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Happy New Year 2014 Friends Have a great year ahead…..)
@Sierra hi
have a great year ahead
GM to all
hi @BulletRaja
good morg
how r u
great n u ?
hw abt new year
holiday na??
yeah last day was
but today office onnnn
Hi Good Morning all
Morning folks!
@Sierra wat abt u?
hmmm holiday today officeeeeee
how is ur project
its fine going finished eay tasks
easy tasks
nw entered into complicated task
hw abt u ??
going gr8
Good morning bhai log
bhai ek number badi badi batien bada paw khate
hi @NitinGohel @Praveen @Coder gud mrng :)
hi leena
@Leena vGM Maam :))
can u help me with an issue in core data ?
@All hi good morning @Leena vgm
@IronManGill yes say
@BulletRaja hello
@Leena @IronManGill @NitinGohel @BulletRaja GM friends
@Anjan gud mrng :)
happy new year chotuu
hi good morning to all
@Leena happy new year gorgeous stunning stylish coder ..... mam
@Leena @Anjan @IronManGill @Sierra @Praveen @MoorthyTheBoss @DhavalBhadania @BulletRaja
ha ha
@NitinGohel kaisan ho bhai
hello @NitinGohel bhai very good moring...:)
@Anjan @NitinGohel vGM :))
ji badiya
mast atmostphere haain aaj ahmd mein .. yummy
gr8 @Anjan enjoy
hows there
@Anjan i have no much knwlage about autolayout so when i use scrollview in viewcontroller from storyboard
Anyone ??
Q: iOS Autolayout : Dynamically adjust controls

Undercover DeveloperI am practicing autolayout, I have struck on some issue, My layout is like == Username TextField == == Password Textfield == ==Login Button == But when user enters wrong username or password it should be changed to == Username TextField == == Password Textfield == == Verification Textfield =...

i can't able to scroll scrollview
bhai good morg have a great year ahead
@NitinGohel koi na use a tableview :P
@Sierra thx and same too you
check scroll enabled
@NitinGohel pehle hi ans mil gaya
@IronManGill scrollview hi use karna he
ki baat hain
kuch ans nahi mila
1 sec
@iShwar gm
koi to help kardo
@NitinGohel Good Morning Bro :) JSK !!
Chinta Koi Nai :P
@UndercoverDeveloper same i dont have much knwlage of autolayout
@iShwar JSK ?
@Leena, @Anjan, @IronManGill, @Coder, @DhavalBhadania, @ALL Good Morning Friends :)
@IronManGill Jai Shri Krishna :) Sat Shree Akaal Praji :)
same issue i also face when i use scroll view but for that i hv not use autolayout simply i use delegate method and use it
@NitinGohel @Anjan I can easily do that by setting frame but I want to learn autolayout
@iShwar good morning ...
@UndercoverDeveloper i will search for u something
thanks @Anjan
@Anjan yes
@iShwar Very Good morning ... :)
@UndercoverDeveloper what thx try your self for find tutorial
in google my fnrd
here no buddy are free for search you
@NitinGohel erlier i add it but short of time i add old method and apply it
that not work properlly @Anjan
@NitinGohel when i create custom gallery at that time i face this issue
all are done with single storyboard in 3.5 or 4
just one view of scrollissue
bcz my project is also work in ios 5 also so autolayout is creating issue
anekarne have mare jo autolayout desable karis to new 3.5 no storyboard banavopadse
@NitinGohel I will search myself only, I thought you guys are expert so anyone of you might have idea
@NitinGohel GM :)
3 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
we try to find @UndercoverDeveloper
@NitinGohel I have already read that and I can do simple things but the case I have shown is little complex
Btw thanks for help @NitinGohel @Anjan
hi gm
happy new year
gm @BulletRaja
scrollview issue in autolayout
can you help me
can try only
@Anjan ve you faced constraints pblm in autolayout while using scrollview
ur issue will be something big i sure
do u face problem on rotation
not big but actully i dont have much knwlage about autolayout with scrollview
nope can't about to scroll scrollview
bcus when i place elements inside scrollview the elements not on a place wr i kept priginally @BulletRaja
why don't u set content size
@NitinGohel codehappily.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/… @UndercoverDeveloper
remove autoresize subview from scroll view
weill try
@all hi good morning @NitinGohel
@BulletRaja but i face issue when i run same code for ios 5 bcz autolayout is available from ios 6 am i right
if u will use it in io5
will crash
your code
Hello Good Morning and Happy New Year to all .. :)
@BulletRaja ??
so for that i hv to go with older delegate methods
u can't use autolayout
if u suppoting ios5
>io5 u can use
otherwise ur code will run fine on ios6
but will crash on ios5
@BulletRaja ONE ISSUE
@Yohan say
gm to all
am facing a serious issue when i place imageview inside scrollview its not the frame wr i set while running in emulator
uncheck autoresize subview property of scrollview
and then test your code
@BulletRaja already tried that bro still same
show me the code
@BulletRaja am not coded yet jus
set imageview inside scrollview and facing this issue
how u seeting the frames i need to see
r u doing via xib
if yes
then auroresize may be the issue
how to remove the image from uicollectionview didselectitem
@BulletRaja initaially i worked with xib and its wr perfectly working now am using storyboard with navigation
@ALL: How can i go through mysql using terminal in MAc?
@Sierra remove means deleting the cell
@NaeemParacha you have write access
S bro
@Yohan can u explain what u r doing
how r u setting all this so that i can test it
on my side
step to step
@Yohan @Leena @BulletRaja How can i go through mysql using terminal in MAc?
@Sierra get that cell of collection view and remove imge from collection view cell
in didselectitem
@RenjithJR sorry:(
no idea
@BulletRaja i am using thirdparty SLider called SAslidemenu and mine one is stroyboard with navigation controller and am just setting scroll view inside that am placing image
@BulletRaja postimg.org/image/ekhi2vstr c this
this hw am placing
i used deleteitems
k isnt working??
yes working
the pblm is??
@Yohan log your image frame
and am getting this view postimg.org/image/tjdbi8go3
r u placing image in scroll view or in view
@Sierra hi
@BulletRaja scrollview
u can c the white layout s scrollview and inside the brown is default is the imageview
@Coder : Hi dude :) Happy New Year :)
@Sierra say
Happy New Year All of the Guys :)
what is your problem?
@Yohan se background color for scroll view
@HardikGajjar happy new year dude
may be it also comes little down
and check
the image selected is not displayed in collection view cell
@Sierra plz explain
little bit
wat u doing
and wat u need?
device images listed in uicollectionviewcell
if i select first image its shown in next view
in that view i kept two options keep and remove
in the next view the selected image is displayed
if i click keep option the view dismissed and image static in uicollectionview
if i click remove option the view dismissed and image removed from uicollectionveiw
@Coder @BulletRaja hi sir,
to view / remove /add the selected photos from uicollectionview
@Vishnu hi
@user1547937 m not sir broo
ok show me the code @Sierra
@user1547937 hi
able to scroll now using this code
@Coder ok bro, am working on pdf file creation, I have one issue, Please see this image bro : postimg.org/image/ibby9dwlr/3ad9bd71, @NitinGohel @BulletRaja
what is an issue
@NitinGohel my left side text getting flip text
have u got my question?
@Sierra ok
@NitinGohel can i show my code?
what filp text getting this
Is there anyone who worked on Mysqlworkbench
@Sierra have u implemented this
-(void)deleteItemsFromDataSourceAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)itemPaths
deleteitems code
@NitinGohel sir am trying to create pdf file, So now am using uiwebview to show pdf file content, when i load the text value into uiwebview, am getting tat above screen short screen in my simulator
@BulletRaja s my whole scrollview going down
@Sierra -(void)deleteItemsFromDataSourceAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)itemPaths
is getting called?
have u tested with breakpoint
yes values getting properly
@NitinGohel sorry sir am not good in english, so only i can't to tell u clearly, So please help me to out of this iisue
@Yohan uncheck autoresize property of view
and test
@BulletRaja its already unchecked only bro
@NitinGohel ?
array value
is correct when u remove
i ll check with that @BulletRaja
yeah check that
@Yohan have u enabled autoresize
@user1547937 first thing is that are you load pdf or text?
only one object is workin
which lag you can talk properly
Printing description of self->selectedAssets:
<__NSArrayM 0xb328c70>(
ALAsset - Type:Photo, URLs:assets-library://asset/asset.JPG?id=8F57F0A0-0E58-4960-813E-FC9E012C86B7&ext=JPG
@NitinGohel am loading pdf file into uiwebview
@NitinGohel in that pdf file am loading nsstring text value
First you create pdf manuaaly?
@user1547937 nope i dont knw tamil
if u remove the object array count decreases or not check @Sierra
@NitinGohel yes sir am creating pdf file manually and then am loading into uiwebview sir
then at the create time yo have to manage its formate its text place
takea look this code
its not decreasing
there is very nice tutorial about creat pdf and also load in to vewbview
that's why
is not removing
ok i ll check with array count
u need to test when u remove that object from array shoud be removed
i did mistakes in array count rite
oh ok ok i ll check and let u know
@BulletRaja s am enabled autoresize too bro
but still same isue
@NitinGohel friend i followed that code only, My problem is when try to place text in right side of the webview, it is showing correct text, But that the same text when i try to place in left side it is showing problem
my frnd see you place text in to pdf page not webview
of some where u did very small mistake
s bro
try this
for view
and scroll
Evening folks
Happy New year to all the folks over here.
@Yohanhave u enabled autolayout too bro
I wish i would be there with my parents.
@NitinGohel ok friend thanks, am checking here and let u know friend
@Charan same to you bro happy new year
s @BulletRaja enabled autolayout its must for my project
have u tested
with snap i sent u
nope nt yet
ll try now
ok test it
but i want to add constraint for single xib it contains tableview only so when orientation occurs its adjust automatically and it inplace of iphone ipad is there and it autoresize as per ipad \
getting even worse
@user1547937 Hi
[self.selectedAssets removeObjectsAtIndexes:indexSet];
@BulletRaja its k i ll try bro
hello all
@Yohan i will create sample app
and let u know
@NitinGohel hello Brother
this line is used to remove objectatindexes and array [self.selectedAssets removeObjectsAtIndexes:indexSet];
@Leena Thank you :)
@NaeemParacha help me ?
@Sierra yes
ok for insertitems
[self.selectedAssets addObject:indexSet];
@AppleMap Any idea about this : stackoverflow.com/questions/20800686/…
@TeAmo no sry
@TeAmo can u help me ?
@Sierra yes
@AppleMap about what ?Where u caught ?
@TeAmo how to make iphone 5 comptabile ??
@TeAmo app
@Yohan r u there
@TeAmo ?
@ Apple Maphttp://www.raywenderlich.com/33150/how-to-update-your-apps-for-the-4-inch-iph‌​one-5-display . Have u referred this link ......
@BulletRaja s bro

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