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1 message moved from [[iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow]](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/26424/iosandroidchaosoverflow)
screen swipe krte krte halat khrab ho jati h
1 message moved from [[iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow]](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/26424/iosandroidchaosoverflow)
2 hours later…
i added a view inside a cell... i need it to get hidden and shown with animation(slide from right to left 10 pixels) when i tap the cell. Like swipe to delete but the cell contents should stay visible when this happens. Any idea on how to do this?
1 message moved from [[iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow]](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/26424/iosandroidchaosoverflow)
no, i am telling you just wasting your time
1 message moved from iOS Developer Family
4 hours later…
@Shubhank: I tried it in this way..... But no luck not working as I expected
func dragPicture(recognizer:UIPanGestureRecognizer)
print("Inside PanGesture Method")

let touchPoint = recognizer.locationInView(imagesContainerView)
let width = recognizer.view?.frame.size.width
let height = recognizer.view?.frame.size.height
if touchPoint.x - (width!/2) > 0 && touchPoint.x + (width!/2) < imagesContainerView.frame.size.width && touchPoint.y - (height!/2) > 0 && touchPoint.y + (height!/2) < imagesContainerView.frame.size.height
1 message moved from [[iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow]](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/26424/iosandroidchaosoverflow)
4 hours later…
1 message moved from [[iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow]](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/26424/iosandroidchaosoverflow)
1 message moved from C#

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