I added the tap gesture recognizer to the scroll view and the handle tap method to it. But I don't know how to manipulate this as it's fixed with a page control
but i want only when page control is 3 and not on page control page 1 and 2. it's calling on every page cos it knows its been called on a scroll view all the time.
when I am scrolling the scroll view, I am updating the page
my pages are moving while I scroll.
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)sender { // Update the page when more than 50% of the previous/next page is visible CGFloat pageWidth = self.scrollView.frame.size.width; int page = floor((self.scrollView.contentOffset.x - pageWidth / 2) / pageWidth) + 1; self.pageControl.currentPage = page; }
I have an expense tracking iOS Application and I am storing expenses from a expense detail view controller into a table view (with fetched results controller) that shows the list of expenses along with the category and amount and date.I have an entity "Money" which is a parent entity f...
but rem I am using fetch request with a FRC to fill my table view in the view controller and I am returning managed object type in the fetch request. Not a dictionary type object, so how can I USE COLLECTION operators or whatever in order to get that?
I have written some code bit it gives me THREE ROWS for the SAME CATEGORY and not what I actually want (ONE ROW for SAME CATEGORY). Should be something related to NSPredicate here or fetched results controller
last time you told me to use @distinctUnionOfoBJECTS ? but how? that's used with a valueForKeypath and I am using a FRC along with a fetch request that will fill up my table view.
can you please answer that cos nobody really has answered to that and I feel is it that hard for real?
I am thinking of every possible way but FYI, I only post something to SO only when I feel I am clueless and if I get answers like this " u need to apply some trick" that's hilarious
@CrazyCreator don't mean to hurt you please! I am just saying, people do post solutions to the questions they know they are capable of answering to. Likewise, you have helped me related to core data before, so just wondering if you can help me out here!
Hi i am using following code to share message using IOS6 native lib
if([SLComposeViewController isAvailableForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook])
SLComposeViewController *mySLComposerSheet = [SLComposeViewController composeViewControllerForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook];
i am using a table view having some n rows,the problem is,the first row that is selected is not doing anything unless any other row is selected.it is displaying the previous row's data.how to fix this?
How can I do facial recognition on the iPhone. Could someone provide me with references/articles to point me in the right direction please? I have done research and realised that I need to do face detection first to extract the image and then do facial recognition by comparing it with other image...
I'm working on an app in which i have to detect left eye, right eye, and mouth postion.
I have an imageView on my self.view and imageView contains a face image, now i want to get both eyes and mouth coordinates. I have seen 2-3 sample codes for this but all are approximately same in all codes we ...
@VakulSaini I am sorry I don't had vast idea in face detection in iOS. I did my accadamic project as Handwritten character recoginzation similiar to face detection but it is not in iOS
error: expected ';' after top level declarator It(enum declaration) works fine in iOS6 and facing issue in iOS5 simulators. typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CommandIndex) { Is it correct?
error: expected ';' after top level declarator It(enum declaration) works fine in iOS6 and facing issue in iOS5 simulators. typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CommandIndex) { Is it correct?
In this wheel we have 6 pieces. The top of the wheel is the specific point. The specific point gives information of pieces. Now it gives information of the blue piece. So if i click on one of the piece for example purple, i need that purple piece to goes to the specific point and automatically go...
@CrazyCreator My question is, if i click one of the piece for example the piece is in-place opposite side from the special point, I need that piece to goes to the special point.
The wheel transform position can we get by using: CGFloat angleInRadians = atan2f(view.transform.b, view.transform.a)
@Leena CDPieMenu about rotation. My question is, if i click one of the piece for example the piece is in-place opposite side from the special point, I need that piece to goes to the special point.
@Leena for ex: we declare the some variable in appDelegate.h file ...while navigating one view controller to another view controller we use that variable....this common method....is there any other concepts like same
@VakulSaini ....for ex: we declare the some variable in appDelegate.h file ...while navigating one view controller to another view controller we use that variable....this common method....is there any other concepts like same
@Leena @Nicholas in 2011 ....before that java plartform
@VakulSaini for that only use that class itself ....same variable use some other class na normally use all the variable declare in appDelegate ...appdelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
@VakulSaini @Leena @Namrata..... i need some details about class method and instance method ....when use class method ....when use instance method....ii know basic
@iCrazyDev : My notifications are not getting called i have the code which had worked previously i updated my iOs to 6 now its not working is there any change in that ?
In my app, I am getting two dates.
For Example,
1st Date : 28-10-2011
2nd Date : 2-11-2011
Now I want to all dates between this two selected date.
So it should be,
How can I get this using NSDate?