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oh u roll slowly ??? :O ?
I added the tap gesture recognizer to the scroll view and the handle tap method to it. But I don't know how to manipulate this as it's fixed with a page control
haha @CrazyCreator u r crazy lol
any solution?
1 min ago, by CrazyCreator
CONDITIONS... Conditions and tap gesture
@CrazyCreator I tried what you have already said.
this as it's fixed with a page control ??
what conditions?
How ?
pagecontrol.page == 3
something like that
its not workign like that
cos tap gesture is added to scroll view, right
it's not going inside this pagecontrol.page = 3
give me a proper solution if you have? I only ask here if i DON
Don't figure out online.
cos scroll view is independent of the page control, right?
how would it just recognize tap when the page control is 3.
have you added tap gesture ?
Y are you always in angry mode ?
Oh no!
48 secs ago, by CrazyCreator
have you added tap gesture ?
I am just blunt. sorry if you felt bad lol
tapGestureRecognizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc]
[tapGestureRecognizer setNumberOfTapsRequired:1];

[_scrollView addGestureRecognizer:tapGestureRecognizer];

[tapGestureRecognizer release];
handleSingleTap is called ?
it is always called.
when it is called, just keep this condition
but i want only when page control is 3 and not on page control page 1 and 2. it's calling on every page cos it knows its been called on a scroll view all the time.
3 mins ago, by Angad Manchanda
give me a proper solution if you have? I only ask here if i DON
you call me angry and look at your picture ( ANGRY birds ) lol
what condition, ?
@CrazyCreator ?
if(page == 3){ Do what ever you want }
nah this doesn't work at all
i tried that
What happens there ?
it doesn't go in that if statement
what u kept in condition ?
just a NSLog
I think I got it, i should use CGPoint (location in view -scroll view) and if the point.x > 600 ( which is my third page) i allow some action
what was your condition ?
that's kinda a hack
the condition ( self.pageControl.currentPage == 3)
that CGPoint thing worked.
but I don't know it it's a legitimate solution or not.
liek this
- (void)handleSingleTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)recognizer
CGPoint touchPoint=[recognizer locationInView:_scrollView];

if(touchPoint.x > 650)
NSLog(@" wow");
You know a better solution
I think you are not updating self.pageControl.currentPage
when I am scrolling the scroll view, I am updating the page
my pages are moving while I scroll.
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)sender
// Update the page when more than 50% of the previous/next page is visible
CGFloat pageWidth = self.scrollView.frame.size.width;
int page = floor((self.scrollView.contentOffset.x - pageWidth / 2) / pageWidth) + 1;
self.pageControl.currentPage = page;
here you go!
pagecontrol starts with 0, confirm it
oh shit
yea may be
let me put 2
see a simple mistake
we nailed it :)
thanks girl
and also, I am not able to solve that problem, that distinct union of objects and shit, remember. Can we look into that real quick.
I will take less time if you can help.
Q: Fetch specific values of an attribute in NSFetchRequest

Angad ManchandaScenario: I have an expense tracking iOS Application and I am storing expenses from a expense detail view controller into a table view (with fetched results controller) that shows the list of expenses along with the category and amount and date.I have an entity "Money" which is a parent entity f...

that;s the question for your reference.
To make long story short, you can just read the last lines that will describe the ques.
what u want ?
@CrazyCreator @all how to change the aspect ratio of a video with uiimagepicker
but rem I am using fetch request with a FRC to fill my table view in the view controller and I am returning managed object type in the fetch request. Not a dictionary type object, so how can I USE COLLECTION operators or whatever in order to get that?
I have written some code bit it gives me THREE ROWS for the SAME CATEGORY and not what I actually want (ONE ROW for SAME CATEGORY). Should be something related to NSPredicate here or fetched results controller
no idea @PraviJay :(
last time you told me to use @distinctUnionOfoBJECTS ? but how? that's used with a valueForKeypath and I am using a FRC along with a fetch request that will fill up my table view.
can you please answer that cos nobody really has answered to that and I feel is it that hard for real?
@CrazyCreator ??
u need to apply some trick
Thats the game
@CrazyCreator haha
what trick, that's the thing?
I am thinking of every possible way but FYI, I only post something to SO only when I feel I am clueless and if I get answers like this " u need to apply some trick" that's hilarious
and you know core data pretty well outta all
so may be you can tell me the trick to it.
@AngadManchanda I never get solution here, But I never complain no one is helping me :)
wait 2 mins
@CrazyCreator don't mean to hurt you please! I am just saying, people do post solutions to the questions they know they are capable of answering to. Likewise, you have helped me related to core data before, so just wondering if you can help me out here!
I do help people, but thsese days I am not getting time,
@CrazyCreator busy ?
@CrazyCreator I feel you! so are you gonna help me out here for a bit?
just 2 mins, I gotta some small task and conversation here Please wait
@SR-71BlackBird :( yeah
sure I am waiting and hoping I can get something positive, thanks
Hi Everyone
need little help in Unit Testing
@CrazyCreator will u help ?
Hi Mike.
Helloooo Manjot!
@AngadManchanda Why wont I ?
@MichaelDautermann hey how are u ?
@CrazyCreator was waiting for u.
can u now please!
it's very important.
I was just thinking to get a distinct objects for each category and then get arry for them
Then u are the king
makes sense huh
huh ???
i mean hmmm
huh for what ?
all is going well over here, @Crazy
@MichaelDautermann Great :)
@CrazyCreator but really I need a code or pseudo code here
oops that I cant do, over loaded
@CrazyCreator some times i feel some people will people will respond to some people only i dnt knw y like that
@ganeshmanoj Its on persons view, and thinking who do so
@CrazyCreator can't you really provide anything else than that?
see, u know how to fetch category list ? with nspredicate
right ? @AngadManchanda ?
@ganeshmanoj If I am free I respond to all, but if I m busy, I reply those pings I see not all
@CrazyCreator yea
@CrazyCreator not about you you are very helpful bro
you know how to get data for single catefory ?
@ganeshmanoj I m not bro :(((((
yes @CrazyCreator
These says I am busy
ahhahahha @CrazyCreator is a female lol
@AngadManchanda U need to loop
@AngadManchanda what is lol in that ?
Can you be speicific please
i am totally confused.
@CrazyCreator sry
@ganeshmanoj for what ?
my question is somple but amswers are in bits and pieces. No idea where's it all going.
its ok @CrazyCreator
i think u r a men
@AngadManchanda helllo
hey @SR-71BlackBird
@ganeshmanoj hello
@AngadManchanda can u help me plz ?
sure go ahead
How can i get or insert data into the other server site ????
can we using any api ????or class ???
@AngadManchanda any idea ???? so tell me plz
@CrazyCreator hello
@CrazyCreator have you ever worked with iCal?
@SR-71BlackBird No idea man
i was researching.
@AngadManchanda oky..No prblm... Cont....
@all Hi.
@SR-71BlackBird hi
How can i get or insert data into the other server site ????
like ..salesforce.com/database
can we using any api ????or class ???
no idea
can anyone guide me how can i add Advertisement in my App
use adbanners
@all dropbox??
what u want in dropbox ? @jordan ?
download folder
have can you please help me
Q: How to Change "via iOS" on native Facebook sharing in IOS6

HelpMeToHelpYouHi i am using following code to share message using IOS6 native lib if([SLComposeViewController isAvailableForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook]) { SLComposeViewController *mySLComposerSheet = [SLComposeViewController composeViewControllerForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook]; ...

@NitinGohel arre jalsa to k bhai
tu k ...
good good
hm.. kevu gyu new year
su k navin ma.. kai apps. par work kare 6 bhai .. ?
@NitinGohel ek kam hatu bhai
bolo bolo bhai
arre apde salesforce api no use kariyo 6 te ?
na bhai
thodudetail ma ke to kaik karia
oky......wait plz
check this dude,,,,
joine kav
i am using a table view having some n rows,the problem is,the first row that is selected is not doing anything unless any other row is selected.it is displaying the previous row's data.how to fix this?
Hi Any one has idea about facedetection ?
@vinny can u share ur code in cellForRowAtIndexPath
@VakulSaini Did u go through this link
Q: Face Recognition on the iPhone

Rory LesterHow can I do facial recognition on the iPhone. Could someone provide me with references/articles to point me in the right direction please? I have done research and realised that I need to do face detection first to extract the image and then do facial recognition by comparing it with other image...

Yeah I have checked
My problem is that
Q: Face Detection issue using CIDetector

Vakul SainiI'm working on an app in which i have to detect left eye, right eye, and mouth postion. I have an imageView on my self.view and imageView contains a face image, now i want to get both eyes and mouth coordinates. I have seen 2-3 sample codes for this but all are approximately same in all codes we ...

I have asked that question few months ago but still hasn't any answer.
@NaveenShan - Are you checking ?
@vinny u did some mistakes
@vinny is here now
@NitinGohel joyu bhai ?
@VakulSaini I am sorry I don't had vast idea in face detection in iOS. I did my accadamic project as Handwritten character recoginzation similiar to face detection but it is not in iOS
@NaveenShan - Okay
ak kam ma padi gyo kav nirate
@VakulSaini dropbox??
@jordan - What ... not getting you
error: expected ';' after top level declarator
It(enum declaration) works fine in iOS6 and facing issue in iOS5 simulators.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CommandIndex) {
Is it correct?
Any idea?
@VakulSaini download folder from dropbox ???
@jordan - What're you talking about which folder ?
@NaveenShan hello dear ...
Yes i added appid and urlschema in plist but no use. Friends have you try this in your 6.0 device or simulator ever?
if you have time once check in IOS 6
Hi all
Anyone online?
error: expected ';' after top level declarator
It(enum declaration) works fine in iOS6 and facing issue in iOS5 simulators.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CommandIndex) {
Is it correct?
Q: Rotate the wheel to a specific point

Neruja JosephIn this wheel we have 6 pieces. The top of the wheel is the specific point. The specific point gives information of pieces. Now it gives information of the blue piece. So if i click on one of the piece for example purple, i need that purple piece to goes to the specific point and automatically go...

What you want @NerujaJoseph ?
@PraviJay - You there ?
@crazycreator How can i transform wheel when i click a specific point on the Wheel.
u know angle of your touch on image ?
We can identify where we click on the wheel by using:
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint currentTouchPoint = [touch locationInView:view];
Just the touch point
@CrazyCreator I know the touch point
ok and point to where you want to take ?
@NerujaJoseph ?
@CrazyCreator My question is, if i click one of the piece for example the piece is in-place opposite side from the special point, I need that piece to goes to the special point.
The wheel transform position can we get by using:
CGFloat angleInRadians = atan2f(view.transform.b, view.transform.a)
A: Rotate the wheel to a specific point

CrazyCreatorfloat fromAngle = atan2(m_locationBegan.y-img.center.y, m_locationBegan.x-img.center.x); float toAngle = atan2(_location.y-imgDigits.center.y, _location.x-img.center.x); float newAngle = wrapd(m_currentAngle + (toAngle - fromAngle), 0, 2*3.14); angle = newAngle; CGAffineTransform transform = CGA...

Hop it helps
@CrazyCreator Thanks
@NerujaJoseph Did that worked for u ?
@CrazyCreator I'm trying
i do have sample code
for whatthe functionality he is asking
then give na @Leena
i dnt have link
@CrazyCreator whis is m_locationBegan?
to that demo
location of touch begin that needs to be ur touch point
ok sir
any one know js ?
>< @Leena I m not helping any one :(
see All Calling me sir :(
ok wait i provide him link
searching on tht
u laugh ><
I ll kill u :P
mil gaya
@NerujaJoseph see the github link
@Leena @NerujaJoseph
@VakulSaini yes sir
waah @Leena I never got such codes, I do it alone :(
@CrazyCreator @Leena how can i create the hyperlink clickable uilable in iphone. Could you help me?.
i daily take a look at maniacdev site
uibutton @Gopinath
for new sample codes
ActiveXObject aata hai @Leena ?
@PraviJay - FaceDetection ho gaya tha tumhara ya wahi problem hai abhi bhi ?
wats tht
pehli baar suna hai
@CrazyCreator what u want in activxObject
ADODB.Connection ?
i hate javascript
@Leena CDPieMenu about rotation. My question is, if i click one of the piece for example the piece is in-place opposite side from the special point, I need that piece to goes to the special point.
@CrazyCreator Am created the uilable inside the uiimage.
I love every language.
@VakulSaini woh hogya tha
then of no use @Gopinath
dekh lenaa mera code para hai
another link @NerujaJoseph
@PraviJay - Kal bata dena mujhe
Same ?
@CrazyCreator what is wrapd ?
@CrazyCreator :)
double wrapd(double _val, double _min, double _max)
if(_val < _min) return _max - (_min - _val);
if(_val > _max) return _min - (_max - _val);
return _val;
@VakulSaini : ok sir
Thanks @PraviJay
Hi...@CrazyCreator @Leena gud eve....
@CrazyCreator how to declare and access global variable instead of using appDelegate
@Leena how to declare and access global variable instead of using appDelegate
@VakulSaini gud eve...
use prefix.pch file
@VakulSaini how to declare and access global variable instead of using appDelegate
declare variable there
initialize them where ever u want
Quick question to all here: How long have you been coding in Obj-C/Cocoa ?
@iCrazyDev - GdEvening
elaborate your question
what year did you first write a cocoa app?
i started ios app with helloworld app
in 2010
@Leena for ex: we declare the some variable in appDelegate.h file ...while navigating one view controller to another view controller we use that variable....this common method....is there any other concepts like same
@VakulSaini ....for ex: we declare the some variable in appDelegate.h file ...while navigating one view controller to another view controller we use that variable....this common method....is there any other concepts like same
4 mins ago, by Leena
use prefix.pch file
@iCrazyDev and you?
@Nicholas u? wat u mean?
Quick question to all here: How long have you been coding in Obj-C/Cocoa ?
@iCrazyDev - You can declare variable in any class just above the implementation and then you can use them by importing the header file of that class
he means when u started coding in Obj-c
@Leena @Nicholas in 2011 ....before that java plartform
@VakulSaini for that only use that class itself ....same variable use some other class na normally use all the variable declare in appDelegate ...appdelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
this line shared all the variable....
same as any do u know any other concepts
@iCrazyDev but for other classes u need to create an object of that class then with that obj u can call any var
#import "WebViewController.h"
NSString *globalString;

@implementation WebViewController
Like this
This is .m part of WebViewController class
no you can use globalString by importing the #import "WebViewController"
in any class.
@VakulSaini @Leena @Namrata..... i need some details about class method and instance method ....when use class method ....when use instance method....ii know basic
@VakulSaini kahan ho tum
@Leena - Aa gaya
@Nicholas Hi....r u there
help kar iski
@iCrazyDev yes
@iCrazyDev - This is not question you can do R&D on google. Or ask it in free time
@Nicholas am in new openGL....guide me which tutorial best
@VakulSaini ok ok fine leave it
@iCrazyDev : have u worked on IOS 6 notifications
@Nicholas : hi
Have u worked on IOS 6 Notificaions
@iYahoo yes ....i worked on push notification services
@iCrazyDev : My notifications are not getting called
i have the code which had worked previously
i updated my iOs to 6
now its not working
is there any change in that ?
for previous version and now iOS 6 version
If you feel tired come and take rest in my heart, if you think that my heart beat is disturbing you, don’t worry I’ll stop my heart beats for you.
@iYahoo r u used APNS or own server
@iYahoo any third party services
@CrazyCreator no byee for today
@iCrazyDev : Own Server
@iYahoo hi
@ can any say how to get difference the two date like date1= 2012-08-25 and date2= 2012-11-20 but the difference is positive
@CrazyCreator hi
@CrazyCreator how to get difference the two date like date1= 2012-08-25 and date2= 2012-11-20 but the difference is positive
@iCrazyDev I used nehe.gamedev.net to learn from but that was 12 years ago
it doesn't cover OpenGL 1.2
(sorry, went for lunch)
@Nicholas hi
@Leena hi
i also have the red book
@Nicholas can u help me?
Q: iPhone : How to find Dates between two selected dates?

DevangIn my app, I am getting two dates. For Example, 1st Date : 28-10-2011 2nd Date : 2-11-2011 Now I want to all dates between this two selected date. So it should be, 28-10-2011 29-10-2011 30-10-2011 1-11-2011 2-11-2011 How can I get this using NSDate?

@iCrazyDev opengl 1.2 contained changes which are now considered best practice, and older ways of doing things are discouraged
(i am talking about beginners' code here, opengl 2 and 3 are better for high-end code, but you need not get into that just yet)
i notice that page i linked to also links to a more modern tutorial at opengl-tutorial.org
@Nicholas ok ...thank u
bye dudes....
BBye All
anybody have experience with wczekalski's CDPieMenu?
bye bye All
4 hours later…
Hey koi hai @Nikki ?

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