I am trying to save an NSMutableArray on device , but everytime I reload the application the data is erased.
I tried to use NSUserDefaults but the problem persists
here is the code I am using
-(void) addingData{
[data addObject:theBarcodeString]; //data is the NSMutableArray
just got the solution for cell reusable that i know .. and i thank to him also
@Reformer but for rest of code what he say you already read all comment .. i ask him what issue in it he gone .. if i got something i will definitely change
@Anjan naaa frankly tell you. Make instrument your friend and watch always which objects are evil and eat bad memory. Think on your code where is the fault and what will be the solution
@Reformer i use this method for defining cell // Custom_Cell *cell = (Custom_Cell *) [tbl_List dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%d",indexPath.section,indexPath.row]];
if suppose your 5 cell presenting on screen ... only those 5 create first time ... and while you scrolling you table view those cells got assign new data
the fact behind your error is NSObject is root class so it haven't sense of NSCoder class methods. You need to confirm NSCoder class in your model class, if your not confirm then of-course you got that kind of static error mehod signature not found
the fact behind your error is NSObject is root class so it haven't sense of NSCoder class methods. You need to confirm NSCoder class in your model class, if your not confirm then of-course you got that kind of static error mehod signature not found
@Yohan Imagine I asked you a question such as "I have been trying to set constraints for a view, but nothing is working. Any idea?" - what would your response be?
I am working on Ipad application.I integrated Dropbox to my app.It consists of two view controllers.In its syncing fine in ViewController1,while I am trying to sync data I am getting the "ERR: DROPBOX_ERROR_ALREADYOPEN: database_manager.cpp:155: datastore default already open".
I have taken DBDa...