I am practicing autolayout, I have struck on some issue, My layout is like
== Username TextField ==
== Password Textfield ==
==Login Button ==
But when user enters wrong username or password it should be changed to
== Username TextField ==
== Password Textfield ==
== Verification Textfield =...
@BulletRaja i am using thirdparty SLider called SAslidemenu and mine one is stroyboard with navigation controller and am just setting scroll view inside that am placing image
@Coder ok bro, am working on pdf file creation, I have one issue, Please see this image bro : postimg.org/image/ibby9dwlr/3ad9bd71, @NitinGohel @BulletRaja
@NitinGohel sir am trying to create pdf file, So now am using uiwebview to show pdf file content, when i load the text value into uiwebview, am getting tat above screen short screen in my simulator
@NitinGohel friend i followed that code only, My problem is when try to place text in right side of the webview, it is showing correct text, But that the same text when i try to place in left side it is showing problem
but i want to add constraint for single xib it contains tableview only so when orientation occurs its adjust automatically and it inplace of iphone ipad is there and it autoresize as per ipad \