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Hi, I'm new to this chatroom and ios development
I was wondering if I could get some help with expired certificates?
I've already spent the last few days on it, and I am reaching out for help.
3 hours later…
gud mrng all
Good Morning @pooja_1205
Good morning all...
2 hours later…
I have an issue with observers
I am using expandable tableview cells
with story board or without
for it to work i am adding observer for key path frame on every cell
now when i transition from this child scene back to main scene
i need to remove all the observers
your using KVO design pattan ???/
with storyboard
@JoyalClifford ??
i didnt get properly
I have a table view controller with custom tableView cells
now each cell has a datepicker
which is hidden at first
when the user clicks on the cell
the cell expandes and shows the date picker
for this to work i am adding an observer with key value frame
to monitor the row height changes
everything is working fine
but when i move out of this view comtroller
i need to remove all the observers that i added in the first place
how to do that
my tableview class code is paste.ubuntu.com/16944332
and my custom cell code is paste.ubuntu.com/16944342
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:someObserver];
but i have added a number of observers
for the same keypath
and these are keypathvalue observers
and not notification centre observers
are they same? or different?
@BhavinRamani when we add a KVO, we provide a parameter 'options'
i am providing option new
is this why?
my error 'An instance 0x148ec200 of class Attendance_Manager.AddSemTimeTableViewCell was deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it. Current observation info: <NSKeyValueObservationInfo 0x1588ae70> (
<NSKeyValueObservance 0x1588aea0: Observer: 0x148ec200, Key path: frame, Options: <New: YES, Old: NO, Prior: NO> Context: 0x0, Property: 0x1588aed0>
@bhakti123 You shouldn't register notifications and KVO in cell. You should do it in table view controller instead and when the model changes you should update model and reload visible cells.
i am implementing this youtube.com/watch?v=VWgr_wNtGPM
I am new to expandable cells
same here :)
and I tried the app coda way but it was too confusing
so i implemented this
@BhavinRamani Do you have any better way for implementing expandable tableview cells in swift ?
@bhakti123 I have implemented but it was in Objective-C
@BhavinRamani show me. i'll try to convert in swift
@BhavinRamani Thanks ;)
@bhakti123 hi
@PayalManiyar hey
how many levels are there in your expanding table?
tree level?
I have a table with 4 sections
okay then?
3 sections are implementing expandable cells
2 of them have 2 rows
ill post a screenshot
expanding level 1 only/
@bhakti123 got my point?
It is easy if one level below the parent is there
in number of section return 4
no need to take sample code I think
just think over the concept which I am telling to you
take one flag which sayisexpand for each section
in number of rows method if isexpand false then return 0
and if isexpand is true then return number of rows you want
@PayalManiyar No i am getting confused
When you tep on section you ahve to expand rows correct?
click o section?
When you tap on section you have to expand rows correct?
no. See in the screenshot. in section Semester dates. when i click on start or end row then the row will expand
okay no issue
number of section method you will retun 4
the respective row will expand to show a date picker from which the user can set a date
yes I got @bhakti123
now when user will click on start or end you are calling one method
yup. didselectrowatindexpath
you have to use method
[tblSimpleTable insertRowsAtIndexPaths:indexArray withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationRight];
can you give me your number rows method?
code of number of rows in table?
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
switch section {
case 0:
return 2
case 1:
return 1
case 2:
return 2
case 3:
return 1
print ("No case selected")
return 0
make one array of number of rows for each section
array will contain number of rows in section
element hanumber of row for section 0
element 2 has numebr of rows in section 1
Now when did select method called update element of this array for selcted section
if you have click on start of section 1 then array will be (1,2,1,0)
i have to increment the no of rows for that section by 1
got ?
thats it
I think no need to refre sample code
at timne of remove row you have to execute deletrowsatindexpath method
any doubt?
I am leaving within 4 mins
let me try this out
and then i will revert back to you
then on monday
on saturday we have half day
ok. no problem :)
no half day here :(
@BhavinRamani is there any vacancy in your company?
not now.
ok bye..
1 hour later…
@PayalManiyar I did try your approach but did not work so well for me. But I was able to solve my problem. Thanks anyway
Someone who know how to resize individual uitableviewcell by user pinch in Swift?
i want to remove splash from my app
@pooja_1205 you want to remove splash screen in your app?
i think not posible but try ths
No @pooja_1205 its not possible.. you can not change anything from other application
i want to remove the existing one and add a blck launch screen
your current application
yes @SunnyShah
where had you put splash screen? in Assets.xcassets
then remove it.. Lunchimage folder from it
or else you can replace image with black image
4 hours later…
Hello. Anyone here?
Yes @bhakti123
I have a tableview and each cell has a textfield
i select one cell and enter some value in the field
but when i select another cell, the value in the previous cell disappers
I have never seen this type of issue.
I think there will be small mistake in code
Where you clear text field or reloading table
yes. I am sure about that. But I am not able to figure it out. Thats why wanted some help
I am not doing anything like that.
I am not reloading the tableview nor clearing the text filed
When the value of texfield is disappearing
When i select another cell and type something.
On tap on cell or another texfield?
tap on cell results in invoking the keyboard
can this happen because I am using resignFirstResponder() ?
No. It's just for hiding keyboard
by default i am not adding any text to the fields
Have you implemented any delegate method of texfield?
in that only i am hiding the keyboard
upon clicking of the done button in keyboard
@BhavinRamani I solved the issue. Apparently I was implementing the delegate in individual cells where as I had to implement it in the tableView controller
4 hours later…
Hey, I'd like to start developing iOS apps using Swift. Do you know any good tutorials for someone with programming experience? Mostly I used C++ but also, C, C# and Java (for Android). I've never used Objective C

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