if you are checking sample code of provide by Facebook in FacebookSDK there is one sample SessionLoginSampleplease check how did work:-
You have to configur you app like this:-
in Native iOS app you have to set you app Bundle Id that you are using in to you Project for example(com.compame.pr...
I would like to allow my iPhone App users to view and select from their facebook profile photos, download the photo to use as a profile pic. I am currently using the Facebook SSO SDK and successfully logging in and accessing Graph information. Have tried to access photo information (after succe...
@nitin when i logout the facebook login and login agian problem eencountered
error log is The Facebook server could not fulfill this access request: The app cannot ask for publish or manage permissions along with read permissions.},
@Sierra still i get problem in getting action from uiimageview while uianimation i have used all the methods wat u preferred... so please tell m eis der any other way...
@Raja you are using the wrong animation method. Try animateWithDuration:delay:options:animations:completion: and look at the available options which lets you enable user interactions. Also - the way you are creating an array of images is old-fashioned (you can use literals) and doesn't support retina (if you put the extension on the image name then the system can't automatically switch between using normal or @2x images).
@Aslam You don't need to do such things in Core Data. If you try to think about Core Data in terms of SQL you'll just cause yourself a world of hurt. Why do you think you need to know what the primary key is?
The proper way to do this is to try and get the object from the context. If it exists, then it is already there, if not then it isn't.
i.e. Just run a fetch request.
I frequently write methods of the form createIfNeededWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict which will either return the object updated with values from the dictionary, or create an object if it doesn't exist and update it's values from the dictionary.
But you'll have to change some stuff because base64 encoding is now provided by the system you don't need to use third party code (as long as you are on Xcode 5)
And more advice - spend more time reading and less time googling for ready made solutions.