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03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

gm to all
anyone know how to test app without register device id ? app is test all device
gm @MonikaPatel
v gm @sanandiyavipul
Good morning
good morning
Good Morning All
Good morning @all
@sanandiyavipul use testflight
@MonikaPatel gm sister
@BhavinRamani gm
gud mrng all
@Rinku gm
@RajeshVekariya gm
@Dory gm maam
Good morning SIr
@pooja_1205 gm maam
vgm @NitinGohel
Very Good Morning Bro @NitinGohel

Please check this link , any one aware with this error
@NitinGohel in a double slider if both the knob are at the left most corner then it gets stuck there means either of them doesnt move
how can i resolve these, i m using CERangeSlider but i hv tried others too,some get stuck on right most corners
Ram Ram 
Ram Ram bhai
@NitinGohel vgm sir
hello @TheTiger
Good Morning
Good Morning all :)
good morning
@pooja_1205 Hi
Very good morning friends :)
@Harshad ok sir
how to get username using faqcebook graph API
you get first name
last name
basic info i dont think you get username
[[[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc] initWithGraphPath:@"me" parameters:@{@"fields": @"id, name, link, first_name, last_name, picture.type(large), email, birthday, bio ,location ,friends ,hometown , friendlists"}]
very good morning
Q: how to integrate signalR in objective-c

satyawant to integrate chating application in my project in ios.. i need to implement group chat and one to one chat functionality in my application. so i am finding some of the tutorial i.e SignalR. please suggested any body best chating frameworks in objective-c.. i need to work on group chat and o...

gm brother
check this link
if u have any idea plz tell me
nope have no any idea about
i want to show alert first and after 10sec i want to push the view controller ...how???
use timer
now how to use that you need to search and develop
nstimer ahh bro
1st i want to show alert bro, after 10sec i want to push the view controllr
user NSTimer
ok bro
what is that link bro
my voice
o my god...!!!!!
Morning peeps!
Can we test receiving push notification from Postman like Android people do?
or maybe, any other tool?
tere bin
nice song bro @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel can't belive :-p
You have good music foundation.Your range is so good. You have bright future, keep singing.You have every right to make this as a profession. Make it large :)
sing with my sister
this song
@NitinGohel grt :D
@PushpinderN. yes
@NitinGohel great
@PushpinderN. if you setup from php side then use postmane to call the api
you can test it
yep, got that one.
nope, just wanna check from iOS PoV only
'll check n come back..
u mean its not possible?
@VikramKThakor i think that fb wont return in login responce
@NitinGohel so it says invalid token. However, I'm passing it the same one I'm getting in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken.
Good Afternoon @All
Created PEM as follows:
$ openssl pkcs12 -in WenderCastPush.p12 -out WenderCastPush.pem -nodes -clcerts

Courtesy: RW
@TheTiger any clue?
@PushpinderN. Using development environment or Production?
So check Apple URL from php side
it should include sandbox
For development :- gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195
For Production :- gateway.push.apple.com:2195
Ok, so I'm like doing this for the first time ever!
Where to check/modify that?
Also, there's no web-service as yet.
Tell php developer to check
I'm testing in using apns-gcm.bryantan.info to do the same
since there's no php guy available
Ain't the one above an APN Tester?
Ain't the one above an APN Tester?
Not sure about its accuracy
never used it
Like Pusher
I guess the one you gave a link for is similar to Pusher
This is mac application
APN Tester
wait, i'll check
w/ Pusher
@Kiran hi kudi
@NitinGohel hi munde whats up
waiting to end of the day bcz tomorrow have holiday lol
and i want to take a long rest
if anybody can help
i'm presenting a view controller in previous view controller to self view controller...can i push view controller from self view controller???
@Vinie first check your cer contain private key in keychain?
@Priya for the push VC you have a navigationController
which certificate IOS devlopment or notification?
in keychai
check the cer have private key ?
something like this
I think you used old device cer in to your matchin without its .p12 file
you just download from another mac device the cer
@NitinGohel..how to check is there or not bro..
@PushpinderN. How are you making p12 ?
Don't include key
@Priya do google
@JoyalClifford hi
can u tell why below post downvoted
Q: What basis UITableViewCell object become nil

Joyal CliffordI am asking very basic doubt belongs to Tableview, I created tableview programmatically without Storyboard/Xib. The tableView numberOfRowsInSection it will return 14, the cell view fully dynamic and each cell height will different from one another. My questaion is in tableview delegate method ...

@JoyalClifford do i need to say hi again?
i created APNs Development iOS
@NitinGohel no bro
and it has private key
@Vinie now create a PEM file using this cer
created already
do one hting
if that working then issue from your backend
@JoyalClifford this is basic question that
if you are use register cell identifire
that will be called once
i am not useing register cell identifer
and after scroll that wont go in nil bcz that will be reused but not nil
but if you are using uniq identifire by [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld,%ld",(long)indexPath.section,(long)indexPath.row];
that will create each time new identifire
Error: {"statusCode":8,"statusMessage":"Invalid token"}
getting this error
but first time it will become 6 times
so when u scrol that gouse alwways nil
that create only visible cell not full of count cell that youreturn in number of cell
and this is very basic and poor question
you have to learn tableview all the scenario its delegate its datasource and its use
@NitinGohel: getting this error Error: {"statusCode":8,"statusMessage":"Invalid token"}
i have 14 counts , but 6 time it will become nil
@Vinie can you try to use Ad_hoc
@JoyalClifford scroll the tablview
so it will become nil ???
there are lots of answer :)
@NitinGohel: My IOS development certificate and Notification certificate are created from diffrent mac device. So would it be problem?
for the testing that wont prob
but run app from another device
that couse prob
run app from another device means??
mean how to install app
from direct xcode
from another mac device
This is the scenario to enable push for ios :
Steps to enable Push Notification in iOS app:

Create AppID
Enable push notificaiton service for Development and distribution
Create a Push Cer by using same CSR that you are using to create Developer and distributon Cer
Downlado push Cer and install it in keychai
Create PEM file
Upload PEM file to your server

Create a code in Appdelegate for enable Push Notification alert that asking at first time launch
Get device token on its Delegate
send it to server and use the device token for post a push notification
check the above steps @Vinie and comapare with your if that is missing anythings then correctit
Also sometimes developers forget to ask for User permission
DeviceToken will only be valid if you ask for User Permission
Create a code in Appdelegate for enable Push Notification alert that asking at first time launch
My app is asking for enable push notification
@NitinGohel....navigation controllr showing nil bro
how can i push
@NitinGohel i got the success msg when i switch to production
but didn't get any notification
in my device
@Priya google
@Priya nav controll mean that appear at top of the viewcontrolelr there we write Title of VC right bar button left barbutt
so why you need to check it nav contrller or not you dont know you are put nav or not?
@NitinGohel...tq bro..i solved
1 hour later…
@ChiragHirpara sir how are you
had lunch
yes sir lunch over :)
i am good
how are you
i am awesome
@TheTiger just exported the cert from Keychain
working now.
can we make multiple server request in single for loop in a synchronous way by using nsurlsession class
@PushpinderN. Good
@NitinGohel for loop use karke multiple server request call kar sakte hai kya?
where is kirit at nitin
@Sandeep what are you trying
@VikramKThakor ???
in my application there are 5 buttons each button have different tableview structure
ok then?
so when that viewcontrller will appear i want to call server request in view did load for each button and the array response i will store in array
this is one time process
so i used for loop and each time i am calling server
kirit na koi samachar nathi bhai?
i suggest to do api cl on button click
first time
then check if the particuler array have data then dont call it again
@VikramKThakor mane kem khabar hoi dost
for loop ka koi idea hai kya,using nsoperationque
Q: How to handle multiple apis call in ios?

akshaySuppose in my view controller i have to call 3 apis simultaneously using NSOperation Queue. I want know that how handle multiple apis call in the same View Controller using NSoperation Queue.

objective c wala hai kya? its for swift
just see the logic and use of nsoprationQue
ok thanks bro
@NitinGohel that is too different than my requirement
see you have static number of api cl
i have one custom uiview which contains tabeview
I'm adding the view controller as a child view to the parent view controller and on disappearing the child view, i need to pass the data to the parent view
@Sandeep on view did load you need to call all the api
else create one NSObject class
or use Enum for calling api so you can indenfite which api responce at the succes time and store the result in related array
@Sandeep what are you using AFN
for calling webservies then i can give you wrapclass
no nsurlsession
is it good?
@Sandeep yah af also use nsusersession
as a compare to AFN
but afn contains lots of file and for nsurl session
we don't need any external library?
will UP wrap class
on github soon
bro i have one confusion between nsurlsession and AFN
AFN is class that make call api bit easier
afn also use NSURLSession methos
but that handle it on their class
if everything can be possible by use of nsurlsession then why AFN library most of the developers are using?
and at the end we just see the few line of code
@Sandeep for example i create one wrapped class to maintain call
of APi you just need to call an api like
[self.createNewuser:myURL paramis:mydictionaryOfpram]
and you will get the responce then what do you use my method
or write 20 line of code?
manually ?
no will will use your method
then AFN doing this by using nsurlsession
so people use most
got it
@PraveenKumar you can use localNotification
or custom protocol delegate
but we achieve same thing using singleton pattern
which contains one method and block as a response
and inside the method we can make single nsurlsession request which will get url and parameter from method
i tried both, not working in my case. It works if i navigate from one view controller to the other. But in my case the parent view is still present on which i'm showing the child view and disappearing it.
or Block
@NitinGohel bhai wo wrapclass github par de dena
when i push to home page drawer not working ...how can i push to home page with drawer ????
you can put your method in class and use par per you need
@MonikaPatel @TheTiger @PayalManiyar @ChiragHirpara
and all who love to use AFNetworkign for api parse
any sol Pls???
why ?? what happned?
@MonikaPatel i just upload API calling wrapped class on github for easy to call API
A bhagavan
@Priya what drawwer
@NitinGohel Great
@NitinGohel its useful
hmmmm its good @NitinGohel
Can anyone tell me about AVCaptureSession?
what you are tying
i am not good in eng
hahahahah @NitinGohel
customize view of camera
are you capture image or video
any idea?
you mean you want to crop an image
after capture it
or you want to create full funtion of capture image using overlay
you want to create full funtion of capture image using overlay
i dont know actul defination about but you can found useful code from:
hi @NitinGohel
@MonikaPatel hi sister
@NitinGohel thanks
@NitinGohel hmm useful Wrapper :) thanx
u ever did download file and display download process ??
@ChiragHirpara thanks for your compliment sir
@MonikaPatel yes
using AFN :P
@NitinGohel want to download file like song,images,videos etc and display all downloads in donwload window and also want to display downloading porcess to user with pause and resume button
multiple download at a time?
for that i suggest to your Model Class
and make object of each download file
use NSObject
I think i achieved 80%
but I got one big issue in this
thats why i'm worried
you wont show progress
with 80%
claps lol
I achieved all this functionality
that means 80-85% my task is done
what method do you use for download
thats great that already have progress
now whats the issue
but if i'm try to download file which is placed on GoDaddy server
then i did not get total bytes of that downlaod file
that wont related to server
I received totalbytes -1
only that happen with goDaddy
thats why progress did not display
yup ... only with godaddy
other file show the prgress
if i'm trying to downlaod url of any other site like djmaza.info
yup other file will show progress perfectly
then issue with not your code
if that issue in your code then that also not working with other url so
tel you TL or boss about
one important thing, if i'm donwload image from godaddy then total bytes received perfactly and progress also showing
and enjoy
joke of the day
but if code issue then that wont work to othr url as well
mane godaddy na server url donwload karvanu solution find karvanu kidhu
gimi url
no i said downlod file url
but one more thing
download mate je file url use karo chow a apo
@MonikaPatel I face this issue. Reason was that the server was not sending file size in header that's why it was -1.
@PayalManiyar wooow
so we can not do anything right
@NitinGohel yes we can't
then what is the solution for @PayalManiyar
we can't do anything
change server
now you have to tel this to your boss
03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

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