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04:00 - 09:0009:00 - 19:00

ok where is your UICOllectionview *obj=[[UICollectionview alloc]init];
where is frame set method?
where is addsubview method?
i think i did mistake in subview i ll add and let u know
ok first create object, setframe , add as a subview
i want to implement facebook login in my app. i search lot but dident get any tutorial how may i do this please help me.
ok ok i will do thanks \
A: I am not able to fetch user data from Facebook in iOS

Nitin Gohelif you are checking sample code of provide by Facebook in FacebookSDK there is one sample SessionLoginSampleplease check how did work:- You have to configur you app like this:- in Native iOS app you have to set you app Bundle Id that you are using in to you Project for example(com.compame.pr...

in this i wrote full discription
check this
HI @NitinGohel
tanks nitin...
@nitin i am downloading your project but facebook sdk not found error shows me.
first you need to
downloa dfacebook sdk
there is donwloa din to documetn folder
@NitinGohel hi brother!
after this add framwork
in to project by click + button
and add
@user2396021 hi
@NitinGohel I want to share my code and plz solve my problem!
Can you plz help me?
thanks nitin done this project works fine now. now i want to get the user id and facebook email how may i get it..
you got evething at
- (void)loginViewFetchedUserInfo:(FBLoginView *)loginView
user:(id<FBGraphUser>)user {

check NSLog
@NitinGohel want to save selected row of Picker View in sqlite database.
see this is basic if i currect and i do code for it you got solution but this is a not good for you
you have to knw insert update deletea programming of ssqlite 3
in objective c
at the selection time picker you have to stoer this value in to you string variable
and then at the save time fiere insertquery
of your
@user2396021 sorry i can't code for you
you have to googling it and learn it
and do
thank you
i learnt to save textfield data but i am stuck for saving picker data.
all the very best
same thing
Hey thanks i get all the information, now i want to implement the same like gmail and twiiter login in my app... can u help me to do that.
see where do you given a value of textfile ?
@Namo sorry for that
for gmail use GDATA
and for twitter
@nitin why...
what why
whay you tell me sorry ...
Are you able to open this link ?
yes bhai
Q: iOS facebook sdk how to download album, profile photos data

Alan MooreI would like to allow my iPhone App users to view and select from their facebook profile photos, download the photo to use as a profile pic. I am currently using the Facebook SSO SDK and successfully logging in and accessing Graph information. Have tried to access photo information (after succe...

SO link?
open hi ni ho raha
dushre bowser me check karo
408 error message aa jata hai
ohh here is working
kya chahiye me patie kardeta hu
dekhna tha hai kya yahan
@nitin i want to get the facebook userid.. not get the facebook userid...
fbId is userid my frnd
@TheTiger tera answer he ak
@nitin i get id like this id = 100001928783078; but my facebook user id is [email protected] can i not get like this...
@NitinGohel Thanks 
its parmission of email give u id
@NitinGohel so i cant get the user id name... its not possible...
i got
i got out put after login like
birthday = "01/10/1985";
email = "[email protected]";
"first_name" = fadf;
gender = male;
id = 2222;
"last_name" = dfsaf;
link = "https://www.facebook.com/asdfadfadsf";
locale = "en_US";
name = "fbnameve";
timezone = "5.5";
"updated_time" = "2013-11-25T11:06:40+0000";
username = asfa;
verified = 1;
emai chane why this happening... and i will not get email id
if your fb id not verified with emal conformation then you not get
email id
[[FBLoginView alloc] initWithPublishPermissions:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"publish_actions",@"email",nil]
where i put this line...
did you check my code
from sample project?
search in project i alread put this
in viewDidLoad
ya i check this line is already... but not get emeil id in my nslog...
it means you used facebook id is not varified
try with verified account
means didn't get exact what you say...
apde jyare facebook ma register karavya
tyare apda email id par ak mail ave
varification mate
account varification
so tu je id use kare che a varifile na hoi atle email na maltu hoi baki male j
samjanu have
ya i get it...
thanks for help..
u welcom
@NitinGohel can you help me
@nitin when i logout the facebook login and login agian problem eencountered
error log is The Facebook server could not fulfill this access request: The app cannot ask for publish or manage permissions along with read permissions.},
sorry i never got this type of error might bethis is related to parmissions issue
i got this json urls how to take all the images using this url facebook.com/…
This url not an image link @Sierra
ok pl telll me how to redirect to this link facebook.com/…
i want to take all the images from this link and store in uicollectionview
whether my method is rite ?
anybody can help me
i am working with Facebook native app
fb native login any link
all the samples redirecting to the safari url browser
my login dialog must be in same page does not redirect to the browser
Sry currently i haven't fb access. So i can't check that.
ok @PradhyumanChavda
anybody can help me
ask @DhavalBhadania
how to create fb app b=native login without redirecting to browser
any idea
pl anybody help me
@Sierra still i get problem in getting action from uiimageview while uianimation i have used all the methods wat u preferred... so please tell m eis der any other way...
tell me the issue
@Sierra user interaction is getting while the uiimgeview is in UIanimation.
@Sierra here is my code paste.org/flat/69006
@Raja you are using the wrong animation method. Try animateWithDuration:delay:options:animations:completion: and look at the available options which lets you enable user interactions. Also - the way you are creating an array of images is old-fashioned (you can use literals) and doesn't support retina (if you put the extension on the image name then the system can't automatically switch between using normal or @2x images).
u must read the uiimageview class references
@Abizern ok did u see my code der i'm changing the image for each animations i have used above method but also not works.
And your currentImageIndex needs to be decorated with __block if you want to use and change it from within your block.
@Raja Did you read what I said about not creating the images properly.
@Raja You could also use UIImages animationImages and animationDuration to do the same thing.
But it sort of depends on what you want to do with your interactions.
@Abizern hi can you help me in pastie.org/8528101
@Leena @NitinGohel hi dear can you help me in : pastie.org/8528101
Hi Can any one tell me how can i check Primary key in core data
@Aslam You don't need to do such things in Core Data. If you try to think about Core Data in terms of SQL you'll just cause yourself a world of hurt. Why do you think you need to know what the primary key is?
Thank for giving replay @Abizern Acctually can u give any idea .i have some value that value already in data base r not
The proper way to do this is to try and get the object from the context. If it exists, then it is already there, if not then it isn't.
i.e. Just run a fetch request.
I frequently write methods of the form createIfNeededWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict which will either return the object updated with values from the dictionary, or create an object if it doesn't exist and update it's values from the dictionary.
k k.how can i fetch particular object data.For example i have value 3.I want only these particular value data
@Abizern ok pls provide me any sample code... i'm struct here for past a week. pls.
@Aslam Run a fetch request for that Entity and pass it the value as a predicate.
@Raja No. Try and write some code and I'll help you fix it.
@Abizern ok
k k
@Abizern ok my first doubt how to create image properly using __blocks.
@Raja Why do you want to create an image using blocks?
@Abizern ok wait let me send you a code pls check in that..
Okay. And what effect does that code have? Do your images animate?
@Abizern yes image move from to left.
@Abizern Hai
Have you ever tried this payment way
@Raja I'm surprised that it does as currentImageIndex seems to always be 0.
@Praveen Nope.
Oh okay. Thanks
@Abizern paste.org/flat/69020 this will move right and left animation process.
@Abizern ok currentImageIndex intially set to zero.
@Raja Yuk. Don't you have that properly formatted?
@Abizern i can't get you.
@Raja same here.
@Abizern wat u can't understand in my code. tell me i will explain ..
No thanks. If your code needs an explanation…
@Abizern ok if u can able to check with this pls tell me i'm a not experienced.. :(
hi all
@Abizern ok r u check ? let me wait for u?
@Balachandiran hi
@Raja Are you familiar with the works of Bob Marley?
What I'm trying to say is that I can't read your code. Sorry.
hello every one i have used this php file to insert data into my server using php file but they give me error when fire this php on browser.
php file is
please help me to solve this error log is
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'Failed' (T_STRING) in /home/tomcatsp/public_html/one.php on line 6
if anybody is online on this chat room help me to solve this
Hi @Abizern
Hi @Namo
1 message moved to VOID
this IOS room not PHP
Hi @Leena
ya @leena this is correct but i want to send data ios app to webserver through php...
what that has to do with ios app
your ios app is going to run a url and going to give you data same as your browser
whatever problem is in your PHP code
i m gud @SumitSharma
when i fier this query on server give me error...
ask to PHP developer or keep your this question on SO
may be some one can help you
@leena in my company all the tast done by me not any php developer here..
leaving for home
@Leena thanks for you reply.. go carefully at home ..
@Sumit hi..
@SumitSharma Hello
2 hours later…
@DivineDesert ..... kya haal ha
@SumitSharma bhai kesa ho
@iosLearner I am good
or bhai kya chal raha ha
@Abizern stackoverflow.com/questions/20361049/… please help to figure out
hello deepak
how to create a new video file using AVFoundationframe work with an image as a background
@iosLearner do u have any idea for my question
no bro ask someone else summit and abizern both are experienced developers
@SumitSharma @Abizern any clue for me to go with it
@Deepak What have you tried?
@Abizern actually i need to create a video of image animating on a path (Beizerpath) drawn by user
@Deepak I didn't ask what you wanted - I asked what you tried.
i have tried with AVMutableVideoComposition
adding instruction to it
AVMutableCompositionTrack *videoTrack = [mixComposition addMutableTrackWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo
i am not able get much with this
so if u can tell what i can do for it
@Abizern i am new with this
@Abizern it has included the class require_once 'include/DB_Functions.php';
$db = new DB_Functions(); which has all the functions and queries
like this one
$user = $db->getUserByEmailAndPassword($email, $password);
and am pretty sure you voted it down also :P
Yes I did because a) it's a bad question and b) - you're using a sock puppet account.
It's a bad question because I still can't see what your question is. I suspect your PHP code is wonky.
awww you can say stuff like this..
but am a beginner bro... @Abizern one day i will be a good one
You are sending your user name and password incorrectly to the server.
It's not supposed to be sent in the post data - it's part of the header, usually.
Have a look at this - I just googled this and it looks about right.
But you'll have to change some stuff because base64 encoding is now provided by the system you don't need to use third party code (as long as you are on Xcode 5)
And more advice - spend more time reading and less time googling for ready made solutions.
04:00 - 09:0009:00 - 19:00

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