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in array have multiples object that you displaying in to collection view my sister
in array urlsssss
yes yes
and where is all url get in to arry from documetn directory
rite rite
you set image like urlwithstring :[arr objectatindex:indexPat.row]
yes bhai correct
and this url whre is store image?
how to fill array of url?
Nope while load this view
how to get all URL's
whre is these all images
asset = [selectedAssets objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
what m i asking sister?
where is these all image stored and you got path
this is images urlls
stored inside alasset
from whre you got this?
this comming from photo library
yesy yes
then you are trying to delete photo library image remove from your application
i am trying to keep and remove the image from my application
but your array url is not a application stored image
this is photo asset url
yes photo asset url did i want to store in document directory???
then how it will be possible
@NitinGohel :)
r u there
ok will store in document
did you see any application remove image of photo library from App
First you store all images that you want from photo library to document directory
fill array with image path of Documetn directory
convert this path in to URL
kahan gaye
bhai logo
load this URL in to collection view
@Sierra u took time beacause of wrong approch
and now for delete funtion selected image url remove from array help with tag or indexpath.row
first decide how to flow your app in optimised
will help you
then coding
and also at that time remove this image from Documetn directory TOO
@BulletRaja that what i said
coding should not be on top
yeah @NitinGohel
i agree
ok bhai
but she is doing hard work
will learn soon:)
hard work with right way
ok wil do
ANKHE BUNDH KAR KE chaloge to YA aap manjil se Age nikal jaonge Ya to piche rehjaonge
type or namespace 'mysql' could not be found in mono showing as error while i added using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
@NitinGohel bhai manjilo p rahe dhune chala aur kho gayi h mazil kahin raho me
@RenjithJR No idea about it
sorry BOSS :(
Ok BTW will meet you al after 1 hr
@NitinGohel free ho na tab bolna
@Anjan bolo bhai
sache Mane khabar nahi @Anjan ani
bhai jao break leke aao warna dimag hill jayega aapka @NitinGohel
ha ha ha
where is @PriyanHaridas
he want to pop
from view
ok wil meet after 1 hr
yeh hain
@Anjan realy ana vishe nahi khaba rmane kasi
nahi tar kahi didhu hot
@NitinGohel ok dude
enjoy ur brk
@BulletRaja do u worked with constraints adding to elements
@NitinGohel Hi Friend. i am unable to save nsmutable array in nsuserdefaults.
show ur code
@NitinGohel this mutable array consists of model objects.
no matter wat it contains
@RajugoudBingi wht problem you face
Q: Unable to save NSMutableArray in NSUserDefaults

user1051935I am trying to save an NSMutableArray on device , but everytime I reload the application the data is erased. I tried to use NSUserDefaults but the problem persists here is the code I am using -(void) addingData{ [data addObject:theBarcodeString]; //data is the NSMutableArray [mainTab...

[history synchronize]
@BulletRaja kuch pata hain CG raster data ke liye
@Anjan no
ohhh k
@NitinGohel i want to learn core animatons
how do i learn
i am saving model objects in a mutable array. I want to save this array in nsuserdefaults
if ur array is arr
[[nsuserdefault standarduserdefault]setobject:arr forKey:@"yourkey"];
[[nsuserdeafult satndarduserdefault]]synchronize]
bodygaurd bhai
yes i did that. got a warning bro "Attempt to insert non-property value"
convert nsmuatable array to nsarray
and try
@Anjan i think stick still same issue from few days right?
@RajugoudBingi plz dont say tht i am stucking here
@Reformer for this issue i think from last 2 days
and i concerntrate on main task so whn i got some time i try to solve it also
hmmm and yesterday some advice given you by Micheal right??
@Reformer if you can help than plz
ok. Best of luck :)
same warning.
@Reformer thanks bro
@Reformer i think u r cracking joke on my issue ... gr8
@Reformer thanks for your nice help
@Anjan i'm just came here for you. Because Mike given appropriate way
i read transcript yesterday night
@Reformer yesterday you know that what he told me ..
just got the solution for cell reusable that i know .. and i thank to him also
@Reformer but for rest of code what he say you already read all comment .. i ask him what issue in it he gone .. if i got something i will definitely change
yes it is
@Reformer i use SDwebimage download method in cellrowinde delegate method anyting wrong in it ?
@Anjan naaa frankly tell you. Make instrument your friend and watch always which objects are evil and eat bad memory. Think on your code where is the fault and what will be the solution
i want to print the previous view string in first view label
@Reformer i agree
@Reformer wait i will do pastie so i got solution
okay okay
i want to print the previous view string in first view label
how you come to first view from previous view
first navigating to next view using presentmodalviewcontroller
next view for example nsstring=@"hello";
@Reformer see this -: pastebin.com/yv6Pw9WA
this nsstring i want to display in the uilabel when the view is dismissed
ok show me the code when u go to next view
i will add up
@Reformer i sear lots things but not getting proper solution and i also try to follow steps on apples document but still same issue
ohhh god your cellAtrowIndexPath method is too much horrible
hmmm yes i know
once my major task is over i will do it all extra code removle
actually you should not blame on Apple docs... they are mention lots of thing actually
not blaming
just say not getting any solution
see screenshot may be you not read it yet
and mike tell same based on above 3 lines
hmmm ok i understand
suggest any solution for it
@Reformer i use this method for defining cell // Custom_Cell *cell = (Custom_Cell *) [tbl_List dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%d",indexPath.section,indexPath.row]];
great keep remember always 3 points... and check your code with these theory you will get your answer
u there
@Reformer but it consumes lot memory and i agree with mic
so i remove it
yes because your create new cell every time
dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%d",indexPath.section,indexPath.row]
and i can see my memory consumption is reduced
this is the actual evil part of this line
@Sierra hello
see this
your cell identifier string should be static in resuability
hmm thank u
check it and let me know
if problem comes
@Reformer i already change it
NSString *identifier = @"cellIdentifierString";
Custom_Cell *cell = (Custom_Cell *) [tbl_List dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:identifier];
if suppose your 5 cell presenting on screen ... only those 5 create first time ... and while you scrolling you table view those cells got assign new data
it will boost up performance
@Anjan yes it sound good
agree with you
and you can see i already chnage it
on last line you follow 1st step from 3 point given by apple
check noew other 2 point
yes @BulletRaja
@RajugoudBingi are you sure your modelClass is NSObject?
u r trying to set nsdata
@Reformer agree
whydont u put in id type
@Reformer yes
@Reformer ??
NSData* imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);
NSData* myEncodedImageData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:imageData];
[appDelegate.userDefaults setObject:myEncodedImageData forKey:@"myEncodedImageDataKey"];
@BulletRaja nitin suggested to try with keyedArchiver.
Q: Storing NSObject using NSKeyedArchiver/ NSKeyedUnarchiver

CanI have a class object like; BookEntity.h import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> @interface BookEntity : NSObject<NSCoding> { NSString *name; NSString *surname; NSString *email; } @property(copy) NSString *name,*surname,*email; @end BookEntity.m #import "BookEntity.h" ...

read it. you will get where are you did mistake
1 message moved to VOID
u have to undastand use Pastie.org @BulletRaja
self.classReference.labelNem setText:samplestring];
this label name is not visible
this label is the label of previous class
u want to set value
name this the previous class label
and also make lables property anf synthesise it
yes did everything
@property(nonatomic,retain)IBOutlet UILabel *sample;
self.classReference.sample setText:samplestring];
@NitinGohel sorry
see in this line i couldn't access after .sample ?
the fact behind your error is NSObject is root class so it haven't sense of NSCoder class methods. You need to confirm NSCoder class in your model class, if your not confirm then of-course you got that kind of static error mehod signature not found
it is very basic thing of objective-C
start reading documentations
have u writeup this
Hello everyone, please help me out stackoverflow.com/questions/20881721/…
ok do one thing
tell me name of previous view class
one change need to do
Sierra, sorry to say spend some time reading apple doc on basics of objective-C it will help you save your time in future and now other
you must need to know what is properties and how to use and how to manage
yes will do @Reformer
ok wait ..1 min
hello @NitinGohel, any suggestions
can any one tell me I have developed app in ios6 but i want to make it as ios7 and above compatible for that i need to change all code a?
thank u friend
@Reformer first link worked for me. Thank you friend.
@Sierra working???
@RajugoudBingi i know ..
yes ya
12 mins ago, by Reformer
the fact behind your error is NSObject is root class so it haven't sense of NSCoder class methods. You need to confirm NSCoder class in your model class, if your not confirm then of-course you got that kind of static error mehod signature not found
this was the reason
ok good
@Sierra whatever i told u try to use it to pass value among classes
@Reformer got the idea. Thank you.
@Reformer you helped me many times. Thanks a lot bro.
clap clap clap @RajugoudBingi
hmmm yes i ll follow
@Aslam just manage UI no need to change code
@Ranjit for what my bro
@NitinGohel, for this question stackoverflow.com/questions/20881721/…
ohh i already Quit
ok fine
@NitinGohel i tried like t way by the project which u gave view and scrollview perfectly in a place hw i expeted but image view always not in a place
k k thanks for replay@NitinGohel
say some solution yar past two days with this spblm@NitinGohel
@Yohan i dont knw exact solution just i found this demo and a sent to u
autolayout is ......
@Yohan i have tested it on my side
the things u r saying
working good
then y t hell for me alone :-(
sahre demo code @BulletRaja if you are creating
@BulletRaja talking about sample project
have not done any coding
just storyboard
is there only
i am sending that story board file
from storyboard you done scrolling
i want to knw this
with autolayout how does it work
i have one doubt
@NitinGohel storyboard ma scrool nai thatu bhai..
autolayout enable che so issue ave che
je mane nathi avdu
same prblm mare pan thay 6
autolayout check and uncheck kari ne pan try kariyu
@Yohan r u there
@Sierra say
yap bro
see this storyboard
on my side
@NitinGohel disable karva nu k ??
nothing @BulletRaja
desable karis to 3.5 and 4 mate alag alag baavi padse storyboard
@NitinGohel ??
is it must to use autolayout in ios7??
any one please tell me how to controll youtube video by IBaction in ios
i am playing video by webview
@NitinGohel do you have any idea please
@RajugoudBingi hi bro
for long time to see you
how to customise about window of mac osx application
@Abizern hi how are you ?
@Abizern Happy new year ...
@Retro Create your own window and show it in response to the about message.
@Anjan And to you.
@Abizern so hows your new year starts ... is it rocking ?
Too early to say.
@Abizern i have created the window but how to show mine on call of "About"
@Abizern right
@Retro Have a look at the menu action for the about item - that's a start.
@Abizern ok, thanks
@Abizern am trying to set constraints for scrollview which holds image view but its never working Any idea
struggling with this for past few days
image view alone looks like overlapping under screen
"Overlapping under", an interesting concept.
@kumar Hi bro
@Abizern i don no how to specify it so said
c this @Abizern
@Yohan Imagine I asked you a question such as "I have been trying to set constraints for a view, but nothing is working. Any idea?" - what would your response be?
@Abizern just leave man sorry
"leave"? Okay.
3 hours later…
HI please Help me
Q: Getting "ERR: DROPBOX_ERROR_ALREADYOPEN" while syncing data to DropBox in IOS

Jack1231I am working on Ipad application.I integrated Dropbox to my app.It consists of two view controllers.In its syncing fine in ViewController1,while I am trying to sync data I am getting the "ERR: DROPBOX_ERROR_ALREADYOPEN: database_manager.cpp:155: datastore default already open". I have taken DBDa...

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