion" block.. and replace " cell.alpha = 0.1;" with "self.tbl.alpha = 0.1;"
k thanks @ishwar
inter sound means
whether you are playing sound from libraries in the device or you have uploaded the sound files in the resources and playing them
hehe r on gmail @ragavan ?
@Khoool : LUnCH TIME!
@Gill what?
i said il explain it to on the mail
fine @ragavan ?
@Khoool any idea ?
u sent it? there is no mail that s y i sd?@Gill
@ragavan u need to add a sampleview something like this

SampleView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 768, 1024)];
SampleView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
SampleView.alpha = 0.6;
use ur dimensions
on the tableview on the opening of the subview
then when u dismiss the subview use [SampleView removeFromSuperview];
ok ?
@MoorthyTheBoss wait i m checking
where i should add this code in my code use in my code with pastie@Gill
@Khoool ok mate
u want to show srollbar on right side
@Khoool i want to scroll lanscape mode up and down
like our browser
in both vertically and horizontally ?
@Khoool yes mate
k resending mail
@Khoool Hi ANybody know how to set layout for the iphone4 and iphone5
yeah waiu gill i am working
@ragavan wat ?
@HardikShah u can use constraints
@Khoool how to use that i mean simply for set button to set it to the center
@Khoool pls see the question
@HardikShah u 2
u can get reference from here techotopia.com/index.php/…
k @Gill
@Gill iphone doen't allows us to interact with files other than music or photolibrary
@Khoool no there are apps which handle this pls re-check
files can only be transfered through net
@Khoool hey dude...hw to reload a page..
@user1865424 reload UIView?
@Khoool i need to set a button center for both iphone4 and iphone5, how to do this with constrint
@Gill its working dude but subview is not resghining when i pres the button
is not wat @ragavan ?
@HardikShah if u r using autolayout then just place button at center of the screen it will automatically managed for both
I have a page containing some images that i am getting from the web server through parsing..
@Khoool thank you its working
i have given a button for reload bt dont know what to write in its method..
@Khoool how to do it dude??
then i need to go back know to the table view?
@user1865424 I have never reload a view , but wait i will try
Then wat do u mean ?
@HardikShah u can learn from here about adding constraints manually techotopia.com/index.php/…
@user1865424 try this code if it works [self.view reloadInputViews];
@Khoool but it should be compitible with the lower ios version so i can not use "Auto Layout" right?
if u are using ios 6 in both 4s and 5 then it will work
@Khoool so i need to do everything manually ?
constraints are not supported in ios versions < 6
any1 use core data?
@HardikShah if u r using still ios 5 then make your app for 4s not for 5
it will automatically manage
@Khoool man this is the client requirement so not our hand
now its ok dude u gave the code na i used that then there is one button u seen na when i clicking the button the sub view should be resign and have to go back to the tableview @Gill
@Khoool requirement is code will have to run in 4.3 to 6
code will run in ios 6 also
there will be hardware layout problem not ios problem
because iphone 5 screen is long not ios 6
lunch time...
bye everyone
@Khoool no its nt working..
@Gill u thr?
@ragavan yep
wat u do is u remove the subview and then to call it again allocate it on the cell click
dude simply i removed both and now its working @Gill
tanq dude....keep in touch with gmail dude
i sent it know?@Gill
u on skype @ragavan ?
send me a request on both @ragavan
don have i have my boss skype if necessory i will com from skype. send yur skype to my mail id
u got my mail @Gill
@ragavan got it
yeah thanks@Gill
@ragavan ur welcome
@Khoool : will you elaborate your requirement at once.
So that i can google well!
@ishwar I want to record iphone sounds not user sound in AVAudioRecorder
the sounds that I have played in iphone
so that sound files are there in your resources /
correct me.
suppose sound files are in my app
And you play them using AVAudioPlayer?
i started recording and played that sounds for a duration
you will play them first?
and after that stop recording then I want to have that sounds that I have played in to a single file
then you will press the recording button
to start
and then you will press stop to stop recording.
start record ..
So what i want to know
play sounds
stop record
So when you play them, what you have used to play them?
@Khoool its not reloading page..
thats what i was asking you.
what have you tried,
can you show me
@user1865424 I heard about table reloading , scrollview reloading but dont know hw to reload view . I said to try that only not confirm
I can send u sample
whats your id
@Khoool Thats only..
which ID.
mine has both the views..
emai id?
table as we'll as scroll view..
tell me once you note it down.
Lunch Time
@user1865424 I think not possible to reload view
i have table view and scroll view..
@user1865424 you can individually reload it
i have to reload table and scroll view..
yes but hw??
UITableView *table=[[UITableView alloc] init];
[table reloadData];
@Khoool : have you check the settings of AVAudioRecorder?
this i have to call in selector method of button..
@ishwar yes
@user1865424 can u paste code in bin
k wait. i will be back with some updates.
k..bt which code u want..
fr table or grid??
@Khoool : Is it recording the sound(out put) from AVAudioPlayer?
u r loading
@ishwar it is playing and recording well done
@ishwar but the problem is that I want to record what I play in the sample not outer voice
Means you have solved it?
k k
not solved buddy
it is the problem
@Khoool I am using json parsing in viewDidLoad to get images in table view and scroll view..
hi @all
im new to this room
u can use asynchronous method load image to table view
So it is not recording the sound output of AVAudioPlayer.
it will better work
correct me.
@ishwar yeah
not I think u understand my problem
not, I think u understand my problem,
You wanna say this na?
or wanna say that i do not understand it.
pls replace not with now
k k
sry my system is too slow that's why making mistake in typing
i will google well now for that
@Khoool @ishwar @MoorthyTheBoss @Leena hi can we pass 4 or many url to httprequest? to get json?
@user1865424 u got help from stackoverflow.com/questions/531482/…
u can request one url at a time
@Khoool : just read the question on this link and all the answers to this questions , Means if you have not read it before. stackoverflow.com/questions/970416/…
@Saha_pre you can
@Khoool : with in the answers the link given in a first answer is what i suggest you yesterday, which is not of our use, as it records from mic. only, but the settings in that might be useful for us.
@Leena @ ishwar @ Khoool @vakul how post text in google +
do you khow please send the answer?
dnt know
@Hrushikesh : means you want to integrate the Google + in your application?
@Leena Am using httprequest completion block for parsing but i am unable to execute json.. i gave a for loop to get the url values... but my url is not going inside the [request setCompletionBlock:^{ } loop ... any solution?
@Hrushikesh : use the link stackoverflow.com/questions/7857812/…
means try it out.
@Jasmit hello
@ishwar I have implemented example from that link
@ishwar don't worry I have solved it...
but it records both internal and external sounds
means from which link?
hello everybody
that two player stuff link na
like player 1 and player 2
two player means
as i am googling steell na so m confused that which one i send you,
as you said that it is recording both the sounds
anybody know about how can i show the perview of video on the mpmovieplayer?
there i saw one of example where they have used two players so i thought i give you that link.
yes I have implemented what , is recording both sounds from output of AVAudioPlayer and from output source
dont plug in the microphones, and test it.
whether it is recording the player's out put only or not?
dont worry @ishwar now its ok
I have changed its code to record internal sound
hello @Khoool
as it records from internal speaker
so send me that link which i send you.
thats what i was trying to say.
that i have found such a example , so i would be able to forward to you incase of not done.
Lunch Over
hello @JaspreetSingh
sheet, its my mistake, i yesterday i would have sent you this main link instead of the link in the first answer only then it would be done yesterday only,
any ways
finally its DONE!
@VakulSaini One small doubt. May i ask it here?
@khoool dude
@Praveen - Okay ... Say
@Khoool can you help me
@VakulSaini @ishwar @JaspreetSingh @Jasmit hi can we pass 4 or many url to httprequest? to get json? Am using httprequest completion block for parsing but i am unable to execute json.. i gave a for loop to get the url values... but my url is not going inside the [request setCompletionBlock:^{ } loop ... any solution?
just ask I can then will do
please see my question
how can i show the perview of video on the mpmovieplayer?
@Saha_pre - Use Parsing Or JSON Serialization.
@VakulSaini How to get synchronized mail id from iPhone? Have to use Address-book framework???
@JaspreetSingh u can use webView to show video preview
i recorde video by mpmovieplayer
@Praveen - Address book will give you contact email id
which you saved in your phone.
@JaspreetSingh as an image?
and after that i want to show the perview on the mpmovie player
@VakulSaini Then, how do i get the synchronized email id from iPhone?
@JaspreetSingh whatever u have done u can show its preview in webView like this stackoverflow.com/questions/8645083/…
It will look like preview of Video u have recorded or placed in app
@Khoool i want to show video purview on the mpmovieplayer and play after the click on the play button
If u have recorded it then get its url from cameraroll to show it on webView
hello every body!
@all someone can help me about leak case
k wait , I will get back to u
@VakulSaini there?
@Praveen - Which email id you want to get ?
which is opened in iPhone ?
does anybody know how to reset all settings and content in ios-simulator? (in script)
@VakulSaini opened in the sense? I'm not getting
@Praveen - By default already signed in
in mail
Yes that one only
I think you cant get
Or I have no idea
Oh :(
anybody knows?
first open your simulator
and after that click on the menu item "IOS Simulator"
Reset content and settings.
@Praveen hi
Reset content and settings.
@JaspreetSingh : in which case we should do this ?
@JaspreetSingh he is asking in code
as a knowledge point of view am asking.
@Khoool : so script stands for code?
@JaspreetSingh No, i mean script way. delete something or etc
sorry i dont know
@Khoool can you help me
to solve my problem
@JaspreetSingh I m still seeing code for player just wait for some time
@Khoool thanx
@JaspreetSingh can u show me your code hw u implemented it
@Nikki : Yes
@Jasmit cna you tell me about iphon 5 and 4 if i am develop application on xcode 4.5.2 then it is run on iphone 4 screen or i need some changes in designing?
NSLog(@"onClickShow Button Pressed");
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
tempPath = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingFormat:@"/vid1.mp4"];
NSLog(@"%@", tempPath);
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:self.moviePath];

if (playerViewController != nil)
[playerViewController release];

playerViewController =[[[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] init]retain];
playerViewController.view.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, videoView.frame.size.width, videoView.frame.size.height);
this is my code
for adding video on the mpmovieplayer
@Nikki When login your tabbar is hidden , right?
after login you saw your tabbar
@Jasmit yes
@Nikki Please can u saw me your code...that saw tabbar

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