I am following the example at the bottom of the page to call an animationDidStop function.
The author says "I have an object that is designed specifically to be the delegate of animations and all it does is hold a reference to the...
I'm trying to rotate a UIImageView 360 degrees, and have looked at several tutorials online. I could get none of them working, without the UIView either stopping, or jumping to a new position.
How can I achieve this?
The latest thing I've tried is:
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
The following code move the the imageview from right to left once, but I want to do continously. move right to to left then move back to left offscreen and repeat right to left again.
imageview=[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(320, 200, 2635, 200)];
image=[UIImage imageWithContent...
@NitinGohel dude i am using AFNetworking in which i am i have put all the operation in queue ..i want to display progress bar of total completed progress..pastebin.com/xiKiUKyK
@NitinGohel here i am displaying progress bar which is update when one progress is completed..but i want update progress bar when i got bytes and i want to compare with total bytes to download and update by progress bar according to that.
@DivineDesert here i am displaying progress bar which is update when one progress is completed..but i want update progress bar when i got bytes and i want to compare with total bytes to download and update by progress bar according to that.
@DivineDesert how can i implement void (^setDownloadProgressBlock) methods to get bytes by bytes in my code pastebin.com/xiKiUKyK
I have an iOS application made with AFNetworking.
I have a singleton custom httpclient subclass and i use it to consume my api and download binary files from server.
I need to dowload about 100 files. Is it safe to iterate trough my url array and create one AFHTTPRequestionOperation for each url...
when i am clicking first time it works fine ,so that when the viewcontroller is allocated and then adding animation.but in second time i am simply adding the viewcontroller,it is not allocating again becoz its already there
I have my main view, and when a user taps a 'Show' button I want two things to happen:
Fade in a black UIView with alpha 0.5 covering the entire parent
view. I'll refer to this as darkenBackground
Slide the view of a second view controller
(self.secondViewController.view) on top of darkenBackgr...