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03:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

posted on June 07, 2016 by Johann

Scrollable-GraphView is an open source component for displaying graphs with elegant animations, and extensive customization. Graphs made with Scrollable-Graphview can be presented with animations, are scrollable, and can be presented as bar charts, line graphs, dot graphs with color customizations. Different animation styles are available, and lines between data points can be drawn straight or

gud mrng all
Good morning folks :)
Good Morning...
gud mrng @BhavinRamani
@pooja_1205 Gm
hi all, good morning fellow IOS dev! :)
Good Morning All
Ram Ram 
hi all, i need some help here
the above is a git repo with regards to a PDF reader for IOS
i am looking through the code and trying to determine which lines in those code point to a pdf file path, but to no avail
wonder if any of you here can help to advise me on this
@TonyOng You need only a PDF Reader ? Not Editor?
yes yes, a reader will do
You can use UIWebView or a QLPreviewController = Quick Look Preview Controller
You don't need to mess up with third party SDK just for reading the PDF files
Good Morning guys :)
Personally I use UIWebView with mime type application/pdf
Or you can load PDF file by making a URL request
NSURL *targetURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIWebView_Class/UIWebView_Class.pdf"];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:targetURL];
[webView loadRequest:request];
If this is a local file and not a server file then use fileWithURL: method instead of URLWithString:
i see. Reasons being the 3rd party SDK that i used here, is pretty much what I want to do. it comes with lots of features that are already built in, thus i don't have to reinvent. I just need to make a minor tweak to the code, but locating the code lines that retrieved the pdf files and change that to the file path that I want.
ReaderDocument object contains the information of your file
thanks Tiger!
gm to all
how to intialize recorder ios
Audio Recorder ?
sample code pls...any one
@Priya use google for sample code
i'm getting this error..i just modified deployemnt target only..how can i intialize
iska matlab initailizeRecord name ka koi mathod nahi hai. @Priya
how can i solve this
what i have to do...in the place of that code
@Priya show me code using PASTIE.ORG
Don't just copy the code instead understand it and then use. If you don't understand the errors/warnings then you can not code.
wen i iterate an array for(NSDictionary *demoDict in potentialMatchesArrayMap)
but in dict i m only getting first object of array
NSLog(@"%@", potentialMatchesArrayMap);
and show us
@pooja_1205 its beacause array has only one element
@pooja_1205 The print statement is not of potentialMatchesArrayMap because if so then it has 2 objects
NSLog(@"%ld", [potentialMatchesArrayMap count]);
this array has 2 objects
Add this line just above your for loop
use debugger , or simply put breakpoint , or put breakpoint at the foreach loop and then put cursor on potentialMatchesArrayMap array it will show a short description just expand it to find how many elements in it
for(NSDictionary *demoDict in potentialMatchesArrayMap)
potentialMatchesArrayMap count 2
it has 2 objects
for(NSDictionary *demoDict in potentialMatchesArrayMap) {
NSLog(@"%@", demoDict);
now do this and see what does it print
i m getting inside this loop 4 times
and 4 times same dict is printed
This is not possible
this is happening
Array count is 2 and you are using foreach loop. Its not possible that it runs 4 times and printing the same dict
Then report this bug to apple ..... You found a serious bug
You just proved the for loop wrong (y)
this is my code
plz check it once
@pooja_1205 -(MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapViewer viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>)annotation this is a delegate method of map view and can call many times your loop is inside this so it will call (numberOfTimesThisDelegateMethodCalled * 2) times
@TheTiger, I am relatively new to IOS. I was looking at the ReaderDocument file that you mentioned earlier on, I don't really see a path for the file.
If you don't understand what you write then you need very hard work to become a dev. @pooja_1205
@TonyOng Search this ReaderDocument in project
@TheTiger i hv to show differnt annotation based on condition in potential array
thats why i was cheking in this method
@pooja_1205 Thats Okay but you shouldn't know what you wrote
You didn't know that why this loop is calling 4 times
You are saying that the loop is not behaving correctly
how to resolve this issue @TheTiger
how to crete provisional profile
@pooja_1205 why there is for loop?
i hv an array
on the basis of some parameyers in array
i hv to show different map annoattaion pin
problem with the annotation pin of maop?
pastebin.com/4BCQtnDw @PayalManiyar
this is my array
in this array if is_fb_friend ==1 then on map i hv to show a blue color custom pin
i added a view inside a cell... i need it to get hidden and shown with animation(slide from right to left 10 pixels) when i tap the cell. Like swipe to delete but the cell contents should stay visible when this happens. Any idea on how to do this?
if is_faviourite" ==1 then i want red color pin
for this i was using for loop
@pooja_1205 Your approach is wrong
Why are you using loop when you already have index of that object?
Your annotation is is for an object from that array
So set a tag to your annotation and check only that object instead of loop
@pooja_1205 where is the code set lat long for in mapview?
I really don't know if you are getting me
You logic of for loop is wrong
tell me the right approach then
Do you know guys @TheTiger @PayalManiyar, @pooja_1205 has 2+ years of exp.
For job?
@pooja_1205 Have you read my messages? You are asking same question again and again
@sanjeet Yes I know that
yes i hv read ur msgz
how to install framework in our devide
ok if u think u r wasting ur tym then dnt help @the
@Priya is there any special requirement for it?
@sanjeet that not true . sometime programmer dint find silly mistake let them help man
ok @ShobhakarTiwari as u like
@pooja_1205 Lol ... I didn't say this. @sanjeet said that. And don't ping me again. I don't like spoon feeding.
@ShobhakarTiwari You shouldn't have move that msg to trash. That msg was ok.
@ShobhakarTiwari I remember once you were help Pooja you got angry on her because she is getting your effort.
And do you know what was that silly mistake?
good evening all
Where are you right now?
is it possible or not..????|
@NitinGohel.....bro is it possible to run the framework xcode project in device????
framework is not project so it can not be run
framework is compiled code that helps for specific purpose
@TheTiger ofc
So weather is cloudy?
Why are you feeling evening? :P
by the way hows yoru health
@TheTiger just awaihi kehdiya mere bhai
Good now :)
@ShobhakarTiwari hello
anyone know about iOS camera mirror effect
@TheTiger thanks :)
@TonyOng Done?
not really. a search for ReaderDocument return lots of results. I went through each results but didn't really see the pdf path. I thought the psd path will be hardcoded somewhere, but maybe my thinking is wrong. Then i went to look at the viewDidLoad function, to try to trace the file path. hope you understand what i am saying. :P
Open its .h file
@AbhishekGupta hi
and see there is a NSString variable
@TheTiger yea thats rit . but if someone is helping then why interfering
ReaderViewController is being initialized by ReaderDocument object
- (instancetype)initWithReaderDocument:(ReaderDocument *)object
So here ReaderDocument is being passed.
@ShobhakarTiwari how to make iOS camera mirror effect
i dint do it so u have to google this time
@ShobhakarTiwari ok
@TheTiger, do correct me if i am wrong. in the readerViewController.m file, there is viewDidLoad function. I am thinking the "- (instancetype)initWithReaderDocument:(ReaderDocument *)object" should appear in the viewDidLoad? Do i fail to understand when you said "ReaderViewController is being initialized by ReaderDocument object"?
I m going thru this tutorial for how to use cocoapods..in swift
when i run install pod command in terminal
it does nothing
just shows setting up cocoapods master repo..
@Dory did "pod init" first?
@PushpinderN. no.. i just did 'pod install'
@dory, u need to go to your project folder in the terminal, and run "pod init" first. after that, update the pod file to include the cocaopods that you want. then run "pod install" or "pod update" at the terminal.
@dory, i am assuming that you had run "sudo gem install cocoapods" already
@TonyOng i did.. it just stucks the terminal
@dory, how long have you been stuck? it will take a while if i remember.
What he means is that you've already done the "Installing Your First Dependency" of the RW article you're following.
@TonyOng it was stuck since hour..
Shouldn't be
should i do "sudo gem install cocoapods" again?
delete Podfile and/or Podfile.lock
and do it again
I m repeating process again.
sometimes installing pods w/o the "sudo" prefix also works
Hello, I am newbie in IOS.. Pod seems to me as they are cloning git repo.. i may sound stupid.. but do i need to have git install.. I am not understanding this cocoapod thing.. terminal is stucking when i do 'pod install'
Pls guide
@dory, you do not need to have git install to use pods
i did the RW tutorial on pods before, it works for me. I just follow the steps.
ayone know about camera mirror effect ?
like this
@TonyOng not working.. terminal is jst choking
@dory, did u run sudo gem install cocoapods?
@dory, follow by pod setup --verbose?
yes i did
@dory, i am really not sure then. it should works.
i was just prompting Cloning into 'master'...
i dont know what is wrong with this man :/
@ShobhakarTiwari helping other is good, we are here for this only, but this is too much bro, she is not a kid, every 2 or 3 day she is here with new question, if she will not try enough, she will never develop error solving skill.
@dory, so u get that after running pod install?
@dory, if it is not urgent, take a break from it and come back later to work on it, it might just work..
is is possible to open custom uiview through url schemes
i have some terms and conditons and it works fine
but when i run my app through safari broswer using url sheme it open the app but it custom view gets hide automatically in half second
and app remains opened
I have just started with ios swift, I am basically an android dev.. thats y i m having such questions..
I d@sanjeet
removed :/
we are not talking about u @Dory
@Imran u mean to open url scheme from custom view
no urlscheme to custom view
@sanjeet ya rit
@TonyOng No, viewDidLoad: will be call when ViewController class will be load while - (instancetype)initWithReaderDocument:(ReaderDocument *)object is a constructor and is being used to initialize the class object.
if i load custom view from url shemes its get hides automaatically
only when app s not running
in other all conditions, it does laod
@Imran u opening it inside the app or navigating to outside the app
@ hi to all
inside app
then u need to chck code
through url scheme i m passign login credentials too
but when app s in background it works fine
is there any code after it (i.e- urlscehe just return opening it)
i have 1000 data in one array ,I want to divide this array in to multiple betche how can i do that
some database functions r called
just put return statement after it
which fetch data from db
where i m loading custom view
@harish u should use pagination
@Dory whr u stuck dory we all r helping each other . say wats ur issue
@harish If you already have 1000 data in an array then whats problem? Just show it. Paging is used to make the request light.
I am trying to use coocapods.. its first time i m using this thing... on doing pod install terminal is stucking.. it does nothing..
It will take time
please wait
I have already done sudo gem install cocoapods should i install it again ?
help him out
tel him come overhere
he s here
i guess
And you posted the screenshot. We can not go to his question
@Dory just go through @NitinGohel post i did that way but some time uninstalling and installing 2nd time works in my case
and still i dont know what's his confution
that alreay asked this question
I created an ios sdk for analytics.I need to start a timer on app start so that it can call the api and sync the events every 10 minutes.Can I set a timer inside the sdk?
@ShobhakarTiwari okay
@abhi1992 if u created custom ios sdk then y not , u can use timer too
Ji sir
yes sir
is it possible to open custom uiview from url schemes
when app s not running
But timer will only run in active state.
The timer will be inside the sdk.It should run throughout the app session.
cydia in iphone can be one of the measurement to chck whether device is JAILBREAK or not @NitinGohel @TheTiger
that will be active till 3 mint bg
if you are add your timer in runloop
@Imran you can open app
but i have no idea about particuler view
i'm getting this error
how can i resolve this
@TheTiger how to do pagination on array
when i adding a framework
@Priya search in google : google.co.in/…
@NitinGohel...bro i tried so many ways
after that only i came to here
you need only one way no so many
pls give idea bro
@harish Please elaborate your question. What do you exactly need and where are you using that array?
@Priya open general tab
scroll lil down
you can see embedded binary
click on +
find your TT.framework
from from other
and add here
i added there
remove from other
@TheTiger i am doing osx project where i have more than 1000 record in array i want to display that but view get hang
only that framework appear in embadded
@NitinGohel hi
@harish i told you yesterday that you can use sdwebimage
in OSX by loading image
that solve your issue
then it will showing "one of the two will be usesed.which one is undefined"
what is the meaning of this bro
dont know
@TheTiger i am doing older project which has version 10.5 i thing sdwebimage is not workable on that
then use some catche class
for load image
dong go away from prob
why you think about creating slot
@NitinGohel nice dp bro :)
@iShwar hehe
@harish So fetch in paging. Don't fetch all together.
Hi, I am using UITableView for vertical scrolling and UICollectionView for Horizontal Scrolling. UICollectionView is inside UITableViewCell. The UICollectionViewCell consists of 10 UILables, 2 UIButtons and 1 UIImageView. The issue is for when I scroll the tableview and uicollectionview comes in visible area there is some lag appears for collectionview. And it happens only for first 3 uicollectionview after that it scrolls smoothly. What will be the issue for first 3 cells to lag?
@Imran u there
you need to pass paramiter in urlSchema
url schema menas through browser
safari login
check this
you can pass parametier as well
in to your url schema URL
and handle it
at - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url {
and you can based on your call back you can open any view
k bro let me check sure
But plz note this is for below iOS 9
so which one to use
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url {
Both are for below iOS 9.0
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<NSString*, id> *)options
This is for above iOS 9.0
You can (command + click) on those method and can see the description
Gaana.com is cool
hi @TheTiger
there ?
hello, i m trying pod setup --verbose.. again it stucks at cloning from master..
@YogeshSuthar u loading images or only labels ?
welcome @ChiragHirpara sir
I have implemented uitabbar controller.And there is a uitableview in one tabbar. if in tableview tab loading data from server is not completed and switched to another tab and again switch to uitableview tab then uitableview freezes. Please help how can I solve this problem
@NitinGohel bro auto layout question can you answer?
nope i am very poor in autoLayout
Thank you iOS guru @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel then how you managing UI design bro ?
i need tuition in auto layout :(
i always go with suggseted contrain apply
that will be managed
from storyboard
@GurumoorthyArumugam Hi
@NitinGohel f1
error ave che
error: RPC failed; curl 56 SSLRead() return error -36
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed
@TheTiger bro need help in auto layout
how can i have divid screen in four views
is there any way to do percentage based UI design in iOS ?
@GurumoorthyArumugam Use Aspect ratio with same width and same height in autolayout
@NitinGohel here?
@PayalManiyar yes
how do we apply ** nitin ** = BOLD things in iOS app
like whatsapp did
any one know about
Hello to everyone
@NitinGohel Hello Nitin Gohel. Just checked your profile. Respect.
I am new in Xcode family and need an advice on editing the Master-Detail Template for iPhone 6 Plus in Swift language
@FotiosTragopoulos haha we all are same :)
editing master details means?
@NitinGohel the master detail template provided by Xcode
can we check it by tomorrow
time to go home :)
if you dont mind
i think you are running iPad copy in iPhone 6+
In a Master-Detail Application in iOS programming when you start an application and the iPhone 6 Plus is in portrait, it always show first the Detail View. How can I make it show first the Master View?
you need to set rootview controller
@NitinGohel Ok great have a good day
from the storyboard
the RootViewController alwasy appear first
How to set a RootViewController?
by default that arrow is the starting point of app
you can drag it to allow any of VC
if you are very new for iOS developemnt
i suggest to go with
instead of asking several devs all have own thoughts and diff diff opinion
so you will get more confused so better to go with above to start and learn
03:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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